Sunday, August 29, 2021

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

  Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

Legends Of Tomorrow Season 6 Episode 13

Wow wow wow do I hate this story with John so much. I guess it'll be no problem for Zari to move on from him if this horrible evil mess is the man she last remembers before he dies. It sucks extra hard cause my heart melted with how adorably in love the two were and how I was totally right in saying that there's no way that Zari would have ever walked away from the man she loved when he was in pain. I loved that he chose her over magic itself and that though he wanted to break up with her cause she deserved better she refused to let him go down that route. I am really curious though about this whole magic blood demon and how much it tends to control John and how it sucks that the others didn't know that it was more than John's willpower that was keeping him addicted cause otherwise I'm fairly certain they'd have John in a cell next to Bishop in order to detox him. Would Gideon have a way to clear the poison from his system? Either way I guess it doesn't matter cause he is going to join Bishop and probs die along the way. I did like the Ava stuff though this week and the fact that she was struggling with how to feel about Bishop given that he clearly knows the perfect way to play her. I mean after all he built her.

I don't exactly have high hopes for the penultimate episode if I'm being honest cause I don't know whether I can trust Legends to really dig into how dark this whole thing with John is but at the same time it doesn't exactly look like next week is going to be a lighthearted romp so maybe I can hope a little? Also straight up Behrad better be around for the final two episodes this season cause Zari will need her brother!!

Stargirl Season 2 Episode 3

I have to say that I am actually really disappointed with the direction this show went this week cause I was really really excited to find out that Mike might be taking on the Thunder pen only to be let down when he ended up accidentally wishing the pen into better hands. I guess if Superman & Lois have taught me anything then it's the fact that sometimes it's important not to have every main cast in your show have powers. I just wish that Mike would get to do as much sleuthing or spywork for the JSA as Barbara does cause it breaks my heart to see how left out he felt all episode. Like Superman & Lois the highlight of this show is the family and I don't know if this show's writing team knows it cause I could truly care less about the other JSA members but I could watch hours of Courtney's family doing things! In other news it looks like Shade might actually be in Blue Valley to find Eclipso and perhaps that means that he'll end up teaming up with us cause though he probs doesn't care to save the current JSA it's clear that he's hunting Eclipso. Now that Beth was warned, it'll definitely be time to buckle down on the new villain of the season which should be fun.

What If Season 1 Episode 3

Okay so this might have been the best episode of this show so far! I had a blast with the whole murder mystery scenario in which we had to find the person who was killing every one of the Avengers initiates and I loved that it ended up being Hank who was behind it all. In this universe Fury recruited Hope to be a SHIELD agent but she died and Hank was getting his revenge. Loki brought the Asgardian troops to Midguard to "get revenge" for Thor's death which I'm sure a part of him really did care about but the rest of him was here to do his Avengers plot and take over the world. I'd imagine that despite everything Fury would still put together a team though a clearly different one with Captain Marvel at the helm and maybe Steve as well. Tbh Carol would whoop Loki's ass in three seconds though so maybe Fury wouldn't even actually need anyone else! I do have to say that of the three universes we've seen so far this one is the one that I would most want to live in more!

Titans Season 3 Episode 5

Ugh dudes this episode reminded me once again how much I adore Jason Todd and how pissed I am that this show decided to take him down the Red Hood route cause I liked good Jason and I liked how much he wanted to be good despite his darkness. It was fascinating seeing how he struggled with PTSD after season 2 and how Leslie was actually helping him until Bruce fucked everything up like he always seems to in this show. It's ironic that Bruce thinking that of course he knows best ignored the fact that Jason and Dick are two separate people. Like he sees both as his sons but whereas Dick needed Bruce and not Robin, Jason needed Robin not Bruce. Jason is too traumatized to realize that Bruce trying to keep him from being Robin wasn't a punishment but an acknowledgement that Bruce loves and wants to protect him. I did also like seeing the whole story with Jason and how he really did live out the whole Red Hood storyline from being murdered by the Joker to resurrected by a Lazarus Pit but now it seems that rather than the Lazarus Pit being the thing that turned him dark, it might have been something Scarecrow snuck into Jason's anti-fear gas. The poor thing. I wonder if it'll be possible to wean him off of it and what will be the thing to return him to who he was before.

My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 21

Okay I have to say that because I tried to avoid all the spoilers in the world while watching this season I actually didn't know last week what this exciting arc that manga readers won't shut up about was about. After this week it seems that the arc is called My Villain Academia and we'll basically see everything about what the League was doing while we were following the heroes in their work studies and I'm assuming it'll end where we began with the Liberation Army stronghold city being wrecked and the League taking over the Liberation Army as Hawks tries to infiltrate. The thing though is that I still to this day don't actually understand what the Liberation Army tries to idolize and where Dabi fits in cause I was almost sure that he was a League member but is he actually not? I also don't know how I feel about an arc entirely about the villains cause why would we care if a bunch of villains get murdered or whatever! You can't keep telling me that this is the arc that changes everything if it doesn't affect the heroes we're actually following.

xoxo Allie

Saturday, August 28, 2021

What Dramas Did I Finish This Week?

Hello and welcome back! These are the dramas I finished this week. If you're interested in previous reviews, click here and if you want to see a list of my Favorite Asian OTPs and Ships, click here!


