Hi everyone! So this fall 2015 shows list is very short because I wasn't interested in any new shows that aired except for two, Quantico and Supergirl! So here we go!
First up is Quantico. I saw trailers for this show and it looked interesting enough so I decided to check the show out. It started out a little slow but I've slowly warmed up to it. All of the characters are super interesting and I love the main character, Alex. The plot twists are fascinating and although I usually don't like flash forwards, I've warmed up to the ones this show has. I really enjoy the level of diversity this cast has and the plot of the show despite being iffy sometimes is interesting enough to follow. The one thing I don't know if I enjoy is the main romance because I still don't know how I feel about Alex's love interest in terms of being a character. I would definitely recommend checking this show out. It airs at 10 PM on ABC every Sunday.

I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS SHOW!!! You guys don't know how excited I was for this show to air. It was about time a female superhero was in the spotlight and although Supergirl isn't my favorite female superhero, watching the first few trailers for this show got me amped and the pilot did not disappoint. Melissa is ADORABLE as Kara and I love most of the characters shown in the pilot. The only character I'm iffy about is Winn aka the guy who works at CatCo with Kara and has a crush on her. I really enjoy the relationship between Alex and Kara and I'm loving the chemistry between Kara and James (lol). And can we talk about how great the CGI and action scenes are? I mean the fight choreography is nothing like Arrow but it's only the pilot and I'm sure they'll be plenty of time to flesh it out. Some of the feminist comments were a bit heavy-handed and the pilot did seem to rush a bit but it's understandable given the fact that this was a pilot. Despite all this, I really enjoyed the pilot and I'm definitely going to be watching the rest of the season. Check it out at 8 PM on CBS!
xoxo Allie