Sunday, April 25, 2021

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

Fruits Basket Season 3 Episode 3

This was a strange episode cause it was graduation but all our main characters are first or second years so it was mostly a goodbye to the side characters and that confused me. I still don't know if this season has 13 or 25 episodes and I can't help but think this was a waste if there really are 13! Now don't get me wrong I loved the Yuki and Machi stuff and dude Yuki's got moves when he wants to make them but it feels like we hit pause on the whole curse plot to do school stuff and I'm like but but but what about Ren and Rin and Akito and Shigure?? Okay but seriously I liked the peak into Machi's backstory and naturally as is the trend in this show, her parents aren't exactly perfect either and the whole reason they kicked her out clearly had nothing to do with whether they actually believed that Machi was going to hurt her brother and more probs to do with the fact that she was a stain on their perfect new life. Yuki was so calm and sweet listening to her and being there without being too intrusive and my heart grew three sizes when he casually broke a piece of chalk knowing how she felt. The rest of the episode was meh but the ending had me sitting up in attention. It looks as though Rin was locked up in the cat prison cell and that maybe Akito cut her hair off based on the scissors and the strands of hair we saw. Maybe Akito found out that Rin ran into Ren and this is her punishment?? Yikes.

FINISHED The Falcon And The Winter Soldier Episode 6

So the finale for this show aired this week and I have to say that it was a pretty solid run. I mean I enjoyed it more than Wandavision but that might only have been cause it followed two characters I was much more interested in than due to writing. I could not give a single shit about anything related to the Flagsmashers and I can't help but feel like Sam really didn't go through anything in this show that would have allowed him to change his mind about his ability to be Cap other than seeing that Walker wasn't the guy but if I've learned anything about these Marvel Disney+ shows then it's that at the end of the day, the status quo is pretty much returned to normal cause if someone doesn't watch them then they can pick right up where the movies left off. I did really love Sam's Captain America suit and it was clearly what was in the box that Bucky gave him from Wakanda though I'm curious if the suit is vibranium like the shield. All the Flagsmashers ended up dead either cause of Zemo (which was hilarious) or Sharon who also ended up being revealed to be the Power Broker which is meh in my opinion. Though I wish that the Power Broker had been someone like the Mandarin to set up Shang Chi, it's also the easiest way to explain Sharon's deal and I really need to stop letting my expectations run wild. I wonder if she'll end up being the villain of a future Captain America movie given where we left her. I also liked Bucky giving closure to that old man and Sam adding Isaiah to the Steve Rogers memorial almost made me tear up. All in all this was a fun enough show and I'm now counting down the minutes until the Loki one which has always been the Marvel Disney+ show I've most wanted to see.

My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 5

Okay so this arc is definitely going to be rough because I really really cannot find myself doing anything but cheering for class 1A to win. Like I mean writing wise it would make sense for class 1B to win sometimes but so many of my favs are spread out across different teams and I really wish for them to win and prove that they're worth adoring as much as the main three usually are! If anyone has to lose, I'd rather it by Katsuki and Deku's teams! Anyway we focused a bit on Tokoyami this week and how he spent both his work study and his internship with Hawks. I was really surprised at the reveal that Hawks was a terrible mentor to Tokoyami cause I always thought that Hawks seemed like the kind of guy that would love to be a mentor but I guess it just goes to show you that you can't judge a book. His favorite hero was Endeavor afterall! On that note it does seem like Hawks either infiltrated the villain squad back around season 1 or had been planning on it since then cause he was really interested in hearing about how 1A was attacked from Tokoyami. I did also really love the new move that Tokoyami created and it endlessly makes me smile to see just how our kids keep growing their powers.

xoxo Allie

Saturday, April 24, 2021

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and the amount of episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous reviews, click here and if you want to see a list of my Favorite Asian OTPs and Ships, click here!


Law School (4/16)
: When a grim incident occurs at their prestigious school, justice through law is put to a test by a tough law professor and his ambitious students. Yang Jong Hoon is a criminal law professor and a former elite prosecutor, whose harsh words make him the professor to steer clear of. At the same time, there’s something compelling about his strict teaching methods and his refusal to accept less than the best from his future juniors in the legal profession. Han Joon Hwi, a first-year law student, is at the top of his class. He’s a natural leader whose good looks and easy charm make him the perfect man - on paper. However, there’s an unexpected side to him that remains well-hidden. Kang Sol is another first-year law student who overcame childhood poverty and hardships by gaining special admission to the school. She walks a path of thorns due to her constant sense of deprivation and shame amidst the wealth and talent that surrounds her. Eventually, her passion will enlighten her on what it truly takes to be a good lawyer. Kim Eun Sook is a civil law professor who was once the head of the law school’s free legal clinic. Her natural air of authority and freewheeling personality earned her the reputation for being a master in court. Known for being a highly-relatable professor, she is the sole colleague Yang Jong Hoon dares to confide in.

Well the show has officially suspected and released Joon Hwi of all charges this week which was a true rollercoaster. I mean we all knew that of everyone that could be a suspect, it for sure wouldn't be either Jong Hoon or Joon Hwi just based on the fact that it was too early in the show for the killer to be exposed but part of me is still relieved to see it on my screen! Honestly every single student in this school is a horrible person but it's so true to real life and how cutthroat law and med students are based on how competitive the schools are so it was irritating in a real way to see how the kids turned on Joon Hwi just based on the fact that if he left then their ranks would go up. We're also starting to unveil the secrets of the other students from Sol B who's clearly the daughter of the vice-dean who seems to have stole Jong Hoon's laptop cause he was going to prove Sol B's dissertation as plagiarized. Seung Jae is creeping around and he ended up stealing Sol A's laptop while Ji Ho straight up seems to have a file on everyone and I'm still curious about Ye Seul and her significant other and why she's always lying to him and seems irritated when he calls. In terms of the mystery I still think the show should have given us more time to get to know the cast before doing the murder thing but I was glad that Joon Hwi's aunt was outed for trying to frame poor Joon Hwi.
Navillera (10/12)
: Shim Deok Chool has had a life long dreaming of performing ballet. He is 70-years-old and retired from his job as a post office employee. Due to life situations, he put aside his dream of becoming a ballet dancer and worked a normal job to support his family. Now, Shim Deok Chool makes the decision to pursue his dream again. His family, including his wife and adult children, are not happy with his decision, but Shim Deok Chool does not waver in pursuing his life long dream. He joins a ballet company to learn ballet. There, he meets Lee Chae Rok. Lee Chae Rok is a 23-year-old man. While growing up, he played different sports like baseball, swimming, and soccer, but he wasn't talented in any of those activities. He then became interested in ballet. His mother was a ballet dancer, but she died from a disease when Lee Chae Rok was young. His father later went bankrupt. Lee Chae Rok learned that he has a talent for ballet, but, after pursuing ballet, he barely has contact with his father and he has a hard time supporting himself financially. Going through hard times, his desire for ballet fades away. At this time, Sim Deok Chool appears in front of him.

