Saturday, October 12, 2019

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

Hello everyone and welcome back! Anyway, let's dive right in shall we?

Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit Episode 1

It's the start of the fall anime season so a lot of new shows aired either this week or last and this is one that I originally wasn't planning on checking out but then I was like why not and I'm actually kind of impressed with what I watched. It isn't that the plot is really unique or special or that I'm overly attached to any of the main characters but actually the fact that I'm fascinated by this world the show has built. I love police/investigation shows as you all know if you follow me at all but I also love fantasy and this show has shoved both together causing me to be enthralled. I'm so curious about the mystery of the Nine this show has laid out and getting to know all the main characters. I wonder if we'll get an episode every week that focuses on each of our mains while also having some sort of police investigation cause this one was all about Seiji who was the token good guy who's all for justice and possibly the least interesting of the batch of characters we got. I do think that he's probs not all that he seems cause he definitely didn't avoid that point-blank bullet that was shot at him making me wonder if in his flashback to the Nine attack that he somehow was turned into a magical creature. I mean we've met vampires and fairies but it's possible that there's more. On that note Ichinose might be my favorite for now cause you know I'm a sucker for tall dark and handsome but it does seem like he might just be human. I also low key love that the whole cast except for Seiji have known and worked with each other for a while so we're not starting with putting everyone together one-by-one.

Stand My Heroes: Piece Of Truth Episode 1

So yeah I am this idiot who decided to check out another reverse harem show. I'm such a bitch for these types of shows cause I mean who doesn't want to watch an anime with a bunch of super cute anime boys being all romantic? I had heard this was based off of a video game (the kind where you romance all the guys) and I have had my share of reverse harem shows so I know how everything goes down normally and yet I still found myself oddly disappointed with what I watched. I mean yes there are a lot of handsome men but there's so many that I couldn't keep track of who was who other than one or two that were drawn to be especially different. I also wanted to love the fact that all the characters had known each other for a while but that just meant that I didn't entirely know how everyone felt about each other. The main problem though for me was Rei and her complete ineptitude which I know is a cultural difference cause Japanese women are meant to be submissive and all that but I just couldn't stand what an idiot she was. The whole episode we're told that Rei is good at her job and smart in an out-of-the-box way but all I saw was someone who couldn't act like she should. I mean literally running out to stop some bullying is good and all but not while you're out on a sting! And then when the criminal was running away she chased after him when as it turns out she can't fight! What kind of a police officer can't fight? Despite that I'm going to keep watching cause I have hope that maybe her arc during this show will be to become more competent. I am also curious about whether this show will actually have a plot or some sort of overarching villain. I also low key hope that Rei ends up choosing one of the men cause most of the time reverse harems don't allow their female leads to like any of the men more than the others but sometimes it's clear who she loves. After this episode I'm partial to Aoyama tbh who is the most interesting of the hundreds of men we met.

Batwoman Season 1 Episode 1

So the pilot of Batwoman has finally aired and honestly guys I went back and forth about whether I would be reviewing this show or not. I really wasn't a fan of what I saw of Kate Kane from the crossover last season and the promos for this show really made me feel like this wouldn't be my cup of tea but I thought why not check out the pilot at the very least? After doing so I have to say this show is pretty much exactly what I expected it to be. It's very heavy-handed with the whole female empowerment thing and it's definitely going to turn some people off but honestly I was mostly meh about the whole thing. It didn't wow me like the other Arrowverse pilots did but it also didn't bore me either so I will probs continue this for now. So far Kate is fine as a character (a bit too one-note in terms of acting but you know it's a pilot so I should let Ruby Rose settle in before I judge) but I'm really into her family dynamics more than anything. I love her contentious relationship with her father cause there's so much to unpack here cause he doesn't seem like a bad guy but just someone who's been grieving the loss of his family and unsure how to connect with his remaining daughter. It's why his marriage is especially interesting cause if he's still at a loss why did he remarry and why do I think the stepmom isn't all she seems? It does look like though that at some point Mary will probs join Kate and Luke down in the Batcave. I also loved Alice as a villain cause she felt like such a perfect Gotham rogue but I really thought she'd be the regular one-off pilot villain most of the Arrowverse shows have only to be shocked when it was revealed in episode 1 that she's actually Beth aka Kate's sister. I'll be interested to find out more about her and why she seems to hate the father so much.

The Flash Season 6 Episode 1

For a season premiere this wasn't the best but for a normal episode of the Flash, I had fun with it. I liked that we saw Barry and Iris continuing to struggle with the loss of their child cause it's not something that you can just get past especially since who even knows if she'll be born again or be the same person. I low key wish the show would go the Tornado Twins route but I also kind of feel for any of Barry and Iris's future kids cause like can you imagine growing up and hearing all about Nora and how much your parents had hoped you would be her? It was so in character of Barry to throw himself into work while Iris threw herself into trying to ignore what happened but I kinda wish that the show had shown us more about how this was affecting them on a personal level. We literally get any and all marital struggles between Oliver and Felicity but Barry and Iris can never have a storyline that lasts more than one episode. Cisco is still around despite no longer being Vibe and I just really can't understand why the show went this route other than maybe Carlos being like I don't want to wear the suit anymore. Caitlin and Frost went through some stuff too and it just highlights my problem with her meta-powers cause Caitlin and Frost are two separate personalities and like right now they are okay with Frost attempting to live her own life but like what if she falls in love but Caitlin is the main personality! I know a couple of seasons ago Caitlin kept being thrown at whatever new guy came around but it's been a few since she had a romantic storyline and she is the only one without a significant other and I'd like her to have one especially since Ralph is even starting out on his journey to meet Sue aka his future comic wife! I'll be curious to know if Ramsay is really the villain of this season or if he's just a stopgap until Crisis after which another villain will appear.

