Saturday, June 27, 2020

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 12

Talk about unexpected! When I heard that this week's episode would actually be focusing outside of our main cast I was worried that I would be uninterested in the story but I really should know better cause this is Fruits Basket after all! I was never all that interested in Hatori's backstory either of the times I heard it whether it was in the 2001 version or season 1 of this version but somehow hearing it again but from Mayu's point of view was low key fascinating. Mayu is Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki's current homeroom teacher and Kana's best friend and Shigure's ex though from what we see this week, she and Shigure weren't entirely dating for real. The more important thing to note is that she also was in love with Hatori for a while which she never acted on cause he was with Kana and honestly the way she went about the whole thing was just so sweet. She never once (even now) expected Hatori to love her back. All she wanted was for him to be happy whether that was with Kana or someone else entirely. What's funny for me is that she really just highlighted the fact that the Sohmas all fall for the same type of person, the kind of person who pities them and wants happiness for them. Between Tohru, Uo, and now Mayu, it's clear that the Sohmas who have had nothing but Akito's fake love yearn for kindness and true love. It's also interesting to note that the woman that Hatori was walking with a few weeks back wasn't actually his girlfriend but Hiro's mom who was getting a check up and must have found out she was pregnant at that time.

Stargirl Season 1 Episode 6

This was a super fun episode and every week I'm just honestly so impressed with this show cause I originally was expecting to watch a show that was a mix between Titans and Supergirl with cheesy writing and over-the-top messages but this show has heart and I can't help but wonder why of all the shows on the DC Universe app it's literally only Titans that has a hot mess of a writing staff since every other show is good! I kind of adore how much Courtney respects and looks up to Pat now compared to how she disliked him at the start of the show cause it clearly hurt her to have Pat disappointed in her and she did try to listen to him when he told her to get the JSA costumes back from the others though of course the other kids didn't want to listen. I'm still iffy about Beth but I adore our team so far and I low key loved how Courtney got a taste of her own medicine when the others refused to listen to her and dove into fights not knowing what the stakes were. I did wonder if the show was going to brush off the fact that none of these kids should really have held their own in a fight against the ISA so I'm glad that Pat said that they'll need training. I suppose between Courtney's gymnastic skills, Yolanda's boxing training, and Rick's general bad boy fighting that they've got a good starting point. As a sidebar if you're counting, week 6 and I still don't know what the ISA's big plan is. We've now stolen satellite tech and some codes from a communications company but then what?

FINISHED Tower Of God Episode 13

Though this episode was the finale for the season, it was also a flashback episode in which we finally saw why Rachel is the way that she is and what she had been through since she and Bam parted ways. I'm not sure if it was meant to make us sympathize with her or not but either way it really just made me despise Rachel more. Her problems is that she's an insecure whiny child who was jealous of how Bam was able to make friends and shine in this Tower rather than suffering quietly like she did in the background and this sort of character always drives me crazy cause it's like it's not that the other person is greater, it's that you're too dark inside. The Tower guardian himself told you that cruelty is leaking from your every pore. The worst thing about all this is that she managed to convince everyone but Khun (he's the best boy after all) that Bam was killed by the bull and that they should help her climb the Tower to honor Bam when it's like she could barely care less about him. As a sidebar, are we supposed to believe that the test allowed them to jump to the top of the Tower or that it was just a test to allow Rachel to continue climbing despite her fake injury? I'm also still unclear about what the Tower wants with Bam cause as we see now it meant to bring Bam and not Rachel making him a Regular not an Irregular. Yu wants something from Bam too with how he sent Hwaryun to test him separately and at the end we see her approach Bam and say that she'll train him so that he can climb the Tower. Maybe they're all hoping that Bam can defeat the previous King of Jahad and make himself the new one? Either way when the next season of this show comes out, I'll be right back here!

Agents Of SHIELD Season 7 Episode 5

This week's episode was low on humor, high on stakes and all in all totally insane!! For the first time this season, it finally started to feel like our SHIELD agents might be a little over their heads! The Chronicoms have always been kind of a hard sell for this show to make in order to convince us that they're really as bad as the characters on this show say they are but this week it was pretty clear where their strengths lie! Because they can't age, the Chronicoms could stay in the past and help Hydra speed up their evil plans by building Project Insight in the 70s rather than during Captain America: Winter Soldier but more importantly their seer can basically predict every move SHIELD will make before they make it. I can't see how our team can win unless we get to their ship and blow everything up thus killing most of the Chronicoms so that even if their minds are stored elsewhere, the ship computer will be destroyed too. In other news I'm almost fairly certain now that the Jemma we've been traveling around with is a LMD but unlike Coulson, she doesn't know she's an LMD which begs the question: where are the real Fitz and Simmons? Did they somehow fall into the past and spent a lifetime trying to figure out time travel only to be too old to use it for themselves? If that was the case, why not have a Fitz LMD too? 

Next week's promo shows us that our team is going to officially be attacking the Chronicoms rather than playing defense. It is too early in the season for a win though so I can't see things going well.

FINISHED Harley Quinn Season 2 Episode 13

So this was the finale for season 2 and a possible finale for this show in general though low key I doubt that since I've heard nothing but positive reviews for this show so DC would be crazy to cancel it. Ivy and Kiteman's wedding was on but of course it couldn't go down cause Ivy and Harley belong together so Jim decided it would be totally heroic and awesome if he crashed their wedding and arrested all the supervillains who were attending. Harley found out from Two-Face that this was happening so she tried to stop Jim but actually just made herself look desperate in front of everyone else so in the end the wedding was ruined and Kiteman let Ivy go cause he could see that Ivy didn't actually want to marry him but was scared to leave cause her future with Harley was even more nebulous. I wasn't the hugest fan of this finale tbh cause it wasn't funny or dramatic but then again it's hard to compete with season 1's finale!

xoxo Allie

Friday, June 26, 2020

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and the amount of episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous reviews, click here and if you want to see a list of my Favorite Asian OTPs and Ships, click here!


Backstreet Rookie (2/16): Jung Saet Byul is a 22-year-old four-dimensional girl with amazing fighting skills who loves her friends, family, and retro fashion. She has the boys lined up but only has one person who keeps her distracted, Choi Dae Hyun. He became imprinted on her as an unforgettable person after a cigarette errand three years ago. Three years later, Jung Saet Byul meets Choi Dae Hyun again at his convenience store that he now manages and becomes a part-time worker. Here, Saet Byul and Dae Hyun’s love story begins as they heal the wounds of the heart, gain love, and become adults dreaming of the future. Their stories unfold into a pleasant comedy within the familiar sensibility of a convenience store.