 The Devil Judge (16/16): Set in a dystopian version of present-day Korea where daily life is chaos and society has collapsed to the point that people openly voice their distrust and hatred for their leaders. In this world bereft of law and order, Head Trial Judge Kang signals the need for change. His courtroom is the subject of a reality show where he mercilessly punishes the guilty, earning him the "Devil Judge" nickname. As a divisive figure with an aura of mystery that belies his true identity and ambitions, the public is unsure whether he is a true hero or someone, knowingly sowing the seeds of discontent in his courtroom. A bitter rivalry has taken shape between the "Devil Judge" and the highly ambitious Jung Sun Ah, who has risen from poverty to become a corporate social responsibility foundation director. Into this turbulent world enter two childhood friends on a quest for true justice: rookie Judge Kim Ga On and Police Officer Yoon Soo Hyun. Do they have what it takes to challenge both the scheming Jung Sun Ah and the notorious "Devil Judge"?
I've been on a bit of a streak lately where I start a drama really fascinated and excited only to end it feeling meh. Devil Judge was for sure one of these. I think my main problem with this show was the fact that it couldn't decide what it wanted to be. Like it was one-part a revenge story and one-part a commentary on the highs and lows of law and one-part post-apocalytptic. Like dude show pick a side. If it wanted to be a fantasy revenge story like Taxi Driver or Mad Dog it should have stuck with that but instead we got this wishy washy mess where Ga On jumped from one side to the other not sure whether he wanted to join Yo Han or prosecute him for constantly working outside the law. It made Ga On feel like an idiot and super flaky and it took away from Jin Young's incredible acting and I mean seriously between that and Ji Sung's beauty we could only shelf our disbelief for so long. I think the other thing about this show was the fact that so many characters existed for no reason. Like Soo Hyun who I loved with Ga On was only there to be Ga On's love interest and a stick in the mud who refused to see things other than black and white. All in all this show was a mess and really I think I blame the writer more than anyone else which is unfortunate cause he wrote Miss Hammurabi which was leagues more clear than this show. I guess I'd give this show a 6.5 / 10
 You Are My Spring (16/16): When Kang Da Jung finds a job at a five-star hotel, she rises to the manager position faster than any of her fellow employees who were hired at the same time as her. Her problem is that she takes after her mother’s poor choice of men and dates men who are terrible like her father. Meanwhile. Joo Young Do is a psychiatrist who helps others heal their emotional wounds and find the will to live. However, he himself bears his own scars from not having been able to save his older brother and one of his patients. The two, suffering from traumatic childhoods, form a heartfelt bond when they become entangled in a perplexing local murder case.

If you're reading this review you might be one of the few people like me who managed to somehow stumble through this drama and get to the end. Now don't get me wrong this drama for sure is one of the best I've watched this year but it fell to the same problem a drama like Strong Woman Do Bong Soon had where we the collective audience are here for the soft romance but the show keeps wanting to interrupt the soft for some murder shenanigans and I swear to you that even as I finished up the final episode I still fast-forwarded through most of the stuff that was murder/cop related and because of that I really still don't know or care for that side of the story. The funny thing about that though is that if a murder mystery show with romance was literally made for anyone it would have been me but this drama really didn't seem to care about the murder side of this show and tacked it on here and there without really connecting the ensemble to it so you could literally watch this show and not pay a single attention to the other half! Having said that the romance made this show worth watching. I'm so into male leads who are not only competent but gentle and smooth and man oh man is it so sexy to have a male lead that isn't traumatized and acts like the fully grown adult he is. There's no part of me that wonders why Da Jung fell for him! I also have to say that the ensemble was all fun to watch and the final ships were interesting to follow as well though I do wish that most of Eun Ha and Tae Jung's relationship didn't happen offscreen. On the whole I'd give this show a 9 / 10.


You Are My Glory (24/24):
A story that follows an aerospace engineer Yu Tu and the shining star Qiao Jing Jing. A decision is made to start gaming in order to save her endorsement deal brings her face to face with an old crush. As they grow closer, the two forge ahead to become each other's glory. Being a well-known celebrity, Qiao Jing Jing has to keep up with appearances in order to maintain her multi-faceted image. Alas, one starts to crack when someone leaks a video of her playing an online game and being terrible at it which is completely inconsistent with the image she has created for herself as the game's ambassador. Thus, she joins a gaming competition to prove her skills and to prevent herself from losing her endorsements. Qiao Jing Jing decides to use all of her free time towards improving her game and her decision leads her to reconnect with her old high school classmate, Yu Tu, whom she once had a crush on. He was a legend at their school, outstanding in everything that he does, while Qiao Jing Jing was just your average girl. Yu Tu went on to become an aerospace engineer who is also an expert gamer. It seems that the online game brought them together once more so she asks him to become her gaming coach.

I'm a little heartbroken that this show has come to an end cause for a few weeks now this has been my favorite airing show! I mean it was literally full of everything I adore with a terribly cute main couple and low drama. Reba was the most adorable cute puppy as Jing Jing and Yang Yang was smolderingly handsome as Yu Tu. Honestly I think he might have been my favorite character that Yang Yang has played cause he had the angst from Martial Universe (season 2 more than 1 but I digress), the playfulness from King's Avatar, and the devotion from Love O2O. I loved the way the two began this show as friends and the way that it was so clear what parts of Jing Jing Yu Tu fell in love with. I love that he struggled with his own insecurities before they dated rather than having an external force play a factor. I loved how soft the two became once they started dating and that they actually felt like a real couple who weren't afraid to touch each other rather than the typical overly shy reaction that most cdrama and kdrama women have even after they start dating the male lead. Watching this show was like wrapping yourself in a blanket and I swear if you like soft fluffy modern day cdramas then this is the watch for you! Without a single doubt in my mind I would rate this show a 10 / 10 and say that it's definitely in the ranking for my favorite drama of 2021!


