Saturday, October 10, 2020

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

FINISHED Criminal Minds Season 1 - 15

If you've been reading some of my reviews over the past few months you may have noticed that I have mentioned here and there that I've been binging Criminal Minds. It's been like 6 months since I first started this show which seems a bit pathetic but considering that this show has 15 seasons, it makes sense that I was chugging along slowly. It also didn't help that since this show is more of a procedural than a serialized show, I felt like it was better to watch a few episodes here and there rather than nonstop like I do for most shows I binge. It's absolutely insane that this show actually spanned 15 years but binging it meant that I could watch our characters grow from the little babies they were to who they are now. I loved the revolving door of cast members cause it gave the show a bit of a real feel but I also loved that so many characters stayed from the pilot and kept on through to the end. Spencer was naturally my favorite but I also loved JJ so of course I kind of wished they would have ended up together but I think I was more annoyed with how the show randomly teased us with them only to be like nah we like our status quo cause it's like why even bother after 14 seasons to be like maybe there was something there. I did love the way this show portrayed the FBI and serial killers and there were plenty of really amazing episodes that stood out though I don't know if I can list them all off the top of my head. I do think this is one of the better cop procedurals out there and though it's not going to end up on my top 5 shows of all time list, it's still worth a watch if you are living in quarantine and need a long term show to make the hours go by!

The Irregular At Magic High School Season 2 Episode 1

I'm honestly so excited to be able to watch this show again cause it feels so surreal to say that we're back with a new season with how the first season came out back in 2014 (even though I didn't watch it until 2017) so it's insane that despite the popularity of this show that it took 6 years for another one! This show is one of the only power fantasy shows I adore cause it's also got a wonderful cast full of both badass guys and girls so it's not entirely a harem anime and though I could do with less technical explanations of how magic work, I love the way magic and fighting is depicted in this world. I do have to say that it surprised me a little to realize that this season is actually taking place between season 1 and the movie that came out in 2018. When I was watching the movie I sort of just assumed that like in season 1 we were just thrown in the middle of this world so of course Tatsuya and Miyuki knew Lina aka the Commander of the USNA but actually after watching this first episode, it looks like we're actually about to watch their friendship bloom in front of us. I actually really like this idea cause it feels like we're expanding this world to outside of just Japan though then again it's not exactly like we really know the landscape of Japan either. All we know from season 1 is that there are 10 major clans who run the government and a military that I think works separately from the government as well as 9 different magic schools across Japan. Beyond this I'm also seriously hoping that this season manages to squeeze in Tatsuya and Miyuki's backstory and maybe even explain who the Yotsuba family and how powerful they are in their own right cause I feel like we keep getting hints but no real material!

xoxo Allie

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