Friday, May 24, 2019

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous lists, click here and if you want to see a list of my favorite asian OTPs and ships, click here!


Abyss (6/16): Go Se Yeon was a tough, accomplished, and an unrivaled beautiful female prosecutor who worked in the Seoul District public Office but gets into a fatal accident and dies. However, due to the mysterious magical marble—Abyss—Go Se Yeon is revived, but now in a totally different appearance. Go Se Yeon now possesses a common appearance based off of how “good” her spirit was in her previous life. Cha Min was the highly intelligent heir to Korea’s top cosmetics company but was also a smart, humble, and a kind-hearted man. Although he has both the brains and an astounding amount of wealth, he considers himself unattractive and is insecure about his looks. Like Go Se Yeon, Cha Min gets into an accident and dies. Due to the mysterious magical marble—Abyss—he comes back to life with a different appearance as an exceedingly handsome man just as bright as his spirit he had in his previous life. Go Se Yeon and Cha Min begin to work as a lawyer and an administrator at a private law firm and decide to investigate the magical incident. Romance blooms in the office as the two intertwine together to accept their same fate.

Ha what a smart cookie Se Yeon is! I was wondering how the Abyss would bring back Min and I assumed that the smartest method would be to sneak Young Cheol into a room with Min and let the Abyss do it's thing and that's exactly what happened. It was sad to see how distraught Se Yeon was when she thought Min died and I still believe she's been low-key in love with him for a while and the only reason she never knew it was cause he wasn't attractive before. I was living for her watching Min do work on the phone and the heart eyes she was shooting him cause girl I was feeling the exact same especially when he showed up in the board meeting and schooled everyone while looking so hot. I also know it's like supposed to be a big deal that Young Cheol has the Abyss but like it only sucks that he has it cause in case one our people die again then we can't bring them back otherwise it sucks more for Young Cheol who can't even murder correctly anymore cause his victims keep coming back to life. I also don't entirely understand how he's that much of a threat anymore cause he's straight up in jail now so like even the fact that Hee Jin seems to still be working with him is strange. I really dislike her cause she's still acting like a spoiled child and like yeah part of me feels for her since we learned that Hee Jin is Young Cheol's daughter and that Ji Wook is probs her older brother but like the rest of me is like ugh she's the worst. And honestly this just makes Ji Wook look even worse as a person. He seriously cares more about his father than Se Yeon who was his best friend cause he's doing everything to cover up her death but like clearly didn't care when Hee Jin was in danger or on the news! We were also hinted at that maybe he actually showed up while Young Cheol was killing her and like let it go. I really want to know what this tie he has to him cause you would think that a child of an abusive parent would want him to get what he deserves.
Her Private Life (14/16): A romantic comedy about a talented gallery curator named Sung Duk Mi, who is an idol fangirl underneath her professional veneer. Meanwhile, her boss Ryan becomes a passionate fanboy of her. Sung Duk Mi lives a double life as both a gallery curator and a home master for a fansite about Si An, an idol group member. She’s a pro in both aspects of her life, and because of her fangirl dedication, Duk Mi has had to break up with several boyfriends, deciding instead to go all in for her fangirl activities instead of dating. Ryan is a new director at the gallery where Duk Mi works. Once a painter, Ryan was a sensation in the art world from his debut to his retirement, and is now seeing career success as a director. An individualist through and through, Ryan comes to find out about Duk Mi’s double life.

