Saturday, January 30, 2021

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

FINISHED KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! Season 1 & 2

I've been meaning to watch this show for a while cause I'm a fairly big fan of isekai dramas and this one has always been recommended as a must watch. I finally got around to it this week and dudes I can totally and completely see why it was hyped so much. I loved that it was a slice-of-life show that was meant to be a fantasy. We are told that Kazuma has to go to this world and defeat the Demon King but in 2 seasons we barely see our heroes defeat one general in the Demon King's army and then make friends with 2 more. The focus of the show is actually on completing low level quests and reminded me a lot of the early arcs in Fairy Tail where the focus was on a guild and the challenges they had to compete. I adored all our main characters and how they didn't stick to the typical harem prototypes and that there was barely a harem at all since neither Kazuma or the girls liked each other romantically though I could see a possible Aqua loveline in the future. Everyone in this show was a terrible person but they weren't afraid to hide their flaws and that's what made them so fun to watch! The comedy, writing, acting, and animation were all top notch!

Horimiya Season 1 Episode 3

We saw a little more of Miyamura's backstory this week and I was actually really surprised that the show is telling me that he struggled his whole life to make friends cause I really would have thought that he was just a natural loner rather than awkward. He didn't seem to struggle to get to know Hori but it's possible that Hori's just too kind on her own and so she made him more comfortable especially if Sota was around. I'm also really interested in how Miyamura and Hori are in love but I can't tell if they know that they love each other and hiding it cause they think the other doesn't love them or if they're in the denial phase and think that they're just friends. The others have clearly clocked them though and I'm actually really glad that Hori's friend isn't into Miyamura too cause we don't need that many love shapes! It's also really sweet how Toru clearly sees Miyamura as a rival but at the same time can separate those feelings from the fact that he likes Miyamura as a friend too. This show really does feel so nostalgic even if I've never actually read the manga but something about the vibe reminds me of so many other rom com animes that I've adored.

Riverdale Season 5 Episode 2

So Charles was exposed as a serial killer in the strangest twist that meant nothing this week and I can't help but feel like the show dragged out his suspiciousness for too long. Like remember when we saw him bugging the house and visiting Chic and then suddenly he was the one behind every mystery? Well jump ahead like 2 years and no one cares anymore! In other news did I or did I not call it last week when I said it was definitely Jellybean who was filming these weird videos?? After all Jellybean's been around for a while but she never really played a bigger role than floating around in the background though part of me wonders though if this had always been the intended course or if the Riverdale writers did a quick rewrite in order to give FP a good reason to leave Riverdale. It would definitely make sense now for FP to take Jellybean to some other city that isn't "full of darkness" like Riverdale is (which makes me laugh just writing that but that's what our characters believe of their town so...) and it would definitely be a better reason than Hermione's which is apparently that she wants to divorce Hiram and become a reality star. I think next week will end up being the graduation episode and that will officially be where the end of season 4 was meant to be so episode 4 will end up taking place after the time skip. I'm also fairly certain that Jughead will find out about Betty and Archie next week cause I can't imagine the time skip happening without him finding out. I still think it would be Hiram to drop that little nugget and I'm curious as to whether Betty and Veronica didn't spend any time together this week was cause we're saving the angst. I mean there's no way that Veronica isn't pissed at Betty too right?? 

Ah I was right in guessing that next week would be the graduation episode but based on the tone in the promo I wonder if Betty and Jughead will end up breaking up just cause they don't wanna do long distance rather than due to Betty cheating?

Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Episodes 16

This week was almost entirely devoted to Panda's fight with Mechamaru and we did learn a bit more about Panda. Honestly I'm not sure what I expected Panda to be. Did I think he was human who was in a costume or a panda who gained power like the Principal in My Hero Academia? Either way I probs would have been wrong cause he's apparently something like a cursed corpse but not really. The principal of our school experimented on him and I'm assuming his two siblings and created Panda who's basically unkillable and has the ability to switch between 3 cores who each have different jujutsu powers and strength. Mechamaru on the other hand suffers from having a body that can't go into the light at all including moonlight but because of this he has an extremely strong jujutsu power that allows him to remotely control a cursed corpse. The two fought and in the end I'm pretty sure they made friends cause Panda reminded him that though he's got it bad, so do a lot of people and he shouldn't allow his circumstances to prevent him from living life. Meanwhile Itadori learned a bit more about how not to delay his punches with curse power and I'll be curious to know if this helps cause to me I thought his delayed punch was cool but I guess we're supposed to think that it's weak and not all that effective against strong opponents?

Wandavision Season 1 Episode 4

Ooh so this was definitely my favorite episode of the season so far cause not only was a it more fun to finally see what's going on outside but I also have to say that the whole sitcom shenanigans wasn't my cup of tea. I do think some of the complaints over this show are a little obnoxious cause this show isn't like Inhumans level of terrible but I can see why so many people were disappointed that this was the first Marvel Disney+ outing. Having said all that it was really nice to see the range of characters this show ended up pulling from Monica who last appeared in Captain Marvel as a child to Jimmy Woo who was in Antman & The Wasp to Darcy Lewis who I'm pretty sure was last seen in Thor: The Dark World. Apparently what's going on is that Jimmy contacted SWORD due to a missing Witsec person so SWORD sent Monica who ended up being sucked into this time/space warping reality bubble. They then called in all sorts of government response teams but it was Darcy who was able to crack the case. We also learned that it is Wanda herself who's doing all this because she is unable and unwilling to mourn Vision in a healthy way which is interesting cause that means that she's been purposefully acting out sitcom scenarios rather than being brainwashed. I wonder if the other residents in Westview are acting similarly and if Monica was deep undercover like Darcy and Jimmy theorized or if the other residents (and Monica) were under Wanda's powers similar to how people outside of Westview forgot that it even existed.

xoxo Allie

Friday, January 29, 2021

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and the amount of episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous reviews, click here and if you want to see a list of my Favorite Asian OTPs and Ships, click here!