Back To 1989 (21/21): A successful young man has always felt something missing in his life because he never knew his father. At 26, Che Chen is already a successful assistant manager for an investment trust. But he was raised by his single mother Chen Mu and never knew the identity of his father, and that void has been nagging at him. But a freak accident sends Che back 27 years into the past, to the year before he was born. When he meets 22-year-old Zhen Zhen Ye, Che realizes that this naïve and trusting young woman is his mother's best friend! When Che realizes that anything he does in the year 1989 could alter his mother’s future, will he do anything to alter the course of his own life?

Wow don't you just straight up love when you fall in love with a new show?? I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch this show at first cause I'm not usually the biggest fan of time travel shows but at the same time Marcus Chang was starring and I'm high key in love with him so I bit the bullet cause I wanted to watch a romance and I'm so glad I did. It reminds me a lot of Hit The Top mixed with Nine: Nine Times Time Travel with the way it focused on a child getting to know a younger version of their parent and the angst of realizing that time travel is a damper on romances. I absolutely adored the relationship between Chen Che and Zhen Zhen cause not only did the actors have tons of chemistry but one of my favorite types of main couples are the ones that bicker and argue and flirt like crazy to show their love and that's exactly what we got here. I mean look okay the ending was a little too tie this with a red bow to make all that sense but if I get my happy ending then I'm happy! I also really loved the relationship between Chen Che and his mom too though I can't help but feel like the entire assault storyline for her wasn't focused on enough and brushed aside for other things which kinda sucks but I did love that though Chen Che didn't end up changing everything for the better, his presence alone changed things enough to keep his mom from being completely miserable like in his first life. I would definitely give this show a 10 / 10!

xoxo Allie

Sunday, August 22, 2021

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

 Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

Legends Of Tomorrow Season 6 Episode 12

Is anyone else's heart breaking this week? I mean seriously I was practically on the edge of tears all episode since I now know that this addiction storyline is leading to John Constantine leaving the show. Not only do I adore his character but this season has given me a new appreciation and love for Zari and Constantine and the soft way they love each other. I'm almost fairly certain that he's going to die by the end of this season and it's going to break Zari possibly in the way that will make her closer to 1.0 than we expected cause honestly that's a better story than if they simply breakup cause of his addiction and he leaves the ship. Zari's dated all sorts of bad guys as we've been told and I could never see her leaving him without trying to help him through it if she loves him like she said. I am really curious though to find out who this new character Matt Ryan will be playing and whether that one will get a romantic storyline with Zari too cause the show can't throw away the chemistry between Tala and Matt like this! In other news Bishop is alive and back like I expected cause duh we have like 3 episodes left and no villain so we needed him. I am curious to see what he's up to and how the Legends will not only react to him but defeat him. I also have to say that this Mafia/Werewolf roleplaying game was hilarious even if I wished they had played it for real a bit more.

Ah okay so it looks like the Legends are going to figure out something's wrong with John next week and it's about time cause I am so ready for the angst!

Stargirl Season 2 Episode 2

Courtney was a struggle to handle this week and it's interesting cause it makes sense why she acted the way she did and yet my heart didn't like it! Jennie was a sweetheart and it was honestly kinda rude of Courtney to not only treat her like a villain but also to focus so hard on the fact that Jennie is a legacy that she forgot that Jennie was an orphan who grew up alone. Fortunately Pat set her straight and Jennie was high key upgraded so she not only no longer has to charge the ring with the Lantern but now it seems like she's straight up a Lantern. I am disappointed in the fact that she's gone already cause I feel like she and Rick would have a lot in common given their upbringings and their shared connection as legacies but I'd like to imagine that Oa called her home to train her so when she comes back she's more badass even though honestly that's probs just a dream and we'll never get that. Though actually maybe she'll end up on that Green Lantern show that HBO and Berlanti will be producing? With Diggle fingers crossed?? But no seriously we also saw that Shade is back and the stone that Cindy was carrying basically hypnotizes people so now I can see how she would get Mike to join her. 

Ah looks like Mike finds the pen and becomes a hero though I imagine that Courtney is going to try to stop him and that'll be what pushes him away into Cindy's evil clutches.

FINISHED Superman & Lois Season 1 Episode 15

Guess who toooootally didn't cry when she watched Clark give his eulogy for his father at that little funeral they had?? Alright you caught me. I cried like a baby! This was a pretty amazing finale and it highlighted everything I adored about this show from the start to the end. It's the most character centric show of the Arrowverse so once all the punching and fighting was finished, we were able to settle back with our characters and see how they've grown. I liked the idea that Edge's final words were about wanting a family and that Clark responded with you would have had one if only you reached out to me before. Cause it's totally true! The Kents have been begging John to stay and like he originally didn't want to but now that Natalie is here I'm sure this is going to end with an awkward situation in which Lois might have to be a mom to two families and I wonder if the boys will get jealous at all or if they'll just embrace the crazy situation and be happy they have a sister now. Tbh I could see more of the second than the first based on what good people they are but low key the drama is in the first and I could also see that happening. I'm also not surprised in the slightest that Lana and Kyle decided to stay cause duh but I also really liked Clark's speech as Superman about Smallville finding it's strength when it needed it. I'm definitely going to miss this show and be counting down the days until it's back!!

