Sunday, January 25, 2015

Winter 2015 TV Schedule

Hey guys! Thought I would share my winter tv schedule of shows that air from mid-December to end of February!


The Librarians - 8 PM on TNT
Galavant - 8 PM on ABC
The Walking Dead - 9 PM on AMC (Airs February 8)


The Fosters - 8 PM on ABC Family
Gotham - 8 PM on Fox
Chasing Life - 9 PM on ABC Family
Eye Candy - 10 PM on MTV
The Night Shift - 10 PM on NBC (Airs February 23)


Agent Carter - 8 PM on ABC
Pretty Little Liars - 8 PM on ABC Family
The Flash - 8 PM on CW
Face Off - 9 PM


Modern Family - 8 PM on ABC
Arrow - 8 PM on CW
The 100 - 9 PM on CW
Chicago PD - 10 PM on NBC


The Big Bang Theory - 8 PM on CBS
Vampire Diaries - 8 PM on CW
Reign - 9 PM on CW
Get Away with Murder - 9 PM on ABC (Airs January 29)
Vikings - 10 PM on History Channel (Airs February 22)


The Musketeers - 9 PM on BBC One


Black Sails - 9 PM on Starz

xoxo Allie

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Winter Shows - The Librarians and Agent Carter

So I'm back with my thoughts on two new winter shows! Let's jump straight into it shall we? Warning: There may be spoilers below.

Up first is The Librarians on TNT! This show was one that I saw trailers for in the fall and I was very excited to check it out but when it aired, I had forgotten that I was interested. It was only by chance that I was watching something on TNT and a promo for the 4th episode aired causing me to remember how much I wanted to check the show out so I finally did. It is amazing! The show is very Doctor Who-esque and that's a positive! The characters are all very quirky and I love seeing them solve problems. Each character has their own strengths and weaknesses but as a team, they gel very well. Where one falls, another picks them up! Although at first glance the show seems procedural, the overarching villain remains constant and appears to be behind almost every problem the show faces which I love because you know how much I prefer serialized stories! It's a very interesting take on the mythical world and I definitely enjoy it. It airs Sundays at 8 on TNT and I definitely recommend checking it out!

Next up is Agent Carter on ABC! Everyone and their mother knows how much I love superheroes and superhero tv shows so you had to have guessed how excited I was for this to air! I watched the Agent Carter One Shot when it first came out and I loved it so much so I was pumped for this show to start. And can I just say, this show did not disappoint!? I sat through the two hours on the edge of my seat and excited as hell. Hayley Atwell killed it every time she was on screen and I loved the scenes Howard Stark was in! I can't wait until other characters from the movies (especially the Howling Commandos) appear! The show was very well shot and it was very reminiscent of a movie. The fight scenes and all of the spying was fantastically written, choreographed and shot. I loved all the undercover moments and how Peggy was basically ahead of all the guys. I also really enjoyed how although it appears that there will be a "big 'bad baby' [thank you Howard Stark] of the week", the show doesn't give off procedural vibes and each episode seamlessly flows into the previous one. I think the portrayal of the 40s was perfect although many would disagree because I don't think the show wrote the men as idiots. I think that all the men but one seem very smart but have a different mission than Carter so their focus is elsewhere until the two missions converge. I also believe the show hinted at the fact that these men weren't chosen to be spies in the SSR because of their skill but because of their war merits. If you aren't watching this show, I would definitely recommend that you should! It airs Tuesdays at 8 on ABC.

And that concludes my thoughts on these new winter shows! Thanks for checking in and leave your thoughts in the comments!

xoxo Allie

Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Musketeers Season 2 Episode 1 Thoughts

I just watched the Musketeers season 2 episode 1 and I loved it so much that I decided that my first post of 2015 will be a review of the episode! Let's get to it shall we? There will be spoilers below so if you haven't watched the episode yet, watch it and come back!