A Love So Beautiful (14/24)Cha Heon is a student at Chun Ji High School who has both good looks and brains. He appears to be a cold character, but he is actually someone with a warm heart who is awkward at expressing himself well. Shin Sol Yi is a bright and bubbly 17-year-old who has a crush on Cha Heon. She openly confesses her love to Cha Heon continuously, and she is a clumsy but lovable character. Woo Dae Sung is a talented swimmer who transfers to Chun Ji High School and falls for Shin Sol Yi. He does not express his feelings for her and quietly stays by her side.

We're a little past halfway through this drama now and things are finally starting to progress! Sol Yi though she's confessed her love for Heon about a hundred times now decided that the thing that would seal the deal is if she made a big event and set up lights and roses and banners and stuff. It was sweet and yet her heart was shattered after seeing Heon and one of the other girls in their class hugging. Dae Sung stepped in to help and cause of that the two have gotten closer. Heon's secret love for Sol Yi was also exposed and I had really wished that he had been nagged more by the others cause it's ridiculous that he's playing so hard to get when he knows that if he just told Sol Yi he likes her too that they would be happy together. Instead he goes out of his way to hide his feelings and not only will that push her away (in real life obvi not here cause it's a drama) but it might make her hate him too. 
Homemade Love Story (76/100)
: Three families live under one roof at a boarding house called Samgwang Villa. Sun Jeong's family lives a pure and simple life and doesn't have a lot of money. Jung Hoo's family is rich but is far from peaceful. Jung Won's family looks perfect from the outside but is actually quite rocky. Others join these families at Samgwang Villa, each with their own stories. What is the meaning of family in this day and age, with so many single-person households and people choosing not to get married? Let's meet the people who open their hearts to one another to live and love as a family in Homemade Love Story.

This week was rough with a capital R cause it's officially the start of the break up arc for Jae Hee and Chae Woon and really I'm not even surprised even though I had hoped that I would be wrong cause this show had subverted my expectations so many times before. What shocked me more than anything was that the breakup happened from Jae Hee's end! I really thought it would be Chae Woon who broke it off out of a sense of guilt but we don't actually know why Jae Hee did it. Was it as simple as a matter of pride? Was he embarrassed for Chae Woon to see him this low? At the very least the two still love each other to pieces so I'm hoping that when he comes back, she'll forgive him and they can be together again cause if they don't then the bad guys win! I'm still seething in anger over the fact that Seo Ah, Na Ro, and the grandmother did all this cause Jae Hee and Chae Woon wanted to get married. What I am glad about is that everyone saw through their scheme faster than they expected which really makes me happy cause duh Seo Ah was the only person that Jae Hee made an enemy of recently and that would have been my first guess too! Fortunately Jae Hee's loan shark debt was paid off by James though the problem of needing to pay back his contractors and all that is still there. In other news Hwak Se and Man Jeong came out to Sun Jeong about how they were dating and the whole thing was super bizarre and ended with Hwak Se leaving cause he felt too guilty and really I would have cared more if this wasn't happening at the same time Jae Hee and Chae Woon's life exploded. I guess it's also important that Jun Ah met Na Ro and clocked that something wasn't right with him. I wish that Hae Deun would tell him more cause he's really the only cast member in this show that's completely in the dark.
Hush (12/16)
: “Hush” is an office drama about newspaper reporters and their everyday struggles, problems, and ethical dilemmas. Han Jun Hyeok is a veteran reporter for a newspaper. He first became a reporter to pursue justice, but he is now conflicted between idealism and pragmatism. Han Jun Hyeok must also deal with personal issues as a husband and father. Lee Ji Soo is a bold intern reporter who isn’t afraid to say what needs to be said, even during a job interview. When she meets Han Jun Hyeok as her mentor, she begins to dream of becoming a true journalist.

I still think that this show jumped the gun in trying to convince us that all of Jun Hyeok's friends could turn on him so easily but at least it looks like the higher ups aren't so easily fooled other than CEO An who straight up gave him all the information he needed to screw everyone. I was surprised though to find out that Ji Soo was in on the plan with Jun Hyeok which in hindsight should have been obvious cause duh they're the leads of this show! As it turns out the current CEO of Daily Korea wants to become a MP cause he's over the newspaper so everything that's been happening is linked back to that. I'm still really curious as to how it all ties into Soo Yeon's death and why the 15th floor took all the CCTV recordings from that time but maybe we're supposed to think that Soo Yeon stumbled onto the CEO's secret and that's why she was killed?? It also kinda sucked to find out that my boy Kyung Woo was actually a spy for Chief Na this whole time though I'm not sure how much he screwed our HUSH team and whether he told him everything or just a little. I wonder if he lied about the whole being rich thing or if his dad really does have money but Kyung Woo gave up his inheritance to be a reporter cause as we see he's poor and I'm left wondering if that's the simple case then why lie to Ji Soo? I did like the case we got this week with the part-timer v the small business owner but every time there's a case in this show I return to wishing that this show was an office drama about reporters and not the political/revenge drama it is. I also want to mention that the mole who's leaking info to another paper ended up not being Ji Soo after all cause she seemed pissed Reporter Ku kept bugging her so it must be Jun Hyeok who's using another newspaper to be a whistleblower.
Lovestruck In The City (11/17)
: Lovestruck in the City is a realistic portrayal of young people who pursue romance and happiness while struggling to get by in a busy, competitive urban environment. Park Jae Won is an honest man, a passionate architect and a lover of city alleyways. His hobby is collecting more hobbies. A romantic at heart, he cannot forget a certain woman. This thief of his heart and his camera had disappeared like a fleeting midsummer night’s dream. Lee Eun Oh is an ordinary woman who temporarily reinvents herself as the spontaneous and free spirited Yun Seon Ah. She takes off to a remote place on an impulse and falls in love with Jae-won under this new identity.

