Saturday, August 3, 2019

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

Poldark Season 5 Episode 3

So much happened this week but it's honestly so relaxing to have our whole cast back in Cornwall. I honestly prefer the wide sweeping countryside to the packed quarters in London if I'm being truthful and not just cause I prefer the smaller problems that can be solved hands-on. It still drives me mad that the commonfolk always bite the hand that feeds them rather than the hand that's punishing them. I can't believe they blamed Ross and Demelza for first not allowing children into the mines when they know well and clear how dangerous it is and then blamed them again for George's mine collapsing. Like damn pick a side. They know that George and Ross don't get along so on what planet would Ross have any say in what happens at that mine? I still find it sad that in this world Elizabeth could pass Poldark lands and mine to George and that Geoffrey Charles has to suffer with whatever George can manage to pass on cause it seems strange that Poldark lands shouldn't pass to the eldest Poldark heir when their is on. Unless of course it does all belong to Geoffrey Charles and George is only holding it until Geoffrey Charles is of age. Cause like otherwise does Geoffrey Charles even have a trust fund? Is he dirt poor man with only a good aristocratic name? I'm on Dwight's side when he commented about Ned being a terrible influence on Ross and like I said last week though part of me wants George to stay mad so that he no longer can be a thorn in the side of Ross, part of me also hopes that Dwight can cure him and make George an ally rather than a foe. I was low key hoping and praying that Hanson would catch on to what's going on with George cause then he could just leave cause he's the worst.

Next week it looks like Ross will be attempting to buy George's mine for himself and though that's probably a good idea in the long term cause I think that mine is still doing better than Ross's is right now, it'll probably cost a fortune to buy and I don't think Ross has that money to spare. It also looks like Dwight will be attempting to help George but he somehow comes upon Ned making me think that George's mental condition will get out.

Young Justice Season 3 Episode 20

Honestly this felt like such a strange episode but the only reason for this was cause it was meant to be a quiet look at the lives of our characters outside of their crime fighting and though I didn't really feel a need to follow Harper who's a character I don't really care for, the rest was really interesting. I liked that we finally got around to Victor and his Father Box conundrum but even more hilarious was how easy it was to fix him. I don't know why I expected more tbh but even taking down Metron was fairly simple. I did love the awkward hop over to where Superman was fighting just so Connor could drop a bunch of weird things to Kal and then run away to Kal's confusion. I also thought it was sweet of Violet to go find Gabrielle's family to tell them what happened to Gabrielle but again I really thought that Violet running away would have been a longer storyline but it was super sweet how much Tara loves her. I kind of adore that Tara has found so much love with Gabrielle and Artemis and that it's them who will probably pull her away from Slade and not Garfield like in most other iterations cause I adore Garfield and Perdita and I didn't want Tara to get in the middle of that. The Kaldur stuff was the least impactful cause nothing really progressed with him other than how lucky that meta-teen girl was cause I would love to live in Atlantis! It was interesting to find out that Kaldur is dating Garth now cause not only is this new information that he's bi but it's also nice to pop in and see the personal lives of our core members again. Since they've been relegated to mentors and not the main team members like in season 1 and even season 2, we've only seen them in terms of leadership and missions. 20 episodes in and we finally just figured out why Orin stepped down as Aquaman (even if we all guessed this was probs why!)

The 100 Season 6 Episode 12

Wow Russell has hardcore lost his mind hasn't he? He's pretty much giving up on the whole Primes and ruling Sanctum and trying to be good now cause he's realized it's not going to work anymore so he's pretty much just focused on getting his family to safety though I really don't know what his longterm goal is. Russell and Simone are so screwed and they don't even know it. They've placed themselves up in space all alone thinking that three of them (two in fact) can win against the hundreds on the ship? And let's not pretend that Russell or Simone are anywhere as trained as Indra or any of the others but I suppose that's a problem for next week. It was totally insane that Abby was murdered this week and I can't believe it happened just a little after Kane was killed but I should have seen it coming after she made up with Raven and basically adopted her as a daughter too. It was probably even worse for Clarke who had to pretend like nothing was wrong while seeing that her mother was murdered. Murphy and Emori switched sides again and it's getting kind of ridiculous but with Russell exasperated with everything that's happening, they made it out alive. It was a little much for them to be so torn up about Abby dying though when they barely know Abby and in fact they're closer to Clarke but like not even Clarke dying got the tears Abby did! Also Gabriel is a moron and he had the perfect chance to kill Russell earlier but he hesitated like a coward and that's how we are where we are. 

The finale is next week and I'm hoping that Russell and Simone will be overpowered and have their mind drives destroyed. It would be great it they were killed too just to avoid any further problems but I suppose it'll depend on whether our crew is trying to be better or whatever. I also assume that back in Sanctum, the other Primes will have their mind drives destroyed too and then the rest of our crew from space can come down and live peacefully on the planet.