Well this show had a ton of terrible press before it began and a part of me totally understood why but then the rest of me was high key fascinated by the idea that the main couple in this show are normal people and not world famous or chaebols and you know how much I love shows like that. After watching these first two episodes, I totally understand the backlash it got cause man oh man was it definitely creepy that the female lead was in high school when she kissed the clearly adult male lead but most of the show is taking place after she's grown up so I can't help but wonder why the show bothered to have that strange kiss at all cause so much backlash would have gone away if it wasn't there. Having said that, I have to admit the age gap is still freaking me out a little cause 22 is just a baby compared to 32 but unlike a lot of other age gap dramas, a major problem in this one is the way the show is sexualizing Saet Byul. It also doesn't help that Dae Hyun's friend is not only super creepy but is low key a caricature with the dreads and the fact that he was pulling flies out of his hair as if black people have dirty hair and seriously with everything that's going on in the real world right now, why would anyone think this is okay? Despite all this I can't help but see this show as the wreck that it is and like a car crash I don't know if I can look away!
Dinner Mate (20/32): This drama is about a young woman going through a rough breakup with a longtime boyfriend she’s still in love with, and a man who has had a painful first love. They both meet unexpectedly in Jeju and continue their acquaintance in Seoul as well. Life has its way of bringing them together as they find themselves meeting at unexpected situations. Both have a common love for food and will cherish eating together and trying new cuisines.

Last week I thought that everyone who was complaining about the amount of screen time the exes got was a little exaggerated but this week I can't help but agree with them. Not only am I not the hugest fan of stories where exes get back together (cause duh an ex is an ex for a reason) but it's made even worse when the exes are straight up bat shit insane! I don't even know who's worse: No Eul who can't read the damn room or Jae Hyuk who's obsessed and ready to commit murder to get what he wants. I despised watching No Eul pretend like spending time with Hae Kyung's mom would endear him to her cause it's like seriously he's got the most fraught relationship with her so what makes her think that's the way to go but seeing Jae Hyuk stalk Do Hee and be violent and terrifying was worse. He straight up frightens me and I'm a little freaked out that Do Hee never realized how sketch he was in the 8 years they dated. We also found out this week that Jae Hyuk was actually one of Keanu's patients and that he had a severe obsessive disorder that he focused on Do Hee and I'm guessing the reason he vanished was cause he was hospitalized. Having said all that I did like that Do Hee and Hae Kyung finally got together this week but it was overshadowed with the ex drama and I'm just really hoping that going forward that we can dial them all back.
It's Okay To Not Be Okay (2/16): The story of a community health worker at a psychiatric ward who lives on 1.8 million won (approximately $1,520) a month and a storybook writer suffering from an antisocial personality disorder. A man who denies love and a woman who doesn’t know love defy fate and fall in love, finding their souls and identities in the process. Moon Kang Tae is a community health worker at a psychiatric ward who was blessed with everything including a great body, smarts, ability to sympathize with others, patience, ability to react quickly, stamina, and more. Meanwhile, Ko Moon Young is a popular writer of children’s literature, but she is extremely selfish, arrogant, and rude.

There are some shows out there that take a few episodes to hook you but there are others that have you from the moment it begins and this drama is without a doubt firmly in the second category. I mean seriously it could have straight up won me over with just it's absolutely stunning cinematography and creative opening but then it threw in fantastic actors and a mysterious plot and I could not look away. Honestly I had no idea what I was getting into when I started this show other than the fact that I adored the main leads in other shows and I still really don't know what this show is supposed to be but I am mesmerized anyway. For a second it reminded me of Soul Mechanic/Fix You in that Moon Young was suffering from a personality disorder and I wondered if Kang Tae would be the nurse to her patient but then the show shifted gears by giving us a childhood backstory for our leads that fit with the story we heard at the start of the drama. It seems like Moon Young was severely abused as a child whether that was emotional (from her mom who called her a monster) or physical (like her dad who tried to kill her) and that at some point Kang Tae fell in love with her but then he was scared off because of her antisocial tendencies. In the meantime Kang Tae's mom was murdered and Sang Tae claimed it was a butterfly who did it and that this person claimed that they would kill him too if he talked about what happened. Since the murderer is obviously not a real butterfly, I'm sure it was someone wearing a butterfly on their clothes and I have a feeling it would be Moon Young's mom cause that's the way dramas like to play.
FINISHED Mystic Pop Up Bar (12/12): “Mystic Pop-Up Bar” is based on a popular webtoon of the same name and tells the story of a mysterious pojangmacha (outdoor drinking establishment) run by a prickly woman and an innocent part-timer who visit customers in their dreams to help resolve their problems.

Wow I did not expect this show to make me cry so hard during this finale and I suppose just in that regard that made this show better than Hotel Del Luna in the end! I'm honestly such a sucker for doomed romances and lovers finding each other again in another life so Weol Joo and Gwi's whole love story really broke my heart but more than that I was so into Kang Bae being their son. I loved how they broke down when they realized that he was their son and just how good he was despite everything he had been through and how he didn't love them any less even after finding out that they were the cause of his suffering. I am also glad that for once the Afterlife bosses were fair and saw that Gwi and Weol Joo made up for their so called sins and neither sent them to Hell or punished them and gave them the chance to stay with Kang Bae like they wanted. The only thing I could have wished for was a more clear resolution on Weol Joo and Gwi and where they stood. I know she forgave him for what happened and they were clearly happy to see each other at the end but with no kiss, are we supposed to believe they're just friends now or still in love? Overall I'd give this show a 8 / 10!
My Unfamiliar Family (8/16): Is blood thicker than water? Kim Eun Hee, is about to find out. She is the middle child in a family that is slowly starting to drift apart. Her older sister is a former patent attorney, and her younger brother is a sensitive soul. And although her father is hard-working, he is often distant – an attitude that has her mother poised to begin a new chapter in her life. While she pines for intimacy, Kim Eun Hee keeps her feelings hidden from her family. Instead, she prefers to confide in her close male college friend Park Chan Hyuk – a man who has become more like a brother to her than any of her real siblings. And it is to him that she turns for love advice as she looks to return to the dating scene after a long absence. But what happens when events take a turn? Could the family pull together in time to weather the storm? And when the going gets tough, will it be Kim Eun Hee’s family or her friends who step up to the plate?