This week was really interesting since things are starting to fall into place. Eun Oh ended up pretending to be Seon Ah cause she was heartbroken after being cheated on by her fiance and being fired from the job she got in Busan and that's when she met Jae Won and why she struggled with loving him cause she was afraid that like her ex that he wouldn't love the real her too. Jae Won meanwhile realized that the Eun Oh that Rin Yi and Gyung Joon know is the Seon Ah he fell in love with but ironically the main thing he focused on after all this is that Eun Oh was in the same room as a guy and that must mean that she's moved on. When he interrogated Gyung Joon and found out that she wasn't dating someone, he decided to join them on a camping excursion. I do wonder what will happen if all the friends figure out what's happening with Eun Oh and Jae Won and if the two will even tell the others the whole truth cause it's so embarrassing. Maybe the better option would be to pretend to meet for the first time and then date? I did love the way Rin Yi was ready to throw down for Eun Oh and how Gyung Joon joined in to protect both girls cause he's a sweetheart. What I am a little worried about though is Rin Yi's sudden admission that she never wants to get married and I guess that explains why the two have been dating for like 6 years and yet they're not married. I just hope it works out for them and we don't have to see them break up!
Mr Queen/Queen Cheorin (14/20)
: A male chef has risen up the ranks to find a job cooking for the country’s top politicians in the South Korean presidential residences, the Blue House. He is something of a dreamer – but one day finds himself in the body of a young queen from Korea’s past, Kim So Yong. Kim So Yong’s husband is the reigning monarch, King Cheol Jong. However, he is only king in name – the late King Sunjo’s Queen, Sun Won, has taken advantage of Cheol Jong’s better nature, and is ruling the realm in his name. Queen Sun Won’s brother Kim Jwa Guen also has designs on power. However, Kim So Yong soon discovers that King Cheol Jong harbors secrets, and is not as gentle and meek as he seems…

Raise your hand if you're also shocked that So Yong and Cheol Jong actually slept together! I didn't think this show had the balls to pull the trigger like it did in the cdrama and I wonder if it's made better or worse for the conservative audience if So Yong thought it was her maid the whole time? I was honestly stunned that this whole murder plot ended up being a scheme done by Cheol Jong and his side in order to screw Jwa Guen and Sun Won but finding out that he wasn't as powerless as we first thought was beautiful. I also loved that we got to live in a moment where he realized that So Yong was helping him and I'm definitely down for the fact that we're finally going to see the two team up and take everyone down. I do still think it's completely ridiculous that everyone thinks So Yong has been playing politics so far cause it's so clear that she isn't but by constantly poking the bear, she's going to start and I think she's going to kill it by using So Yong's expertise. I also have to say that Byung In officially is on my shit list cause the man like Hwa Jin is too dumb for this world and seems to believe everything people tell him and is constantly in the way. I'm still waiting for the moment when Cheol Jong finally sees Hwa Jin for who she is and I wonder if that will end in his brother switching sides or if he'll feel guilty for loving the same monster.
Run On (14/16)
: Ki Sun Gyeom is a sports agent who was once a popular sprinter on the national team but was forced to quit due to legal issues. Oh Mi Joo writes translated subtitles for movies. She was thrilled to see her name listed among the credits when she first started. Ki Sun Gyeom had just quit sprinting when he encountered Oh Mi Joo, who felt that destiny most certainly brought them together. Seo Dan Ah is the CEO of a sports agency and rightful successor to the Seomyung Group. Despite this, she is held back from advancing in the company due to her gender. She fiercely wishes to reclaim what is rightfully hers and lives her life accordingly. Lee Young Hwa is a university art major who enjoys movies and drawing will soon enter his life. Could romance be in the cards for these two couples?

Anyone else sitting here kinda depressed that we won't be getting more of the Seo family skeletons?? I keep feeling like the show has peppered them in but refuse to pull the trigger on them cause we apparently need the five hundredth scene where Sun Gyeom's father does something horrible as if it's new. I also seriously hate that poor Tae Woong keeps getting the short end of the stick. Myung Min has been threatening him over taking his side in the fight against Dan Ah which is pointless since we know who's side Tae Woong is but when he does then Myung Min will blow up Tae Woong's KPOP idol career. I also really don't love that Dan Ah hasn't told Young Hwa about everything yet though maybe she will after seeing the finished painting cause like Young Hwa said he wants her to give him her heart after it's done. It does low key make me tear up every time Dan Ah and Young Hwa have these cute moments cause it's so heartwarming and I especially love the way the two love one another. In terms of Sun Gyeom, it really is a terrible idea for him to trust his father and I do have a feeling that May's thought that the Assemblyman Ki will destroy the wife's movie cause of Mi Joo is going to come through cause it's not like he has any affection for his wife either. I also wasn't surprised that Eun Bi's about to go through a scandal in which she's linked to having an affair with a married man cause like I said last week, Assemblyman Ki really should have known that sending his daughter to be an escort for his politics will bite him in the ass especially when he's trying to run for something!
She Would Never Know/Sunbae Don't Put That Lipstick On (4/16)
: Yoon Song Ah works as a marketer for a cosmetic brand. She enjoys her job and does it with vigor. Her dream is to start her own cosmetic brand. Meanwhile, Chae Hyun Seung works with Yoon Song Ah as a marketer. He becomes attracted to Yoon Song Ah and tries to develop a romantic relationship with her. However, Yoon Song Ah rebuffs his advances, because she does not see younger guys as dating partners.