This show should seriously compensate me for all the tears it's making me shed. Honestly I know this show's concept isn't an unique one and a lot of dramas have aired that are about the elderly and living lives without regret but this is the first one I've watched of this genre and enjoyed and it's entirely Song Kang's fault! I did like that a bunch of Deok Chool's family found out about his Alzheimer's this week cause with the finale airing next it's like we've got to hop to it with the plot. I do want to shout out the amazing writing for the brothers this week and I have to say that it totally proves that the writer has a sibling at the least cause no only child could write this stuff. No matter how much two brothers don't like each other or get along, when push comes to shove, they'll reach out in times of pain especially the younger sibling to the older one cause there's a sense of my big sibling will protect me. I also really liked that Ho Beom finally got the motivation he needed to stop blaming others for his lot in life and to try to reach his dreams himself all over again. He might be thinking oh I'm already 23 but Deok Chool showed him no boo you're only 23 and you've got your whole life ahead of you. I'm guessing that next week we'll see Deok Chool dance on stage and there will be many tears abound but I'm also guessing that there really won't be any romance between Eun Oh and Chae Rok either which is low key disappointing.
Sell Your Haunted House (4/16)
: Ji Ah, a woman who has inherited exorcism abilities from her mother, is the owner of Daebak Realty, a company that specializes in selling haunted houses. Ji Ah looks perfect and is also brilliant, but her hot temper makes her fists fly before her words. One day, Ji Ah encounters a conman named In Beom who specializes in exorcism fraud. Late at night when Daebak Realty operates, In Beom visits Ji Ah to make an offer. He suggests that they team up to exclusively sell houses that are haunted by vengeful spirits and lingering ghosts. Can the two get along well and deal with house prices, ghosts, and their sorrowful stories?

This show is honestly just so much fun and though I do think that Yong Hwa is overacting a smidge I can let that slide given that it's probs been a few years since he's acted. It also doesn't help that he's next to the star that is Na Ra! Or maybe it does cause she'll be able to pull out something in him that he doesn't even know he has? I did like that this week In Beom and Ji Cheol have figured out that spirits are real and Ji Ah isn't scamming people like they did and I really just generally enjoyed the antics we got. I do think that the concept of what's keeping In Beom around is a little contrived but I imagine that it's needed before the love kicks in later. I mean what could possibly go wrong if In Beom tells Ji Ah that he remembers her mom killing his uncle? She's clearly so hostile right now cause she thinks he's being nosy but if she knew that he like her lost a loved one, she'd be more open. I still think the two were partners back in the day and something went wrong but we did see that the reason Ji Ah thinks her mom's death was her fault was cause little Ji Ah was too scared to exorcise her possessed mom so the mom had to kill herself though I wonder if that causes the spirit to die too or if that spirit then leaves to possess another body.
Taxi Driver (4/16)
: Do Gi has lived more honestly than anyone else as an officer in the Special Forces. Yet, when a serial killer murders his mother, he spends his days in agony. While feeling wronged and broken, Do Gi meets Jang Sung Chul, who recruits Do Gi to work for his company, Rainbow Taxi. Far from an ordinary taxi service, Rainbow Taxi is a secret organization that avenges victims whom the law didn’t protect. Here, Do Gi becomes a star driver who delivers satisfying revenge. Meanwhile, Ha Na is a prosecutor who investigates Rainbow Taxi. She is furious with their lawless behavior, but at the same time, she feels confused to see them solve cases that the law cannot. Between those who believe that revenge embodies true justice and those who pursue the outlaws, Do Gi seeks what justice truly means.

The more I see of this show the more excited I am about how clearly it's playing into everyone's need to fantasize about getting revenge! It's so much fun watching our heroes get back at these horrible people cause in real life those in power would never actually get punished the way they deserve. I also have to say that Do Gi's bumbling buffoon persona which is the same as Min Joon's in Mad Dog is a little horrifying to watching cause it's so clearly not Do Gi as a person. Like even before he was this cold brooding guy, he wasn't that either. We saw a bit more of his backstory though it wasn't anything we hadn't already seen yet and I do have to say that I'm curious about his relationship with Go Eun. Like their relationship was tailor-made for me to ship so naturally I'm going to have to suffer from SLS if there are any hints of romance in this show but more than that it's interesting that the two are comfortable enough with each other for him to cook for her and visit his place. We also got a glimpse of her backstory and how it seems like she lost her sister. I wonder if that means that every person on the team has a tragic story which is something that in hindsight I should have guessed cause how else would all these people be so ready to break the law to do something? 

xoxo Allie

Sunday, April 18, 2021

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

Fruits Basket Season 3 Episode 2

I think we all knew that Shigure saw Akito in a different way than the other zodiacs and since I was spoiled long ago about Akito being a girl I sort of always figured that it was because Shigure loved Akito for real. Because of this I wasn't exactly surprised at the reveal we got this week but it also didn't keep the show from hitting me in the feels anyway. Shigure and Akito are such horrible manipulative people honestly but the shipper in me is all for their toxicity especially given that this is a show and not real life! At some point Akito slept with Kureno and Shigure found out and was furious so he did the one thing he knew would hurt Akito the most which was sleeping with Ren. Akito kicked him out of the Sohma estate when she found out which honestly was one of the most tame reactions that she's had to a zodiac doing something she didn't like and it totally explains why Shigure who seemed to be the one zodiac who liked being around Akito was the one who lived outside the estate. I do still wonder how this show will wrap up everything with Akito cause she's been so warped for so long that I can't imagine that the unconditional love of one will satisfy her. On that note Tohru was all torn up this week over what she learned and whether she should share it and seriously more than that I still want to know what broke Kureno's curse in the first place!! She and Kyo had a cute moment though naturally it was interrupted and we also found out that Rin has been missing but I'm sure that we'll find out she was with Ren.

The Flash Season 7 Episode 7

This was probs the best episode of this season of The Flash and I'm wondering if it was cause it was a Frost centric episode. Kramer was on the hunt to capture Frost this week and she put out a warrant for her arrest and the rest of Team Flash had to awkwardly pretend like they were on board when in actuality they were helping Frost. She was being framed as a murderer and the real culprit ended up being this super hot human dude who was obsessed with ice and had been secretly studying Frost cause of her powers and really I was more disappointed in the fact that Mark didn't end up being a love interest for Frost. I mean it's still possible that the two hook up given that Frost isn't exactly an angel herself especially given the fact that the two had this sexual tension even during their final fight but I don't know if the show will go there cause he actually killed someone. Meanwhile I was right in saying that Barry was uncomfortable with Speed Force!Nora around and it was cause the new Speed Force is different and wants more to do with Barry as a person rather than the hands off approach it used to take. This makes me wonder if maybe this Speed Force!Nora isn't really the Speed Force or if we're meant to believe that cause it was brought back by love that it has more love to give... No Cisco this week but we got Allegra and I'm really curious about why this show seems to alternate cast members. If the cast is too large for the show to afford it really should cut characters though tbh Team Flash isn't that much bigger than Team Arrow was and yet we saw all of them all the time!