We're about halfway through this drama now and I can't believe there's so much story left cause it feels like the show is both flying through material and dragging it's feet!! On the one hand it's crazy that the dad has gotten his memories back but on the other we're still mulling around with Eun Hee and Geon Joo! I'm so tired of Eun Hee constantly acting like the victim in this cheating thing cause she's really not. She decided with a clear mind that she wanted to be the other woman and now she's horrified cause his girlfriend is judging her and in the way? Oh please. The more important thing is the reveal that both Eun Hee and Chan Hyuk liked each other 9 years ago and like each other again now but are hiding it cause they think the other doesn't feel the same way. I kinda just want to knock their heads together and make them confess. It was really uncomfortable when Ji Woo came all the way to Eun Hee's apartment just to warn her off cause it's like really none of his business what happens between the two. Over with Eun Joo, I keep going back and forth in terms of whether I want her to make Tae Hyung suffer or not cause it's like part of me pities him but the rest of me is furious that he knew that he was gay from the start of their marriage and used her as a beard on purpose especially when his mom comes in and is all condescending. How dare the mom claim that her poor baby son shouldn't pay Eun Joo alimony or that she doesn't deserve the apartment that they live in? It was extra annoying cause Eun Joo sat their quietly and listened to it all when she has no problem biting everyone else's heads off.
Oh My Baby (14/16): Aged 39, Jang Ha Ri is the ultimate workaholic. She hasn’t even had a boyfriend in the past decade, long ago decided to forget about looking for love, and instead has thrown her energy into her career. However, as she works as a senior reporter for a parenting magazine named “The Baby,” she is constantly reminded of the one thing she wants most in life – to have a baby of her own. She decides to cut to the chase and try for a baby but wants to skip one key stage – and resolves not to marry. But as she turns her mind to single parenthood, she suddenly realizes that she is surrounded by admirers: freelance photographer Han Yi Sang, super-smart pediatrician Yoon Jae Young, and the office newbie, the doting Choi Kang Eu Ddeum. Could any of these three love candidates help Jang Ha Ri in her quest to become a mother? And could her quest inadvertently send her on the path to true love?

This week was a really hard one if I'm being honest cause I can't help but feel like while Yi Sang loves and adores Ha Ri with his entire being, Ha Ri is only as attached to him as the idea of being the father to her child and it was driving me mad! I mean seriously he spent so much of this week thinking about proposing, worrying about what makes her happy, thinking about her relationship with her dad, taking fertility pills and being fearful of her being in pain cause of the endometriosis. Meanwhile she spent it hiding anything that's tough from him, and seeming really uninterested in being married to the man. I mean could her reaction to the thought of a proposal and the actual proposal itself be any less blah??? I was almost sobbing buckets at how he looked like he was about to burst into tears looking at her tears and she feels practically nothing in return! I still don't know why they've thrown adoption away without even considering it other than some low brow idea of thinking that a child is only your child if you birth it when there's so many lovely children out there waiting for someone to love them!! Jae Young was still a pain in the ass and sticking his nose where it didn't belong but at least he realized that Ha Ri wasn't going to love him the way he loves her so he backed off and the best thing he did all season was to call Yi Sang to comfort Ha Ri after she saw her dad. I also want to shout out Ha Ri's mom for being the absolute best and I'm really hoping that she loves Yi Sang anyway after finding out he's infertile and not able to give Ha Ri the baby she wants.
FINISHED Soul Mechanic/Fix You (32/32): How do you deal with anger? Where does happiness actually come from? These questions are at the heart of Fix You, a touching drama about a quirky psychiatrist on a mission to help people heal, and a rising star whose emotional wounds run deep. Lee Si Joon is an eccentric but passionate psychiatrist working in a hospital. He cares deeply for his patients, whom he tries to help through valiant, yet often unorthodox efforts. Han Woo Joo is an up and coming musical actress. Honest and principled, her efforts on the stage seem to be paying off, but she struggles with anger issues and recurring mental breakdowns that threaten to derail her career. With compassion as his tool, can Lee Si Joon help mend her soul and let the healing begin?

This finale honestly felt a little meh if I think back on this show and how much it made me feel before. I'm not entirely sure what it was but somehow I low key checked out emotionally as the finale went on though objectively I could see what good things were happening. Of course it's amazing that Woo Joo started to love herself and see that she wasn't bad luck or a calamity on other people but her whole relationship with Si Joon felt like an afterthought despite the heavy emphasis on it previously. She asked him what their future would hold and he gave the vaguest answer like I don't need a marriage proposal but a little more of a concrete answer would have been great! It's also awesome that he because the center head of the new psych department and that In got to go to John Hopkins and focus on the research side of psychiatry like he always enjoyed but the way the show tried to abruptly redeem the Vice Director was a little too much. I also hated that we never actually got a look at Woo Joo's birth mom. What on earth happened to her? And though we spent this whole week seeing Woo Joo want to be a theatrical therapist suddenly in the flash forward we see her auditioning for a musical again? I don't mind either option being her career but it feels a little wishy-washy. Overall I think this show had a great premise and a solid start but it fell apart as it went on. If you're looking for a better mental health show, check out That's Okay It's Love or if you want a better patient/doctor show, check out Kill Me Heal Me or Heart To Heart. Overall I'd give this show a 7.5 / 10.
Team Bulldog: Off-duty Investigation (10/12): “Further Investigation” is a crime action investigation drama about police investigator Jin Kang Ho from the serious crime squad who never gives up on a case until he gets to the end of it. He will solve unsolved cases with a team consisting of a passionate producing director (PD) of an investigative show with low viewership ratings, a detective who used to be a profiler, a bar CEO who puts his violent past behind, and a funeral director who used to be a well-esteemed autopsy doctor at the National Forensic Service (NIS).

The thing I'm most disappointed about in this show is the fact that all our main characters aren't actually a team but just team up in the off chance they need each other. I find myself much more interested in the antics of Moo Young and her group than I do with Kang Ho and his police work mostly cause her side is more comedic while Kang Ho literally does the same thing every week. He comes up with a theory, his team leader tries to shut him down only for Kang Ho to keep going until he catches the criminal. This week's case has to do with a serial killer from 10 years ago and from what I'm gathering it seems like the killer from 10 years ago might be Dr Do and that the current killer is the old guy and his son that Kang Ho has been stalking but I don't know if that's the case cause Kang Ho found evidence from 10 years ago that had the old guy's son in it and if Dr Do was the killer then why was the son caught? Next week is the finale for this show so that's probs why this case is going longer than the normal ones and we'll probs end up wrapping it up next week after Moo Young's side brings Kang Ho in for help.


Fake Princess (18/27): So what if she loves money, don't all mountain bandits love money? For a chest full of gold, the mountain bandit offers herself up to the black-bellied prince thus marking the start to a beautiful romance. Chang Le was once a free and untamable female bandit. However, she becomes a fake bride in marriage to crown prince Li Che. Stepping into the confines of the palace, Chang Le finds it difficult to adjust after being repeatedly humiliated. Despite her situation, she learns to adapt like a feral cat showing her true stripes. Li Che who has traced every step vigilantly finds himself gradually attracted by Chang Le's liveliness. Each wearing a mask to hide their own motives, the two people find comfort in each other.

