Friday, May 10, 2019

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous lists, click here and if you want to see a list of my favorite asian OTPs and ships, click here!


Abyss (2/16): Go Se Yeon was a tough, accomplished, and an unrivaled beautiful female prosecutor who worked in the Seoul District public Office but gets into a fatal accident and dies. However, due to the mysterious magical marble—Abyss—Go Se Yeon is revived, but now in a totally different appearance. Go Se Yeon now possesses a common appearance based off of how “good” her spirit was in her previous life.Cha Min was the highly intelligent heir to Korea’s top cosmetics company but was also a smart, humble, and a kind-hearted man. Although he has both the brains and an astounding amount of wealth, he considers himself unattractive and is insecure about his looks. Like Go Se Yeon, Cha Min gets into an accident and dies. Due to the mysterious magical marble—Abyss—he comes back to life with a different appearance as an exceedingly handsome man just as bright as his spirit he had in his previous life. Go Se Yeon and Cha Min begin to work as a lawyer and an administrator at a private law firm and decide to investigate the magical incident. Romance blooms in the office as the two intertwine together to accept their same fate.

I was super looking forward to this drama cause it was the return of Park Bo Young who is my favorite Korean actress and I was super pumped to find out that she was going to be working with Ahn Hyo Seop who is so so attractive but after watching the first two episodes, tbh I'm a bit disappointed that this is the role Bo Young chose after a year off. I am however still holding out hope that something about this drama which attracted Bo Young to this role hasn't happened yet and that will change my mind cause I want to believe in her and her role choosing ability. So far I'm not down with either main character cause they're both super shallow and not great people and seriously if I have to hear another person put down Bo Young's gorgeousness I will lose it. She is not average or common or any of that nonsense just cause they put Bo Young in frumpy clothes and glasses. Se Yeon is a bit narcissistic and in love with herself while Min is the typical example of a "nice guy" in that he whines about a million times about how Se Yeon wouldn't date him but I hoping the fact that Se Yeon at least stayed friends with Min for 20 years and also seemed a bit jealous of Min getting married means that she had some feelings for him beforehand and because Min seems to only mention Se Yeon dumping him lightly that he's mostly just joking. This way when they fall in love, I'm less weirded out. I'm also glad we also found out who the murderer is already and that we go to see his real face cause I like when the audience knows more than the heroes. The cute prosecutor friend is a bit sketch as well and for a while I thought maybe he was the serial killer and though I was wrong about that, it that doesn't mean he's not got something else brewing. I also love that Se Yeon's body double was dating that cop cause I'm really looking forward to some funny antics there. I'm curious about this Abyss that they got and who those mysterious figures were as well and whether we'll learn any more about them but I feel like with this serial killer storyline, our show might be full.
    Eulachacha Waikiki 2 (14/16): Lee Joon Ki is an unpopular actor who runs the Waikiki guesthouse. However, business is bad and the guesthouse is facing bankruptcy. In order to revive the guesthouse, Lee Joon Ki asks his friends Cha Woo Shik and Kook Ki Bong to invest their savings in it. Cha Woo Shik is a picky person who dreams of becoming a singer. Kook Ki Bong used to be a promising baseball player, but instead is now stuck playing in the minor leagues. After Lee Joon Ki's request, they all put their money into Waikiki Guesthouse and start living there together. 

    Omg I adored these two episodes and for once I wasn't just into Ki Bong and Yu Ri's part! I loved watching Jun Ki's arc from hilariously selling products instead of acting to going through a moral struggle about whether he should take roles through connections to giving up acting to suddenly getting hemorrhoids and everyone in the guesthouse thinking he was suicidal. I was living for the multiple scenes where people found him with something wrapped around his neck and their freakout out in front of him and behind his back too cause for once it really felt like the cast was a family. I think that's another thing that feels different to me this season cause while the first season had a lot of moments where all the group did stuff or mixed up the pairings, this season seems to solely focus on the romances. Every week I wonder if now will be the time that Jun Ki and Jung Eun will finally get together but the finale is this week and I'm pretty sure we're not going to go that route cause even after Jun Ki found out Jung Eun's feelings, it was played off as comedic which you know I'm not complaining about! Soo Hyun spent the week all jealous of Woo Shik and Min Ah and it was hilarious cause she didn't even know that she was jealous at first but I think by the end, she's realized how she felt and that's sweet. On the other hand Ki Bong and Yu Ri are officially dating and they're so precious. I loved them trying to think about whether they liked each other and how happy they got thinking the other liked them and arguing with each other while they thought the other wasn't into them. Their date was super awkward yes but they ended up super cute by the end and I love the antics they got into when trying to hide their relationship from the others. I'm surprised they're hiding it though cause Woo Shik doesn't seem like he'd be as upset as Dong Goo was last season.
    Her Private Life (10/16): A romantic comedy about a talented gallery curator named Sung Duk Mi, who is an idol fangirl underneath her professional veneer. Meanwhile, her boss Ryan becomes a passionate fanboy of her. Sung Duk Mi lives a double life as both a gallery curator and a home master for a fansite about Si An, an idol group member. She’s a pro in both aspects of her life, and because of her fangirl dedication, Duk Mi has had to break up with several boyfriends, deciding instead to go all in for her fangirl activities instead of dating. Ryan is a new director at the gallery where Duk Mi works. Once a painter, Ryan was a sensation in the art world from his debut to his retirement, and is now seeing career success as a director. An individualist through and through, Ryan comes to find out about Duk Mi’s double life.