We seem to be going on break until May 4th and I don't entirely know why but at least when it does return it'll come back with Legends which I'm gnawing at the bit for! The promo seems to show that Frost will be going on trial and it's honestly hilarious that Kramer is pushing to have Frost's powers stripped from her using the meta cure when there are tons of other metas out there that actually murdered people and yet are just in meta jail with dampening cuffs.

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier Episode 5

I had heard rumors that the most emotional episode of this show was episode 5 which also doubles as the penultimate episode and I was curious as to what that meant cause to me the most emotional episode had to be last week's just based on shock alone! Tbh I do think that Isaiah's whole backstory was totally horrific and it definitely pulled from real life in terms of experimenting on black soldiers during World War 2 but I also didn't love that the show did the thing I hate when it tries to prop up new characters by throwing old ones under the bus. Steve has always been my favorite MCU character and I don't love the way this show is tarnishing his reputation. He was never a government puppet and had his own ideals and needs and wants and I was glad that despite Isaiah lumping him in with the problems of the country, Sam did not. Speaking of I was actually really surprised that the government turned their back on John Walker cause I totally expected them to handwave it off and be like it was something we told him to do the way they support most military schemest that come out. It really does feel like the show has so much to wrap up in the finale next week cause not only do we need to stop Carly who's now armed with weapons against the GRC but also Walker who's built a fake shield in order to get revenge. I assume we'll also learn Sharon's deal who I'm fairly certain was the one to call that French dude who gave Carly the weapons and I just want to know if she's working for the Power Broker and if it's the Mandarin and setting up Shang Chi!

My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 4

I was actually really worried that Class B would win this first fight against Class A and Shinso which would have sucked cause I think that some of the side characters in Class A like Asui are a lot more powerful than we know but because this is a shounen they would lose just to even the odds. I mean it's not like Class A can win every single fight after we hyped up how Class B has been so steadily growing in the background but we also know that the losers can't exactly be one of the main fights like with Deku so by process of elimination it would have to be the lesser fights! Fortunately for my soul, we ended up winning and it was really nice that the show didn't pin the entire win on Shinso and showed us that he actually was at a disadvantage and it was only cause of Asui and Kaminari's ability to adapt on the fly that gave him the chance to strike. I was surprised at the fact that the show spent the entire run time on this fight though not disappointed cause I adore the academy part of this show just as much as the villain fight and like RIP to poor Kirishima who I gained a soft spot for during the Eri arc after he got taken out so early on!

xoxo Allie

Saturday, April 17, 2021

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and the amount of episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous reviews, click here and if you want to see a list of my Favorite Asian OTPs and Ships, click here!


FINISHED How To Be Thirty/Not Yet Thirty (13/15): Follows the lives of three friends in their thirties. Seo Ji Won is a budding web-based cartoon author who decides to devote her undivided attention to her craft – forsaking love in favor of her career. And her decision pays off. By the time she is 25, she is a published author. Now, aged 30, she has become a well-recognized writer with scores of devoted readers. But turning her back on romance turns out to be harder than she first thought when Lee Seung Yoo, her first love from her middle school days, returns to the scene to turn her world upside down. And things get more complicated when the film director Cha Do Hoon – who has been charged with adapting Seo Ji Won’s web-based series for the screen – confides in her and appears keen to strike up a close friendship. At the same time, her friends Lee Ran Joo, who works as a radio announcer, and Hong Ah Young, who runs a cafe, are also facing hard times. One day, Hong Ah Young's ex-boyfriend who hurt her in the past appears in front of her once again. Meanwhile, Hyeong Joon Young, who had a one-night stand with Lee Ran Joo and now has feelings for her, works part-time at Hong Ah Young's cafe.

Well this show came to an end this week and I suppose I should just be thankful that it didn't end with Ji Won and Seung Yoo getting back together cause everything about their relationship got so sour by the end! I do have to say that I didn't love that all the focus and blame went to Ji Won for "breaking up" Seung Yoo and Hye Ryeong and that she was the one having an affair cause seriously she was a victim as much as Hye Ryeong was. It's not like she started dating him knowing that he was in a relationship no matter how open or relaxed Seung Yoo was about it. I imagine that people eventually forgave Ji Won for having this affair and I'd like to imagine based on the ending where she called Do Hoon one of her precious people that the two end up together or are at least on their way to being together. Ironically if this were a longer show I feel like I would have enjoyed seeing this story play out. Like what if Ji Won and Do Hoon claim they're dating to clear the affair rumors and fall in love while pretending? Ran Joo also finally got over her trauma of appearing on screen and became an announcer which like good for her for finding a new place after the radio show vanished. She and Joon Young seemed happy enough and I think it's interesting that this show didn't wrap everything up with a nice bow cause it gives off the vibe that we just snuck a peek into the lives of these people and that they'll go living on after we leave them. Overall I'd give this show a 6.5 / 10.
Law School (2/16)
: When a grim incident occurs at their prestigious school, justice through law is put to a test by a tough law professor and his ambitious students. Yang Jong Hoon is a criminal law professor and a former elite prosecutor, whose harsh words make him the professor to steer clear of. At the same time, there’s something compelling about his strict teaching methods and his refusal to accept less than the best from his future juniors in the legal profession. Han Joon Hwi, a first-year law student, is at the top of his class. He’s a natural leader whose good looks and easy charm make him the perfect man - on paper. However, there’s an unexpected side to him that remains well-hidden. Kang Sol is another first-year law student who overcame childhood poverty and hardships by gaining special admission to the school. She walks a path of thorns due to her constant sense of deprivation and shame amidst the wealth and talent that surrounds her. Eventually, her passion will enlighten her on what it truly takes to be a good lawyer. Kim Eun Sook is a civil law professor who was once the head of the law school’s free legal clinic. Her natural air of authority and freewheeling personality earned her the reputation for being a master in court. Known for being a highly-relatable professor, she is the sole colleague Yang Jong Hoon dares to confide in.

