Friday, September 13, 2013

Stephanie Perkins - Best Contemporary Novels

Hi everyone! So I just wanted to post a quick blog about two of the BEST contemporary novels I have ever read! Anna and the French Kiss & Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins. These two books were amazing! Now normally I don't read a lot of contemporary. My go-to genres are definitely dystopian and supernatural I guess (is that what the Mortal Instruments and Percy Jackson would fall under?) because I feel like a lot of contemporary novels are too slow and boring. A lot of problems in the character's lives could be solved by talking to one another and it drives me crazy!

But these two novels, were beyond EPIC! I read them straight through in one sitting. They aren't extremely long and they'll make your insides melt. Like why can't I have a Étienne or a Cricket in my life? The characters in these stories are so well written that you fell in love with them! And the boys! The boys have flaws, they aren't supermodels, they aren't confident and that's exactly what makes them perfect! The girls are strong in their own way and grow through the books. If your upset, these books will make you feel so happy inside.

If you haven't read these books yet, I definitely recommend picking them up! I swear you won't regret it! I even preferred these books to Nicholas Sparks novels! Okay, that's enough fangirling. Love you readers!!

xoxo Allie

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