Hey guys! Sorry I've been gone for so long but I am a such a procrastinator.... Anywho, can I just say.... I have a problem. And that problem is The Mortal Instruments. I am sooooo freaking excited for the movie, I can't even explain. I swear it's like an addiction now. I've watched like all of the trailers: the US teaser trailer, the theatrical trailer, the international trailer, the UK trailer and even the German trailer. The German one is in German so if you do watch it, it's kind of hard to understand it. It also contains a LOT of spoiler scenes from the movie so if you don't want to be spoiled don't watch that one. I've also been on the TMI Hot Topic merchandise site and seriously want that 14 dollar TMI mug (to the left). The runes appear with heat! How cool is that?!
I like seriously cannot wait for the movie to come out but it's like two months away... Sigh. I don't even know what I'm going to do after I watch it... Probably go through withdrawals until the next one... or the final book, whichever comes first :D
That's pretty much all I had to say... I'm sorry but I just HAD to blog this... Maybe I've got it out of my system.... Haha no. I can't even keep a straight face while saying that! It comes out August 21, 2013! Hope you guys are excited for this movie but hopefully not like I am!
xoxo Allie
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