1. I am a huge nerd. Like you all probs know this but it's so funny. Get me started on anything Marvel, Batman, X-Men or one of my favorite books, I will go on and on for days!
3. I do not understand how girls/guys find asses attractive... Like I just don't get it. They are not attractive to me and in actuality, they're kind of gross. Like anytime I see a naked ass, I'm slightly disgusted. #IsThatWeird?
4. When I get into a TV show, I GET INTO IT. Like seriously, I dive in head-first! I will cry and scream at the TV and I'm stalk literally everything about the show from the cast to spoilers to reviews on episodes. It's creepy.
5. I love sleep. Like seriously I will sleep for days and still want to sleep more!!!
6. I have this undying love for Klaus from TVD/TO. Like when he cries on screen, I cry. As in, I hate everyone on the Originals except for Rebekah, Marcel and Klaus. I mean look at his face. His smirk will make you melt! How could anyone not love him? And his voice! Shit. It's like velvet. And his character, christ. The badness flowing from him. I swear to you, I sooooo want a poster of him for my dorm room. Santa, are you listening?

7. I love with Captain America. Like I don't know what it is about him but I do. Maybe it was how awesome sauce the movie was. Or maybe it's Chris Evans: both his acting and him in general. And it's soooo weird. Like I always like the bad boys on TV, movies, books but something about Cap just... I can't explain it.
8. I love Disney movies. Like seriously, I'm nineteen but I will make my way to the movies to watch practically every Disney (animated) movie. But this only works for animated movies because seriously a lot of other Disney movies sucked like The Lone Ranger. Gag me with a spoon.
9. If a show/book/movie has one cast, I CANNOT stand it when they're replaced with another for a sequel. Like I just can't. I fell in love with the original characters so why would I need new ones? Maybe that's partially why I hated the Star Wars prequels... or the fact that the plots just sucked.

10. I have this obsession for coffee. I don't drink it to stay awake, I drink it because it tastes good. I seriously just had the tastiest Wawa coffee ever the other day. You would not believe! It's called a Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha and I seriously died drinking it.

11. When I was a kid, I was obsessed for the PowerPuff girls. I used to write stories about them, had their dolls, VHS tapes and even my bedspread was PowerPuff girls.

12. When I used to watch Pokemon, the Advanced generation was my favorite because I loved May. I thought she was the best female companion Ash had (who did not suck at everything like Dawn or well I actually loved Misty but I hated that she really didn't do anything other than walk around with Ash). I also loved her rival Drew and thought he was the most awesome guy on the show and I BELIEVED that May and Drew were meant to be together forever.

13. I was in love with Aladdin. Yes the Disney movie animated guy. Every little girl had a crush on one of the Disney "princes" and mine was Aladdin. I loved the way he talked, looked and acted. I loved his story and I loved the characters in this movie!
14. When I like a guy, most of the time it's not because he's attractive. For me, if the guy's personality is amazing, he automatically becomes "hot" to me. Like I'm not being cliche or anything but a hot guy without a personality becomes less hot to me. For example, that new show Reign on CW, I love Francis. Now Toby Regbo is not the most traditionally attractive actor but his character on the show is so awesome, that now I find him super attractive.

15. Speaking of Reign, I was watching episode 4 of Reign again because I loved it so much and I realized something creepy. I find it really attractive when a man wears a ring on his index finger. Like wtf? The hell does that mean? What does that say about me? #I'veLostIt
16. I'm not really a shoes person. Most girls are but I'm really not. I just need one basic color for each pair of shoes so that it can match every outfit. Like heels-wise, I have a pair of silver, black and gold shoes and that can go with everything. I have three pairs of boots: grey, black and brown.
17. I hate sneakers. I think they're clunky and big and don't look good with anything unless you're working out. I will never wear a pair of sneakers when I'm going to class or the mall or anything. The worst is when someone wears them to amusement parks or abroad. Ugh. Shivers.
18. I love dystopian romance novels. I can't get enough of them. I love the plots, the characters, the wars, everything.
19. I HATE Twilight with a passion. Like not just because the story and plot and characters sucked but because they ruined vampires. Anytime I tell anyone that I like the Vampire Diaries or tell someone about a book I just read, they ALWAYS say "Ew, vampires. So like Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson?" or "Ugh. So that book is like Twilight but with __enter whatever "difference" book has__" KLAUS MIKAELSON IS NOTHING LIKE EDWARD CULLEN!!!! Okay. I'm done.
20. I love recommending books and movies to people and I will explain plots but my BIGGEST pet peeve is when that person's response is "Oh so it's like Twilight but better" or "Oh so it's like the Hunger Games but lamer". Like please people, open up your smallish minds and realize that not every book with a romance is like Twilight or every book set in a dystopian future is like Hunger Games.
Okay so I think that's enough. I hope you enjoyed my random confessions!!!!
xoxo Allie
18. I love dystopian romance novels. I can't get enough of them. I love the plots, the characters, the wars, everything.
19. I HATE Twilight with a passion. Like not just because the story and plot and characters sucked but because they ruined vampires. Anytime I tell anyone that I like the Vampire Diaries or tell someone about a book I just read, they ALWAYS say "Ew, vampires. So like Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson?" or "Ugh. So that book is like Twilight but with __enter whatever "difference" book has__" KLAUS MIKAELSON IS NOTHING LIKE EDWARD CULLEN!!!! Okay. I'm done.
20. I love recommending books and movies to people and I will explain plots but my BIGGEST pet peeve is when that person's response is "Oh so it's like Twilight but better" or "Oh so it's like the Hunger Games but lamer". Like please people, open up your smallish minds and realize that not every book with a romance is like Twilight or every book set in a dystopian future is like Hunger Games.
Okay so I think that's enough. I hope you enjoyed my random confessions!!!!
xoxo Allie
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