I really can't help but feel like there are two separate stories happening in this show with Changle and Li Che on one side and Li Heng and Zhu Yan on the other. The only way that works is if the two intermingle more and I don't know if the little we're getting so far is enough. I mean yeah Yan'er and Yu Yao were friends growing up but we barely see them together and it's not like the princes spend any time together either. We're so far into this show and we still don't know if the princes are enemies or if they barely think about each other. It was smart of the Lius to pin finding Heng'er and Yan'er on Li Che cause of course they want the anger pointed in that direction though I feel like it would be too easy to resolve cause it's not like Li Che or Changle knew that the other two were in love. They've got their own problems to deal with between needing to get Changle's people out of Liu's dungeon and the Third Princess of the Night Kingdom running around and Sunmo's fatal illness! Speaking of, I really didn't understand why that Rong medicine man was so evil and why the Third Princess is such a dolt. Like I get that she thought that Li Che and her were going to get married some day but now he's married to Changle and unless the Princess wants to become a concubine, I can't see why she's still trying to seduce him or get between him and Changle!

xoxo Allie

Saturday, June 20, 2020

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 11

Wow. I never would have expected that Kagura who was my least favorite Sohma member (cause I found her so annoying and over-the-top) would have won over my heart this week but I shouldn't be surprised anymore cause the writing in this show is absolutely incredible and every time I think the show isn't going to make me cry, it does! A few weeks ago Rin made a comment to Kagura about her love was fake and I didn't think much of it until this week when Kagura admitted to it. When they were children Kagura was Kyo's first friend but in actuality Kagura only talked to Kyo cause he made her feel more superior than him since no matter her problems at least she wasn't the cat. After she was horrified when she saw his true form, it made her feel even more terrible about herself so to cope she convinced herself that she didn't care about his true form and that she loved him the same way his mom pretended to love him. It's curious that she finally decided to admit this to Kyo but I guess it was cause she saw how different he was now and I can't decide if the end of this episode meant that she still loves him like a brother like she did when they were kids (emphasized with how she called him Kyo-chan and not Kyo-kun) or if we're supposed to believe that after all that pretending, she really did fall for him. Either way, it was also important to note the way Kyo was acting cause even after everything Kagura said, he didn't get irritated or yell at her and calmly just told her that he won't ever fall in love with her and attempted to soothe her after she broke down. My heart breaks at how beaten into submission he is now after Akito but part of me is also just so into how soft he is now (with everyone but Yuki obviously.) Tohru also deserves a shout out cause the little angel is keeping up with her pledge to break the curse with how she rushed to find out more about the curse from Kazuma the second she got home though he didn't have any more answers for her.

Stargirl Season 1 Episode 5

This week we met two new members of our new Justice Society team in Rick and Beth though the focus of the episode was mostly meant for one and the other just threw herself into everything. Can you tell that I don't like Beth? She's been irritating since we first met her and now she's become Dr Midnite just because she has no concept of boundaries. I mean she invited herself to Courtney's house, snuck around, and all but stole Dr Midnite's googles and now we're forced to watch her join the team. The more interesting part of this episode was following Rick and his journey. We see that back in the day Rex must have realized that his identity as Hourman was compromised so he sent all his research to Pat and left Rick with his Uncle Matt and ran to hide with Wendi his wife only to be caught by Solomon Grundy and murdered. Rick grew up with what looks like an abusive uncle and this chip on his shoulder that makes him angry at the world and I'm fascinated by him cause he's probs the worst person to take on one of the JSA's legacy but also the hourglass is his by birthright so they can't exactly take that away. I do wonder if now that we've gotta our full season lineup and Pat found out what Courtney was doing, if they'll now go to the JSA headquarters cause Rick deserves to get to know who his father was. In other legacy news, it looks like Henry has gotten his mind reading powers and it sucks cause it looks like he is actually going to go down the villain route. I wondered if maybe he wasn't as bad as he seemed at first cause of how shocked and horrified he was when Yolanda's pics got out but the way he treats her now doesn't feel like he's low key guilty or anything. I'm still waiting to find out what the ISA wants cause now we see that the Fiddler is one of them and they stole a truck but like for what?

Tower Of God Episode 12

Holy hell I've never been more unhappy that I guessed an ending before! I knew there was no way that Bam could win this game cause then the show would be over too quickly but never once did I guess that it would be Rachel herself who would shove Bam out of the bubble at the last minute. I'm sure Yu convinced her somehow that the only way she would win this game is if she kicked Bam out cause there could only be one winner or some shit but either way I'm officially done with Rachel. She's the absolute worst and I need Bam to move the hell on from her immediately. Who cares about seeing the stars so much that you'll sacrifice anyone and anything for it???? It also helps that we finally saw Yuri again and the little badass as it turns out is not only a Princess of Jahad but she's also a Ranker so she's climbed the Tower and won and I'm over here like Bam pick her instead please. I don't entirely understand what Yuri is doing cause it's like if she's already a Ranker, does she just live in this Tower for fun? Why ask for Bam to meet her on the 77th floor? The best thing she did was murder the hell out of the Yuga and I low key love that she wasn't all that bothered by Anaak or Endorsi and was just like I do me girls so come find me when you're ready. The appearance of one of the Khun family members was also interesting and I wonder why he thought to grab Khun and bring him to Maria unless Maria asked for him herself cause I'm sure she's learned that being a Princess is boring and love might be the better option. Unfortunately for her, Khun has moved on.

Agents Of SHIELD Season 7 Episode 4

Ahh as I called it last week, it looks like we faked Sousa's death in order to keep history intact but to save the life of someone important and I couldn't be more thrilled cause the more Sousa the better! I am really glad though that nothing really terrible happened to LMD Coulson last week and that the flickering in his eye was just a system meltdown in that he lost color in his sight so everything was black and white which was hilariously awesome cause it allowed the show to be in black and white and homage to 50s movies! It was really fun to have such a noir theme to the episode and I'll never not be amazed at what an excellent spy Sousa makes cause you can never see him flinch whenever something isn't right. He plays along just until he can reveal himself and it's amazing cause none of our other SHIELD agents can act like that! SHIELD when it began in the Marvel universe was meant to be a spy organization but none of our agents can act for shit and they're more enforcers than anything else. I am a little worried that the Chronicoms are now turning to HYDRA and basically revealing everything cause I can't imagine that Malick will roll over and pretend like nothing happened but it would be fun if the show actually changed the future and when our SHIELD agents got back, suddenly a lot of our previously dead agents were back and on the good side like Lincoln and Hunter and Bobbi and Ward! 