What If Season 1 Episode 2

I had a lot more fun with this week's episode than the last one which was interesting cause you would have thought at first glance I would be more interested in Peggy than T'challa but I think the problem with Peggy's episode was that it felt like a rehash of Captain America: The First Avenger rather than her own story whereas here T'challa and Peter are two completely different people so no matter the fact that they were raised by the same person they reacted to things differently. It was a sweet send off for Chadwick Boseman too given that this was officially the last thing he filmed in the Marvel universe given that he was basically a galactic hero. I loved that he was the one to convince Thanos that his plan was terrible and to give up before it got worse and that he and Nebula had a bit of a romance brewing cause of course he did. I also loved that he was able to reunite with his family back in Wakanda at the end and that he brought his alien family with him. I did think it was interesting that we never saw Gamora or any of the other Guardians other than Drax in a comedic moment but I suppose if T'challa stopped Thanos before he attacked Gamora's homeworld then she wouldn't have left. I also found it interesting that he didn't end up joining the Nova Core or something given that he was still a good man rather than a criminal like the original Starlord was. I also really liked the button at the end that told us this world is doomed since Peter met his dad and wouldn't have the same gripes that our Peter had with Ego.

Titans Season 3 Episode 4

So as it turns out Scarecrow is the one pulling Jason's strings and I'm really not a fan of this whole thing. Now I don't mean in the sense that I don't think the writing works but in the sense that it's all so clear in hindsight and I'm just sad to lose Jason. I also think it's amazing how this show continuously shows us what a terrible person Bruce is even before he supposedly murdered Joker. Like the writers of this show clearly think Bats is the worst person in DC and it's fascinating that Dick is totally a slightly softer copy of him and I think that's hilarious. Scarecrow definitely had some sort of reaction to Dick being all cold and sociopathic and I loved it. On that note I was totally stunned that the show not only really did kill off Hank but also barely gave him a real goodbye! Like apparently all the mourning happened offscreen combined with Dawn leaving for Paris to process her emotions. It's like the show was like okay guys let's move on with the next plot now please. Speaking of the start of the Blackfire plot didn't actually go down the way I expected it to. Like apparently Blackfire isn't the out-and-out villain she's supposed to be and maybe she's actually just misunderstood or maybe part of the reason why she turned out the way she did was cause of Starfire.

My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 20

I'm really curious about where this week ended up going and how we basically rewound back 2 months in order to see what the League Of Villains were up to so that when we do throw down with them in the future there will be more stakes. It seems as though I wasn't all right in guessing what's going on in terms of the League and Hawks. I assumed that the Liberation Army was just the newest method the League was using to sow chaos but in fact this week we saw that it's actually probs more like the League is playing along with the Liberation Army in order to infiltrate and destroy them like they did during the Eri arc last season. The Liberation Army seemed to be targeting the League and Hawks seemed to be targeting the Liberation Army and the trio sort of have stumbled on each other or so I can gather so far. I am curious about how this all went down in 2 months but I'll be open to the answer!

xoxo Allie

Saturday, August 21, 2021

What Dramas Did I Finish This Week?

Hello and welcome back! These are the dramas I finished this week. If you're interested in previous reviews, click here and if you want to see a list of my Favorite Asian OTPs and Ships, click here!


Nevertheless (10/10): Park Jae Eon finds dating a waste of time but likes to flirt. Even though he is friendly and cheerful towards all, he does not pursue others. Park Jae Eon is a master of “push-and-pull” who doesn’t get swept up in emotions. Jae Eon draws firm lines between himself and other people and doesn’t reveal how he feels. Yet when Park Jae Eon meets Yoo Na Bi, he wants to cross those lines. Yoo Na Bi wants to date but doesn’t trust love. After a bitter experience with her first love, she doesn't believe in destiny anymore. But when she meets Park Jae Eon, he has a magical effect on her that challenges Na Bi’s decision to stay aloof.

Guys I swear I lost brain cells watching this show and it's such a struggle cause I started out thinking that this show was going to be fun and unique with Song Kang who I adored as the lead and instead I spent 10 excruciating hours watching one of the worst most toxic couples I've seen dance around the fact that they clearly wanted to be together. So okay look this show was practically a depiction of the thing that every girl goes through at least once in her life where she falls for a playboy who wants nothing more than to sleep around and refuses to date exclusively. Now don't get me wrong there's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to keep things casual and Jae On especially went about it the right way at the start. He laid down clear lines with Na Bi where he explained that he was into her but did not want to date and yet Na Bi somehow ignores this and decides that he's the asshole for never committing. It's after this that things go to shit cause I lose my interest in not only whose side I'm on but the show. Na Bi keeps saying no to Jae On who keeps trying to pull her back any time he sees her interested in someone else without explaining that he wants things to be more serious while she won't admit that she loves him or wants to date him and yet keeps waiting for him to make the first move. I was dying a little more each week and by the end I was like everyone should be miserable from Na Bi and Jae On to poor Do Hyuk who was waaaaay too good for Na Bi anyway so he needed to get his heartbroken to move on. Even the side characters weren't it for me and so I barely limped to the finale just to see where it went and to say I did it.  6 / 10


Fukuyado Honpo - Kyoto Love Story (12/12): Fukuyoshi Hina, Arare, and Hana are three sisters whose family run Fukuya, a 450-year-old traditional Japanese confectionery shop in Kyoto. This is the story of their individual romances, love of family and sacrifices for the sake of protecting tradition.