Can we talk about what an angel Deok Mi is? She's literally like the best girlfriend cause she knows exactly when to push Ryan and when to back off. It's honestly so refreshing cause like both Ryan and Deok Mi act like real adults in this show unlike most dramas where the leads throw tantrums and hide things and lie as if they've never existed in the real world before. I was living for when he pretended to be angry with Deok Mi cause she didn't tell him about her birthday or when they were caught sleeping together at the gallery or when she helped him draw again. They are the absolute cutest! My heart was also crying right alongside Ryan as he figured out that Si An's mother was his mother and that she didn't abandon him but only lost him for a little while after she got into an accident. Part of me still blames her cause like seriously what kind of mom leaves their young child at a park without any adult supervision? That's how kidnappings happen! I don't love the idea that Deok Mi's mom is involved in Ryan's trauma but I feel like with only two episodes left it won't be as big a deal as I'm afraid it would be especially since in a show like this, Deok Mi might try to pull away in guilt but hopefully Ryan won't let her. It feels as though Ryan was taken to Deok Mi's house for a while after his mom never came but Deok Mi's parents had to take him to an orphanage later probs due to money problems cause I think Deok Mi mentioned they had some trouble early on. That would explain the crying child memory and the adult who pushed him away claiming that she wasn't his mother. Cindy is also such a cutie and I find myself adoring her more every week which is so funny since I really didn't like her at first. 
My Absolute Boyfriend (8/40): Da Da, is a woman who works as a special effects make-up artist but has a very cold-heart. She then, unexpectedly, falls in love with Yeong Goo, a humanoid robot programmed to be a perfect boyfriend. Yeong Goo begins to develop human emotions, and they end up in a love triangle with her famous actor childhood friend, Ma Wang Joon, who also falls for her.

Ugh this show is so cute that I want to ignore all the instincts telling me that the show won't have a happy ending cause I mean Da Da is literally about to fall in love with a robot! Yeong Goo is literally the sweetest and I love the story that this show is telling because Yeong Goo and Da Da are about to have the most romantic love story ever since he is literally made to be a good person and I can't wait until human emotions start welling up in him. Shows like these really make me wonder philosophically if it's okay for her to love him cause of course she would fall for someone that would put her happiness first but it's not truly his own choice yet. Despite this I'm living for their amazing chemistry and the way she snaps at him only for him to see her real meaning under the anger. The poor thing is trying his absolute hardest to do well for her and as time passes, he's understanding more and more about what the right thing to do is for her. I'm also low key living for how jealous Wang Joon is at seeing Da Da with someone else but at the same time I low key ship her with him too cause their love story was also really sweet. We finally figured out why he broke up with her and it turns out that some fan found out about their relationship and that person is threatening to hurt or kill Da Da which is why Wang Joon broke up with her. Having said that, I still don't agree with the way he treated her in the past especially with calling her a stalker so I'm not all against his pain. 
The Secret Life Of My Secretary (12/32): Do Min Ik is an intelligent man and the executive of a leading telecommunications company who always relies on his secretary, the loyal Jung Gal Hee. When Jung Gal Hee gets fired from her job she winds up assuming a double life as a famous movie industry figure, Veronica Park, after Do Min Ik gets into an accident that leaves him with face blindness (prosopagnosia).

So I originally wanted to check this drama out when it first aired back a few weeks ago and I really did adore it at first but then I realized what the synopsis meant about Gal Hee being Veronica Park too and suddenly I wasn't so down. I really don't like when secrets are kept in dramas between the main leads and at first I was thrilled that Min Ik told Gal Hee about his face blindness cause it gave them an us against the world vibe but then I realized what an asshole Gal Hee was for pretending to be Veronica on a date just to get back at Min Ik. Stuff like this only could happen in a drama cause seriously I cannot imagine any scenario in which I would use someone else's illness to my advantage no matter how much I hated them! And like let's say the first time isn't a big deal but then Gal Hee pretends to be Veronica a second AND a third time! I know it was cause she didn't want to be mean but seriously this was worse! It's going to majorly suck when Min Ik finds out cause like he said he already has trouble trusting people and the fact that he's finally reaching out again and she's lying to him will break him. Despite this I do adore Gal Hee and Min Ik as characters cause I love that she's so sassy and he's not a cold male lead despite everything he's been through. They have amazing chemistry together and I just love their banter! I also think that Min Ik is into Gal Hee like she is into him but just doesn't know it. The only reason he's into "Veronica" is cause she was kind to him like Gal Hee is normally and he's just not viewing Gal Hee as a woman yet but eventually it'll hit him like a truck and I can't wait! I'm not super interested in the boardroom politics but I am curious about what Dae Joo's deal is and whether or not he's on Min Ik's side cause it seemed like he sent the hitman after him but then also seemed shocked when he realized that Min Ik got hurt. His secretary Eul Wang is even sketchier though and I wouldn't be surprised if in fact it was her behind everything.