It looks like we're in the 70s next week and I'm not entirely sure what we're going to be doing but I'm all for it! Still no Fitz though which really does suck.

Harley Quinn Season 2 Episode 12

Every week I can't help but feel more and more bad for Kiteman who's clearly more in love with Ivy than he knows what to do with and it doesn't help that Ivy has been cheating on him with Harley cause I truly hate cheating. Despite that I also want Harley to be happy so I'm low key also really into Ivy and Harley getting back together! The finale is airing next week and I'm certain that the wedding won't actually happen but whether or not Ivy and Harley get together is another thing. I really thought that maybe in order to up the drama that Kiteman would have ended up sacrificing himself to protect or save Ivy and that because of that she would feel too guilty to date Harley for a little while so that would be the will they/won't they drama of next season but now it looks like Ivy will just dump Kiteman for Harley and I suppose that works too. As a sidebar I do love that when the Justice League was dosed with Ivy's love hormones that it was Batman and Wonder Woman that had the hots for each other in a nice homage to their romance in Justice League Unlimited where I adored them.

xoxo Allie

Friday, June 19, 2020

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and the amount of episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous reviews, click here and if you want to see a list of my Favorite Asian OTPs and Ships, click here!


Dinner Mate (16/32): This drama is about a young woman going through a rough breakup with a longtime boyfriend she’s still in love with, and a man who has had a painful first love. They both meet unexpectedly in Jeju and continue their acquaintance in Seoul as well. Life has its way of bringing them together as they find themselves meeting at unexpected situations. Both have a common love for food and will cherish eating together and trying new cuisines.

So we're about halfway through this drama now and I'm totally shocked that Jae Hyuk is actually the yandere type in that he'll literally do anything violent or otherwise in order to get the person he wants and that's low key terrifying. I have a feeling that he was the reason Keanu ended up on the streets just based on how Keanu is terrified of him and even went as far as to warn Hae Kyung about him. I mean not that Hae Kyung really needed a warning cause the man saw how tightly he gripped Do Hee's arm and how he came all the way to Hae Kyung's office to destroy a table and have a mental breakdown in front of him. Unbeknownst to him though, Jae Hyuk might have done all of us a favor by revealing Do Hee's identity to Hae Kyung. I love that both figured out who each other were this week and that neither really cared who they were online cause they've gotten to know each other in real life so none of that matters. What's really weird though is how Do Hee reacted to it. Why is she so scared of liking Hae Kyung? I'm worried that instead of how cute they were together and how soft their interactions were before this that now we'll be seeing Hae Kyung and Jae Hyuk fight each other for her affection in that awkward kdrama way that's supposed to be funny but is actually cringe-y and even more so cause Jae Hyuk is clearly dangerous. It's probs too much to hope that Hae Kyung will be more mature right? I'd also like to believe that No Eul would be better and see that Do Hee brings out Hae Kyung's emotions like she never did and wish them well in the end but I'm sure that's asking for too much and we'll just get more catfights and jealously when she watches Hae Kyung be jealous or possessive around Do Hee and Jae Hyuk. 
FINISHED Good Casting (16/16): Baek Chan Mi is a legendary agent for the National Intelligence Service. However, due to an excessive operation, one of her subordinates passes away. After this incident, she takes back all hope of returning to the field when she gets an order to go undercover. She begins working as a secretary for Ilkwang Hitech under the name, Baek Jang Mi. She is joined by a single mother, Im Ye Eun, who has the beauty of a girl group member, and Hwang Mi Soon, a housewife of 18 years whose family believes her to be an insurance salesperson. These three women begin to work together. Meanwhile, Ilkwang Hitech’s CEO, Yoon Seok Ho, knew Chan Mi as his tutor and had a crush on her. He can’t help but think that his new secretary, who looks exactly like his first love but has a different name and age, is a bit suspicious.

This finale actually felt heavily like it was intending on setting up a second season though in the end all the major story beats were solved. Michael was caught and then subsequently murdered by Tak who managed to survive all this time though apparently not enough to contact the NIS or anything. Myung was arrested and charged for every bad deed he committed though Seok Ho's secretary ended up dying. Woo Won and Ye Eun got together after he chased her to her apartment after she turned it down and though I really disliked their relationship and how he's this man-baby who has power over her, I do have to admit the scene where he told her to take charge of him after making him fall for her was cute. Even Chan Mi and Seok Ho got together which you know I was meh about but he learned that Myung actually wasn't the one to kill his father and that it was actually an organization called White Collar that did it who will probs be the Big Bads if we get a season 2. Honestly I'm just glad this show is over and as I think back to how excited I was about this show when it first aired, it's kinda sad. Overall I'd give this show a 7 / 10.
Mystic Pop Up Bar (10/12): “Mystic Pop-Up Bar” is based on a popular webtoon of the same name and tells the story of a mysterious pojangmacha (outdoor drinking establishment) run by a prickly woman and an innocent part-timer who visit customers in their dreams to help resolve their problems.

Well we learned officially that Gwi is the Crown Prince like I called weeks ago but honestly I'm just glad the show didn't pull a Hotel De Luna and try to twist the plot to shock us cause I prefer it this way! It would have made zero sense for the Crown Prince to not be Gwi! The bigger shock is the reveal that Weol Joo and the Crown Prince had a child and that child is the reason that Weol Joo agreed to undertake this 100, 000 grudge challenge and after hearing that, I'm almost completely certain that Kang Bae is the reincarnation of their kid. We're told that Weol Joo's child must go through a 1000 years of misery to make up for her killing the Sacred Tree (like in A Korean Odyssey) and Kang Bae definitely has had a miserable life so I defs think that it's him. We also learned that Yeo Rin is the reincarnation of the Cinnabar and that's why when men touch her, they see horrible things and that though Kang Bae's vision can't be turned off (cause of Weol Joo's shenanigans back in the day), he can stop his powers by getting with the Cinnabar aka Yeo Rin so that all works out cause the two are into each other. Meanwhile our evil spirit managed to kill every agent sent to kill him and now he's even destroyed the God of Death himself (through cheating but I think it counts) and I'm just sitting here like the Afterlife is so interested in punishing innocents like Weol Joo and Gwi but they can't muster up the tiniest bit of interest for an actual evil spirit that's going around murdering humans now??
My Unfamiliar Family (6/16): Is blood thicker than water? Kim Eun Hee, is about to find out. She is the middle child in a family that is slowly starting to drift apart. Her older sister is a former patent attorney, and her younger brother is a sensitive soul. And although her father is hard-working, he is often distant – an attitude that has her mother poised to begin a new chapter in her life. While she pines for intimacy, Kim Eun Hee keeps her feelings hidden from her family. Instead, she prefers to confide in her close male college friend Park Chan Hyuk – a man who has become more like a brother to her than any of her real siblings. And it is to him that she turns for love advice as she looks to return to the dating scene after a long absence. But what happens when events take a turn? Could the family pull together in time to weather the storm? And when the going gets tough, will it be Kim Eun Hee’s family or her friends who step up to the plate?

