Friday, August 30, 2019

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and the amount of episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous lists, click here and if you want to see a list of my favorite asian OTPs and ships, click here!


Doctor John (24/32): In a refreshing take on the genre, “Doctor John” will portray the doctors’ search for the cause of their patients’ mysterious pain as a thrilling chase, almost like a detective hunting down the perpetrator behind an unsolved crime. Cha Yo Han is a genius anesthesiologist, who is also the youngest professor at his medical school. The brilliant doctor goes by the nickname “10 Seconds,” referring to his ability to figure out his patients in the 10 seconds that it takes for them to enter an examination room and walk to their seat. Kang Shi Young is a legendary anesthesiologist, who was always at the top of her class throughout medical school. The talented doctor inherited her skills from her cool-headed, rational mother, while she inherited her empathy, listening skills, and warm bedside manner from her father.

I have had up to here with this horrid nurse. She's a terrible villain and I'm so tired of seeing her on screen. At first I had been lumping Prosecutor Son with her but the more we get to know him, the more I see that he's nuanced and interesting as an antagonist while she's nothing but mustache twirling one-note villain. Look lady I get it you're pissed that your kid was murdered but stop taking all your anger out on someone who had nothing to do with that and get some therapy or something. I was super annoyed that she figured out everything from stitches without anesthesia and no sweat on a hot day cause like I know it's a drama but in real life no one takes small clues like that and is like well obviously he's got this disease especially since she's not a doctor herself. I will be so beyond pissed if this show doesn't end with her getting arrested or fired from her hospital cause the amount of terrible things she's done is crazy. I also have a feeling that Prosecutor Son and Yo Han will end up teaming up against the whole euthanasia drug cause Yo Han seems to be for euthanasia if it's a last resort cause he prefers to his patients to live. On another note, Yo Han and Shi Young were super cute this week and I loved how she was there for him through everything. I'm still waiting on a kiss but I loved the scene where they had to hide her cause the other residents from the hospital visited. I also hope that Shi Young's dad will wake up by the end of this show cause every time I see how much Shi Young and her sister love him, I want nothing more than for him to be okay. It's a drama! If the villains can magically guess what illness Yo Han has, why can't a coma patient wakeup when that's a miracle that happens in real life too??
Hotel de Luna (14/16): Jang Man Wol is the CEO of Hotel del Luna. The hotel is situated in downtown in Seoul and has a very old appearance. She made a big error many years ago and, because of this, she has been stuck at Hotel del Luna. She is beautiful, but she is fickle, suspicious and greedy. Goo Chan Sung worked as the youngest assistant manager ever at a multinational hotel corporation. He is a sincere perfectionist. He looks level-headed, but he actually has a soft disposition. Due to an unexpected case, he begins to work as a manager at Hotel del Luna. The hotel's clientele consists of ghosts.

The major chunk of these two episodes were focused on the idea of forgiveness and whether it's possible. Seo Hee had to face her 200 year old revenge and decide whether she wanted to force the pain she went through after losing a baby on another and in the end she decided that she couldn't do that to another person and honestly I was so proud cause I don't know if I would have made the same decision. We also learned a bit more about Hyun Joong and how the person who murdered him is pretending to be him and man was I pissed when I figured that out along with Yoo Na! Of course Hyun Joong is right in a way cause it's like he's dead so what does it matter that someone is pretending to be him cause when his sister dies, she'll find out the truth. I do wonder if fake Hyun Joong will try to kill Yoo Na in order to make sure that no one knows the truth though it would be totally weird if he did cause like he's at the end of his life anyway! Chung Myung and Man Wol's ability to forgive him were also a large focus of the episode and it was honestly super harsh of the Ma Go deities to make Man Wol think that Chan Sung was Chung Myung though I get the idea behind it. Part of me still feels so bad for Chung Myung cause though he was an asshole in the past (like dude sacrifice yourself for the women you love not everything your woman loves to save your ass), there's just something so romantic about how he was by her side for 1000 years watching over her and suffering right alongside her. Despite that I do also love Chan Sung and Man Wol so the other part of me is like don't leave him! I don't entirely understand what happened at the end though. Since one of the Ma Go deities planted some of Man Wol's flowers in Chan Sung's heart, does that mean that she and Hotel Del Luna will live until he dies? Cause that would defs be a way to give us a happy ending!
I Wanna Hear Your Song (16/32): A murder takes place. Hong Yi Young, who is a timpanist, does not remember what happened on the day of the murder. She is simple-minded and suffers from insomnia. Hong Yi Young looks for a job. She happens to meet Jang Yoon. He is bad at singing but is a pianist in an orchestra. To help with Hong Yi Young's insomnia, Jang Yoon calls her every night. They try to find the truth about the murder. Meanwhile, Nam Joo Wan is an orchestra conductor. He has charisma and showmanship. Ha Eun Joo is a violinist in the orchestra. She is arrogant.