Being in a jdrama mood this week I decided to watch this drama after Onna no Sensou. My thought process was like well that show reminded me of Watashitachi and I miss the traditional world there so I looked for another jdrama with the same kind of vibe and that's how I ended up here. This drama was actually more of a family drama than I expected but I think that's exactly why I adored it so much despite the fact that I only liked the middle daughter's romance. The relationship between the sisters and the mom and the sweets shop was fascinating and I totally connected with Arare and felt things alongside her. I loved that Kenji was always in love with Arare like she was with him but because he was so quiet and ready to do his duty no matter what I was furious with the way he seemed to lead the poor girl on and I think she forgave him too quickly! I also was furious with the way the mom refused to allow Arare into the kitchen knowing that of all the three daughters she was the one who cared about the shop the most and the irony is that the show tried to tell me that everyone was struggling with duty but Hina seemed to leave the shop really easily! Speaking of Hina I really didn't pity her throughout any part of the show cause it seemed like she brought pain onto herself on her own. The man she loved her entire life wanted to marry her but she turned him down to marry a guy she knew nothing about. Then she found out that he had a mistress and decided that didn't matter either? Then why cry after the fact girl?? As you can tell I really enjoyed myself in this world and I wish that it had been longer! 8.5 / 10
 Onna no Sensou: Bachelor Satsujin Jiken (6/6): Naruto Tetsuya is an ideal bachelor, with a wealthy family background and handsome appearance. While participating in a reality show "Get The Bachelor", many women compete against each other to gain Tetsuya’s affection and marry him. Those women are Shikura Wakana, Kawahara Reina, Ichinose Rio, Morishita Ichika, Shimada Rie, Suzaki Riko and Endo Sei. While the women battle against each other, one woman from the group murders Tetsuya.

I'm sure as you can tell from the synopsis of this show alone, this is totally a cracky show that really makes no sense but I wanted to watch it cause I was in the mood for a jdrama and this one popped up! It's kinda a parody on the whole dating reality show thing mixed with a murder mystery and revenge and I swear the only reason it worked so well for me was the fact that since it was only 6 episodes there was no time to botch things. I kinda knew from the start who the killer was but I was actually shocked that she ended up going through with it cause I expected her to forgive the male lead for his family after she fell in love with him like the female lead from Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteru. Part of me expected the show to reveal that no actually it was x for y reason instead but we got a murder suicide revenge story instead making me wonder if I was right about her loving him and that's why she couldn't live with the guilt. Either way I was so on board with the nonsense and if you're in the mood for some crackiness then check this show out!! 6 / 10

xoxo Allie

Sunday, August 15, 2021

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

Legends Of Tomorrow Season 6 Episode 11

Honestly this episode was super weird guys and not in the usual fun Legends way. Maybe it's partially cause I didn't care about the whole bowling setup from the start and maybe it's also cause I've not been a fan of pretty much any of the storylines this season from the Zari swap to the Constantine drug addiction but either way I mostly just zoned out for most of this week. Having said that it wasn't all negative. I did end up liking the twist though where the Earth became a bowling bowl and that Zari 1.0 shooting one of Spooner's guns at the alien holding it helped the Legends win the game cause it was a perfect mix of Legends insanity. I also really enjoyed everything with Ava picking out her wedding dress with Gary and straight up I could have watched a full episode in which this was the A plot rather than the D plot! On another note I did wonder for a while if I severely overreacted to Constantine's drug thing last episode cause no one else that I saw who watched this show seemed to care but now the alien running the bowling alley mentioned this drug was going to kill Constantine and guys I will literally scream if this storyline kills off Constantine from this show.

Ooh next week is defs more my style with the Legends being forced to play a board game and especially since Zari 2.0 is back and I need her to realize that something's wrong with Constantine!

Stargirl Season 2 Episode 1

Stargirl is back with it's season 2 premiere and I can't help but wonder if it's just been a while since I've seen this show so I didn't remember the vibe or if Superman & Lois has pretty much ruined all DCTV Berlanti-verse shows for me with it's excellent writing. All that to say I felt pretty meh about this week's premiere which not only was slow but also had really choppy writing. Courtney was struggling hardcore with the idea that she and the others defeated the ISA last season which meant that she was ignoring everything in her life other than being Stargirl and the irony is that of course she's right that not everything is well given this is a superhero show! I think the villain of the season is supposed to be whatever that dark shadow-y thing was at the top of the episode but Cindy also came back and she's on her own recruiting mission though I'm not sure if I believe in any of the picks she made. I mean Cameron yeah I can see cause Icicle Jr is a villain but Artemis is traditionally a hero so like what the hell show. Also on what planet is Mike going to go against his family to be a villain? We also got the first appearance of the new Lantern who's apparently the daughter of Allan Scott who tbh is the Lantern I know the least about. Oops?

The promo for next week shows us that Courtney is going to be jealous of the new Lantern cause of how she bonds with Pat and that's honestly adorable.

Superman & Lois Season 1 Episode 14

Ohhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. This show is so goddamn good!!! How in the hell did I not see this twist coming?? Of course Morgan Edge was going to take Jordan if he couldn't get Clark and it looks like he's placed his father inside of Jordan. Okay but seriously backing up a second when Edge absorbed the Eradicator it meant that Edge literally became it so now he has the ability to put Kryptonians into humans whenever he wants. I still am bitter about the fact that every Superman adjacent show other than the Syfy show Krypton has to have their villains be Kryptonians cause seriously a whole race isn't evil but I guess I'd imagine that a bad person like Edge's father would probs only take the minds of Kryptonians that agreed with him rather than a wide range of minds which is why they're all bad. Meanwhile Lana and Kyle have decided to move to Bristol but let's be honest there's no chance this season ends with them gone cause then Jordan would lose his love interest which is more important on a meta level than Clark losing a friend who we've literally not seen him spend any time with. I actually laughed when he called her his best friend. Like where? But on that same note we found out that the girl that Jonathan has been sort of seeing is from Central City and now it's a countdown to see which meta villain is her dad cause why else say that she's from the home of the Flash and has a dad in jail! 

Dudes I didn't realize that next week is the finale! Of course that's why this episode was so intense since it was the penultimate! I'm assuming that Sarah will end up finding out the truth cause she's too close now but I'm also really happy that we're spending more time in Metropolis. I really do wish this show had taken place there....