I want to scream to the heavens how thankful I am that this show might actually stick with Eun Hee and Chan Hyuk as endgame!! It was touch-and-go there for a bit with the reveal that Chan Hyuk liked Eun Joo back in the day and the fact that neither Chan Hyuk or Eun Hee batted an eye when they were teased about ending up together but this week even before the final moments of the episode, I had a feeling that they were protesting too much for it to be real. It helps that I really don't like Eun Hee with Geon Joo even though this week we learn that he actually did break up with his girlfriend and that she's the one who's refusing to leave so it's not exactly cheating but I'm also just a straight sucker for friends to lovers stories done well and that's exactly what we have here. Whenever Eun Hee has a problem, she turns to Chan Hyuk and I love that even when they weren't talking that he refused to take her ex's side and go to the wedding. Tae Hyung meanwhile up and ran away like the coward he is and eventually he got tracked down where he doubled down on his pathetic nature by pretending to be the bad guy around Eun Joo so that they could avoid the tough conversation and now I want Eun Joo to divorce him for all that he has and more especially after seeing how his mom reacted to the news. It does kinda suck though that Hyo Seok is also gay cause Eun Joo deserves a happy ending as well and I low key wanted it to be with the barista. I also get more and more horrified about the dad and how he treated the mom every week and truly I want her to get the marriage graduation she wanted cause that asshole deserves to suffer too.
Oh My Baby (12/16): Aged 39, Jang Ha Ri is the ultimate workaholic. She hasn’t even had a boyfriend in the past decade, long ago decided to forget about looking for love, and instead has thrown her energy into her career. However, as she works as a senior reporter for a parenting magazine named “The Baby,” she is constantly reminded of the one thing she wants most in life – to have a baby of her own. She decides to cut to the chase and try for a baby but wants to skip one key stage – and resolves not to marry. But as she turns her mind to single parenthood, she suddenly realizes that she is surrounded by admirers: freelance photographer Han Yi Sang, super-smart pediatrician Yoon Jae Young, and the office newbie, the doting Choi Kang Eu Ddeum. Could any of these three love candidates help Jang Ha Ri in her quest to become a mother? And could her quest inadvertently send her on the path to true love?

I was right last week when I said that Ha Ri would mull over what Yi Sang told her for a bit but in the end would choose him but that doesn't mean that it wasn't totally hard to watch how she shut him out so fiercely and how he shattered every time she did that. I understood where both were coming from but I do have to admit that I was little more on Yi Sang's side than Ha Ri's cause from what we know Ha Ri only has 3 months to get pregnant and it's like even if Yi Sang was perfectly healthy, the chances of her getting pregnant in the 3 chances they have are really low so it would have been completely irresponsible of Ha Ri to choose a future with a low probability over a future where she knows she could be happy! And worst comes to worst, if she wants kids all that badly, they can adopt after they get married. I'm still pissed that this show didn't even consider adoption an option and used it as a throwaway line this week cause it could really solve so many problems and it doesn't help that I'm watching so many shows right now where we see adorable kids in orphanages that need homes too! What really won me over though was how Yi Sang reacted to Ha Ri needing space and how steady he was in both his feelings and his love for her and that's exactly what every girl wants!! Can't you see why I think he's so swoon worthy?? In other news Jae Young is continuously being the worst and he's really making me uncomfortable with his stalking and I was super pissed that he found out about Yi Sang cause Yi Sang's fertility is none of his goddamn business and I hate that he was judgemental towards Yi Sang then ran to tell Ha Ri and even pretended like he was this magnanimous guy for not telling Ha Ri's mom. Ugh.
Soul Mechanic/Fix You (28/32): How do you deal with anger? Where does happiness actually come from? These questions are at the heart of Fix You, a touching drama about a quirky psychiatrist on a mission to help people heal, and a rising star whose emotional wounds run deep. Lee Si Joon is an eccentric but passionate psychiatrist working in a hospital. He cares deeply for his patients, whom he tries to help through valiant, yet often unorthodox efforts. Han Woo Joo is an up and coming musical actress. Honest and principled, her efforts on the stage seem to be paying off, but she struggles with anger issues and recurring mental breakdowns that threaten to derail her career. With compassion as his tool, can Lee Si Joon help mend her soul and let the healing begin?

Honestly I do feel like Woo Joo's sudden emotional growth came out of nowhere cause though she was getting better, I feel like this week meant to show us that she's almost completely cured and the only reason I can see for that is cause this show is coming to an end next week. I'm sitting here like if the show really wanted me to believe that Woo Joo was going to end this show almost completely cured, then it should have focused on her mental health a little more and less on the weekly cases and the heavy focus on whether or not Woo Joo and Si Joon could date. On the plus side, it doesn't look like their relationship is going to be talked about anymore especially since Woo Joo has officially switched doctors though I didn't love that she hopped from doctor to doctor this week and that she found out that she has BPD cause in real life she would have spiraled though in this show it seemed to have strengthened her resolve. Having said all that, I did love everything with her trying to be better though from how she was able to hold her temper and how she was able to rationally figure out how to be a good girlfriend to Si Joon and how she was ready to find out the truth about her birth mother. I loved that she asked for help when she needed it and I'm seriously all for it. Also awesome was how all of the residents and interns and nurses at the hospital rallied around Si Joon after his unfair disciplinary actions even though I was highly disappointed in how Dr In reacted to the whole thing.
DROPPED Sweet Munchies (8/12): Park Jin Sung runs an odd little late-night restaurant where customers only choose which drinks they want and their appetizers are chosen by Park, who customizes the dishes to match their drinks. His goal is to provide diners with warmth and comfort through delicious food and excellent customer service. Seeing customers enjoy their food also gives him a great measure of happiness. At the urging of one of his regular customers, Park becomes the host of a new variety show called Midnight Snack Couple, which shoots him to popularity and fame. Regular customer Kim Ah Jin is a passionate PD. She usually has a smile on her face and always looks on the bright side. Her optimism is only matched by her love of food and drinking. After working hard as a crew member in production teams for many years, she finally gets her break as a PD when she convinces Park Jin Sung to become the host of her TV show. Kang Tae Wan is a successful fashion designer. He hosts his own fashion TV program and comes to know Park Jin Sung and Kim Ah Jin when he’s brought onto the Midnight Snack Couple variety show as a stylist for Park. As the three work together, they eventually become involved in an atypical love triangle.

