Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Top 9 Movies Of 2020

Hello all my lovelies! What an absolute crazy year this has been! I hope you've all been safe and healthy and well and that you had a great holiday season no matter how different it may have been this year. It's that time of year again where I list my favorite movies, tv shows, and asian dramas of the year! I've been doing these for about seven years now so you should know the drill but if you don't, I'm going to be listing my Top 10 Movies of 2020 from 10 to 1 with number 1 being my favorite movie of the year! If you're interested, I also have Top 10 Movies of 2013Top 10 Movies of 2014Top 10 Movies of 2015Top 10 Movies of 2016, and Top 10 Movies of 2017Top 10 Movies Of 2018 and Top 10 Movies Of 2019 as well as my Favorite YouTube Videos and My Movie OTPs & Ships lists! With this year be slightly different as it turns out, I wasn't able to watch 10 new movies this year so my list actually only has 9!


Coming in at number 9 is Onward! This Disney Pixar movie came out so long ago that honestly it feels like another year. It follows two brothers as they go on a quest in order to bring their father back to life and honestly it's everything a D&D/fantasy nerd would want. And I don't mean this in a subtle way cause the older brother is a diehard roleplaying fan so everything the brothers do has some mention with how it would be like in a D&D session which is hilarious. Of course being a Disney Pixar movie there is plenty of heart to this movie too and I absolutely cried buckets of tears at the end of this movie when the younger brother realized that he never had to search for his father cause his older brother had always been there for him. 


At number 8 is Mulan! I'm going to be honest here. I really didn't like this adaptation of Mulan and in a normal movie year maybe it wouldn't have even ended up on a Top 10 list but here we are. Look okay I'm not one of those people who automatically hate every live action Disney movie just cause it's an adaptation cause if you know me you know that I've adored Cinderella and Aladdin so much while Beauty And The Beast and Lion King were meh. I was actually really excited to check out Mulan at first cause it's actually my third favorite Disney movie (after Aladdin and Tangled) and I liked the idea of all the changes but after I watched the opening scene to this movie all that changed. In all honesty the whole movie felt like it was missing something. It was absolutely lovely to look at but the magic of the animated movie was gone. It felt like moments were just happening cause they did in the original. And seriously don't even get me started on the addition of chi to the whole thing. The main reason that we all fell in love with Mulan originally was because she wasn't special! She worked hard for everything she got and she did it all out of love for her father and wanting to protect him. This Mulan already had this special chi in her and it felt like the villain got more character development than her! The lack of music and Mushu weren't that terrible but I also wasn't a fan of rewriting Shang for some random guy.


Coming in at number 7 is #Alive! Maybe this is cheating cause technically this is a Korean movie and I already have a separate Top 10 asian dramas list (keep an eye out for that coming soon) but seriously guys I watched so few movies this year that I decided that this one should count given that it's a movie and not a drama! I'm not usually the biggest fan of zombie movies but this one was led by two Korean actors I adore and I wondered if it could live up to my enjoyment of Train To Busan which had a similar premise about a zombie outbreak. I did think this movie was super creative cause it took the idea of a zombie outbreak and added in what it would be like to be too scared to leave your house and the struggle to survive with what you had. I really liked the way the leads bonded and that there was no romance cause seriously there was no time for that!


At number 6 is Soul! This movie follows the a middle school music teacher who has always wanted to do nothing more than play music only to die right after getting his big shot. He then ends up meeting a new soul in the Great Beyond and due to a set of circumstances ends back on Earth only his soul is in a cat and the new soul is in his body. The highlight of this movie is definitely the way it acts as a love letter to jazz music and it warms my soul every time Joe gets into how music moves him. I do kind of wish that the plot of the movie wasn't so focused on the whole afterlife thing cause it reminds me a little of Inside Out and this movie wanting to be that one but I did love the lessons Joe and 22 learned throughout the movie about what makes life worth living and how not to take your life for granted which is a wonderful message.