What If Season 1 Episode 1

I'm back with the newest Marvel Disney+ show and this time it's an animated one that kinda follows Loki in that we're exploring the multiverse but unlike all the others this one will probs be the one that most stands alone. I mean there are rumors that some characters (hello Captain Carter) that might join the MCU but on the whole it's meant to be a fun romp into new worlds. I like the idea of the Watcher narrating the whole thing and repeating the idea that branch timelines form through one small change. This week we followed Peggy in the what if scenario of what if she took the super soldier serum back in the 40s. I had a lot of fun cause obviously I'm always ready for more Peggy but tbh it was a slow start to what I think will be a fantastic show cause I think it mostly tread on the same story beats that Captain America: The First Avenger did. I did like the idea of Steve becoming the first Iron Man though cause of course building robot suits runs in the Stark blood! I can't wait to see what other crazy scenarios this show can cook up!

Titans Season 3 Episode 1, 2, & 3

Season 3 launched by releasing 3 episodes at once for some reason and it looks like this season is going to be The Red Hood arc mixed with Blackfire. I still think the show did nothing to show us that the Titans are a family especially after we spent almost all of season 2 fighting each other and now once again we're fighting each other and yet we keep being told by the characters that we are a family and it's like dudes you can't just keep saying the same thing over and over again and make the audience believe it. Having said that if you look past all that nonsense I do have to say that the writing this season is a lot tighter than I remember it being in previous ones. I can't actually believe that this show killed off Hawk but at the same time I can cause I'm sure the actor's like dudes I deserve better than this mess and the irony is that it was Dove herself that did it cause she not only physically pulled the trigger but also she refused to trust in the team. The more we see of her the more I dislike her and it's funny how unlike in most iterations of the Teen Titans it's Gar and Connor that I like most in this show though Dick's pretty close to being near the top despite what a hot mess he is. I do wonder who Jason is working for cause in the comics from what I remember it was Damian who tried to find a different prouder father figure and Jason worked alone. I'm sure that Bruce found out that Jason was alive and he probs watched Jason murder the Joker but took the blame in order to protect Jason. Either way I'm sure we've got a lot more craziness to go!

My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 19

We're back this week after taking last week off due to the movie which I haven't seen yet since I don't live in Japan! The work studies have wrapped up and now it feels like we're in January since the students talked about winter break and the new year. We're coming up on the kids moving from their first year to their second and honestly it's hilarious how much they went through in all this time. I still can't help but wonder if this mega exciting huge manga storyline will even take place this season cause I still think that there's not enough episodes left to really dig deep but I'm open to whatever cause this show hasn't let me down yet. As it turns out the shadow creature that we've been following from the League of Villains was actually Present Mic and Aiwaza's best friend who died and whose body was corrupted by All For One into what he is now. We also found out something about a hospital which is probs where Tomura will end up attacking after he's been experimented on enough. 

xoxo Allie

Saturday, August 14, 2021

What Dramas Did I Finish This Week?

Hello and welcome back! We had a few dramas come to an end this week and I thought I should talk about them! If you're interested in previous reviews, click here and if you want to see a list of my Favorite Asian OTPs and Ships, click here!


FINISHED Move To Heaven (10/10)
Geu Roo is a young autistic man. He works for his father’s business “Move To Heaven.” Their job is to arrange items left by deceased people. One day, Geu Roo's own father dies. Geu Roo is left alone, but his uncle Sang Koo suddenly appears in front of him. Sang Koo is a cold man. He was a martial artist who fought in underground matches. He went to prison because of what happened at his fight. Sang Koo now becomes Geu Roo’s guardian. They run “Move To Heaven” together.

So I know this is a drama that actually aired a little while ago but I finally got around to watching it so I thought I'd write down my thoughts. The thing is that though I had been super interested in this show when I first heard about it (high key I've been crushing on Lee Je Hoon recently) I kept putting it off cause I knew there wasn't going to be any romance in the show and I knew that it was totally going to make me cry. Having finished it at last it was exactly what I thought it was going to be. I cried and cried and cried especially during the back half and I definitely agree with all the hype this show has gotten. It really is a wonderful story about family and finding love and learning how to move past trauma. I liked seeing the way Sang Gu and Geu Ru learned to see each other as family and how they grew past their traumas. Their dynamic reminded me a lot of the one in It's Okay To Not Be Okay but a lot healthier cause Geu Ru was more independent than I expected. I mean yes he had his own problems but he also recognized them and had a fantastic support system. I do wonder if the show was setting up a second season at the end and if it was I wouldn't be against that. As a sidebar I loved Choi Soo Young's cameos and the way she made Sang Gu so flustered but also Lee Jae Wook for being the first in this show to tear my goddamn heart out of my chest. On the whole this show was a 9.5 / 10!
The Witch's Diner (8/8):
This series tells the stories of desperate people who come by to eat a magical dish with the hopes of having their personal wishes granted, even at the expense of their own souls.Jo Hee Ra has already lost count of the years that she has spent alive. She has a feeling, though, that she has already become older than any known human in history. She chose to turn into a sorceress after suffering a tragic fate in her twenties and is now co-running a mysterious restaurant with a woman named Jin.