I know I'm so close to the end of this show but I don't think I can keep watching this one! Every week I'm so uncomfortable as I watch and I watch every scene with a big yikes in the forefront of my mind. It super sucks cause I adore Jung Il Woo and so much about this show would have been great if only the show didn't want Jin Sung to pretend to be gay as a plot point! I'm the type of person who can't exactly focus on the here and now when I know that something horrible is coming down the line but I suppose this week finally hit one of the many notes I was waiting on and probs the one I was most interested in and that was Jin Woo finding out that Jin Sung was pretending to be gay on Sweet Munchies. Honestly I was surprised with how small of a reaction Jin Woo had towards the whole thing but I guess he must know in his heart of hearts that Jin Sung didn't mean anything untoward with what he did especially after knowing how desperate for money Jin Sung was at the time. Their makeup scene was really sweet and I'm all for him silently judging Jin Sung for his mess with Ah Jin but I was surprised that he didn't ask Jin Sung to step down cause it's not like they're strapped for cash anymore. Ah Jin also realized her feelings for Jin Sung and they shared a kiss and it might have been the last straw for me cause as I pictured having to go into next week and cringing through the lies coming undone, I didn't think I could do this anymore so I'm sorry guys but I'm out!
Team Bulldog: Off-duty Investigation (8/12): “Further Investigation” is a crime action investigation drama about police investigator Jin Kang Ho from the serious crime squad who never gives up on a case until he gets to the end of it. He will solve unsolved cases with a team consisting of a passionate producing director (PD) of an investigative show with low viewership ratings, a detective who used to be a profiler, a bar CEO who puts his violent past behind, and a funeral director who used to be a well-esteemed autopsy doctor at the National Forensic Service (NIS).

We were able to wrap up our teenage gang case this week and it was absolutely crazy how emotionally attached I got to the younger dead brother and his relationship with his girlfriend. I will never get tired of how fun it is that this show will have Kang Ho and Moo Young work cases from two angles and yet end up in the same place! I'm just so used to female leads in these types of shows either needing the male lead to hold her hand through investigations or having nothing to do with the cases and just be a love interest so Moo Young is defs one of my favs! Oni was totally messed up cause he knew that kids under 14 can't be arrest and tried for crimes so he basically strong-armed runaways into killing for him so that if they ever get caught, his hands can be metaphorically clean since they all look up and fear him so they'll take the blame. Unfortunately for him, killing the younger brother was his fatal flaw cause he didn't realize that love overpowers fear any day of the week so their love for their friend led them to admit the truth to the cops. What's more interesting though was that one of the bullies from back-in-the-day ended up being murdered himself at the end of the episode cause someone decided to play vigilante and I'm assuming it was that weird old man that Kang Ho keeps following around.


Fake Princess (14/27): So what if she loves money, don't all mountain bandits love money? For a chest full of gold, the mountain bandit offers herself up to the black-bellied prince thus marking the start to a beautiful romance. Chang Le was once a free and untamable female bandit. However, she becomes a fake bride in marriage to crown prince Li Che. Stepping into the confines of the palace, Chang Le finds it difficult to adjust after being repeatedly humiliated. Despite her situation, she learns to adapt like a feral cat showing her true stripes. Li Che who has traced every step vigilantly finds himself gradually attracted by Chang Le's liveliness. Each wearing a mask to hide their own motives, the two people find comfort in each other.

So much happened this week to move the plot forward and honestly I was shocked by it for many reasons. First of all, Chang Le revealed her identity as nothing more than a thief to not only Li Che but his Grandfather Shen and Sun Mo which I expected to happen at some point in the season but definitely not now! Not only is it super early in the show but she also was able to say it herself rather than having Li Che figure it out through a third party. The crazier part of all this is that Li Che forgave her immediately though I suppose the fact that she's not Liu's granddaughter is the best news he could possibly get cause now he doesn't have to worry about offending her when he gets revenge on Liu since she wants revenge on him too. I totally knew that Shen would be giving Chang Le fake poison cause obviously but his comment about how she looked like someone he knew was the most interesting part. She claims that she learned Duan moves through her master who probs was the last Duan but I have a feeling that she might be a daughter of Duan too and just not know it. In other news, I'm really not thrilled with the appearance of who I think is going to be the second female lead cause they're always so annoying but I'm not too worried cause not only is Li Che head over heels for Chang Le but they're already married so we can't go with the oh she's my betrothed so I feel bad about being mean to her. Yan'er and Heng'er running away was strange too cause I totally thought that she would end up married to the Emperor and that would be Heng'er's villain origin story but I suppose Liu is enough of a villain that we don't actually need more.
FINISHED The Romance Of Tiger And Rose (24/24): Since birth, a screenwriter finds herself becoming a character in the script of her own creation. However, she is not meant to live past three episodes! Chen Xiaoqian is a writer who poured blood, sweat and tears into creating a big female-centric drama. What could have started filming smoothly quickly turned south because of actor Han Mingxing's reservations about the script. Feeling wronged, Chen Xiaoqian vows to prove herself yet she accidentally gets stuck in a parallel world where her story has come to life. Now known as the 3rd princess Chen Qianqian, she is an insignificant side character with a horrid reputation that is not meant to live long in the story. In order to live, she starts on a road to reverse her fate. She also gets caught in between the arrogant and black-bellied prince Han Shao and the practically perfect Pei Heng.

What a fabulously cute ending to a fabulously cute show! This show has totally shown me that Zhao Lu Si is actually a really good actress and that the reason I've been meh about a lot of her other previous shows was either the script (as in Love Better Than Immortality) or the chemistry between the leads (like in Oh! My Emperor.) When she cried for Han Shao this week about how he's forcing her to go back to her world which means that he doesn't want her anymore, my heart shattered for her even though I knew it wasn't true! Everyone needs to be watching this show cause it actually does the same thing a show like W: Two Worlds did with sending a person from the real world into a fictional one only to fall in love with a fictional character while also making the romance between the leads super cute. I loved that we found out that Han Shao's mom was actually Hua Mulan and it totally explains why Han Shao was totally chill with a badass woman and how his parents who I thought were going to be these scary people ended up being just as silly as Han Shao was. One of the best scenes this week took place between the three parents as they argued over where Han Shao and Qianqian would live and whose last name their kids would take! I also really loved the fact that after Xiao Qian came into the real world that Min Xing got all his memories as Han Shao back too so the two can be happy all over again in the real world! I do wish that Xiao Qian would have changed her story cause Chuchu was seriously the worst but she's kinder than me though I'm glad she gave her Qianqian and Han Shao a happy ending anyway. Overall I'd definitely give this show a 10 / 10!