A Whisker Away

Coming in at number 5 is A Whisker Away! This movie is actually a Netflix anime movie that I watched and I absolutely adored. I am always super down for cute rom com anime films but I tend to find that I disconnect with most anime films. Like they're all so beautifully animated but most of them like to do the Nolan thing and make you think about philosophical questions and wonder if what you're watching is even real rather than giving us a good plot to sink our teeth into which is why when I started this show and found a fantastic story, I was all in! The story follows the girl of divorced parents who struggles with the changes in her life and ends up wishing that she were a cat. While she's a cat she falls in love with a boy who's kind to her and shenanigans ensue. The story is much more complex and heartwarming than it first sounds and I definitely cried at least once by the end!

To All The Boys I Loved Before: PS I Still Love You

At number 4 is To All The Boys I Loved Before: PS I Still Love You! So this movie is a sequel to To All The Boys I Love Before and I might be in the minority here but I really adored it. The major plot of this movie follows the fact that Lara Jean ends up feeling like Peter doesn't love her the way she does and so she ends up finding a friend in John Ambrose and a love triangle is formed. In the end she chooses Peter cause she loves him and this is where everyone who watched this movie fell off the wagon. Personally since I've read the books these movies were based on, I shipped Lara Jean and Peter so what actually ended up bothering me was the way this movie made Lara Jean so wishy-washy. Lara Jean kept leading John Ambrose on and treated Peter truly horrifically while in the books Lara Jean broke up with Peter for a good reason. Having said that I still enjoyed this movie a ton and of course I'm looking forward to the next one!

Birds Of Prey (And The Fantabulous Emancipation Of One Harley Quinn)

Coming in at number 3 is Birds Of Prey (And The Fantabulous Emancipation Of One Harley Quinn!) This movie is an absolute gem and I will truly never understand why it didn't hit it big in the box office. It's everything you could want from a Harley Quinn movie. It follows Harley after she breaks up with Joker and teams up with the Birds Of Prey in order to protect a girl who's being hunted by the Black Mask. It manages to balance humor and complete madness with a current of sadness and seriousness. Ewan McGregor is practically unrecognizable with how into this role he gets and Margot Robbie shines of course. I loved every single moment of this movie and I think it deserves more love than it gets.


At number 2 is Hamilton! Once again I'm not entirely sure if placing this on my list is cheating cause it's technically just a filmed broadcast of the Broadway musical but I think that the fact that this film originally was meant to be shown in theaters counts! Unless you've been living under a rock then you probably know about Hamilton and the way it swept through the world. Tickets were killer to get which is why when I found out that this movie was being released on Disney Plus I was thrilled. I actually had heard the soundtrack multiple times before but I was stunned to see how much the acting and staging of the show added to my pleasure. Of course the lyrics are so well written and the cast is extremely talented but I also think the stagehands and direction of the musical really added to the whole experience too. I've definitely rewatched this more than once!

Wonder Woman 1984

And finally my number 1 movie of 2020 is Wonder Woman 1984! I mean could this spot have gone to any other movie this year?? Wonder Woman 1984 has had a hell of a time releasing with how it's been pushed back so many times and was screwed back in the Summer when the pandemic forced it to be pulled from theaters. I know a lot of people including Patty Jenkins herself weren't happy with the movie coming out on HBO Max but I personally was thrilled cause I would get to see this movie earlier. Wonder Woman while I did like it didn't strike me as much as it did for others so unlike most people who ended up thinking this sequel wasn't as good, I found myself thinking that this movie hit me better. It had the opposite problem as the prequel in my opinion because while Wonder Woman was excellent for the first 2/3 of the movie, Wonder Woman 1984 was excellent for it's final 2/3 of the movie! I loved the way the movie played with Steve and Diana and for once I actually fell in love with them. I adored Cheetah and Max Lord as villains and Pedro Pascal really brought so much magic to this movie. The ending was perfect in my opinion too cause I am always proud when superhero movies like to have their final fight be different than a punching match so the fact that Wonder Woman who is all about love and justice and truth won the day by winning the hearts of the people was everything! 

I'll see you all tomorrow for my Top 10 TV Shows of 2020!

xoxo Allie

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