Okay I'm starting to get a little impatient with the secrets in this show. Everyone and their mother knows that Yi Young did not kill Ian cause duh this is a kdrama not a jdrama and in kdramas, female leads are basically angels. I'm still going on the theory that she saw Ian get stabbed by that creepy guy under the orders of Professor Kang and she grabbed the knife to take it out and that's what those weird flashes show. She probs ran into the warehouse trying to get away from the creepy guy and lost her memory soon after. I'm a little annoyed that Yi Young didn't think that the creepy guy talking about higher ups was any sort of important clue and I'm praying that when Yoon wakes up that he'll remember that fact and look for clues from that angle. The fact that he's so focused on Yi Young and ignoring every other person in Ian's life is a little ridiculous but I have a feeling that the guy who's helping Yoon is actually there as a spy from Yoon's father to prevent him from knowing the actual truth. He should also be wondering why that creepy guy is so hellbent on hurting Yi Young cause if she was Ian's killer then she should on the same side as the creepy guy. I'm sure Yoon will be fine despite getting knocked out but I really hope that it's Yi Young who finds him. On another note I'm still low key loving how Yoon and Yi Young are so into each other but fighting it cause they think it's wrong. I still don't think Yi Young and Ian were dating but Ian probably had a crush on her cause what kind of girl doesn't tell any of her friends or family that she's dating someone? Even with Yoon, her orchestra friend knows that she's into someone though she doesn't know who so if Yi Young had been dating Ian, someone in her life would have known something!
Justice (28/32): Lee Tae Kyung is a star lawyer with the best win rate. He is able to win cases by using his sharp logic and intelligent speeches. He amasses power and wealth by dealing with clients who are part of the elite class. His cases are usually referred from Song Woo Yong who is the owner of a construction company. Lee Tae Kyung gets these high class criminals acquitted or at minimum receive probation. He first became a lawyer to get revenge for his younger sister, but has since become focused on money. He changes when he deals with a series of cases involving missing actresses. Meanwhile, Song Woo Yong has grown his construction company by funneling criminal cases involving wealthy people to Lee Tae Kyung. For his family, he desires even more power. He comes into conflict with Lee Tae Kyung over the cases involving missing actresses.

Wow I like super don't know what Woo Yong's plan is and I'm afraid for our crew! I was thinking for a while that we need to stop leaving things in Tae Kyung's office cause Dae Jin works there and no matter how righteous he is, at the end of the day most people will place their family above justice. I mean look at Yeon Ah! She's the most just prosecutor out there and even she was torn about her father being a part of the Namwon case. So of course Dae Jin stole that recording of Woo Yong and Tak being pointed to as the actual criminals and deleted it! It's making me worried cause that's obviously why Woo Yong let Tae Kyung out of prison cause he knows now that other than Young Mi's testimony, they have nothing pointing to him which worries me. It feels so much like our crew has no way to win cause even if they grab every person in power and find evidence, how do they know that a judge isn't going to be in Woo Yong or Tak's pocket like other cases? I'm so relieved though that Young Mi was saved and that she made it out okay cause I really did think she was going to die especially after we didn't find her last week but I'm still waiting on her reunion with Tae Kyung cause it was a lot of his tenacity that saved her and it's unfortunate that she woke up while he was in jail. I do have to admit that at the start of the week I was on such a high after Hyun Woo teamed up with us to help and it sucks that it ended up the way it did. The finale is going to air next week and I just can't imagine how the show will wrap everything up. I also high key need Tae Kyung and Yeon Ah to kiss but like I'll take a hug or even them acknowledging their feelings for one another!
FINISHED Love Alarm (8/8): A love triangle between a hardworking girl and two boys who like her is complicated by the release of a phone app that notifies you every time a person who likes you is within 10 meters