xoxo Allie

Saturday, June 13, 2020

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 10

Well this episode made me cry again and honestly I can't decide if it's cause I'm just a giant baby or if this show is stabbing me in places I didn't expect! Either way, we finally had the confrontation we were waiting for with Akito coming to see Tohru! He was all riled up earlier cause someone from the main family called Ren did something and now Akito needs to come home right away so he decided to take out this anger on Tohru and Momiji when he wouldn't get Tohru. It was horrible seeing Akito punch little Momiji but I was FURIOUS when he scratched Tohru cause no matter how wrong it is morally at least in the eyes of the law Akito is the head of the Sohma family so he can dole out punishment but Tohru is just some stranger that he has no right to touch. I was a little disappointed that Tohru didn't stand up for herself or any of the Sohmas really but I think that she was just caught off guard by the whole thing cause she's never met a person like Akito before so maybe next time, she'll be able to stand up. I did like her realization that Akito is the God from the zodiac so that's why no one can disobey him but I'm not sure if I love the reveal that this control is the curse that the zodiacs are under cause honestly it just seems so horrible since Akito is not a good person. What if someone like Tohru was the zodiac God? Would it be a curse then? I'm hoping that someone will explain to Tohru and in return us the audience more of the details cause not only do we still not know why the Sohmas are under this curse but also how it could be broken? Is it as simple as true love can break any curse or will there be more to it?

Stargirl Season 1 Episode 4

This week we got to know Yolanda a lot more as more than one of the losers who sits at Courtney's table and man oh man did I feel horrible for her! I cannot imagine the pain that someone goes through after a scandal like she did and it's so awful cause you don't even know who to blame in that situation! I do have a feeling though that Cindy might have some of the same powers as her father the Dragon King does (though I don't entirely know what those are) and that she used them out of jealously. It was clear that Yolanda was extremely popular in the school being that she was kind and smart and a boxer and Cindy was jealous of that and the fact that she was dating Henry. I mean Henry's no saint either cause he was obviously showing his bros the photo of Yolanda but Cindy somehow got it and spread it around and Yolanda blamed Henry when it was clearly Cindy who did it. The worst part of it all is not just the fact that the kids at school were teasing her but the fact that her family shamed her so hard about it! I mean like taking away her phone and grounding her forever? Ugh. Why not just move to another city if they're so shamed by this whole thing? I hated that she finally built up all her courage to stand up for herself and they were all like nope we blame you entirely. All that being my way of saying that I adore Yolanda and I'm pumped that she's going to be our Wildcat! I think it's fascinating that in this world it seems like most of the heroes in this show will be getting their powers from their suits rather than some sort of metahuman ability but I guess it gives us a reason to believe that these high school kids with very little training can not only hold their group against these fully grown fully trained adults but also beat them.

Tower Of God Episode 11

So to my surprise, this final test is actually the final test which goes against everything I thought about how it's too early for Bam and Rachel to reach the top of the Tower! I mean it's still possible that we lose this test and that's how we keep Bam and the others together to climb the Tower slowly over multiple seasons but it's also possible after everything that we're learning about this world that there's more to be done outside of the Tower. What's crazy though is that this final test has really nothing to do with testing Bam or Rachel cause all they have to do is chill in that bubble until they get eaten and that it's everyone else that has to fight which is super confusing cause then how is this a test for Bam and Rachel? It would make more sense if everyone passed if Bam and Rachel are eaten! Poor Khun is trying his hardest but he doesn't know that this whole test has been rigged by Yu and Yuga and seriously I need someone to kill Yuga like yesterday cause the way he was playing around with Anaak had me all up in arms! I have no doubt that Endorsi isn't going to attack Anaak cause they've grown past that but whether she can help Anaak get away from Yuga is another thing. I'm also kinda confused about Yuri cause she was so prominent on the poster for this show but she's barely in this show so I'm wondering why that spot couldn't have been given to Anaak or something! I also have a weird feeling that somehow Rachel is going to die this season cause everything feels too happy and Yu seriously seems to have something against Bam and therefore Rachel so I can't see a happy ending!

Agents Of SHIELD Season 7 Episode 3

This week's episode was even better than the previous ones we had and you know how much I enjoyed the last two! The only thing that sucks is that I'm still really missing Fitz from this season cause he's been a main cast member for 7 seasons and yet due to scheduling issues, we can't even see him on a screen or something? I kind of expected the team to be traded between Fitz and Simmons like divorced kids but instead we're probs just going to hold Fitz until a big moment where he swoops in to save the day. Having said that like I said up top, I really did love this episode and mostly just cause it was so nice to see Sousa! He was one of the best parts of Agent Carter and no matter how much I preferred Peggy ending up with Steve over him, it was still sweet to see him show up and try to look nice for her only to be completely confused over Simmons appearing before him. The Chronicoms plan this time around was to power up a ion reactor that SHIELD built but could never power until way later in the future cause they were hoping to kill off every science member of SHIELD cause all the sci-tech agents of SHIELD were in this base but luckily our team stopped them. What is nerve-wracking is the fact that LMD Coulson was hit by a EMP and I'm low key worried about how the camera zoomed in on his eyes as he powered back up cause that's not a friendly shot. What if the Chronicom jumped into his body?? In other news, one of the funniest scenes in this episode was when Simmons and Coulson were trying to root out the Chronicom agents cause I was dying. It's also interesting to note that maybe May has returned to who she was after she had a flashback and I'm hoping that's the case cause as much fun as it has been to see emotionless May, I want the original one back!

The promo for next week shows us that we're still in the 50s and apparently in the original timeline Sousa is killed by HYDRA for realizing that they have infiltrated high government positions but I have a feeling rather than him actually dying, our agents are going to grab him and take him along with them cause history says he was gone but what's to say that he can't jump to the future?

Harley Quinn Season 2 Episode 11

This episode was absolutely hysterical and nothing went down the way I thought things would! After Harley reawakened Joker, Joker had to go through a whole series of events where he realized what kind of life he had been living while under amnesia and though at first he was horrified, in the end he realized that he actually liked that life and missed it so he decided to go back to Sophia and be the dad but also be the Joker. This whole thing was hilarious but totally fits in this world where the villains each have their own things outside of just doing evil. The whole time he also tried to convince Harley that she shouldn't give up on Ivy which is somewhere I never expected the Joker and Harley relationship to go cause despite how abusive he was, it's like they're friends now. Bruce the poor idiot returned to being Batman and one of the best scenes of the episode was when he tried to guess at what was happening only to be corrected and Joker to make fun of him for losing his detective edge while he was out. The Justice League finally escaped the Book and they went off to save the day while Ivy showed up all brainwashed by Psycho to kill Harley and I have a feeling that she's somehow going to cause the death of this family making Joker go even more insane!

xoxo Allie