Remember when I said this show had potential even if the writing was a bit of a mess in the premiere? Well this week it took my advice to tone down Hyun Seung's possessiveness and made the whole show leagues better! As it turns out Hyun Seung was so involved in what happened between Song Ah and Jae Shin cause he went through something similar where his girlfriend also cheated on him and he tried to win her back rather than letting her go until she dumped him for the other guy. It helps take Hyun Seung from this mega creep to somewhat normal and after Song Ah found out, she also realized the same thing and started to see him differently. Even the chemistry between the two feels a little more natural now and you can see that they might have been friends at some point. It also helps that Jae Shin really took a turn for the worse and while at first I thought that Jae Woon might be the villain in the story, as we see Jae Woon just wanted a friend while Jae Shin wanted his money so I don't feel pity for him anymore. He also refuses to feel bad for what he did to Song Ah and is actually more pissed that she dare dump him when it's like you're the one in the wrong here you ass! I'm sure that he's going to take all this out on Hyun Seung but it's just going to make him look worse in both Song Ah and the other employees' eyes. I did like that Manager Yoo picked up on something between them but she kept it a secret and it was all very sweet. I also can't decide if I think Jae Woon and Ji Seung are cute yet cause he's actually just stalking her but I could see the potential for it getting better.
Sweet Home (10/10): Following the death of his family in an accident, loner Cha Hyun Soo moves to a new apartment. His quiet life is soon disturbed by strange incidents that start occurring in his new building. As people turn into monsters, Hyun Soo and other residents try to survive.

I had been planning on checking this show out when I first heard about it but it came out the same time as Alice In Borderland and between the two I was more interested in the jdrama so I ended up putting this show off until this week which I low key regret cause this show was incredible! So it's technically another take on the whole zombie apocalypse story but it felt a lot more like #Alive than Train to Busan in my opinion and I adored that cause one of the things I loved about #Alive was the unique take on the whole concept so everything that I liked there was present here and dialed up to a 9! This zombie outbreak is both bleeker and more hopeful at the same time than normal zombie outbreaks. There is no clear method of infection so because of that you could turn at the most random moments but at the same time if you are infected, it's all about willpower so if you fight then you survive. I loved the way we got to fall in love with every single person in the group and how they all became so close and how good they were while also being totally human. Every one had moments when they fell to their baser instincts but when push came to shove, they were a team. I cried over almost every death and I was wondering if this show is planning on a second season with the way it ended though I'm not sure we'll be following the old group since it feels like most of their badass members either left at the end or died so I can't see them surviving without any military help. I guess my question is whether the military is good or bad cause I could see that the info they got was a lie but it's also not like the military is giving me hope either. I did think it was interesting that Sang Wook's body survived so he and Hyun Soo are going on their own adventure but I'll miss Sang Wook's personality. Overall I'd give this show a 10 / 10 cause if you like zombie movies or end-of-the-world antics, this will be for you!
The 3rd Ward (20/20): "The Third Hospital" will reveal the tale of neurosurgeons working in an alternative hospital that practices both western and eastern medical practices.

By now you all know I'm a fairly big fan of medical dramas and I chose this one cause I've been in love with Choi Soo Young over in Run On (and previously in Dating Agency Cyrano) so I was curious to see whether she would do well in this show too. Guys I seriously cried and cried and cried while watching this drama! Eu Jin was the star of this show for me despite the fact that she wasn't the female lead or even the main love interest which honestly broke my heart a little cause I wanted her and Seung Hyun to end up together. It was also really sad that the show was basically telling us that you've got one big love of your life so when Seung Hyun lost his girlfriend, he never found love again. So much of the show focused on Eu Jin getting brain cancer and we lived through every moment with her good bad and ugly and it shocks me that this was Soo Young's first real acting job cause she absolutely slayed. In terms of the western v eastern medicine, personally I don't entirely believe in eastern medicine but for the sake of the show I did especially since our male lead was an oriental medicine doctor. I also didn't really care for the ensemble in this show or the female lead who felt like she waffled back and forth between the male leads and I kind of wish that like Medical Top Team, she had stuck with Doo Hyun rather than basically choosing him as a consolation prize. Overall I'd give this show a 7.5 / 10 cause though I was disappointed in the loveline, the show still did make me feel!
    FINISHED The Uncanny Counter (16/16): Tells the story of demon hunters called Counters who come to earth under the guise of being employees at a noodle restaurant in order to capture evil spirits that have returned to earth in pursuit of eternal life. So Mun is the youngest of the Counters. After suffering from a mysterious car accident as a child, he eventually becomes a central figure among the Counters. Do Ha Na has the ability to sense the locations of evil spirits, even those that are hundreds of kilometers away. She can also read memories of others through touch and works with So Mun to do away with evil spirits. Ga Mo Tak is a Counter with incredible strength. He’s a former police officer who lost his memory seven years ago after an accident and is unable to stand idle in the face of injustice. Ga Mo Tak is also So Mun’s mentor. Chu Mae Ok is a Counter with healing abilities. Outwardly, she’s the chef of the noodle restaurant, but among the Counters, she is the emotional pillar of the group. Choi Jang Mool is the oldest Counter. He’s in charge of all of the Counters’ expenses, and he is a living legend among the Counters in Korea.

