ID: Invaded Episode 12
What an insane penultimate episode! Like I thought last week, there was no way the Chief would be arrested quietly and I was really curious about what his plan would be but it seems like he had somehow hoped to be the best brilliant detective in the world by making the whole police building a Mizuhanome. I assume that he would lead the charge with his ability to move through any id well that he wants with how connected he's been to Kiki's mind but I'm not entirely sure how that would work. Can he jump into the wells of people not in this building or do they need to bring the criminals here? The first option would make sense in terms of his convictions about having a sense of justice cause then he could find every serial killer in the world and stop them before they even do anything. I'm also really confused about why Kiki is helping him. Is she so far gone that she really has no brain of her own? I did think it was super creative to have the fight be in the id wells with Hondoumachi and Sakaido leading the charge but also to have Momoki and Hondoumachi's ex partner work to stop Kiki. I wonder if Sakaido and Hondoumachi would be able to find the other cops cause if Fukada could hop around wells with them while he was just himself then they could too right? Speaking of Fukada, anyone else low key love the strange relationship between Hondoumachi and Fukada? I keep getting these odd romantic tones between them but maybe that's just the shipper in me cause it would be damn weird if the serial killer who tried to kill Hondoumachi ended up being the man she loved in the end. I do think however that we're supposed to see that they're two sides of the same coin and I do love that.
Batwoman Season 1 Episode 15
Watching this episode of Batwoman I was stunned with how good it was. I mean when I think back to how cheesy and strange the first few episodes of this show were and even what insanity Supergirl is right now, I'm honestly so proud of this show for what it has become. It's just as dark as I would have expected a live-action Batman show to be and though I still wish that more of the Batman universe was evident in this show, I do adore the writing and where this show is going. I mean Kate really killed someone this week and though it was accidental and partially his fault too for having cut his own throat, it's going to haunt her for a while. I can't imagine that this will do anything more than push Kate into Alice's arms but I do hope that Jacob doesn't turn on Kate cause he himself was ready to kill August when he found him cause Kate needs the support from him. It was interesting paralleling how Kate and Alice both committed their first murders after finding out what the Cartwright family did to their mother but it really just strengthens how insane that family was. I keep hoping that something will snap Alice back to who she was before all this or hoping that something that Kate or Jacob do will make her want to be better but maybe it's too early in the season for that cause if that would happen it would be a season finale type moment. I did enjoy Jacob and Kate working together though cause it's something I really wanted from this show and we're also clearly moving forward in the Mary and Luke relationship which I'm loving how much of a slow burn it is and that we're not going from 0 to 100.
Next week's promo looks crazy in that Alice wants to break Mouse out of Arkham and she not only asks Kate for help but Kate agrees and I'm like well I guess Kate's going to be going on a downward spiral.
The Flash Season 6 Episode 15
I don't know if this week's episode was truly as emotional as it was or if I was in a sad mood after watching Batwoman just before this but either way I teared up multiple times during this episode. As it turned out we still have no idea why Eobard is considered to be a Wells and is latching onto Nash like the other multiverse of Wells or why only the Wells of the multiverse are combining and not any other doppelgängers. Ironically the characters themselves brought this up only to be like you know what who really cares about the why. He was planning on taking over Nash's body through Nash's pain but after Nash finally confronted what happened with Maya and how she died, he was able to dispel Eobard from his body though Eobard is still not actually dead. With the idea that he's now searching the world for a new body to enter, I have a feeling that a future season will have Eobard return as the Big Bad only in a different body so Team Flash will have no idea what's happening until it's too late. I do wish though that if we had to have picked one Wells to live on, it would have been Harry and with the multiverse collapsing, it feels like we'll permanently have Nash which low key sucks. In other news every week I get more and more exasperated with Eva cause I just want to know what her evil plan is! I do have a feeling that it has something to do with hurting her husband cause I'm sure she's furious that he gave up on her but if that's the case then why does she need to trap our heroes and replace their bodies? She should know that they want to take him down too and it's like the enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that! It's also super annoying that people aren't picking up that Mirror Iris is not Iris which really should make Iris feel terribly cause it's like the people that love her the most can't tell that something's not right!