Riverdale Season 4 Episode 1

The thing with this episode is that I want to say that this was honestly a terrible premiere cause we learned almost nothing about where this season is going but I can't begrudge this show for giving Luke Perry such a lovely sendoff. It does end up leaving me in a weird place where I don't know how to review this episode cause nothing truly happened other than Fred dying in a hit-and-run and everything that followed was in memory of him. Fred was driving upstate when he stopped to help a woman with her flat tire and was hit by a car, the driver whom we learned later was a kid who didn't even have his license. I assume that because Archie found out that it wasn't the father but the son who did it that he probably dropped the charges. On the way back FP gave them a police escort and the whole town lined up to send Fred off followed by a lovely funeral and a beautiful obituary written by Jughead. We did learn that Hiram paid for the entire service which is like red flags and I have to admit that I wondered if the hit-and-run might have been his doing at first before we learned who the culprit was. We also saw a glimpse of Alice which is interesting cause last we knew she had disappeared with the rest of the Farm last season but clearly she's okay and still undercover so that's good at least. I also had a thought as I was watching about how it's most likely that Archie will end up taking over Fred's construction business once he graduates cause I know he was worried about his future last season since he couldn't take the SATs having missed so much school and that feels like a lovely tribute to his father. I also wonder if Mary will end up sticking around in Riverdale cause Archie does need a parent though then again Betty and Veronica are both alone with their parents either dead or in jail or missing. Maybe Archie will just move in with Veronica or maybe he'll join Betty at the Jones's house.

Assassin's Pride Episode 1

I had been looking forward to this anime airing cause it's synopsis just sounded so interesting. I mean romance with fantasy and magic? Sign me the hell up! I was hesitant though cause I'm actually really picky with anime cause I need a show to have a good plot alongside a good romance if there is any since I can't watch something meaninglessly which is what tends to happen in most anime. So far though I'm enjoying what I'm watching. This episode did feel a bit rushed in terms of character development cause the show obviously wanted to get from point A to point B but didn't have the time or episode count in order to let it happen naturally so we went from Kufa pitying Merida and ready to kill her to suddenly being devoted to her and sharing his mana. I can let this slide though cause I'm a sucker for a good romance and these two are pretty cute. I'm also really interested in this world. It seems like everyone lives in these tubes and they fight monsters but only nobles can wield mana and so they are the ones that become warriors and fighters. In the case of Merida she's actually the daughter of two commoners cause her mom cheated on her actual husband or so we're told but I wonder if it'll be a case of Merida just summoning her own mana in a climax moment later in the season. I mean if it was as simple as Merida being a bastard child, why would that evil organization (who I'm assuming might end up being the real antagonists of this show) kill her supposed real father? I'm also curious to know if Kufa sharing his mana will end up hurting him or if since he's the main lead that he's one of those over-powered heroes making him able to stand giving just a smidge of mana away.

Titans Season 2 Episode 6

Good god this show is so incredible! I loved this week's episode, I love this version of Connor and I love that I was right about how this episode would go down. As expected we started from Connor escaping with Krypto and followed him as he tried to learn who he was and where he came from before ending back in San Francisco to miraculously save Jason. Like I said I adore the way Connor was written which tbh I've only really ever seen two other versions: Young Justice and Reign Of The Supermen. This Connor is a beautiful take that is totally different than the other two with a bit of comic book science but also a bit of realism. He's apparently got the memories of both Lex and Clark as well as some of their knowledge which leads to an interesting mix of him wanting to do good like Clark but using the rage from Lex. I loved that we met so many Superman characters like Eve and Mercy though no Lex which I sort of wanted from a Connor episode but I could also wait until later cause you know Connor is going to go back for Krypto. It was so Clark of Connor to save Jason after Eve told him not to help or be a hero cause it's like that goodness cannot be stopped and my goodness did you see the beaming smile on Connor's face after Jason thanked him? Fortunately for Connor, he found the perfect group of people to teach him about the world and how to be good! I want to give a shoutout to Joshua Orpin who plays Connor cause he was able to bring this earnest and childlike quality to the character. It does make me wonder how they're going to avoid the whole Superman thing cause Connor is so tied to Clark and like maybe Bruce will take on that helpful mentor role in Clark's place but please oh please show cast a Clark (it doesn't have to be Superman!) just so we can round out Connor's story.

xoxo Allie

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