    So the finale for this show aired this week and I'm seriously going to miss this show you guys! It has been one of the high points of my days to watch this show cause it's so well crafted from the acting to the writing all the way down to the emotional beats it hits. When I say I cried over and over again in this finale, I'm not exaggerating! Of course you all know that I have had some problems with the writing of this show and some of the plot beats were never actually explained or dealt with but all in all I think this show is definitely worth a watch. This week we were able to wrap up all the outstanding storylines from catching the evil spirit to putting Shin in jail and we were even able to save Mun's parents and say goodbye to them one more time. I do still think it was a bit of a copout to be like yeah all those souls the evil spirit absorbed are fine despite the fact that once an evil spirit merges with it's host spirit then all those souls should be lost but I can forgive it just cause of how much I loved Mun and his grandparents saying goodbye to the parents. I did like the short guest appearance from the fifth Counter though I wish the show would have mentioned him a bit earlier to keep it from feeling like he only existed to die. Before this point I don't think that we knew that there multiple Counters in multiple countries but in hindsight duh cause this one city in Korea can't be the only place that attracts evil spirits. I do have to say that this finale did feel a bit like it was setting up for a second season and if it does I'll definitely be here and it might actually be more exciting with our Counters hitting the road and traveling through Korea to find evil spirits. It'll be very Supernatural or Criminal Minds and I'm down. I'd definitely give this show a 9.5 / 10.
    True Beauty (14/16)
    : True Beauty is a romantic comedy about a high school girl Lim Joo Gyung, who rises to pretty girl fame after she masters the art of make-up from YouTube. She turns into a goddess because of her makeup skills, but would rather die than reveal her bare face to anyone. It tells her love story with the only boy that saw her without makeup, Lee Su Ho. Lee is an attractive and handsome boy who appears cold because of his dark past but is actually very caring. They grow when they meet each other sharing their secrets and finding love with each other, but can Su Ho make Joo Gyung find her true beauty?

    Wow so we're really hitting all the cliches huh?? I knew the minute that Su Ho's father asked Su Ho to join him in the states that at some point Su Ho was going to go and breakup with Joo Gyung. I'm not really even all that annoyed since it really is such a classic drama trope. For some reason dramas love the idea of forcing a couple to undergo a time skip in which they don't talk to each other cause long distance relationships aren't a thing in order to prove their love in the most irritating fashion. Having said that I did like everything else we got this week from Joo Gyung finally learning to love who she is with or without makeup to every moment that Su Ho stood up for her to Joo Gyung reconciling with Soo Ah to her parents finally finding out the truth. I still am surprised that her mom never got that last voicemail Joo Gyung left her cause I really thought that would be the thing that got her mom to realize what a tough life Joo Gyung lived until now and that it would be the thing to let her mom accept Joo Gyung's passion for makeup. I still do wish that the other kids in Joo Gyung's class hadn't been so wishy-washy in terms of blaming Joo Gyung and then accepting her when she came back cause only Soo Ah who was more pissed that Joo Gyung would keep everything a secret and Soo Ah's boyfriend who's low key an angel were quiet about it. I also liked that everyone found out about Soo Jin being two-faced and I don't entirely feel for her either cause she made her bed and now she has to lie in it.


    Lovely Us (16/16): A coming-of-age story of a group of youths who grew up together. The story takes place in 2007; four children from Shu De Faculty and Staff Family Hospital entered high school together, welcoming their sixteenth year of life. They form their own clique named "No. 1992", and embark on a journey filled with dreams, growth and warmth.

    I really had a blast with this show cause it reminded me of a mix of Go Ahead and Reply 1988 two dramas that I absolutely adored and it's kinda funny cause I'm actually really surprised that this show didn't get any love when it first aired. I wonder if it's cause it was basically airing at the same time as Go Ahead and so everyone's attention was on the other drama! This show follows five kids who grow up in the same neighborhood and it's funny cause the whole show is a slice-of-life in that we see them tackle different problems every week which usually isn't my preferred method of storytelling. Slice-of-life shows are entirely reliant on the characters they give us since there isn't any plot to cover up any sort of bad character writing and I think that's why this show worked so good for me. All the families loved one another and there were no bad characters or high school bullies to deal with so the whole show felt like a warm hug. I even enjoyed both romances we got though I wish that Chengzi and Song had gotten together earlier so I could enjoy them more. When the show wanted me to cry I did and when it wanted me to be happy I was! Overall I'd give this show a 8 / 10!
      Vacation Of Love (14/35): Xu Ke Yi is an established manager. On New Year's Eve, she brings her artist Gao Jun Yu along with her to a resort for a performance. She thought that her ten years of the contribution could reap her a beautiful relationship, but she was sorely let down. While drinking alone at the beach, she meets Hou Hao, a man that has been watching silently over her. Suffering from the setbacks in her relationship and career, Xu Ke Yi finds herself healed from the warmth and comfort brought by Hou Hao. Also at the resort is Song Xiaoke and Chen Bin Bin, who has been married for years and has two children. Song Xiao Ke, who is now a strong career woman, can no longer stand Chen Bin Bin's idleness and decides to get a divorce. However, the couple has no choice but to put on a pretense due to their children and family. Chen Bin Bin, who regretted his rashness, tries his best to win back his wife.