I really wanted to check this drama out cause Kim So Hyun was playing the female lead and the premise sounded super cute but I was busy last week so I couldn't check out this drama when it first aired which allowed me to hear all the hype around this drama and how much everyone loved it so when I could finally check it out, I went in all excited only to be super let down. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't the cliffhanger that bothered me cause I heard that the ending was left up in the air in case of a season 2 but the actual story. I fell head over heels for Jojo and Sun-Oh and I adored them from the first moment they were on screen but I feared that since they got together so early that the rest of the show would be full of misunderstandings and breakups and to my complete and utter disappointment that's exactly what happened. They had tons and tons of chemistry and I loved how they became a safe place for each other to rest since both were full of insecurities and childhood trauma. I also loved how in love they were and how they never wanted to part though part of me always felt like it was Sun-Oh who was more in love. It was the final three episodes that had me growling in annoyance cause like a part of me understands that Jojo was a kid but it was horrific watching her destroy Sun-Oh the way she did especially after she knew how his parents treated him but like okay I could let that go cause dramas always want a breakup and I could ignore the 4 year time jump cause again that's a beloved drama tope but it was the dating Hye-Young that really pissed me off. She didn't like him and I don't care if she thought Sun-Oh moved on or that she had no right to love him anymore, you do not date the brother or best friend of your ex! Other than that, every character in this drama was horrible from Jojo's supposed best friend to her cousin to Sun-Oh's mom who literally tried to kill him cause he annoyed her so much as a child. Overall I'd give this show a 7.5 / 10.
    Melo Is My Nature (6/16): Im Jin Joo, Lee Eun Jung, and Hwang Han Joo are best friends who are 30-years-old. Hwang Han Joo is the head of a marketing team for a drama production company. She is a single mother who struggles to balance her work and personal life as she is raising a kid. Im Jin Joo is a drama writer with a lot of emotional ups and downs. Her personality is unique, talking to a luxurious purse at times. Even though she is a drama writer, she tries to write her scripts in a literary style. Lee Eun Jung is a documentary director. She runs her own production company, although she's the only employee. One of her documentaries surprisingly becomes popular overnight.

    I regret that I didn't wait until this whole show aired to watch it cause I'm feeling the butterflies when there's a drama that I adore and I can't wait until the next set of episodes air! Can you believe that we watched a full episode of Jin Joo forcing Beom Soo to sit still in her living room? And it was intercut with Hwan Dong being jealous. I suck cause it isn't even SLS cause Hwan Dong is the ex but I just find him and Jin Joo so cute together especially in those flashbacks and I know they won't end up getting back together cause Beom Soo is the male lead but I just can't help it! I was also sitting there wondering why Jin Joo and Beom Soo were so confused about where to produce their drama when literally Eun Jung and Han Joo have ties to entertainment too so it's like call a friend! Han Joo is still so hilarious and deadpan about everything that it kills me. She's the only one who's story I can't tell how it's going to play out though I assume the documentary will take up the whole season though I'm thinking that maybe she'll fix her friendship with So Min and that So Min might end up helping Han Joo with her grief. I did have a thought though about Han Joo's hallucinations. Does she remember that he died or is she under the belief that he's actually really there? I also want to give a special shoutout to Eun Jung who's romance with Jae Hoon I definitely have to highlight cause they are basically the same person and it's precious. It's interesting that we're getting a male lead who struggles to leave a relationship that's not working anymore even though he's falling for someone else. At the same time I was LIVING for Eun Jung sticking it to all those sexist pigs who told her to act more cute in order to get them to do their damn jobs by acting so obnoxiously cute that she basically annoyed them into doing what she wanted. You do you girl.
    FINISHED Pinocchio (20/20): The idealistic Choi In Ha has her work cut out for her when she becomes a broadcast journalist, especially when she suffers from a condition known as “Pinocchio syndrome,” which makes her break out into hiccups whenever she tells a lie. Her rookie colleagues include Choi Dal Po, whose shabby appearance masks his true eloquence and sharp memory; Seo Bum Jo, a wealthy heir who has had everything handed to him in life; and Yoon Yoo Rae, whose fangirl knowledge comes in handy in covering the news. The 20-something newbie reporters pursue justice as they try to discover themselves in the process.

