Saturday, July 12, 2014

Chasing Life Rant

Okay so I just wanted to do a quick post about Chasing Life today. I watched Episode 5 a few days ago and although I do like the show, there are two things that bother me and that's what I will be talking about today!!

Okay so first April's denial is driving me crazy. Dammit woman you have cancer. That's not going to go away no matter how much you wish it or ignore it. April obviously doesn't want to die and I understand that learning you have cancer is a tough thing to go through but I just don't understand her. If I was in April's position, I would have told my family as soon as I found out and I would deal with it. Five episodes in and this denial is still a major plot point. I really hope that it ends in the next episode or so because I really do like this show and I don't want to be sitting here watching it and rolling my eyes.

And secondly, as I've mentioned before, I cannot stand Dominic. I can't explain it! There's just something about him that I never liked. I mean yes he's cute and yes he's romantic at times but idk. I dislike how he continuously talks about not being okay with cancer and wanting a relationship that's simple. I'm afraid that April is going to tell him and he's going to break her heart. And to make it worse, in this last episode, he fell asleep while April was talking!! That is seriously not okay. His girlfriend is lying there crying and upset and he falls asleep? I feel like the show is trying to make Dominic seem like such an amazing person and I'm just not feeling it..... April and Dominic happened too fast. I prefer Leo honestly because their relationship is slowly building and they have a lot more in common. Plus I'm always a sucker for the good girl/bad boy thing even though Leo's not really a bad boy and I do like the good guys sometimes.... Like with Finn (The 100) and Francis (Reign)

Anyway that's all I have to complain about the show. Don't take this the wrong way, I do really like this show and I will continue watching it! I just needed to rant haha. Goodbye for now!

xoxo Allie

Friday, July 11, 2014

More New Summer Shows - Dominion, Young & Hungry and Total Drama: Pahkitew Island

Hey so as I mentioned in part 1 of this "new summer shows series" I did, I mentioned two other shows that I wanted to check out and now that I've checked them out, I wanted to do a short thoughts post on them!!!
The first show is Dominion on Syfy. Now I liked the idea of the show but the real reason I checked it out was because it came on after Defiance. It's sort of based on the movie Legion (which I never saw) and follows the idea that God disappeared and many of the angels blamed the humans. Michael was the only angel to stand up for the humans and he came down to Earth to protect us. His brother Gabriel lead the attack against humans. The main character of the show is "The Chosen One" aka the man who will stop the angel attack and save the world. I really liked the idea of the show and some of the characters are interesting but the biggest thorn in my side is the fact that Alex doesn't want to be the chosen one and is pretending it never happened. If you know me, you know that I hate nothing more than a character who refuses to accept who he/she is. I'm still holding off on true judgment because it's only been four episodes and Alex might embrace it yet. My favorite character has to be Arika because she's super manipulative and it's awesome. My biggest problem has to be with the romantic relationship the show is hinting at with Arika. The plot is a little slow as of yet but I'm sure it will pick up. Also the love interest from Letters to Juliet is playing Alex so that alone deserves your attention!!

The second show is Young & Hungry on ABC Family. It's one of the only comedies I'm watching right now because again, I prefer drama to comedy as comedies sometimes get boring. But so far, I'm loving this show!! During the promos I noticed that Emily Osment was playing the lead and because of this I decided to check it out. A great decision actually. I love all the characters right now (except for Caroline but that's a given), Gabby and Josh have great chemistry and the one-liners are hilarious. Gabby is amazing when she's awkward and the plots of each episode are great. There's only been three episodes so far but I already hope the season gets renewed!!

The third show is Total Drama: Pahkitew Island on Cartoon Network. Don't judge me. I loved the first season of total drama and because of that I've checked out every season of this show. I was unsure about whether I would enjoy this season when I first heard about it because I love the original cast so much. I never got into any of the Revenge of the Island cast and I think the producers got that because they started new this season. I also hate that these seasons are only 14 episodes long because that's not enough time for you to love the cast! The original cast had 3 seasons for you to love them and it's not likely you'll know these new characters even close to as well in just 14 episodes. That being said, I am pleasantly surprised with this season. I like most of the characters and the challenges are fun!! Sky and Samy are my favorite female characters and Shawn is my favorite male character. If total drama continues for another season, I would like to see this cast again rather than the Revenge of the Island cast. I do however dislike the character who are given shticks like Ella and Sugar and the Wizard (oh crap he's the worst) and I feel like that's why the TDRI cast was so annoying!

So that's all! Three new shows I'm watching this summer and I definitely hope you check out the trailers for the shows and watch them!!!

xoxo Allie

P.S. Congrats to Turn and The Night Shift on being renewed for season 2!!!

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Originals by Cat Patrick Thoughts

Hey all!! I'm back with another book review!!! I just finished reading The Originals by Cat Patrick and let me just say, GOOSEBUMPS. I really enjoyed this book. It was a creative idea and Cat Patrick is an amazing writer! The synopsis is below.

Lizzie, Ella, and Betsey Best grew up believing they were identical triplets. Then they learned the truth... and no one else can know. Now, to the outside world, the Best family appears to consist of a single mother with one seventeen-year-old daughter named Elizabeth. Lizzie, Ella, and Betsey take turns going to school, pursuing extracurriculars, and even dating. Then Lizzie meets Sean Kelly, the one person who can help her realize she's not a carbon copy of the others - she's an individual with unique dreams and desires. Digging deeper into her background and her mother's role in her life, Lizzie begins to dismantle the delicate balance of an unusual family that only science could have created.

Let's talk characters first. Lizzie was a really good protagonist. She was likablewilling to be different and to follow what she genuinely believes in rather that just going along with whatever people tell her to do. While it's true that she was a bit too dramatic in certain situations, she had this never ending persistence. Betsey and Ella were fun characters too although I liked Betsey a little more. Ella for being described as fearless, was a very cautious person. She was also kind of selfish in that she didn't mind being a third of a person as long as she got everything she wanted. Betsey was sweet and caring and an ideal sister. She wanted to do what was best for her sisters but also wanted to be independent.

The dynamics between the sisters were also great. They were clones, but they each have their own personality, and while they do fight, they're sisters above all. The three understand the importance of their secrecy, but they support each other when each decides to rebel, and they work together effectively. There are no huge fights or backstabbing, they are truly a team. I loved how they make the relationships work. I understood the pain of one as they're forced to date only one person, for the sake of appearing to be one person.

Sean is the love interest and he was also a great character. He is independent, caring and can be empathetic. He does lean towards a constantly jealous person but eventually, with his everlasting empathy, Sean still turns to be a loveable supporting character.

I really enjoyed the plot of the novel because like I said before, it was a creative one and I can definitely say that I've never read anything like this. The book made me feel for these girls and I hated their "mom." Not only was she super controlling but she was "observing" them to write a paper later on. I was sitting there and hoping that the girls would do something about it earlier than they did. I hated when Lizzie defended her mom to Sean although I guess she could have been a worse mom.

Besides the mom, I thought the ending was a little rushed. Much of the book fleshed out the romance and the coming of age story and just when the book got good, it was over. The reveal was kind of a  let down. And there's one inconsistency that I just can't get out of my head. If they were in trouble of being found out, why couldn't they have just dyed their hair and gotten three identities all those years ago? Why decide to act like one person?

Other than those few things, I did really enjoy the book! In fact, I'd give it a 4/5 stars. I definitely think you should check it out. I'm excited about Cat Patrick's writing style and I can't wait to check out Forgotten and Revival!!

xoxo Allie