I wasn't sure what kind of show we'd get from this drama after having read the synopsis but it reminded me a lot of an American show called How To Get Away With Murder which was incredible in it's first season but then went downhill from there and I thought hey if this kdrama is even close to similar to that first season then maybe it'll be incredible! To my complete pleasure this show is probs even more exciting! The cast is stacked, the production quality is top notch, and the OST is killer. I mean naturally the concept is fascinating cause it's been a minute since I last watched a drama set in college and I don't think I've ever seen a kdrama that follows law students other than maybe Suits where Hyung Sik's character was a law intern. The idea for this show is that a sketchy Chief Prosecutor is killed and the suspect is either a law professor or a student (if I had to bet I think it would be a student) cause he died in a locked room that the public didn't have access too. First we're told it's Professor Yang but he proves it wasn't him in three seconds which low key confuses me cause then why go through the whole detainment process unless he was hoping that the reporters and police would solve his cold case for him? After Yang was proven innocent the next suspect is Joon Hwi who we know is Seo's nephew and I really honestly doubt it was him too cause it's too early in the season to find the real killer. I'm also curious about the rapist that's running around and why he's still a character. He needs to high key be sent over to the Taxi Driver world and gotten rid of.
Navillera (8/12)
: Shim Deok Chool has had a life long dreaming of performing ballet. He is 70-years-old and retired from his job as a post office employee. Due to life situations, he put aside his dream of becoming a ballet dancer and worked a normal job to support his family. Now, Shim Deok Chool makes the decision to pursue his dream again. His family, including his wife and adult children, are not happy with his decision, but Shim Deok Chool does not waver in pursuing his life long dream. He joins a ballet company to learn ballet. There, he meets Lee Chae Rok. Lee Chae Rok is a 23-year-old man. While growing up, he played different sports like baseball, swimming, and soccer, but he wasn't talented in any of those activities. He then became interested in ballet. His mother was a ballet dancer, but she died from a disease when Lee Chae Rok was young. His father later went bankrupt. Lee Chae Rok learned that he has a talent for ballet, but, after pursuing ballet, he barely has contact with his father and he has a hard time supporting himself financially. Going through hard times, his desire for ballet fades away. At this time, Sim Deok Chool appears in front of him.

I freaking knew this show was going to make me cry buckets of tears and that's exactly what it did at the end of this week! It was truly horrific seeing just how lost Deok Chool was at the end cause we've spent so long watching him be the absolute cutest little bean. He's such a good father and husband and grandfather and friend and I just want the best for him. It makes so much sense though that this was the thing that finally gave him the courage to try ballet and to not die with regrets and it makes it all the more worse that he almost gave it up cause of his family earlier. When they find out about his Alzheimer's, they're going to be heartbroken and guilty especially the eldest son who's still kinda the worst and his snarky comments to Chae Rok at that family dinner weren't appreciated either. Chae Rok meanwhile struggled with whether he should focus on rehab or do the competition despite the pain and we saw why his teacher quit back then and I was so thankful that Chae Rok realized that there would always be another competition cause I also want nothing more than for him to soar as well! Eun Oh is also working at the radio station as we saw last week but I don't know why I expected her to be more than a go-fer. Either way I can't exactly tell if she enjoys it or not but I liked the idea of her being like well I'm young and I don't know what I like so I might as well try different things to find out!
Sell Your Haunted House (2/16)
: Ji Ah, a woman who has inherited exorcism abilities from her mother, is the owner of Daebak Realty, a company that specializes in selling haunted houses. Ji Ah looks perfect and is also brilliant, but her hot temper makes her fists fly before her words. One day, Ji Ah encounters a conman named In Beom who specializes in exorcism fraud. Late at night when Daebak Realty operates, In Beom visits Ji Ah to make an offer. He suggests that they team up to exclusively sell houses that are haunted by vengeful spirits and lingering ghosts. Can the two get along well and deal with house prices, ghosts, and their sorrowful stories?

I was pretty excited about this show when I heard about it cause you know I love fantasy romances and not only has it been a minute since we had a good romance drama but it's also been a hot second since we saw one that was also a fantasy. I mean Tale Of The Nine-Tailed might have been the last I saw and I wasn't all that into the romance in it so I'm not sure it should count. So far though this show is everything I would have wanted it to be. It reminds me of a mix of A Korean Odyssey and Master's Sun in that it follows the CEO of a real estate company who exorcises ghosts. In this world an exorcist seems to have to work with a psychic to get rid of ghosts because they can only exorcise the ghost once it enters a psychic's body. I love that Ji Ah is the badass and that she's not afraid of spirits and that she runs around killing them while looking stunning. In Beom is suave and charming and though I'm not thrilled that he still refuses to believe in the supernatural, I do believe he will soon. It is kinda surprising that psychics don't seem to be able to see ghosts like exorcists do but maybe that's the thing that separates the two? I also like the idea that the two lost people based on one case though it's interesting that neither one remembers the other as a child. I'm sure what happened was that Ji Ah's mom and In Beom's uncle were a team back in the day and were trying to exorcise a ghost only Ji Ah walked in and interrupted and both died. 
Taxi Driver (2/16)
: Do Gi has lived more honestly than anyone else as an officer in the Special Forces. Yet, when a serial killer murders his mother, he spends his days in agony. While feeling wronged and broken, Do Gi meets Jang Sung Chul, who recruits Do Gi to work for his company, Rainbow Taxi. Far from an ordinary taxi service, Rainbow Taxi is a secret organization that avenges victims whom the law didn’t protect. Here, Do Gi becomes a star driver who delivers satisfying revenge. Meanwhile, Ha Na is a prosecutor who investigates Rainbow Taxi. She is furious with their lawless behavior, but at the same time, she feels confused to see them solve cases that the law cannot. Between those who believe that revenge embodies true justice and those who pursue the outlaws, Do Gi seeks what justice truly means.

Where has this show been all my life??? I mean seriously! Drama drought no more cause this show is giving me everything I could ever want. You guys all know that I'm such a sucker for shows about con artists cause there's something so fun in watching them plan out schemes and outwit those around them and this show though not actually a con artist show has the feeling of one which is why I'm so on board. The funny thing is that I went into this show not actually know what it was about so I thought I'd be watching some sort of slice-of-life Fight My Way style of drama about a taxi driver but instead we've got a high stakes revenge drama that reminds me of Mad Dog which is one of my favorite kdramas! It follows a group of five people who help those that have been wronged but the fascinating thing is that we don't actually know where this show is going just based on this premiere. I can't imagine that the show sticks with the procedural cases but we also really haven't set up a Big Bad given that Do Gi's mom's killer is already dead but I suppose that Sung Chul's parents' killer could still be out there? Lee Je Hoon's bread and butter is definitely the cold male lead and I think given that this isn't a romance that it works really well for him. I love watching him kick butt and brood and I suppose the only sticking point is Ha Na's character who is the typical female lead in one of these shows in which she's smart and quirky and out to get our lead. I do hope that rather than spend the whole show with her being the antagonist that she'll end up joining our team or maybe just consulting with them by giving them cases that the law can't help with anymore. I also really hope that she doesn't end up in a romance with Do Gi cause ugh.
Vincenzo (16/20)
: At the age of 8, Park Joo Hyeong went to Italy after he was adopted. He is now an adult and has the name of Vincenzo Cassano. He is a lawyer, who works for the Mafia as a consigliere. Because of a war between mafia groups, he flees to South Korea. In South Korea, he gets involved with Lawyer Hong Cha Young. She is the type of attorney who will do anything to win a case.