    Detective L (18/24): Shanghai in 30s: An intriguing crime case emerges amidst the bustling city. A beautiful new graduate of police academy, Qin Xiaoman, joins the investigation unit. The famous detective Luo Fei becomes her colleague and neighbor.

    I really enjoyed the twist we got this week where the victim turned out to be the killer and it was crazy cause I seriously did not suspect her at all though I totally should have given that the name for this case was The Black Widow which are always females! It was also really interesting to see that we didn't end up catching the mother of the Black Widow who originally did the killings years ago but we as the audience know who she is though Luo Fei and Xiao Man don't making me wonder if this will be a storyline we'll be returning to. The killer made a weird reference to Luo Fei regretting not following through on the deal he made with her but like she's about to be killed through the death penalty so like unless she has someone else set up to do something, her threat is a bit meaningless and that brings me back to her mom who maybe will do a revenge killing? I did like that Xiao Man ended up caught this week cause it made the case personal but it was disappointing to see that Luo Fei wasn't much torn up about it even if he was distraught when he found her. I'm still waiting for a bit more of an overt romantic moment between the two cause we're coming up on the finale soon enough and though the two are into each other, it's mostly just hinted at and it would be unfortunate if we don't end the show with even just a confession! Also we still haven't got anything on the Captain who I thought was the Big Bad!
    La Coup de Foudre (24/35): Zhao Qiao Yi and Yan Mo are classmates in high school. One is a bad student and the other a top student. Although they don’t seem to have anything in common, they make a promise on the day before graduation to go study abroad together. But due to an unforeseen incident in Qiao Yi’s family, she can’t keep the promise and the two lose contact. Four years later, they meet again at their first class reunion. Qiao Yi finally admits her own feelings and decides to move to where Yan Mo lives in order to pursue him, but has to discover that there is already someone by his side. Yan Mo, though, secretly does a lot of things for Qiao Yi. While nobody can rival him when it comes to studying or working, he is unable to express his feelings. Will the two find together in the end?

    Qiao Yi and Mo are finally together this week and honestly I wish I cared more but I lost interest in this show weeks ago tbh and like I probs should drop it but I also kind of want to see this through to the end mostly because I'm more interested in the second couple Wu Yi and Guan Chao. I also really could not care less about the workplace drama that's happening and whether or not someone stole Mo's tech. I do think it's sweet that the second female lead and Mo's nephew might be getting together soon cause he's always been super sweet and we all want him to be happy. My favorite moment this week was when Guan Chao and Mo thought that Qiao Yi was pregnant and they liked stormed the castle to interrogate her but of course I also liked the hilarity at the hot pot restaurant where Mo realized that he had a complete meltdown years ago because of a dog and not Qiao Yi getting a real boyfriend. Of course their kiss was great too but it's honestly taken so long and I was so tired of neither one admitting their feelings for one another that I was fairly checked out of the whole thing. Wu Yi's pregnancy also came and went really fast which was super hilarious but it sucks that she seems to be lying to Guan Chao about being pregnant cause she likes the attention he's giving to her. Once again this is such a drama thing cause in real life, I would have sat that man down until he understood that I wasn't trying to lie about not being pregnant to get him out of it but because I really wasn't pregnant. I can't imagine that when the truth comes out that Guan Chao will be THAT pissed cause this show seems to pass through problems lightly but I'm sure there will be some anger and hopefully she says something before he tells his parents cause that's a more awkward thing to walk back!
    FINISHED My Amazing Boyfriend Season 1 (28/28): Mutant Xue Ling Qiao, who has been asleep for centuries, is awakened by the unlucky actress Tian Jing Zhi in a car accident. He then forces his way into living at her house despite his mysterious past. On the surface, she acts like she’s not bothered by his super powers, but actually, she tries her best to get rid of this “monster.” Unexpectedly, their torment of each other gradually warms their relationship. This not only illuminates their romantic feelings but also reveals a shocking conspiracy that spans centuries.