    Ugh you know me and my low key obsession for Lee Jong Suk's dramas cause though he's never been my type, his dramas are always so amazing and other than Romance Is A Bonus Book, I've never regretted watching one! This one had Park Shin Hye in it too so it was definitely on my watch list! I really had a lot of fun watching this drama and other than a bit of a rough start, I was so on board for everything. In Ha was fun and spunky and at first I found myself a little annoyed with her but it wasn't her fault cause she had no idea the struggles Dal Po went through so it wasn't fair to dislike her for what she said and did but as soon as she found out the truth, I was in love with her. I adored that she was so completely on Dal Po's side unlike in a lot of other dramas where she would want to take her mom's side and that even when Dal Po couldn't tell her everything, she trusted in him and trusted that he would never do anything to harm her. Of course Dal Po was a highlight of his own and the amount of times I almost cried because of him is uncountable. I loved his tenacity and his bromance with Cap Hwang and the relationship with his brother who was way too hot for this damn show and the role he was playing. I loved that he started out wanting to just support In Ha to the degree that he would work in the one field that he despised before it morphed into wanting to find the truth for his father. It was the best kind of revenge, the kind where you show your bullies that you can do well despite them. IGN was the best cinnamon roll of a company and I adored every single person in that company top to bottom whether they were comic relief or serious characters. I loved that the show started with Chief Song as the villain before morphing into Chairwoman Park just when the fight with Chief Song was getting stale. The show was so well written, well acted and honestly just well done! I'd give it a 9.5 / 10!
    The Great Show (2/16): Wie Dae Han is an ex-lawmaker and is a materialistic kind of politician. He wants to get elected as lawmaker again. One day, 18-year-old girl Da Jung comes to him. She tells him that he is her real father. Her mother raised four children, including Da Jung, alone, but she died in a hit-and-run accident. Da Jung is the only one now taking care of her 3 younger siblings. Wie Dae Han accepts Da Jung and her 3 younger siblings. He carries out “The Great Show” to become a lawmaker again.

    I really wasn't going to check this show out originally cause you all know my feelings about political dramas but I heard this one was more of a comedy so I figured why not try the first two episodes? After the first I was really close to dropping it cause it was just as terrible as I thought it would be but then the second episode came around and I found myself less annoyed for some reason. Maybe it's the fact that Dae Han is a good man despite acting like an asshole most of the time. Maybe it's cause I love that Dae Han and Soo Hyun are so cute together when I was expecting more of a deep hatred relationship from the start based on the stuff I heard about this show. Maybe it's the general cuteness of a guy having to suddenly take care of a bunch of kids. Either way I wasn't so bored and annoyed so I think I'll stick with this drama. I was actually really surprised that Dae Han wasn't actually Da Jung's biological father but that makes me wonder if her real dad will end up being someone important and I wonder why Da Jung thought it was Dae Han or if she knew it wasn't him but chose him cause she knew he couldn't turn them away. I think it's more of the first cause if she knew that he wasn't her dad then she wouldn't have taken the DNA test. I also wonder if Dae Han's friend faked the results cause this is a drama so I can't rule anything out! If it's that option, he's going to look like an even worse guy for abandoning his child cause despite what the truth is, the public likes to run with one idea like the fact that he lost an election just for not taking care of a father who abandoned him years and years ago and only came back to reap the benefits of a political son. If he's really and truly not the father though it'll only make him look better for taking in four children that have no relation!


      Love Better Than Immortality (36/40): A woman from the future arrives at a fantasy-like universe to experience love for the first time. She goes by the name Chun Hua and falls into a complicated romance with two young men who are opposites like black and white.

