Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive in shall we?
It seems like a weird choice to start a new arc when we're 3 episodes from the season finale cause there's no possible way that this new arc can be fully experienced in that short amount of time! With the parasites being caught last week, it seems like not only did the visitor arc come to an end but also the school year and therefore Lina returned to the states while Shizuku came back to Japan. All of the third years we've met in the first season like Mayumi, Mari, and Katsuto graduated making me wonder if we'll see them much from now on cause it's not like they're actually part of our main circle of friends! With the start of Tatsuya and Miyuki's second year of high school, we see that Tatsuya, Mizuki, and Miki were all bumped up from Course 2 to Course 1 which makes sense though Erika and Leo are still in Course 1 which at first seems unfair but when you think about it, the courses are meant to rank students based on their magic ability and while Erika and Leo are competent and badass in the field, they fight using non-magic abilities most of the time. We also met a new character named Minami who's working for Maya though if I remember correctly, she was being mourned by Miyuki and Tatsuya making me wonder if she's supposed to be genetically engineered like Tatsuya.
FINISHED The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 8
Shit okay this season finale absolutely blew my mind and that's cause of one person: LUKE FREAKING SKYWALKER!!!! I was so so so so so curious if this show would ever have him show up cause on paper it would make so much sense to connect the two with how Grogu is looking for a Jedi master and how we know that in canon Luke wanted to rebuild the Jedi Order but in reality it would be harder cause Mark Hamill isn't young enough to play Luke right after the Return Of The Jedi. There was a lot of speculation over whether the show would just cast someone to play Luke and be like the magic of moviemaking to ignore it or if they would use their deaging program and in the end it was the second option which okay I know a lot of people will complain about but honestly to me it was better than both the other times we've seen young Leia (in Rogue One and Rise Of Skywalker) and at the end of the day it's more about the message we're getting than the effect! Luke was so badass coming in and destroying all the Death Troopers and even Moff Gideon realized he was out of luck! The final goodbye between Din and Grogu was so sweet and I loved that he even went as far as to take his helmet off to say goodbye. It really does look like Din's starting to learn to be more flexible. It also looks like we will be moving forward with the taking back of Mandalore storyline next season but like seriously the new rule about the Dark Saber only being owned by the person who fought for it is a little ridiculous cause if I remember in Star Wars Rebels, Sabine won it and then gave it to Bo Katan cause she didn't want to rule and there was no fuss made. Maybe the Din and Bo Katan can fight in single combat for her to get it cause seriously I will lose it if this show wants Din to lead Mandalore over Bo Katan. We also seem to have lost Boba and Fennec who we will see again in their solo adventure series.
xoxo Allie
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