Wow you know shit is hitting the fan when Vincenzo is out-and-out murdering people again Mafia-style and not a single person is condemning him for it. I mean I guess technically no one but Babel and the two cops he's got on his side really knew that he killed 3 Mafia hitmen out of self-defense so there was no one to condemn him but now he's gone on a killing spree that ended up at the Jang household and I can't help but wonder what will happen next. I get that Vincenzo probs doesn't just want to kill Jun Woo cause he wants him to suffer more but if I was writing this show then I'd at least have him kill Myung Hee cause she's Jun Woo's gopher and I have a feeling that without her, he'll be a little easier to catch. I do hope that he doesn't take it out on Han Seo cause between the actor's charisma and the way he's been bumbling around half-in-love with Vincenzo this week seriously warmed me to him to the degree that I practically forgot that he's not all that innocent either though then again if we're following a Mafia guy who's murdered before who's to say that Han Seo can't turn over a new leaf? I wasn't entirely all that interested in Vincenzo bonding with his mom but I did enjoy everything else we got and I will never not be amused with the way Vincenzo carries out his schemes and the way the Plaza members help in the silliest ways.

xoxo Allie

Sunday, April 11, 2021

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

 Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

The Flash Season 7 Episode 6

Was this episode strange for anyone else or was it just me?? Like I enjoyed everything with Cisco and Chester and the Still Force (which by the by makes no sense cause the powers are related to time travel not freezing you in place!) cause it gave us some backstory on Chester which we sorely needed but also cause it moved the plot forward. I'm very curious about the thing that Chester is building and how rather than if it'll help us defeat the Forces cause duh it obviously will. On that note I didn't love that Speed!Nora also just handwaved all nuance away when she was like yeah I was bathed in love when I reformed but all these other forces were evil cause THESE ARE FORCES AND THEY SHOULD BE NEUTRAL UNTIL SYPHONING OFF A HUMAN and I will die on that hill. Speaking of everything Iris and Speed!Nora did this week made no sense and I wonder if part of it still leads back to the fact that I hate that the different Forces can manifest human forms now. Like even Barry gave Iris a weird look at the end when she offered up their guest room to Speed!Nora as if he's thinking why are you suddenly so close? Idk the whole plot beat of her not realizing that taking on the form of Barry's dead mom would be a reminder of his dead mom was ridiculous as was the way it was resolved. I also know that this is the Barry Allen show but part of me sees all this and wonders about Wally and whether Speed!Nora appears in front of him as well or if he sees his own mom or someone else? God I miss Wally. I guess I should also mention that Joe tried to warn Frost about Kramer hunting her and she was really uninterested but that'll come back to bite her in the ass.

So I really guess that Speed!Nora is here to stay huh? For some reason I kept thinking that she'll just be a quick cameo but if all the Forces are the villains of the season then the Speed Force must stick around until the finale right? Why is it that I'm already over this whole season and it's only just started??
The Falcon And The Winter Soldier Episode 4

I still feel like I don't entirely understand the motives of the Flag Smashers and I can't help but agree with Zemo about them just being another group that believes what they believe is more right than others. Sam is also right when he says that maybe in another life we could connect with what they want but in the end as soon as murders of innocents start occuring there's no going back. This week also marked what I'm assuming will be the official turning of John Walker from douche canoe extraordinaire into a full on villain and I'm low key cackling at the idea that the US government who decided that Sam freaking Wilson wasn't good enough to be Captain America will have to do damage control now that it's all over the internet that their hand picked Cap replacement murdered someone in cold blood out in public. I do have to say that part of me was rooting for him to kill the Flag Smasher cause I was truly shocked and appalled that Carly killed poor Hoskins! I also had a feeling that with super soldier serum running amok at some point John Walker would get his hands on it and prove once again that he's more Red Skull than Steve Rogers after taking it but I kinda assumed that he already had it but instead we saw that he took it this week. Sharon didn't disappear like I thought she would but she also didn't add much either and I'm still waiting on what her deal is. I was also really disappointed that the Dora Milaje didn't play a bigger part in this week but I did enjoy watching them beat John Walker's ass to nothing.

My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 3

I'm so super pumped for this arc we're going to get where we see Class 1A and Class 1B fight each other cause I love love love tournament style fights which is what we're basically getting. I'm still not emotionally attached to Class 1B which I think is one of the only real flaws in this show cause like how have we gone so many seasons without getting to know them as more than that one irritating dude who screams about how 1B is better and the girl that looks like Misty from Pokemon who punches him. I wonder if this arc will be enough to get us to like the other class or if I'll just be irritated to see our class be defeated cause duh it's not like every single 1A team can win without it being boring. Maybe it'll be more like Fairy Tail with how we met so many other guilds at the Grand Magic Games and we hated them at first but as time went on we all teamed up to face a bigger threat and thus we got attached. It was interesting to see Shinso again too and how he's upgraded his power to be able to mimic other voices so a person can be brainwashed after thinking an ally spoke to them. It was also hilarious how he gave such a cold speech about how he's not here to make friends and everyone was just like okay cool story bro but get in line. In terms of Deku's dream as it turns out he is special cause though All Might also saw those memories, the original One For All only spoke to Deku and he said something about the singularity being reached which makes me think that the One For All power has reached it's upper limit in Deku's body and from now on when it gets passed, it won't get stronger per say but it still is insanely powerful based on Deku's exposition on what singularities are. 

xoxo Allie

Saturday, April 10, 2021

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and the amount of episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous reviews, click here and if you want to see a list of my Favorite Asian OTPs and Ships, click here!


How To Be Thirty/Not Yet Thirty (13/15)
: Follows the lives of three friends in their thirties. Seo Ji Won is a budding web-based cartoon author who decides to devote her undivided attention to her craft – forsaking love in favor of her career. And her decision pays off. By the time she is 25, she is a published author. Now, aged 30, she has become a well-recognized writer with scores of devoted readers. But turning her back on romance turns out to be harder than she first thought when Lee Seung Yoo, her first love from her middle school days, returns to the scene to turn her world upside down. And things get more complicated when the film director Cha Do Hoon – who has been charged with adapting Seo Ji Won’s web-based series for the screen – confides in her and appears keen to strike up a close friendship. At the same time, her friends Lee Ran Joo, who works as a radio announcer, and Hong Ah Young, who runs a cafe, are also facing hard times. One day, Hong Ah Young's ex-boyfriend who hurt her in the past appears in front of her once again. Meanwhile, Hyeong Joon Young, who had a one-night stand with Lee Ran Joo and now has feelings for her, works part-time at Hong Ah Young's cafe.