This miniseries came to an end this week and truly guys I was surprised cause I didn't realize how short it really was. Like yeah I knew that it eight episodes from the start but I think I expected it to air like most web dramas once a week so I'd have it for about two months rather than the month that I did given that it realized two episodes a week. On the whole I started out really into this show and it's killer cast but I think as it went on it suffered from it's short length and writing issues. It clearly wanted to be Mystic Pop Up Bar and Hotel Del Luna but darker and though on the surface it did work, when you look closer you see that though it was fun to see the weekly cases they also took screen time away from Jin's backstory which was supposed the main meat of the story. Having said that I really liked the idea that these people would make a wish and get what they wanted the most only to lose something precious as well but I was disappointed in the fact that this was only the case cause Hee Ra was bitter cause when Jin took over she took the silliest little things from her customers and that kinda defeats the point for me cause I am pretty sure that if you make a selfish wish then you should actually suffer a bit too! I was also disappointed in the fact that there was no romance between Jin and Gil Yong either but I guess this isn't a jdrama so there wouldn't be a huge age gap romance. 8 / 10!


Crush (24/24):
Sang Wu Yan, a college senior, dreams of becoming a broadcaster. She works as an assistant at a radio station and likes a mysterious songwriter with the name "Yi Jin". She fell in love at first sight after a chance meeting with Su Nian Qin and later discovers that he is visually impaired. Layer by layer, Sang Wu Yan peels off Su Nian Qin's elusive, arrogant and indifferent shell due to his broken family. She then learns that he was in fact the talented 'Yi Jin'. Their interactions lead to a sweeping romance but the couple finds themselves in a tug of war between their hard-earned happiness and a fear of loss. Mounting pressure eventually leads to a breakup. Three years later, the two people who have gone down different paths meet again.

Truly guys I'm such a sucker for the broody blind person falls in love with the sunshine person in their life trope so much so that whenever there's a new story with this trope I jump right on board to watch! The first half was pretty amazing and practically jumped to the top of my favorite thing I was currently watching only to low key fall apart once Wu Yan and Nian Qin broke up. I didn't like how the whole thing went down and I didn't particularly like how they reconciled either but I mostly just brushed it aside as the type of drama cdramas enjoy. What sold this show was the chemistry between our leads cause even if the story followed all the milestones stories like these did I believed that the two were head over heels for one another. This was the first thing that Wu Yan's actor acted in and I have to say that I was totally stunned and fell hardcore in love with him and his acting and I'm saddened by the fact that he has nothing else in his filmography that I can watch. On the whole I'd give this show a 7.5 / 10!
FINISHED (8/8): Investigation into a series of strange cases leads police Zhao Xu Zhen to a mysterious website called "," which claims to be from the future. Customers can buy anything from the site, including future love, fame, or beauty. The product is non-refundable. And the price is unimaginable.

I'm not entirely sure why I decided to check this drama out other than the fact that I was in the mood to binge something and this one popped up on my recommended list and I'm so glad that I decided to check it out! This whole show is basically the Chinese version of Black Mirror with the concept of hey what if these people could access a website that allowed them to buy things from the future that would be exactly what they want while also giving them severe consequences to face. I really liked the horror and tragedy of this show and the way it balanced it with the police investigation that we're following. I enjoyed all the leads and I found it interesting the way every person was connected to Yong Xin which I suppose was a given in order to keep her around the other characters. I do wonder if this show plans to do a second season cause the season ended on a cliffhanger having given us no answers and many more questions. I feel like if anything this show did the Love Alarm and Arthdal Chronicles thing where Netflix chopped up one season into multiple cause what cdrama has ever released a show with less than at least 20 episodes?? Having said all that if there is a season two I will be super on board! I'd give this show a 10 / 10!
Iron Ladies (13/13): On the surface, the three successful professional women in their 30's have everything you can desire, love, career, money, family. Look behind the facades and you will see many personal challenges. Fear not, our three protagonists is a band of sisters who will fight for and protect each other. Will our Iron Ladies overcome the many challenges and find happiness or will they succumb to societal pressures?

As you can see this week I really was super motivated to watch a bunch of new shows and I ended up picking this one to binge as well mostly cause you all know that I'm a sucker for shows centered around a female group of friends and the romances in their lives. This one was actually one of the better ones that I've watched recently and I think that's cause I was just so into the main couple. I'm not usually that into noona romances cause personally I prefer my men to be older than me but I kinda loved that the show really gave us a romance with the tropes switched. Here it's Kaiting that's a badass in a company and who falls in love with someone who's still finding their way and it's her that does all the overpowering stuff like secretly spending money to make the life of their loved one easier even though their loved one doesn't want that. I thought the two had amazing chemistry and I loved the way that Su Can was literally a puppy! I do think that the problems that appeared with their relationship towards the end were solved way too quickly offscreen but I guess since this is a drama then I just have to trust that they really did live happily ever after. Lisha and David were super cute too and I'm always such a sucker for the playboy turns into an one-girl kind of man trope though I kinda wish that the two had fooled around with each other a little more before they became serious. I also loved the relationship between Lisha and her son and the bromance between David and Su Can! In terms of Qingqing though I do wish that she had left her husband earlier and found her own love but I'd like to headcanon that cute guy she met at the end will be who she ends up with. 9 / 10!
Litter To Glitter (30/30): Fang Tian Yi, the owner of the inn who loves to dream about making movies, Hu Yan Zu, a little known actor, and Yuan Zhi Jie, a freelance screenwriter with a strange brain, are three college roommates who dreams of making movies and open an inn next to the filming set, raising their own movie fund while working for the crew to hone their skills. However, both the operation of the inn and their film-making dreams are facing challenges. Meanwhile, Ye Xiao Xi, Fang Tian Zi and Lin An Qi, who also live in the inn, are struggling in pursuing their dreams too.

