Saturday, March 14, 2020

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

FINISHED Welcome To Demon School Iruma-Kun Episode 23

Ah well as I expected last week this series finale (or maybe season finale based on the cliffhanger we left on) didn't actually wrap up the whole story but just this arc of Iruma finally accepting that he likes living in the Netherworld and doesn't want to return to being a human on Earth. Having said that it was pretty nice seeing Iruma doing well at Babyls and how much he's loved by the others cause it totally reminds me of when he first showed up and was so terrified and shocked by everything he was experiencing. I died when he realized how much he was fitting in here in the Netherworld and tbh I really did expect him to at least talk to the Demon Border Patrol about wanting to stay here but maybe cause he doesn't go to search for him that it'll be obvious that Iruma doesn't want to leave? It was sweet of Azz and Clara to want to make food for Iruma thinking that he needed cheering up and Clara's family will never not be completely hilarious. I am a little disappointed that we never saw her father or why he was so important as to not get featured in the earlier episodes but the same goes for how we didn't get to see Iruma become the Demon King. The button at the end of the episode seemed to be more of a teaser for another season to come and it just makes me want to see it now!

ID: Invaded Episode 11

I am honestly so proud of myself for guessing everything correctly despite spending so much time being confused about what was happening in this show! We finally figured out who John Walker was through Hondoumachi's and Sakaido's detective work and it turned out to be the Chief like I guessed weeks ago. I do have to applaud the show though cause for a second I did wonder if it was Hondoumachi's ex-partner for grabbing the wrong cognition particles at Momoki's house but in the end he was a pawn like the others. I also guessed correctly that poor Kiki was being used as a battery of some sort for the Mizuhanome but I was wrong about her being the reason for cognition particles existing. They must have always been around but before Kiki there was no way to access or use them. I don't know if I entirely understood what was going on in terms of Hondoumachi figuring out the Chief's murder technique but it had to do with an obsession with the number 7 and playing God. To no one's surprise Sakaido as it turned out was also a victim of John Walker playing around in his mind and I guess that Kiki well inside Sakaido's ID well must be physical proof of John Walker having been rummaging around. I wonder if they went back into Fukada's ID well if they'd find a Kiki well now too. I'm also really curious to know how this show is going to end cause the finale is in two weeks and it honestly it might just feel too easy if we're able to arrest the Chief next week. I could see him grabbing Kiki and disappearing with everyone left to flounder now that they don't have the Mizuhanome anymore but that feels like too sad of an ending and poor Kiki!

Batwoman Season 1 Episode 14

I'm really not a Sophie and Kate shipper so I expected to be bored throughout a large chunk of this episode but honestly other than their parts, I ended up enjoying this episode a bunch! After finding out that Kate was Batwoman last week, Mary spent the episode basically hinting to Kate that she'd love to help her and I just wanted to give her the biggest hug cause she's adorable. I honestly would have just blurted it out at some point like I know who you are especially since both Batwoman and Kate came to her on two separate occasions to ask for help. Honestly though it even hurts me every time Mary is told that she and Kate aren't as close she believes they are and I wish that Kate would be better! Alice also struggled with what to do about Mouse's dad cause though she knows where he is and who he is, a part of her was reverting back to the child she was when she went through all that abuse but I was truly horrified to find out that he was pumping Mouse with fear toxin to really destroy his relationship with Alice! I know I'm supposed to dislike Mouse and Alice but half the time when I look at them I just see the kids they were. Sophie and Batwoman decided that dating would not be the best move but it did give Sophie the courage to come out to her mom and my heart broke for her when her mom told her that she was disappointed. It made me wish that Kate would interact more with her own father cause despite everything he loves her just the way she is and I feel like the show doesn't give him nearly enough to do! Why does Supergirl get all the sisterly moments and Flash the father/child ones?? 

Oooh it looks like the next episode is going to be full of Jacob and Kate moments like I was begging this show to give me! With Mouse being under the fear toxin it looks like he'll be attacking Alice and putting her under the fear toxin too so when Jacob and Kate rescue her, maybe she'll be a different person?

The Flash Season 6 Episode 14

My baby Wally was back but I'm heartbroken that it was only for one episode! I do always find it creative how the writers of this show write their own stories but add dashes of flavor from the comics especially in the case of Wally. I still think that he was waaay underused and though part of that I can't blame on the show cause it was Keiynan himself who wanted to leave to focus on his music, the other part of me thinks that the seasons that he was on, he wasn't used the way he should which is why it's funny to me that he's become this complete badass with an even better understanding of the Speed Force than Barry himself offscreen in a way to homage his comic book persona. I really like that he's able to meditate his consciousness and see futures and stuff and I even think the way he uses his powers is more unique than Barry's. It was interesting that he came back to talk to Barry about the Speed Force dying and that it did actually die in this episode but with Barry planning on remaking his own Speed Force, I wonder if he'll share it with Wally. More importantly I'm curious to know if that artificial Speed Force would replace the Speed Force in this show or whether we'll do with Caitlin and Cisco offered and figure out a way to remove the Spectre's energy from the Speed Force. Meanwhile Nash was taken over by Eobard and it was super strange cause now Eobard is like more murder happy than I've ever seen him cause despite how much he's wanted to kill Barry, I don't think I've ever heard him talk about slitting his throat like that. I still don't understand what's going on with the Wellses of the multiverse or why they're all here and hovering around Nash but hopefully we'll figure that out soon. In other news Kamila figured out that Mirror Iris is not real Iris but was shot with the Mirror Gun before she could say anything and seriously I've totally forgotten how it works! She's not like dead is she?? As a sidebar I loved that it was Wally to warn Joe about Iris being different cause with how emphatic and zen he is now, of course he would be able to sense something off.