    Can we just take a moment to squeal about how cute these two episodes were??? I was ready to come out of this week feeling meh cause it should have been the breakup episodes but to my surprise, they cleared up their misunderstandings fairly quickly! And then they had all the makeouts and I was LIVING!!! I then thought that we'd only get the one kiss at the end of episode 9 but then we had so many! And for once not only were they not the open-eyed peck that a lot of dramas do, we got so much cutesy touching from them that I always complain that other dramas don't have! When you're in the honeymoon phase of a relationship you're not freaking out cause your boyfriend touched your hand! We got so many sweet moments and dude Ryan is so hot but so sweet and I completely agree with Deok Mi about how greedy he is to have all the qualities! Ryan might be one of my favorite written male characters in a drama (up there with Ahn Min Hyuk) cause he's just all around perfect! He's confident but not to an arrogant degree, he's able to apologize when he's wrong so he knows that he's not all knowing, and he tries to get to know Deok Mi's interests but not just in a way to score points with her or manipulate her. I was also lowkey living for the moments at the museum with the coworkers and how they though Ryan cheated on her and then when they realized that they were dating again and they were horrified. I'm even starting to like Cindy and wanting her to do some good in the museum. I also liked that Ryan and Deok Mi talked about Da In and Eun Gi respectively and both brought up how they were uncomfortable with how much time their significant other spent with their friend but they did it in a mature way and didn't just throw an ultimatum. Ugh this show is definitely my favorite on air now that He Is Psychometric is over and I kind of wish I had waited to binge this cause every week I can't wait until the next!!!


    Detective L (12/24): Shanghai in 30s: An intriguing crime case emerges amidst the bustling city. A beautiful new graduate of police academy, Qin Xiaoman, joins the investigation unit. The famous detective Luo Fei becomes her colleague and neighbor.

    There was a ton of stuff that interested me in what this show was about from it's time period to it's cast so I was really looking forward to checking this show out but I held off because I've been burned so many times with english subbing stopping midway through a drama. I wanted to wait until all of it or nearly all of it was subbed but I ended up breaking this week and watching the first 12 subbed episodes. As I expected, I do adore this show and I'm just casually praying that this show is continued to be subbed! I love that it's set in the 30s cause I've always been a fan of the pre-WWII era across all media cause there's something just so tragic about it with everyone being so carefree not to mention I adore the costumes. I also love the way this show is shot and how it's lit as well. The main characters are both really interesting and there's definitely a Sherlock and Watson feel to the drama. I also love that though Xiao Man isn't as smart as Luo Fei, she's more physically badass and I love that she's usually the one to chase after the criminal and shoot first. Their dynamic is also fun cause it's clear already that Luo Fei is into Xiao Man though he doesn't know it cause he seems to get jealous whenever the thought of her spending time with another guy comes up and I would love at one point if she goes on a date or actually gets interested in a man just to see how Luo Fei reacts then. Of course this show is a bit more fantastical in it's elements cause I doubt that women were being cops in the 30s but that's what makes it all the more fun! I also wasn't sure if there was going to be a Big Bad in this show or if it would be mostly standalone cases but towards the end of the episodes I watched this week I think for sure the villain will be the Captain. I'm definitely super into this show and I can't wait for more!
    La Coup de Foudre (12/35): Zhao Qiao Yi and Yan Mo are classmates in high school. One is a bad student and the other a top student. Although they don’t seem to have anything in common, they make a promise on the day before graduation to go study abroad together. But due to an unforeseen incident in Qiao Yi’s family, she can’t keep the promise and the two lose contact. Four years later, they meet again at their first class reunion. Qiao Yi finally admits her own feelings and decides to move to where Yan Mo lives in order to pursue him, but has to discover that there is already someone by his side. Yan Mo, though, secretly does a lot of things for Qiao Yi. While nobody can rival him when it comes to studying or working, he is unable to express his feelings. Will the two find together in the end?

    I was kinda meh about this drama cause I don't usually love Chinese dramas set in high school though I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I was so burned by My Huckleberry Friends but I did want to check this one out cause Janice Wu was in it and I do love her. To my surprise this show took a well worn concept (and one I hate tbh with a cold man and a warm girl) and kind of made it feel creative. The show is filmed kind of like a documentary and I kind of like that it started with us learning how our main couple ends and then works backward to tell us their story. It's kinda strange though cause this story is supposed to be all cute and everything but there's this strange melancholic feel to the whole show as if we're leading towards one of the two dying but we know they end happily married so I'm not entirely sure why the tone is like this! I adore the supporting cast as well and the little family they created during middle/high school and I especially love the brother/sister relationship between Qiao Yi and Guan Cho and I seriously cried when I watched the domestic abuse episode and how much he loves his sister as well as how much their stepfather loves them. I can already see the problems with why it took forever for Qiao Yi and Mo to get together cause she doesn't like to say what she wants and he's expressionless like a robot. From what I've gathered, they are both into each other while they were in school but then he asks her out and she turns him down so he leaves but they both still wait for each other and then they meet again only for her once again not to say that she loves him. I definitely have a feeling that his mom is involved in this original breakup cause maybe she tells Qiao Yi that she's holding Mo back from his dreams in England. Also I kinda hope Guan Cho and Wu Yi are married in the future as well cause I low key ship them too.

    xoxo Allie

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