So here's the thing with this week. I don't entirely think that Seung Yoo is this monster but at the same time he's no prize either. Like there's nothing wrong with his dating mentality of being casual and never really saying no but where he messed up was with not breaking up with Hye Ryeong when he started to flirt with Ji Won and definitely with not telling Ji Won about Hye Ryeong before things got started. Like there's no way that he can control Hye Ryeong's crazy actions but at least if he had played things right then Ji Won wouldn't have broken up with him. I really do think this show is going to bring them back together by the end but all I want is for Ji Won to pick sweet Do Hoon who's unproblematic and just generally a good guy. I loved their moment last week and I love their casual friendship this week and I do have to say that part of me started to hope needlessly that the two might end up together just cause of Ji Won's narration about having moved on but I'm sure that's just her hope rather than the truth.
Navillera (6/12)
: Shim Deok Chool has had a life long dreaming of performing ballet. He is 70-years-old and retired from his job as a post office employee. Due to life situations, he put aside his dream of becoming a ballet dancer and worked a normal job to support his family. Now, Shim Deok Chool makes the decision to pursue his dream again. His family, including his wife and adult children, are not happy with his decision, but Shim Deok Chool does not waver in pursuing his life long dream. He joins a ballet company to learn ballet. There, he meets Lee Chae Rok. Lee Chae Rok is a 23-year-old man. While growing up, he played different sports like baseball, swimming, and soccer, but he wasn't talented in any of those activities. He then became interested in ballet. His mother was a ballet dancer, but she died from a disease when Lee Chae Rok was young. His father later went bankrupt. Lee Chae Rok learned that he has a talent for ballet, but, after pursuing ballet, he barely has contact with his father and he has a hard time supporting himself financially. Going through hard times, his desire for ballet fades away. At this time, Sim Deok Chool appears in front of him.

I want to know what gave this show the right to make me cry so hard like this???? It's so very clear that we're about to see Deok Chool lose his memory through dementia or Alzheimer's and I'm terrified that we're going to see him die by the end of this drama too just to really nail us into our coffins! I just wanted a soft story in which a grandpa and a kid learn to be better people from each other with a little bit of sweaty Song Kang thrown in but instead I'm practically crying every week. It was truly horrifying to see Chae Rok fall down those stairs this week and ruin his chances of performing in the competition but I have a feeling that more than anything his teacher said, it will be Deok Chool's now limited time to learn ballet that will remind Chae Rok that he has plenty of moments to enjoy ballet and that he should focus on teaching for now. I also have to say that we're halfway through this drama and I can't decide if the show wants us to see Eun Oh and Chae Rok as possible love interests or siblings cause everyone around them seems to ship them but the two seem mostly indifferent. I did mention last week that I had no idea where Eun Oh would be going cause we haven't seen her with a dream yet but it looks like maybe writing for a radio show might be her thing based on what we got with her by the end. 
DROPPED Oh My Ladylord (6/16): In one corner we have a drama screenwriter and in the other, a rom-com actress. While the writer chooses not to date, the actress cannot seem to date. The story unfolds as they find themselves sharing the same living quarters. Oh Joo In, is a top rom-com actress who is a favorite with all audiences, young and old, male and female. In real life, however, it’s not that she chooses not to date but that she can’t date. Although she appears to live a flashy life on the outside, she is a down-to-earth woman with her own secret depths. Han Bi Soo, a man with a prickly side who shows a different side of himself when he’s in love. He has a scar that no one else knows, so he stimulates maternal instinct that makes it unable for anyone to look away from him.

I really went back and forth over whether I should continue this drama or not cause of many reasons. I've been really busy lately so I can't watch as many dramas as I would have like so I kinda have to pick and choose the ones I'm watching but the problem with this drama is that though there's nothing exactly wrong with it and I should like the concept on paper, I just couldn't ship the main couple. Idk if it's cause I don't like Bi Soo's character but I find myself skipping all the romantic scenes between Bi Soo and Joo In which is a dumb thing to do since this is a rom com and romance is the main point. It does suck cause this is one of the only rom coms airing right now but kdramas have been in a bit of a drought recently so I debated keeping this one just to have something to watch. The crazy thing is that I don't even know if I feel SLS in this one but I think I would have preferred if this show was like Navillera where the romance was the secondary plot point or not even focused on. I've never really been a fan of male leads who are possessive from even before he's dating the female lead cause it's honestly creepy that Bi Soo was so mean to her best friend (out of jealousy before he even knew that the friend liked Joo In too) and that he told her that she couldn't stay with her mom by gaslighting her into thinking that she was just worrying her sick mom. 
FINISHED Sisyphus: The Myth (14/16): Han Tae Sul, a co-founder of Quantum and Time, is a genius engineer with the highest level of coding skills and outstanding looks that outweighs his engineer fashion sense. Due to his innovative achievements, Quantum and Time is a world-class company, dubbed as "The Miracle of South Korea's Engineering Industry". In reality, Tae Sul has caused his company's stocks to constantly fluctuate after the death of his brother ten years ago. One day, after witnessing the unbelievable truth of his brother's death, he sets off on a dangerous journey. Kang Seo Hae is a soldier who could zipline from building to building, fight big built men with her bare hands, shoot guns, and install explosives. With the survival skills that she's learned from living amongst gangsters and warlords, she sets off a dangerous path of finding Han Tae Sul.

With the show coming to an end this week, I have to say that I'm definitely going to miss it. Like by no means is this show a masterclass in writing or plot but the chemistry between our leads sold this show for me and got me so much more attached than I ever thought I would be at the start. I mean yes there were plotholes and yes there was a lack of villain motivation that made sense but on the whole I had a fun enough time with this show and it's concept if you don't think about it too closely. I mean we're basically told that we're living in a closed time loop in a sense given that mostly everything that happened was pre-planned so even in the original timeline it was Sigma that sent the first missile but it leaves me wondering what's so different in this go around. Wouldn't Tae Sul have made the same choices in every timeline? Maybe it would have been better if we stuck to the idea that this was the first time that Seo Hae tried to go back in time so everyone's future predictions were based on what happened originally. I also can't be the only one who didn't understand the ending right cause Tae Sul killed himself knowing that if he didn't then someone would always be after him to build the uploader and all the future people vanished given that the uploader never existed but like where did Seo Hae and Tae Sul end up? Is that supposed to be the afterlife? I did like the idea of Tae Sul and Seo Hae going back a day and being the reason they defeated Sigma but the sudden heel turn for Eddy was super out of left field cause yes he's been jealous of Tae Sul all along but even as late as last week was he worried for Tae Sul's life but now he's ready to kill for the chance to take over Tae Sul's life? Overall though like I said up top I can mostly let all these questions go cause this show was never meant to be analyzed as more than a popcorn flick so I'm going to give it a 9 / 10 but keep that in mind that it's all biased and based on if you can turn your brain off while watching it!
Vincenzo (14/20)
: At the age of 8, Park Joo Hyeong went to Italy after he was adopted. He is now an adult and has the name of Vincenzo Cassano. He is a lawyer, who works for the Mafia as a consigliere. Because of a war between mafia groups, he flees to South Korea. In South Korea, he gets involved with Lawyer Hong Cha Young. She is the type of attorney who will do anything to win a case.