      I decided to check this drama out pretty much entirely cause of Johnny Bai who I've adored in everything that he's in cause he's got this way of staring at his love interests that gives you butterflies so I really had no expectations going in and having seen these first chunk of episodes, I find myself wishing there was more to binge! I'm not entirely sure if the show is taking place in current day or if we're in the past and we'll have a time skip but either way I'm fascinated cause this feels like a family drama without really being a family drama. My favorite storyline obviously has to go to Ke Yi and Hou Hao cause I kinda just love how she's so fierce and he's so soft. The thing is that I'm not entirely sure how the two are going to meet up again since he claims that he's an employee at this hotel though I have a feeling that it's a lie and he's actually a chaebol who owns the hotel based on the fact that he can go wherever and do whatever in the hotel alongside the fact that he owns a designer watch. I do really feel bad for Ke Yi cause it's clear that she's been in love with Jun Yu for 10 years but he was cheating on her for at least 6 months and it was super sucky that he fired her to appease his fiance though of course he came back to grovel when he realized that his contract had a clause to prevent him from leaving and Ke Yi if she was a worse person could have ruined him. The other main storylines go to the Chen family. Yuan Yuan is dating a much older widower which I'm not a fan of especially since her mom and her boyfriend are kinda having a love line and that's creepy as all hell and Bin Bin and his wife Ke got a divorce but Bin Bin is pretending to have amnesia in order to win Ke back which is annoying cause he's the worst and I'm just sitting here like girl find a better guy! There's also a group of doctors staying in this hotel but they didn't show up until later in this chunk of episodes so I'm not entirely sure if they're just here to fill screen time or if they're actually characters in this show.


      Wacko At Law (9/15)
      : Mai Daqi is a genius in the legal profession, but because of his dissatisfaction with the profitism of the law firm, he shelved his lawyer's license. It wasn't until an air crash that suddenly took the lives of his parents and his fiancee four years ago. In order to get justice for his family, Daqi regained his legal profession and overthrew American Airlines' first-class lawyers.

      Wow this week was messed up on a whole new level! It's one thing for a hospital to accidentally switch two babies but it's a whole other thing to have done it on purpose cause of greed. I was wrong last week when I guessed that it was Xiao Ke's sister in the hospital under the same drug that Daqi took cause we officially met the real family this week. Xiao Ke's family is totally sweet and I love the way they're all so blended and how little they care about blood relations. The terrible thing is that the hospital chairmen switched his daughter and their daughter cause he knew his daughter had the gene for AML and he wanted a healthy baby and even now he's playing like he doesn't know the truth. I do wonder if his wife will end up turning on him for the sake of Xiao Yi or if our team will find an ace from an old employee who witnessed the whole thing cause there's no way that they can just forgive that monster. I do have a feeling though that maybe the family will let it all go in order to keep the girls from hurting but personally I think the girls deserve to know the truth too. I also have to say that I was glad with the way the show is dealing with Yu Xin and Da Qi dating cause their interactions are pretty much the same minus a softer undercurrent and a few cute moments here and there which is exactly what I would have wanted from this show!

      xoxo Allie

      Saturday, January 23, 2021

      What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

      Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?

      Horimiya Season 1 Episode 2

      So I don't know if this came through in my review last week or if I didn't say anything cause I wanted to seem classier or whatever but I'm seriously so in love with Miyamura. Something about his character and design feels like it hits every trope I enjoy and though it might be too soon, I can't help but see him as a future favorite husbando of mine! Ironically though I said all that, this week was all about Hori and I liked it just as much cause I know a lot of people complained that though they fell for Miyamura, they were kinda meh about Hori. Personally I didn't have that problem and I liked that she was so full of personality rather than the quiet shy blank self-insert character that a lot of rom coms have in order for the audience to put themselves in the female lead's shoes. It was so funny that she spent so much of this week trying to find out Miyamura's first name but also I adored the way Miyamura worried about her in return. He didn't understand why she was acting so weird but I also loved how quickly he stepped in to support her in the face of the student council president blaming something on her. I kind of love that the two are so into each other but they don't actually know it yet so there's no real jealousy though there is an undercurrent of sadness when they think of parting.

      Riverdale Season 5 Episode 1

      The fascinating thing about this season premiere is how Riverdale really just jumped right back to where we were last so this episode felt less like a premiere that shook things up and more like returning in the middle of a season break! Now there's nothing wrong with that other than the fact that we as seasoned tv watchers are used to starting a new season with a new year so the fact that we're returning to 2 weeks before graduation is interesting. This week was the prom episode and a return to the terrible video mystery that I had totally forgotten about cause it was so much lamer than the Stonewall Prep mystery we got. I still don't know who the person will end up being but as the mystery goes on, I wonder more and more about Jellybean and whether she could be the one behind it cause it can't exactly be a coincidence that she showed up at the rave. Either way I'm hoping that the mystery will be wrapped up in the next episode or two so we can clear the slate cause as we all know that there will be a time jump in this season which I'm assuming means that we'll be skipping from high school graduation to college graduation. That's probs the big reason why it looks like all our main couples are breaking up (or will break up) this week. Archie told Veronica that he kissed Betty so they broke up and I'm sure that Betty and Jughead will be following soon especially since Hiram is on a vigilante kick and overheard Veronica crying to her mom about it. I do want to say that I'm glad that even if Lili and Cole broke up offscreen that their breakup didn't cause any problems onscreen (unlike when Nina and Iain broke up on Vampire Diaries and you could see how much the two actors hated acting side-by-side) cause the two still had tons of chemistry. Meanwhile it also looks like all the complaints Vanessa lodged this summer over Riverdale never giving her story is turning into a Romeo and Juliet story for Toni and Cheryl and really I just wish I cared about them more as a couple.

      The promo for next week looks like we'll be focusing in on Archie and his anger and probs his PTSD from everything he's been through in the past 5 seasons! It always makes me laugh cause this show went from him being like gee golly dad I want to play music instead of football to yeah I've been to juvie and wrestled a bear and own a gym now.

      Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Episodes 15

      So the competition officially began this week and right away Itadori was separated from the others though I'm not sure if him volunteering to stay back to fight Todou meant that the other school succeeded or not especially since it looks like Todou doesn't care to follow what the others want. It was honestly hilarious seeing him decide that Itadori was going to be his best friend just cause they have similar taste in women though it's questionable how much Itadori cares since he seemed mostly confused and irritated by Todou. Itadori really seems like he's a whole other mental league than the others just cause he went through that trauma with his friend but I think that's really just chalked up to the fact that we've spent so little time on the ensemble since there's no way that 2 and 3rd years aren't serious about being a Jujutsu sorcerer either. It was also nice to see some worldbuilding in terms of where these kids will end up and it was interesting to note that like My Hero Academia, a sorcerer needs to basically be sponsored by/intern with other higher sorcerers and they can't be the person who trained them. I'm sure that eventually Itadori will end up with Nanami since he can't join Gojou.

      Wandavision Season 1 Episode 3

      I'm starting to wonder whether rather than Wanda being trapped in some sort of reality warping bubble if maybe she's not the one doing all this herself instead cause it really does feel like she has waaay too much control over things around her. When Vision started to question what was going on, she rewound time like last week and returned to what they were talking about before and when Monica started to remember that Pietro was killed by Ultron, it seems as though Wanda forcefully pushed Monica out. As we saw, something warped and opened and Monica fell out. It also doesn't help that the others almost told Vision that they were all something and I wonder if that something is mind controlled. Perhaps while Wanda was giving birth and her focus was elsewhere if the spell that's controlling all these people lifted enough for them to remember that they're SWORD agents and not living in some sitcom. I'm also left wondering this week about how Vision is even here cause last week I sort of just assumed that he was another figment of Wanda's imagination but he's starting to discover things on his own and that makes me think that something else is afoot.

      xoxo Allie 

      Friday, January 22, 2021

      What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

      So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and the amount of episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous reviews, click here and if you want to see a list of my Favorite Asian OTPs and Ships, click here!


      A Love So Beautiful (11/24)Cha Heon is a student at Chun Ji High School who has both good looks and brains. He appears to be a cold character, but he is actually someone with a warm heart who is awkward at expressing himself well. Shin Sol Yi is a bright and bubbly 17-year-old who has a crush on Cha Heon. She openly confesses her love to Cha Heon continuously, and she is a clumsy but lovable character. Woo Dae Sung is a talented swimmer who transfers to Chun Ji High School and falls for Shin Sol Yi. He does not express his feelings for her and quietly stays by her side.

      It constantly feels like one step forward two steps back with Heon and Sol Yi! Just when Heon does something sweet and Sol Yi is up in the clouds, he then does something mean and makes her regret her whole life. I think the premise of this show is that eventually our heroes grow up and become adults and look back on their lives and how childish they were but I don't know if that's something that will happen at the last minute or if we'll be having a time skip and ironically this is the first time ever that I'll be looking forward to one! I was proud of Sol Yi for figuring out that Dae Sung was the one to write that secret but Dae Sung waved it off as a joke cause he's the second lead so they returned to status quo which broke my heart a little. We also had our Christmas episode this week and Sol Yi struggled to figure out what she wanted to give Heon eventually settling on a card and a wish bracelet which was cute. Naturally Heon didn't get her anything while Dae Sung made it snow for her though she never knew it was him and isn't that the sign of a second male lead if you've seen one!
      FINISHED Awaken (16/16): About a series of mysterious incidents that are connected to an incident that took place in a village 28 years ago. Do Jung Woo is a capable and legendary team leader of a special task force at the National Police Agency. He has messy hair, a constant slouch, and sucks on a lollipop all day like a kid, but he has a mysterious secret behind his sly exterior. Gong Hye Won is a passionate police officer who does not let anything get in her way. Behind her pretty face is a hot temper that won’t cool down unless she says what she needs to say. She is one of the strongest and best fighters on her team, and can drink the others under the table, but she also has a surprisingly clumsy side. Jamie is a detective on loan from the FBI. She was adopted as a child with almost no memories of her life before, but she returns to Korea to solve the serial killer case that is related to those lost memories from 28 years ago.

      So the finale for this show aired this week and I guess this show will definitely live on alongside shows like The Last Empress in which things started out so strongly and I was so on board only for it to fall apart later on. I don't know if I need to go over everything that didn't work for me all over again cause I literally just did it last week but in short form: I didn't like the endgame ship and I didn't like the way the show used Jamie to the very end. Every one of our White Night kids had DID so it really shouldn't have been a plot twist to find out that Jung Woo had it too but somehow there I was shocked all over again! I did like the way every one of our bad guys were taken down though this finale really made me wish that Jung Woo had worked with the others earlier so the whole thing wasn't just him being a one-man team cause it was just so much fun seeing the whole crew work together. I was fairly happy with the ending we got too though I think it does give the short end of the stick to Jung Woo when he deserved to be happy too. Hye Won took over as Captain, Jamie went to America though she says she'll be back, and Jae Woong and the remaining White Night Foundation board members went to jail. All's well that ends well I suppose so I'd give this show a 7.5 / 10.
      Homemade Love Story (72/100)
      : Three families live under one roof at a boarding house called Samgwang Villa. Sun Jeong's family lives a pure and simple life and doesn't have a lot of money. Jung Hoo's family is rich but is far from peaceful. Jung Won's family looks perfect from the outside but is actually quite rocky. Others join these families at Samgwang Villa, each with their own stories. What is the meaning of family in this day and age, with so many single-person households and people choosing not to get married? Let's meet the people who open their hearts to one another to live and love as a family in Homemade Love Story.

