Saturday, June 26, 2021

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

Before I get into my usual spiel about what I'm watching I want to start out by saying that I will no longer be doing these weekly posts about what dramas I'm watching and all that cause I honestly don't have the time anymore. Don't worry though cause I am going to finish up all the currently airing shows that I'm reviewing before I stop and from now on I'll post whenever I want to talk about something special like a review of a show I binged or my year end ranking. I hope you're not too disappointed!! 

Now let's get into what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and the amount of episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous reviews, click here and if you want to see a list of my Favorite Asian OTPs and Ships, click here!


Doom At Your Service (14/16)
: Tak Dong Kyung has been working hard ever since her parents passed away. Her life seemed more stable after working as an web novel editor for 6 years, but then she gets diagnosed with a brain cancer. She blames her unlucky life and wishes to curse everything to disappear, which unintentionally calls Myeol Mang, a messenger between humans and gods, to appear. He says that he can grant her wishes. As her last hope, she makes a contract with Myeol Mang for a hundred days to live how she wants, risking her everything.

I spent this whole week thinking wow we really went from amnesia right into Dong Kyung's final moments not realizing until I sat down to write this review that it was the penultimate week so of course things were moving fast! I wasn't one of those people last week who hated the amnesia storyline cause honestly in my opinion it felt very much like a Dong Kyung last ditch move since it was the only thing she could possibly do to save Myeol Mang. I do have to say though that until it was literally spelled out to me this week I could not for the life of me figure out the deal between Dong Kyung and Myeol Mang and the wish which is definitely a fault of this show. It was as I first thought all those weeks back and then was convinced that I was wrong in that if Dong Kyung doesn't wish for the world to end then she would live but the person she loved most would die. Since that was Myeol Mang, he disappeared though I'm not actually all that worried cause I have a feeling that there will be some sort of loophole involved so he'll come back human. In terms of the love triangle it's constantly surprised me with how dumb the writing for it is. Like I will never ship Ji Na and Joo Ik just cause of how creepy it was that he as a grown man kissed a high school girl back in the day and truthfully I think everyone is a little harsh on Hyun Gu's cowardice cause duh he was a literal child as well back then but I don't exactly ship him with her either so I'm left just wondering when their scenes will be over.
Imitation (8/12)
: Lee Ma Ha is a member of the new K-pop girl group Tea Party, formed by Ji Hak, who was once the manager of the famous boy group Shax, but resigned after the sudden disappearance of member Eun Jo in the middle of a concert. Prior to joining Tea Party, Ma Ha was a member of the group Omega III, which disbanded on its debut day due to a tragic incident involving a former trainee at the group's company. This led Ma Ha to support herself by performing as an impersonator of the popular solo singer La Li Ma, gaining her public notoriety. Starting anew with Tea Party, Ma Ha finds herself repeatedly crossing paths with Kwon Ryok, the center and most popular member of Shax who is still haunted by Eun Jo's disappearance three years later. While Ryok initially dislikes Ma Ha due to her imitation of Li Ma, the two eventually begin to grow interested in one another and start a secret relationship that could put both of their careers in jeopardy. Meanwhile, Lee Yu Jin, Ma Ha's loyal friend who is the center of the rising boy group Sparkling, has been in love with Ma Ha since their idol trainee days. When he notices the budding relationship between Ma Ha and Ryok, he determines to protect her from Ryok and lead Sparkling to beat out Shax as the most popular boy group in the industry.

Hmm I'm not actually sure what I expected from Ryok and Ma Ha being caught but I'm not sure that a breakup was it. Maybe I was looking at this more of a romance than an idol drama so I expected Ryok to be like I don't care about the photos getting out but I guess maybe he's more worried that Ma Ha would get hurt again. The thing is that she has to know that they broke up to save her so she shouldn't blame him for what happened but I have a feeling she will inadvertently when she should know how hard it is for him too. The whole Tea Party contract scandal thing was also really petty of SHAX's CEO but I have a feeling that Ji Hak going to that reporter who's obsessed with Eun Jo is the first step in taking him down. Once she smells blood in the water it's over and I'll be interested to see it. I also liked that Li Ma isn't as bad as we first thought and actually she's kinda sweet in her own badass way which I adore cause she worried about Ma Ha after the contract thing and tried to comfort her. I like that she's not the typical second lead I expected her to be and I bet she'll also play a role in the future too.
FINISHED Mad For Each Other (13/13): About two people with their own painful stories who go through a complicated process of hurting and healing while falling in love with each other. No Hwi Oh is a detective in the violent crimes division of the Gangnam Police Station. He thinks that he is doing well until his life suddenly takes a turn and he becomes a “crazy” person who can’t hold in his anger about anything. Lee Min Kyung is a woman who is caught up in her own delusions and compulsions. She had lived an ordinary life as a pretty woman with a respectable job until “that incident” that caused everything in her life to break down. As a result, she was unable to trust anyone and is caught in a prison of her own making. Her delusions also have the unfortunate side effect of making everyone else around her angry.