      Anyone else high key disappointed in Chun Hua? The first time she went out into the world after learning that Qiu Yue was her Mr Right and confirming that both love each other she allowed some random person to convince her that Qiu Yue doesn't love her and is just using her??? First of all, Wan Yu literally tried to murder Qiu Yue a few days ago so why in the world would she think that he's giving impartial advice? He's obviously looking to get revenge in the only way he can after losing his kungfu! Secondly, where was this doubt when she though Xiao Bai was her Mr Right? Despite proof over and over that maybe he wasn't as good as she thought, she refused to doubt him but just on conjecture she's over Qiu Yue? I hate that even more she showed their problems to random people especially one of the righteous track people! After literally everything she's learned over the course of her time in this world she still can't see who's got her best interests at heart? I wanted to smack her prideful face the entire time Qiu Yue was begging and pleading and trying to explain. What fantasy world is she living in if she thinks that Qiu Yue dropping everything and just living "well" will be enough to end the feud between the righteous and the evil? The righteous continuously do horrible things and then blame it on the evil ones. The first thing Xiao Bai said after he was healed was that it was time to destroy Quanyan Cavity! We also got some stuff with some poison called love entanglement and I'm not a 100% sure I understand what it does. I think Wan Yu gave it to Chun Hua so that if his plan of separating Qiu Yue and Chun Hua through words didn't work then the poison will slowly kill her cause I think the only way to stop the poison is for her to no longer love him.
      The King's Avatar (38/40): In the multiplayer online game Glory, Ye Xiu is well known as the textbook level expert and a top-tier player. Due to a series of circumstances he was forcefully expelled out of his professional team. After leaving the pro gaming scene he resides at an Internet Café employed as one of the managers. When Glory launches the tenth server he throws himself into the game once more equipped with ten years of gaming experience, memories of the past, and an incomplete self-made weapon. His journey back to the top begins.

      We're starting to near the end of this show with the finale airing next week and it's been a wild ride overall but this week we had so many heartwarming moments!! Even though in my heart of hearts I know that obviously Ye Xiu and Xing Xin are going to win (cause it's a drama duh) it doesn't stop me from being so anxious during every single competition. I also low key wish we would have gotten a set of rules at the top of the competition so we knew how things went! During the first game I had no idea how the point system worked until Xing Xin won at the end and during the competition this week I had no idea that winning teams are chosen by total kill points and not by winning brackets! I totally thought we were out from the competition for sure after losing once and it didn't help that everyone including Ye Xiu seemed to be giving up but I suppose it was all there just so we could have that cheer-worthy moment where all of Xing Xin came back to stand up on that stage with Ye Xiu. On the same note, does anyone know if we're in the finals against Jiashu or if we're just up against them first in the final bracket cause I'm assuming based on the fact that we're almost at the end that it is the finals but I feel like we haven't seen any of the other teams that we've gotten to know play and they deserve screen time too especially with how they completely saved Ye Xiu's career! We weren't even spared a moment to tell us that this team lost or this team won! They've all just vanished from the show's competition! Despite that I love love loved when all the other team captains stood up for Ye Xiu and how they looked at Jiashu's manager with such contempt cause they all know what went down in Jiashu despite Ye Xiu not uttering a word. I also loved when all the Xing Xin fans banded together to help Ye Xiu rebuild his umbrella cause if that wasn't the sweetest thing fans could do I don't know what is!


      FINISHED Honey (1/1): Kogure Nao is a shy and cute high school student. One day, Onise Taiga asks her "would you like to date with me on the promise that we will get married?" Nao is unable to turn down his proposal because she is scared of him. Taiga has red hair and piercing eyes. His appearance gives off the impression that he is a bad boy, but he is actually considerate to others and good at cooking. After getting to know Taiga, Nao begins to have feelings for him.

      Omg talk about a cute little movie! I knew going in that this was going to be a movie I adore cause there were so many tropes I adore from set in a school to bad boy falls for good girl. The male lead Taiga had this raspy voice that made him so sexy and I loved his red hair cause it's always fun when leads dye their hair and of course Nao was gorgeous and I loved how the setup was that she was scared by him only to realize that he was a really good guy. She was kind to him in the exact moment he felt like he had hit rock bottom and like I'm always so into female leads who do kind things like that for kindness's sake when in real life you should probs never give something to a stranger like that in fear of being murdered. This movie felt so different cause there really wasn't a love triangle so Nao figured out her feelings for Taiga almost like halfway in though it was clear to everyone around her that she was into him from the start. Unlike a lot of other jmovie couples, it was clear why these two were so in love with each other. She taught him how to be good and he taught her how to be strong. It was a little weird that Nao had a crush on her uncle but that disappeared quick enough so it was fine. It was even weirder though how he attacked Taiga when he first showed up. How could the uncle ask a high school kid will you protect your girlfriend more than her guardian? Like dude take a step back. It was a little sucky that we didn't get a kiss but their forehead touches honestly felt a little more romantic so I didn't mind entirely! I'd definitely give this movie a 9.5 / 10!
      I Don't Love You Yet (14/16): Mitari Yo is a career woman who works for a shoemaker. She finds her work rewarding and has successfully advanced in her career. But she keeps having her heartbroken and her romantic life has not gone very well lately. Ishida Ren works for a developer and is Yo’s best friend. An ex-classmate from both high school and university days, he understands her the best and is the only person she pours her heart out to. On Yo’s 29th birthday, the two friends place a wager to give 300,000 yen as a congratulatory gift to the one who is the first to get married by the last day they are 30. Although they declare that it is impossible for them to fall in love with each other, this wager, as well as advances by Ren’s junior in the company and Yo’s reunion with her ex-boyfriend Mizusawa Ryusei, lead to gradual changes in the relationship of the two best friends.