We're taking a few weeks off so the next episode of Flash will be airing on April 21st which is the struggle cause the promo looks pretty good. It seems like Barry is running out of speed and Mirror Iris was told to drain the rest but I have a feeling that even if Barry does run out that he'll be able to build his own Speed Force by the end of the episode.
Legends Of Tomorrow Season 5 Episode 8
This was a bittersweet episode of Legends cause despite how hilarious it was, it was also the last episode that would have Ray and Nora in it. The Legends went to Shakespearean London in order to find the first piece of the Loom Of Fate which ironically are in the form of rings and I'm hardcore starting to worry that the Loom is going to be as big of a Mcguffin as the Spear Of Destiny was. I also have a feeling that the demon that Astra is working with will end up being one of the Fates cause not only did she seem to be a little too interested in what Constantine was working on but in Greek mythology the Fates are usually found in the Underworld and with Charlie having come from Hell last season, I can see the other Fates being down there. From a meta standpoint, it'll also be more impactful if the Fates are people we already met. Beyond that the main thrust of the episode had to do with Ray and Nora deciding that they wanted to start their new lives off of the Waverider and Ray's inability to tell Nate that he was leaving cause it was too hard. It was totally hilarious that the show decided to mirror Ray and Nate's final goodbyes back to back with Zari and Constantine acting out Romeo and Juliet but it was also totally sad to see how distraught the guys were. I do think this was a lovely sendoff for Ray despite all the behind-the-scenes stuff cause at least we know that Ray will be living happily ever after unlike so many of the other cast members we lost over the seasons. Mick was also struggling with the idea of having a daughter but I think with Mona telling him that she was better off after having met him that he'll go back and try to reach out again. Also as a sidebar I totally want to shout out Zari and Constantine for totally getting into their acting during the play cause for a whole minute there I was like wait do these two have more chemistry than Nate and Zari?
The next episode of Legends will be airing on April 21st which super sucks cause Legends has already finished filming this season so we shouldn't be getting a break like the other Arrowverse shows! The promo wasn't very helpful though cause it seemed to be a mashup of the rest of the season rather than the next episode but the title seems to suggest that it'll be a Zari episode which you all know that I'm super down for!
The Magicians Season 5 Episode 11
With this being the 3rd to last episode of this show, it seems we're in the endgame now! I'm still high key heartbroken that this show had to come to an end cause there's nothing else on tv like this right now (though Legends makes me just as happy with it's kookiness.) I'm also still a little worried that with the cancellation order coming after this season was already done that the final episode might end on a cliffhanger but that's a problem for another day. We were back on Earth this week with everyone deciding that the only way to stop Rupert and the Takers would be to move all of the Fillorians onto one of Umber's miniature pocket dimensions and destroy Fillory after which they use the World Seed to create a new Fillory. Fen was really against this and low key I think it's a ridiculous plan too but after watching our crew literally move the moon, I have faith that this might actually happen! The most interesting part in all this was that the Questing Pig that visited Julia revealed to us that we were the Apocalypse after all so in a way him showing up to warn of the end was what led to it in a very Greek tragedy sort of way. Hymen came back to life, Margo and Josh are together again, and we found out that Marina was after the World Seed too so she ended up helping Alice and Kady get the heist book she made to steal from the Couple. What's worse is that the Couple got Dean Fogg from the other timeline to help them steal the magic casting dials so now they have everything they need to use the World Seed. It does suck that we don't know what the Couple wants cause it's like what are the chances that we can go to them and be like can you make a new Fillory instead of whatever planet you want to make? I do have to admit that my favorite scene in the whole episode was definitely the one with Penny 23 and Julia when he told her the story of how his mother lost her mind because of him being born with magic and how scared he was that Julia would end up the same way. It was absolutely heartbreaking and I ship these two so hard!
As I mentioned next week is the penultimate episode and it looks like it'll not only be the heist which are always great but it'll also be the musical episode which is even more awesome!!
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