The finale for this show aired this week and I'm honestly shocked at how it nailed the ending so perfectly! Like of course I would have preferred if Min Kyung didn't leave and come back but it didn't bother me as much as it would have cause she and Hwi Oh didn't part on bad terms and they both knew she was coming back in a little while after she found herself again. One of the best things about this show is how we saw Min Kyung grow into herself again through the course of these 13 episodes. She started out so paranoid and scared to show her real self to the world but after meeting Hwi Oh she started to heal to the point where she was even able to confront her ex! I was honestly so proud of her and I honestly live for how much Hwi Oh loves her too. He's cried more in this show than I think I've ever really seen a male lead cry and I adore the way he just shouts about how he loves her without caring who's around. The fact that they made out while he was cuffing a sex offender was so perfectly them and I couldn't stop laughing. It's truly been the hidden gem of not only this round of dramas but possibly this year cause no one watched this show or talked about it even though it might be one of the best dramas about mental health I've seen! I'd definitely give it a 9.5 / 10! 
My Roommate Is A Gumiho (10/16)
: Shin Woo Yeo is a handsome and smart professor. He is also a 999-year-old nine-tailed fox. To become a human, he collects human energy in a bead. Soon, he is set to become a human. Meanwhile, Lee Dam is a university student. One day, her drunk friend falls asleep on top of an expensive car. She apologizes to Shin Woo Yeo, who is the car owner. While Lee Dam struggles to take her friend away, Shin Woo Yeo gives her a hand. An accident happens that changes their fate. Shin Woo Yeo's bead falls out of his mouth, and Lee Dam unintentionally swallows it. The bead can exist inside of a human for no more than 1 year and, afterwards, the bead will break inside of that person. This will cause Lee Dam to die, and Shin Woo Yeo will lose his chance to become a human. Shin Woo Yeo explains to Lee Dam their predicament and suggests that they should live together until they figure out a solution. Lee Dam, who has never had a boyfriend in her life, now lives with Shin Woo Yeo.

Ahhh the amount of times I screamed this week was insane! Dam and Woo Yeo finally started dating and I was so glad that they admitted not only the truth about the amnesia thing but also their feelings. I really adore the way Jang Ki Yong looks at his love interests like he could die if they weren't near and that's why my heart fluttered every time Woo Yeo looked at Dam like she was his world. Their kiss was amazing including after he lost it cause it just looked more passionate than crazed! It does suck a little that the two already have to be apart cause he's sucking out her energy but like I think this might be the first show I've watched where a supernatural creature that is meant to feed off of humans is actually hurting his love interest so that's unique! Also low key if I had that easy of a way to lose weight I would die happy! But seriously I also love the idea that the Spirit has decided to tie Dam and Sun Woo together by a red string of fate which is a story about soulmates that I've always adored even if I was totally screaming that's cheating! She clearly didn't care about him being drunk until the string tugged her back and that's not fair for her or Sun Woo himself! I'll be really curious to see if Woo Yeo tells her about it or not. On another note I am living for Hye Sun slowly falling for Jae Jin. He's such a sweet guy that his kind gestures which he doesn't even think about are melting her stone cold heart! 
FINISHED So I Married An Anti-Fan (16/16): Hoo Joon is a top star while Geun Young is a magazine reporter. For a potential news article, Geun Young decides to attend an opening ceremony for a club. There, she witnesses top star Hoo Joon's violent behavior and she also vomits on him by accident. This leads to Geun Young losing her job. Believing that Hoo Joon was behind her firing, she decides to get him back by demonstrating in front of Hoo Joons management office. Slowly, she begins to receive media coverage on her demonstration and soon becomes famous as an anti-fan. A PD approaches Geun Young about participating in a reality TV show which revolves around the idea of a top star and their anti-fan living together. Being unemployed, she decides to accept the offer. Meanwhile, Hoo Joon is offered the same reality TV show and accepts to try to improve his image. Hoo Joon and Geun Young try to give each other a hard time on the reality show, but soon start to fall for one another.

Like Mad For Each Other, I'm really sad to say goodbye to this show as well. I mean we all know this wasn't a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination nor was it breaking ceilings or doing anything new but the old school feel of it reminded me of why I fell in love with kdramas in the first place. They really are so unafraid to love love and give us the tropiest juiciest fanfic-y of shows and that's what I live for! Okay yeah the whole forced separation thing was weird as hell and yeah the final episode was like 10% flashbacks and yeah JJ and In Hyung's ending was real weird and didn't fit in with the rest of the show but on the whole the cuteness that was Geun Young and Hoo Joon saw me through it all. I liked that she was able to find a reporting gig and then turned to writing while she waited patiently for Hoo Joon to come back when most female leads would have broken up with their guys cause of the distance or whatever. I liked that Hoo Joon hit rock bottom and then came back with the help of those he helped before and that he reconciled with JJ and In Hyung and Mr Bae even if I don't exactly think they deserved it. Idk maybe if the show had focused a bit more of the trio's bond from the start then I could understand the way the show shifted to make it seem all about them when it was clear from the start this show was supposed to be a romance! All in all this was a cute drama that I had fun with so I'd give it a 8 / 10.

xoxo Allie

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