      I really do have a soft spot for jdramas but I rarely watch any other than jmovies cause jdramas tend to be really strange which you know isn't a bad thing but I just think that jdramas have the absolute cutest romances so that's what I prefer especially early 2000s jdramas. This one popped up on my drama feed though and it just looked and sounded so cute that I had to check it out! I have a soft spot for stories where friends become lovers and I don't mean the kdrama style where they're childhood friends and then are apart until they're 30 but like actual friends like in Fight For My Way or this drama. From the start I was super on board with this drama cause Yo was super feisty and passionate and Ren was just the sweetest angel. They were perfect together and it was insane to me that neither really realized how much they loved the other though as the show went on I was more and more certain that Ren had always known he loved Yo and it was Yo who was oblivious. Whenever she needed someone it was Ren she turned to and she was so jealous of Ren's girlfriend that I couldn't imagine that she wouldn't realize her feelings soon enough but unfortunately we're practically at the end and she is still fighting them. I started this drama so hopeful and excited but as episodes and episodes went on, I was drowning in the angst and just generally frustrated. The worst is that I can't even blame Yo for it all cause Ren refused to confess his feelings and waited until Ryusei the asshole came back to want to step up. What's the use of having loved someone for like 14 years if you can't speak up? This is literally second lead behavior and I'm disappointed! At least if he did confess and she rejected him then he won't have any regrets! I also really hated Ryusei who is extremely manipulative and selfish and just generally an asshole and I hated that Yo continues to bend over backwards to please him when he doesn't give a shit about her or what she wants. The finale will air next week and I know Yo and Ren will have to get together but I can't see how!
        FINISHED Waiting For Spring (1/1): Mitsuki cannot readily open her heart to anyone, but she is going to turn over a new leaf in high school and change that. But how can she get along with a good-looking group of four, especially with rumors at school about how they met? Although cautious at first, she gradually gets to know their true personalities. A story about good-looking men and the insanity of youth

        At this point you should all know that I have such a soft spot for jdramas set in school so like when I saw this movie pop up on my drama feed I had to watch it and while some jdrama movies are meh, this one was actually really sweet and super cute. It reminded me a lot of Daytime Shooting Star mixed with Buzzer Beat. Daytime Shooting Star cause this drama had a love triangle which I loved both sides and Buzzer Beat for the basketball obviously! When Mitsuki was with Towa, I was like yes please pick him but then when she was with Aya, I was like no wait pick him. It was a fun time and I hardcore didn't know until the very end which boy she would pick cause dramas definitely have a soft spot for childhood friends turned to lovers but at the same time Mitsuki seemed so happy around Towa. Man oh man when Aya's mom told Mitsuki all about how much Aya loved her and missed her when he was in America, I was balling like a baby and I felt so so bad for Aya. Despite that like I said, I thought Towa and Mitsuki were super cute too so I didn't mind that she picked him in the end though the reasoning behind why she fell for him was a little light. He was there for her and supported her but like so did Aya though I suppose it was just a matter of Mitsuki always thought of Aya as a boy so when she was able to fall in love, it was Towa that was there first. Mitsuki herself was a little closer to a doormat than I usually like in a female lead but she did have a backbone when it counted. I also adored her friendship with all the basketball guys and was actually surprised that Reina became a real friend cause I totally thought she'd be the evil second female lead. Overall I had a blast so I'd give this drama a 9.5 / 10!

        xoxo Allie

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