One of the best parts of the first season was the Cardinal but Peter Capaldi left the show to be the Doctor so I expected there to be some sort of a farewell. Because of this expectation, it was a little strange to come back and see his funeral. At the very least he should have been in this episode and had the heart attack during the episode so we'd get a little more closure. I'm not sure how I feel about the new villain Rochefort. The show is portraying him as loyal to the Spanish and truly "evil" but I keep getting these hints that he may not only be playing the French but also the Spanish. It would be much more interesting if Rochefort turned out to loyal only to himself and looking for the highest bidder. A more ambiguous villain is a more interesting one. However it's still very early so I'll withhold judgement. But having said that, when Marc Warren appeared on the screen having cut his hair, can I just say wow?

The mission itself was a simple and slightly boring one. The Musketeers were tasked with rescuing a French general from a Spanish prison while Rochefort tried to get them killed. Now as interesting as this could have been, it was kind of lame that they even tried this storyline. The Musketeers are about these four men so unless the show really really wants to try something risky, we all know that each episode will end with all four men safe. I don't think I was even worried once. Also the jail didn't seem all that bad. The general was playing chess with the head of the guard lol. 

I did enjoy some moments of the rescue mission however because one thing the show does really well is comedy. When D'Artagnan attacked that guard and dragged him into the room where the general's sister was bathing, I laughed. I also enjoyed how easily D'Artagnan defeated the head of the guard and when the general's sister smacked him for almost shooting her brother. It was interesting to see the general's reaction to Porthos and at first I thought it might be a racist thing but I'm glad they decided to go a different route. I'm glad Porthos is finally getting a storyline and here's hoping it's a good one!

The tension between D'Artagnan and Constance was also fun. The way their relationship ended last season was sad but I expected the two to continue acting as they had with the only difference being that Constance's husband knew and couldn't do anything about it so I was surprised at the fact that Constance was keeping her distance. I laughed so hard when the Bonacieuxes ran into the Musketeers and Aramis, Athos and Porthos distracted the husband so D'Artagnan and Constance could talk. I also loved when her husband thought that the king summoned him and it was actually Anne who summoned Constance. I'm excited to see where this goes and I hope Anne and Constance actually become friends! They're two of the best women on the show! Honestly I think this show needs an all-girls episode where the women have to solve a problem while the men are busy. I would love to see them and Milady all team up!

I'm not thrilled about the love triangle and I saw it coming from the first interaction D'Artagnan had with the general's sister. I understand that D'Artagnan is pissed that Constance didn't choose him but he was acting like such an ass. Everything Constance said about being a woman was true and she never once claimed that she didn't love him yet D'Artagnan acted really selfish which is a weird route to take for the hero of a show. I expected him to be a little more understanding.

It doesn't seem as though Athos will be having much of a storyline yet. He spent most of the episode fighting and being there for Aramis who was really sad that he couldn't interact with his son. I really dislike babies in tv shows so I hope that the dauphin doesn't become the forefront of episodes and that he stays in the background. I loved the awkwardness between Aramis and Anne and it makes me curious of how Aramis feels about her. I do not think he ever acted like or said that he was in love with her but he acts jealous sometimes. I loved the ending where the Cardinal "came back from the grave" to threaten Aramis. It was a bit strange to see Aramis's reaction to Adele's death because honestly the writers did not treat that storyline well. If Aramis supposedly did love her, why didn't he ever think about her or mention her after the first episode of last season? I do however like that the Cardinal's influence has not disappeared and it will be interesting to see what else happens with that. 

Despite all the negative things I said about this episode, I really truly did enjoy it and I can't wait for the next episode to air! I thrilled there's a season 2 and I'm excited for Milady to come back. I loved jumping back into the show and not missing a beat! Did I mention I missed this quartet? The next episode looks really interesting and I hope that D'Artagnan is able to protect/save King Louis instead of someone else coming to the rescue because that would be a fun dynamic if the King started to trust D'Artagnan. Maybe he would even look to D'Artagnan over Rochefort leading to their rivalry like in the books!!

Well that's all for now! I'll see you next week for a review of Agent Carter!!

xoxo Allie