For a second when Eobard mentioned his anti-Speed Force I had the thought that maybe at some point Barry would get so desperate that he might reach out and use it like Nora did but now it looks like he might go another villain route and use speed steroids like the Velocity mixtures in order to boost his speed which is going to be totally fun!

Legends Of Tomorrow Season 5 Episode 7

This was a much heavier episode than I expected to watch based on the promo but honestly that's such a good thing cause though a lot of the episode was funny, the whole father/daughter thing was super emotional! Damien Darkh was our Encore of the week and he arrived just as Ray was planning on proposing to Nora which caused her to freak out and try to show Damien the life she thought he would want for her with Constantine as her boyfriend and Sara and Ava as her henchwomen. It was absolutely hilarious and ended with Nora's charge Pippa wishing them all into a parody of Mr Roger's Neighborhood so that they could all talk out their feelings. Damien accepted Nora as who she was now and gave his blessings for Ray and Nora to get married which they did and ended up using the Hell Sword to kill himself and I seriously could not remember if the Sword sent you back to hell or destroyed your essence completely! Ava and Sara fought about how Sara had been offered a job offer in Star City from Wild Dog who I'm assuming is Rene as maybe his bodyguard or something cause last I checked there's only one Wild Dog I know and he was running for mayor in Star City now. Meanwhile Constantine was trying to get Charlie to help him with the Loom of Fate but she was really against it until Constantine brought up the idea that if her sisters got to it first they would use it again while if they did it, they'd save Astra and then he'd help her destroy it for good which she agreed to. In a completely separate storyline we found out that Mick actually had a daughter with that woman he slept with a few episodes back when he went to look for the person who was trolling Rebecca Silver with Zari only to freak out and wipe their memories of his arrival cause he thought that they were better off without him. 

Next week looks hilarious again and based on what I can gather it looks like maybe the girls decide to take a break or have a girls night with Mona joining in so the boys have to deal with something around Shakespeare's era and ruin his works so the girls have to go back and fix it! I'm super pumped cause I always love the episodes when the girls have to clean up after the boys!

Riverdale Season 4 Episode 16

I actually really really enjoyed this episode of Riverdale but you know I'm always a sucker for whodunnit stories and this episode was the closest we've ever gotten to a real murder mystery other than the first season with Jason. There's just something so fun about the reveal where the detectives get to sit the suspects down and go through what happened piece by piece! As it turned out the Baxter Brothers franchise was all about murder. In order to become the ghostwriter you needed to prove that you commit the perfect murder and while at first it was Moose who was brought to Stonewall to be the victim, eventually the target was shifted to Jughead which honestly was Stonewall's fatal flaw cause unlike Moose, Jughead is one of the most connected Riverdale kids. Donna as it turned out was the mastermind to no one's surprise but she did it cause it was her grandmother who was killed by Dupont in order to keep his secret about the Baxter Brothers a secret. Jughead was meant to be bait in order for Dupont to get his grandfather who was the last of the four who knew his secret but he didn't know that Jughead's grandfather would run after seeing Jughead rather than come out of hiding to help. In the end it was all very bittersweet cause not much changed. I mean Bret ended up handing back the sex tapes he filmed and possibly going to jail, Dupont is dead, Joan is fleeing the country, and Donna is free though she was blackmailed into not becoming the next Ghostwriter. It sucks though cause are we supposed to believe that Jughead lost his spot at Yale cause at the end it seems like he couldn't even graduate can he has to transfer back to Riverdale High? I mean I'd assume with Bret going to jail that Jughead would get his spot if Betty got his. 

Though we've got 6 episodes left to go for this season, it seems like Riverdale is taking a break for a month. The next episode we'll get is on April 15th and it will be the musical episode which kinda sucks but it's also super weird cause it feels like we've wrapped up our story so what's left but maybe Chic and Charles?

The Magicians Season 5 Episode 9

This show is getting crazier and crazier and I'm so so down! While Julia and Eliot are locked up, Julia finds out that because the baby's father is Penny 23 that he's a traveler and a psychic just like Penny was so when she was freaking out the baby was able to help her read minds so she and Eliot are able to get out of jail through the help of Julia traveling with the baby's help. Meanwhile we found out that the signal that was hurting Penny 23 and Plum was actually from another time traveler who basically was pissed that Plum became a time traveler and wanted to protect the timeline so he basically forced Plum to come here so that he could strip her of her powers. Penny 23 and Plum held strong at first but in the end she cracked and decided to get her time traveler powers stripped so that they could leave which sucks but at least she gets to keep her traveling power unlike poor Penny 23. Over in Fillory Rupert found Josh and sent him to the Taker world after which he ended up in the Underworld with Penny 40. As we learned the Takers are actually guard dogs for the Underworld to keep the dead from returning to the real world and from what Hades said if someone is able to get past all the Takers and tries to get someone back from the Underworld then the dead will overrun everywhere. I'm assuming that based on what we've seen that Rupert figured out a way to bring the Takers to Fillory and there he's been killing them one by one so that eventually all the Takers will be dead so he can waltz to the doorway and save Lance. 

Next week is all about the Gods again or so it seems. It looks like we run into either Ember or Umber (I can never tell them apart tbh) but they were both killed so either we find the Underworld for the Gods or it's some sort of time travel or vision thing. I'm also high key excited to see how Penny reacts to Julia cause I love them and while he thought that he was stuck for months, he was only gone for what probs amounts to a few days and this is a pretty big change!

xoxo Allie

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