I almost forgot that there were 20 episodes in this series rather than the normal 16 so I went into this week thinking oh it's totally going to be the penultimate week only to remember later that nah we still have 3 weeks left of this show! I actually wasn't surprised in the slightest that Paolo came back cause I had a feeling that Babel reaching the end of their rope would contact him given the whole enemy of my enemy thing especially since Vincenzo burned his last bridge there before he came to Korea. I bet Chairman Wang's money will end up saving him tbh cause I can't imagine that Paolo who came all the way here out of revenge would back off for anything less. It was a surprise though to find out that Vincenzo's friend was also a NIS member and that he had been undercover with Wang for a while in order to steal back the Guillotine file and while at first it looked like we were screwed, our heroes got a boon in the appearance of the dancer girl who ended up being not only a hacker but the hacker that created Wang's security system. I imagine that soon enough they'll be able to get in and give the gold to Paolo while they grab the Guillotine file and give it to the Prosecutor like he wants. I also should note that Vincenzo and Cha Young kissed this week and they both clearly felt sparks which was totally sweet. I also adored every single moment this week of them acting betrayed with the other tenants and it will never cease to amuse me how no one in the building is the average civilian they seemed to be.


FINISHED The Sword And The Brocade (45/45): Set during the Ming Dynasty, the story revolves around the romance between General Xu Lingyi and the concubine's daughter Shiyiniang that starts from an arranged marriage. Despite being born with a low status, Luo Shiyiniang is extremely assertive and believes that a woman's vision should not be limited to the household. She hopes to rely on her embroidery skills as a ticket to freedom. However, the once esteemed Luo family is in a state of decline. Hoping to save the clan through a marriage alliance, Shiyiniang is selected to become the wife of Yongping Duke and great general Xu Lingyi. Things were not easy for Shiyiniang due to the Xu family's biases towards her. Nonetheless, she manages to win over their trust through her optimism and sincerity. Xu Lingyi also becomes attracted to Shiyiniang's various beautiful qualities such that husband and wife manage to find love after marriage.Through Xu Lingyi's support, Shiyiniang opens Xian Ling Pavilion to have her own embroidery workshop. Meanwhile, Xu Lingyi experiences many setbacks as he tries to protect his homeland and improve the livelihood of the people by supporting the lifting of a maritime ban. As they face a crisis that could spell the end for the Xu family, Xu Lingyi and Shiyiniang continue to support each other through thick and thin.

So the finale for this show aired this week and honestly it's kinda sad how far this show dropped on my interest list. Like when it first started I had fairly high hopes but I was so detached from this finale that I was like fast forwarding through the mess to get to the end. Shiyi was arrested and framed for treason but Lingyi was able to get her out by proving that she was framed. Qingdong and General Fu got together but it was sad that the younger Ou ended up exiled cause of his family's nonsense though it was sweet that Amber followed him. I'd imagine that the two end up together. Even the grandmother admitted that she had been hating Shiyi for no reason though it felt a little too late for me to forgive this late in the show though in real life it's only been 3 years so maybe I'd let it go. I was surprised though that there wasn't a pregnancy reveal in the midst of the happily ever after montage we got but I guess that Shiyi and Lingyi never did follow societal norms anyway? Honestly I don't even know what to rank this show due to my extreme disinterest which means that the show wasn't horrible enough to be rated poorly but no where near good enough to rank high... In the end I'd give it a 5 / 10.

xoxo Allie

Monday, April 5, 2021

Winter 2021 Anime Awards

Hey guys! The Winter 2021 Anime Season has officially come to a close this week and I have to say that this season absolutely killed with the content we got! So much was so good that I don't even know how I'm going to break it all down!

(Original) Anime Of The Season

Jujutsu Kaisen is definitely my anime of the season and perhaps this isn't the most fair cause it is a leftover drama from the Fall 2020 season but I can't help but think that nothing else I watched this season compared! The world this show built was so fun to see, the animation was out of this world, and the magic was nuanced and unique and I can't wait to see it explored more cause I feel like we're just scratching the surface. I do have to admit that at first I wasn't the biggest fan of the ensemble and I did think the tournament arc took place a bit too early but in the end I ended up really enjoying how the whole season played out and how attached I got to the characters in the end. 

Runner Up - Horimiya

Hidden Gem 

Kemono Jihen is my pick for hidden gem of the season cause though I definitely enjoyed the runner up a lot, I feel like a ton of people checked that anime out while I heard of practically no one watching this one! I actually didn't even know that it was a shounen jump anime until the anime was practically over which is why I was extra confused as to why no one checked it out. It reminded me a lot of shows like Demon Slayer in which the main plot of our show was to hunt down and kill demons though I think it was unique of this show to use actual children as their leads. I loved every single one of our main characters and I even adored some of the supporting characters as well. The mysteries were fun to watch and some of the darker stuff hit just as hard as the show would have wanted it to. 

Runner Up - SK8 The Infinity

Best Sequel 

Promised Neverland Season 2 is the best sequel of this season and this is another pick that isn't entirely fair cause it was actually the only anime sequel that I watched and in actuality I don't even think it deserves this win by default cause of how poorly this second season butchered this show. Now here's the thing I wasn't one of those fans of season 1 that claimed this show was a godsend but I didn't hate it either so when this season started and all I heard was that this season would be animating the best manga arc I was excited only to be disappointed by how rushed the pace felt. The first half really did fascinate me but then everything sped up as if the show was like we will not have another season so we need to wrap things up! The world became bigger and more fascinating but at the cost of the characters we adored. 

Runner Up - None

Greatest Animation/Character Design

SK8 The Infinity had the best animation this season and you know this is true cause I wasn't even planning on watching this anime when I first heard about it cause I'm really not the biggest fan of animes in which all the characters are guys or girls but I checked out the first episode out of curiosity and the sheer beauty of the animation in that first race that Langa had at the end of episode one got me to come back for more. I love the way all the characters and skateboarding are animated as well as the color and tone of the show!

Runner Up - Jujutsu Kaisen

Best OP 

Paradise by Rude-a from SK8 The Infinity is definitely my favorite OP of the season and this one was kinda hard cause there wasn't too many OPs that I didn't want to skip on the regular so the fact that I listened to this one a few times was enough to let it win!

Runner Up - Shake Shake Shake by Yuuma Uchida from Dr Ramune: Mysterious Disease Specialist 

Protagonist Of The Season

Yuuji Itadori from Jujutsu Kaisen is my protagonist of the season and really there was no competition here. I gushed about why Jujutsu Kaisen was my anime of the season earlier but I tried to avoid talking about Itadori during it cause I knew that he was going to be my protag for the season! The thing is that you all know if you've followed me for a while that I love shounen animes but I tend to find that I enjoy the ensemble more than the protags but in this show I ended up getting attached to Itadori before anyone else! I mean of course he's got a lot of the characteristics that shounen protags have like a big heart, love of his friends, and a strength that most do not but I liked that Itadori wasn't the typical naive attack first think second type of character that I dislike. He is able to think things through when he needs to and he feels more mature and grounded than a lot of others.

Runner Up - Kumuko from So I'm A Spider, So What?

Antagonist(s) Of The Season

The demons from The Promised Neverland are my antagonists of the season cause I actually really like the way The Promised Neverland utilizes them. In season 1 they were more of the background villains in that we rarely saw them but we knew that they were there while here in season 2 they're much more front and center and yet we find ourselves questioning everything we know. We've met both good and bad demons throughout this show and we're left wondering if they're really as evil as we thought they were. Beyond that it asks us to think about the fact that the demon/human relationship in the show isn't much different from the human/animal relationship in real life. Demons need humans to eat the way that we like to eat meat. The rich demons are the ones that get the prime cuts while the poor demons get the leftovers and there are others that want wild humans rather than farmed ones. We also see demons that like to use humans in experiments to test different hypotheses and between Emma and Norman we are left wondering which side is right.