Astra Lost In Space Episode 5

This was the fanservice episode of the bunch and I figured that was the case as soon as we landed on a planet with a beach but I didn't mind it cause aside from the weirdness, since we had a planet with no problems, we were able to focus on other stuff like visiting the parents back on Earth and developing more personal relationships. Let's start with those back on Earth and how pretty much every parent except for Aires's mom seemed to be indifferent to the fact that their kids were missing. Normally in a situation like this were your kids are missing, parents would be emotional and desperate the way Aires's mom was instead of calm and rational like the rest were. It was totally obvious that they didn't care and it makes me wonder why. Is it possible that they all knew that their kids would be sacrificed? Was it planned and Aires was just a mistake? I feel like the kids should talk about their parents more cause it's definitely starting to feel like the reason these kids are up here isn't because of them but maybe their parents. Between them there's definitely a senator, a singer, two researchers and a vice principal and that's only a few. I also doubt that Ulgar is actually the traitor afterall cause I have a feeling that he just hates Luca's dad cause he seemed chill until Luca revealed who his dad was. It also just feels too early for the traitor to be revealed and on another note it Ulgar being the traitor just feels like low hanging fruit cause like oh wow the broody kid who doesn't want to make friends was the bad guy all along how original.

Krypton Season 2 Episode 8

OMG who called it episodes ago that there was no way that Lyta died??! I was totally fooled into believing that this show would kill off Seg's love interest cause they went so many episodes without a hint of her and now we find out that she's alive and that it was just a clone that was killed. I honestly have so many questions about this cause I didn't even know Krypton had cloning abilities but like they must and they must be fairly common since after Lyta explained it, no one questioned where a clone came from. Also I loved that it was a Black Mercy that was keeping Lyta trapped cause is it even a show about Kryptonians without one?? The most ironic thing was that it was Dru himself who ended up getting Lyta out cause his head science person did warn him that taking the Black Mercy toxin would ruin the effect the Black Mercy had on it's host and he was like whatever which allowed Lyta the chance she needed. Part of me is a little sad cause I was enjoying Seg and Nyssa as a team and now that Lyta is back the dynamic will change but Jor El is already born and named so there's no going back! It's gotten to the point where it feels like Nyssa and Lyta are sister-wives and really why not have a three-way poly relationship? I wish I understood the way this world viewed marriage and children better cause I know a binding is basically marriage but does the wife take the husband's name? Like if Lyta gets married to Seg will she be an El? Or does having a child through the bonding cortex mean that you're married? Like is Nyssa technically Seg's wife in the eyes of Krypton after Jor was born? 

Okay wow so maybe all my questions about Superman's lineage mean nothing now cause according to Adam, Kal-El doesn't exist anymore and honestly that makes sense cause Krypton has completely muddled up canon in order to tell it's own story. Dru has complete control over Doomsday and that's a nightmare of it's own tbh but he himself is only human so all they need is one clear shot and boom Dru is dead.

FINISHED Agents Of SHIELD Season 6 Episode 12 and Episode 13

What an insane season finale! I was worried that we had too much to deal with and not enough time especially when the Chronicoms returned cause I really thought they would be a season 7 problem and in a way they were. The writing was so incredibly well done that the season 6 to season 7 transition is going to be flawless and I'm already so excited for the final season of my favorite superhero show on tv. Once we found out that the sword Sarge had could kill Izel, things became much clearer because like I had said last week I had no idea how we would be able to win with Izel being so much stronger than our heroes. For a second I really thought that May had been killed and we were about to lose YoYo and Daisy's powers had no effect on Sarge but luckily May is a complete badass to the end and was able to kill Izel and Mack was able to take down Sarge. Of course the comedy was still on point cause I loved everything with Deke and Fitz and Simmons after they realized that Deke was stealing tech to build a company but it turned into a really sad moment when Deke revealed that he was lonely and isolated and hurt by everything that happened. I really believe if shit hadn't of hit the fan that this would be what would have gotten through to Fitz and I believe that it would have strengthened their relationship. I really wish I understood what was happening at the end of the episode but it looks like Jemma and Fitz have been time traveling of a sort and with Enoch's help they've become more high-tech and badass than before. We have our full team again now with a Monolith Flint and a Coulson LMD and I'm honestly super into this more than the idea that Sarge would have survived cause this is our Coulson who's mind is in this upgraded LMD. 

Next season should be the fight against the Chronicoms and I can't wait cause they'll definitely be a fantastic final villain with their high intelligence!

Fruits Basket (2019) Season 1 Episode 18

KISA! KISA! KISA! I've been waiting for this episode for what feels like forever and it's finally here! Kisa has been one of my favorite zodiacs since the first time I watched this show and she's still the most precious little angel. Kisa breaks my heart because I can't imagine being bullied the way she was and how much pain and torture she must have gone through. Of course if you're treated the way she was, you wouldn't want to talk anymore. It didn't help that Kisa's mom was one of the few that tried to reject their child though she clearly tried harder than Momiji's mom even before she was awoken by Tohru's sweetness. I'd like to imagine that she'd be much more accepting of her daughter now and with Kisa being able to stand strong and be brave enough not only to start speaking again but to return to school where all her bullies lay, Kisa would be able to love herself a little more and stand up for herself in the face of all those who oppose her. We also saw a bit more of young Yuki who went through a similar period of being unable to speak after everything that Akito put him through but like Kisa he's trying to be brave and do things that he would never like running for student council president. It's really interesting how the show is so heavily focused on Yuki this season when I feel like I don't remember the 2001 anime being so Yuki-centric but maybe that's cause they're saying the Kyo drama for next season? Either way it's a little sad cause Kyo's obviously my favorite and his reduced screen time is a little unfortunate.

I think we meet Ritsu next week and I remember hating that 2001 episode but this show has taken filler and made it more interesting so I'm keeping an open mind about when lesson Tohru might learn after seeing Ritsu and how his submissiveness actually harmed him.

xoxo Allie

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