In case you didn't realize this show is actually a remake of the kdrama Eulachacha Waikiki which is a kdrama I've held close to my heart for how funny it is. I wanted to check out this cdrama adaptation cause though I was almost completely sure that I wouldn't enjoy the cdrama as much as the kdrama cause literally nothing in the kdrama needed to be changed to "fix it," I was still curious enough to see what changes it would make and how it would hold up. After having watched the whole show I'm exactly where I thought I would be. This was a fun show but I still prefer the kdrama. The charm of the original was in the fact of how zany it was without apology but the toned down mischief in the cdrama kinda took away from that. In every story I preferred the way the kdrama told it and all the cdrama original stories didn't work for me except for two which were the murder mystery party story and the one where Xiao Xi returned to her rich friends with Zhi Jie and An Qi. I guess this was the other change I liked in that Xiao Xi unlike Yoon Ah wasn't a bumbling idiot but a complete badass in everything she did. I do have to say though that even if I really liked the two actors playing Yan Zu and Tian Zi, the actors didn't have much chemistry so once again I preferred my original Joon Ki and Seo Jin who were my couple of the show. I guess I'd give this show a 8.5 / 10 and say if you did really like this show or if was the first time you experienced this story I'd recommend checking out the original kdrama!

xoxo Allie  

Saturday, August 7, 2021

What Dramas Did I Finish This Week?

Hello and welcome back! We had a few dramas come to an end this week and I thought I should talk about them! If you're interested in previous reviews, click here and if you want to see a list of my Favorite Asian OTPs and Ships, click here!


Monthly Magazine Home (16/16): Na Young Won is a successful senior editor at the hit monthly magazine Monthly House. Although her glittering journalistic career spans a decade, her home situation is not quite as idyllic as those she spends her time reporting on. In fact, she lives alone in a rented house and happily makes adjustments as she sees fit. But when the magazine’s CEO Yoo Ja Sung buys the house and becomes her fussy new landlord, she is in for a shock. Yoo Ja Sung proves to be a very difficult landlord to keep happy. He grew up in poverty, initially working in the construction industry, but determined to make his fortune through real estate investment. For him, buying the house Na Young Won lives in is little more than another financial transaction. But as the duo starts to get to know one another, their attitudes toward the real estate market – and one another – start to change. Suddenly, Na Young Won starts to ask herself if she would be better off buying her own house...or beginning on an unlikely romance with her firm’s CEO!

With this show coming to a close this week I guess I'm finally able to talk about how utterly disappointed I was with this show. When I first heard that Jung So Min and Kim Ji Suk were going to be starring in a show together I was so epically excited cause I adore both actors but the show did not live up to the hype. First and foremost I have to say that there was an old school vibe to this show. We had a poor as dirt female lead and a rich male lead who was a complete asshole and the two fell in love cause the female lead brought light to his dark life and the male lead fed the female lead crumbs of kindness which made her fall head over heels. As you can tell I really am not a fan of asshole male leads 99% of the time so I was posed to dislike this show from the start. We then continue on with Young Won literally having no purpose or character or plot development other than the romance. Like what happened to her wanting a house? Who cares now that she's dating! It also doesn't help that both of their breakups came from the stupidest things I've seen. The ensemble cast was fun enough and I enjoyed the secondary couple though I think their relationship developed too late and went from 0 to 100 in two weeks. On the whole I think this show is a 6 / 10 with nothing really of substance to it.


Crossroad Bistro (30/30): About five women who opened up a restaurant named Bei Zhe Nan Yuan in Beijing; and in the process they mature and attain love. As the biggest shareholder of their restaurant, You Shan Shan single-handedly brought her best girlfriends together. Bao Xue, an optimistic little-known actress, and Dai Xiao Yu who returned from overseas are cousins. Upon their reunion, they settle into a daily life filled with endless banter. The remaining two shareholders are not to be underestimated. Si Meng is a housewife while Feng Xi went to Beijing for the sake of love.

So the finale for this show aired this week and I do have to say the sudden pandemic insertion was very strange but other than that the show was beautifully written, acted, and directed. I absolutely adore stories where they're about a group of women who are best friends and then we follow their friendship and romances and though this one didn't beat Age Of Youth or Ode To Joy in terms of my love for it, I have fun with this one. As per usual I really only cared about one romance in the show and that was Bao Xue and Song Yang though there were points in which I enjoyed Feng Xi and He Nan too. Bao Xue was my favorite character of the bunch too though I was surprised with how much I ended up liking Xiao Yu who I expected to hate cause of her materialistic side. The show made me laugh and cry at different points and though I wished that we had been able to see Bao Xue and Song Yang get married (on screen please!) I liked where everyone ended up. I was surprised that the show stuck with keeping Xiao Yu and Liangzhou as friends to the end cause most shows would have had Xiao Yu realize the error in her ways in order to take him out of the friendzone but this show was like no sometimes there is no spark no matter how sweet a guy is. All in all I'd give this show a 8 / 10 and say it's worth a watch if you like slice of life shows centered around a girl group.

xoxo Allie 

Sunday, August 1, 2021

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 18

So it looks like we wrapped up this second arc that dealt with the Endeavor agency work study and I still don't entirely understand what everyone on the internet has been bitching about cause to me other than that one episode with the girls that randomly kept jumping to the beach I haven't noticed any major pacing or story problems! I mean yeah Class A v Class B wasn't my favorite but I enjoyed this Endeavor arc well enough and I'm curious to see if the rest of this season will show us whatever that big arc that all the manga fans are obsessed with or not since it seems like we have 7 episodes left. I mean is that enough time to really dig in and live in the darkness? Maybe? Either way I liked the attention we gave to Endeavor this week and how it has low key all been about him trying to figure out how to atone for his past sins rather than boosting the power of the kids. I also want to note that once again we saw Boost on the streets and I still am waiting for the arc that talks about it!

xoxo Allie