    It's kind of funny looking at the list of cdramas I watched this week and seriously 3/4 of them are Janice Wu dramas and that's hilarious. I was wondering if perhaps I didn't like her as an actress as much as I thought I did after being disappointed by The Brightest Star and La Coup but after watching this one and really enjoying her in it, I think that it's not that I dislike Janice but I dislike her characters. I also decided to split up season 1 and 2 of this show due to how the actors are different in the second making it feel like a whole new show. Like I said I really enjoyed this drama cause I'm always super down with sci-fi fantasy romance shows and it reminded me a bit of A Korean Odyssey in that the supernatural male lead was basically forced into protecting the human female lead and as time passed, they fell in love. Ling Qiao was a bit too close to the type of cold male lead that I dislike but at the same time it worked for me cause being immortal and all it made sense that he was afraid to allow himself to love her. I also adored Jing Zhi as a character cause I loved how in love with herself she was and how confident in her affection for him she was. There was no dancing around the subject and their kisses were all super cute. I also really liked the villain being Shi Guang and the show totally fooled me in thinking that maybe it was his cousin and not him being the Big Bad. The friends and supporting cast were all great as well and I actually did enjoy the ending of this season though I wonder if Jing Zhi is now immortal too or if she only has the ability not to get hurt cause of the baby. I would love if it was the first option cause it's too sad thinking that these two will have to separate in the end. Overall I'd give this show a 7.5 / 10!
    The Brightest Star In The Sky (31/44): As singer-songwriter C-POP star, Huang Zitao plays a role of a recalcitrant idol who debuted and become famous since he was young. He deeply likes music and keeps persistent, that is similar with Huang Zi Tao. This time Yang Zhen Zhen is a newbie manager who just starts the work. Being a newbie staff, she faces various obstacles but she never gives up her music dreams.

    So last week I definitely really talked shit about this show cause of how angry I got on behalf of poor Baixu and this week I have the same problems of course but that's nothing new so let's not talk about that for too long. It never ceases to amuse me that Baixu will sing a song on the show and everyone will be like well doesn't he suck blah blah blah and I'm over here like dude this man is an angel with a beautiful voice how dare you! Anyway Baixu and Zhen Zhen are finally together and like I expected Zhen Zhen is afraid to even let Baixu put his arm around her. Ugh. I do feel like part of this is cause she's afraid to believe that he truly loves her with him being famous and especially after what happened with Zi Rui rejecting her. It was a straight up heartbreaking when she wished that he would love her more than she would love him and tbh I think that might already true. He's honestly so precious with how he loves her cause he's like a kid with how he goes about it. I want to see more of this please and less music industry stuff cause I've started to skip everything with the bosses as it just makes me angry. I do also love that Zi Rui realized that Zhen Zhen is into Baixu now (I'm a low key terrible person) cause I'm still annoyed with him turning Zhen Zhen down for his music career and thinking that she'll still wait around for him like a puppy. I definitely think that he's going to end up doing something slightly evil, something like going through Zhen Zhen's laptop and finding out about Baixu's throat and then leaking the news to the press. I also have a feeling that after Baixu gets his surgery, he'll end up a better singer than before rather than losing his singing ability cause the poor guy is already at rock bottom so where else can he go but up?

    xoxo Allie

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