Runner Up - Mahito from Jujutsu Kaisen

Ship Of The Season

Hori and Miyamura from Horimiya are hands down my ship of the season! Part of this might be unfair cause Horimiya was the only romance anime I watched this season but it was also one so good that it might end up on my favorite romance animes of all time! Hori and Miya were absolute perfection together and I loved that the show allowed us to see their relationship progress in such a natural way. Within the course of this season we saw them become friends, confess their feelings, hold hands, kiss, sleep together, and even explore their kinks. When was the last time a romance anime went beyond the will they/won't they?? I loved that Hori and Miya showed their true selves to each other first and that they were the first to accept all the positives and negatives they had.  

Runner Up - Reki and Langa from SK8 The Infinity

And with that I'll see you all in the Spring 2021 Season!!

xoxo Allie

Sunday, April 4, 2021

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

Fruits Basket Season 3 Episode 1

Okay so officially the start of season 3 isn't until next week but Funimation subscribers got the first episode dubbed a week early and you all know that though I usually prefer subs, Fruits Basket is one of the few anime that I prefer dubbed so I jumped on board. It was an amazing episode and I was actually really surprised how we dived straight in and continued where we left off last season rather than giving us a casual recap episode like My Hero did last week or a light filler like the second season of this anime did. I wasn't expecting to cry and I wasn't mentally or emotionally prepared yet so I found myself feeling like this was one of the most hopeless episodes in a long time even though thinking back there were much more emotional moments in last season! We also got a lot of info and let's see if I can break it down! Akito's mother Ren is more of a monster than Akito is and it's cause of her that Akito latched onto the zodiacs so strongly and in such a negative way. It really does feel like the whole God and zodiac bond was supposed to be one of support and love originally and I bet the first God was just like Tohru but the reason the current generation is so messed up is cause of the humans in their lives rather than the supernatural. The more important thing to note was that Rin overheard the whole conversation with Kureno and I'm not sure if she was looking for Ren or Akito at the end but Ren found her and that's cause to be worried. We also saw Kureno and Arisa both kinda put their feelings to bed but I highly doubt that it will be forever cause like Hana said, that will be a story for another day like Mayu and Hatori. 

The Flash Season 7 Episode 4

Somehow last week I entirely forgot about those weird lightning flashes that appeared after Barry reset the Speed Force cause there I was acting like an idiot and complaining that the show didn't set up a villain for the season and duh it was right there! The villains are clearly going to be different versions of the Speed Force like a Strength Force and now a Psychic Force. As the Speed Force Nora told our team at the end of this week it seems like the different Forces can now take human forms which I'm not entirely sure if I'm a fan of and my question now is why they're all evil cause tbh they should be impartial or neutral unless they had to attach to one person like the Speed Force attached to Barry and those people are kinda evil. In other news we saw that Frost and Caitlin struggled over whether they should recombine or stay separate and in the end they decided to become actual roommates and it was sweet though now that Kramer is here apparently to arrest Frost, it'll be interesting to see where they take things. Will Frost have to pay for the things she did when she was a villain? I assume it'll be something more like probation or community service rather than jail time cause I just can't see the show going that route. Cecile's powers are also getting even stronger and I keep wondering why cause unless the show is planning on her being the deus ex machina to win the day at the end or turn evil then it's kinda strange so much focus is put on her. 

Next week looks like a Cisco and Chester focused bottle episode in which they time travel and that's curious cause it feels like a weird time to do that but also it's been a while since we focused on Cisco so that'll be nice to see.

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier Episode 3

As boring as I found last week's episode, this week made up for it in spades!! Everything Bucky and Sam got into was exactly what I wanted and expected from them when I first heard about this show so of course it all worked for me. They ended up needing to break Zimo out of jail in order to get his expertise on the whole Hydra and Super Soldiers thing which led them to the man who created this new super soldier serum. Apparently he first started working on it with Hydra before their downfall and then joined the CIA in their research only to be blipped as soon as he finally cracked the formula. When he returned he was scouted by the Power Broker to remake the formula which Carly and the Flag Smashers stole. I do have to say that I'm starting to have a feeling that this isn't the whole truth. Like what if the CIA realized that he finished the formula and gave it to John Walker with the plan to always replace Steve given that he was on the run at the time? That man got waaay too good at throwing the shield waaay too quickly so I could see him secretly having trained and lucked out. It was also really interesting to see Sharon but I'm curious as to what her deal is. Is she undercover and still good? Or is she the Power Broker? I was also so excited to see Ayo at the end though of course she would show up given that the man who killed the last King of Wakanda was on the lam.

FINISHED Horimiya Season 1 Episode 13

This week marked the official end of Horimiya and I'm definitely going to miss it. Do I wish that the second half contained more cute moments between Hori and Miyamura like it did at the start? Of course. But that doesn't mean that I didn't have fun with the ensemble and everything we got. This finale was just as sweet as the previous episodes with it being the high school graduation of our main characters. Miyamura spent the time looking back on who he was and how different his life is now. He contemplated the fact that one little action of helping Sota home changed everything and gave him happiness that he never knew he could have. The interesting thing is how this one little action of saving Sota not only brought Hori and Miyamura together but the whole group wouldn't have been the same without Miyamura and Hori dating. I was surprised that nothing about the proposal from last week came up making me think that the two aren't actually formally engaged or plan to plan a wedding but that they just vaguely meant that hey we'll be together in the future as well. This show is definitely joining the ranks of my favorite romance anime and though it doesn't have the pull that a lot of nostalgic romance anime do, it's enough that it landed a spot on my list at all for being a seasonal one!

My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 2

This show is honestly such a gem and it's funny how I forget how good it is until I'm watching the new episode every week! Technically I'd say this was the season premiere over what amounted to a recap last week and we learned so much new information. One of the things I'm always so in awe about with this show is how it gets you so emotionally attached to new characters and yet no two feel the same. I enjoyed Hawks last season but after this week I'm definitely like he needs to be protected. It seems as though Hawks accidentally saved a bunch of people as a child and since then the government has kept a close eye on him to the degree where I'm fairly certain that he feels like he owes them. It was them who asked him to go deep undercover with the League and I cannot tell you how relieved I was that I could continue adoring him given that he was the turncoat I worried he might be! I also really liked that the show didn't just give up on the whole thing with Endeavor and what an abusive father and husband he was now that he's the number one hero and that it showed us the different stages the Todoroki family were in over him from forgiveness to anger. We also got to see more of the original One For All and All For One which we kinda already knew about and nothing we saw was new but I imagine the fact that Deku could talk to the manifestation of One For All will be important. Was All Might able to do the same or is this a Deku thing??

xoxo Allie