      What is it about Chae Woon and Jae Hee that makes my heart sing?? I really feel bad for all those people who dropped this show early on or claim that the two have no chemistry cause I feel it jumping off the screen all the time. I mean yes do I wish the two made out more? Of course. But this is a family drama so obviously we're not going to go sexy and besides the affection a couple feels for each other is sometimes sweeter. I am a tiny bit worried that the two might break up cause of what happened to Jae Hee's company but I think it'll be from Chae Woon's side if anything. See I can't exactly imagine that Jae Hee is really screwed or will break up with Chae Woon for her own good since he's in debt cause he's still the son of a chaebol and that's the thing I don't understand about Seo Ah's evil plot. If this company falls through can't Jae Hee take over his father's? And even if he wants to rebuild, can't his father pay off his debts?? I could see Chae Woon breaking up with Jae Hee cause it was her dad who screwed him but I could also see her doubling down cause why let an enemy have that much power over a person. In other news the whole thing with James and Jung Hoo was seriously ridiculous and I skipped over all of it. I get that we need to drag things out and make it funnier but it seems like a weird retcon to suddenly reveal that oh hey James always loved Jung Hoo not Sun Jeong cause then why did he treat his wife so horribly??
      Hush (10/16)
      : “Hush” is an office drama about newspaper reporters and their everyday struggles, problems, and ethical dilemmas. Han Jun Hyeok is a veteran reporter for a newspaper. He first became a reporter to pursue justice, but he is now conflicted between idealism and pragmatism. Han Jun Hyeok must also deal with personal issues as a husband and father. Lee Ji Soo is a bold intern reporter who isn’t afraid to say what needs to be said, even during a job interview. When she meets Han Jun Hyeok as her mentor, she begins to dream of becoming a true journalist.

      What in the actual hell was this week?? I really don't like where we ended up or the way this story has shifted focus. Like don't get me wrong, I definitely don't believe Jun Hyeok changed sides and it's kinda ridiculous how quickly all the others started to mistrust him but I really don't want to watch more politics!! I was so excited last week when it looked like this show would actually focus on reporting cause I've been saying from the start that I wanted another show like Pinocchio but that must have been a red herring and a lot of what we thought we knew last week ended up not being true this week! Editor Yoon really did act as a bridge between the Daily Korea CEO and MP Go but I guessed wrong when I connected how. The marriage that was set up wasn't between them but between the CEO's niece and Gyu Tae aka one of the three interns that were hired who actually ended up being the son of the head of a political party. Apparently everything that went down in the premiere happened cause Chief Na needed a reason to hire Gyu Tae without having any questions asked by the others but his prejudice ended up being his downfall cause he couldn't handle a less qualified intern being hired. If he had just hired all four kids, then no one would be the wiser. In the end I think Jun Hyeok realized that he didn't have enough evidence to screw the CEO so he's pretending to join them rather than fight but this is totally a drama plot cause in real life no one would trust him quickly enough to give him something to report since it hasn't even been five minutes since he claimed that he would take them all down.
      Lovestruck In The City (9/17)
      : Lovestruck in the City is a realistic portrayal of young people who pursue romance and happiness while struggling to get by in a busy, competitive urban environment. Park Jae Won is an honest man, a passionate architect and a lover of city alleyways. His hobby is collecting more hobbies. A romantic at heart, he cannot forget a certain woman. This thief of his heart and his camera had disappeared like a fleeting midsummer night’s dream. Lee Eun Oh is an ordinary woman who temporarily reinvents herself as the spontaneous and free spirited Yun Seon Ah. She takes off to a remote place on an impulse and falls in love with Jae-won under this new identity.

      Guys after this week I have to say that I'm officially hating Eun Oh and Jae Won's relationship. Before this point I was mostly meh about it but now they've shifted into toxic and creepy territory. Eun Oh really did lie about everything from top to bottom and instead of taking responsibility for her actions, she ran and hid and tried to make things even more difficult. Meanwhile Jae Won is one of the most obsessive creepy stalkers I've seen in a show. Like he doesn't know that Eun Oh was lying about who she is or that she still loves him so from his POV the girl he loved broke up with him and now he's refusing to let it go and wants to find her and beg for her back. His alcoholism isn't cute and neither is the way he explodes over her! Even Sun Young turned the corner from oh I kinda like her to stay away from Geon! Her inability to believe that Geon and Eun Oh could be friends is horrible and I hate her self-absorbed personality. Nothing about her screams girl boss as much as the show wants you to believe! Honestly the only good people in this show are Geon and Gyung Joon and maybe Rin Yi cause though she did a pretty mean thing to her ex, I don't put her actions up there with the others!
      Mr Queen/Queen Cheorin (12/20)
      : A male chef has risen up the ranks to find a job cooking for the country’s top politicians in the South Korean presidential residences, the Blue House. He is something of a dreamer – but one day finds himself in the body of a young queen from Korea’s past, Kim So Yong. Kim So Yong’s husband is the reigning monarch, King Cheol Jong. However, he is only king in name – the late King Sunjo’s Queen, Sun Won, has taken advantage of Cheol Jong’s better nature, and is ruling the realm in his name. Queen Sun Won’s brother Kim Jwa Guen also has designs on power. However, Kim So Yong soon discovers that King Cheol Jong harbors secrets, and is not as gentle and meek as he seems…

      Wow this week was rough with a capital R! I'm not even all that attached to Cheol Jong outside of a low key need to have the other officials suffer but that didn't take away from how horrible I felt about Cheol Jong being fully smacked by Jwa Guen. I knew the whole banquet wasn't going to be screwed but the question was going to be which clan screwed it cause both had plots. Jwa Guen noticed that Cheol Jong was starting to become his own person and wanted to destroy all evidence of him being anything but a puppet while the Jo Clan wanted to destroy the banquet by exposing the Kim Clan and ruining So Yong. I guess the decision over which is worse is dependent on who you care about more and it's not like either the Jo Clan or the Kim Clan are good people. The hilarious thing is how completely the power is not in the King's hands which is kinda ridiculous cause his subjects really shouldn't be allowed to completely ignore his words at all times. I'm wondering though if this will be the first step to Cheol Jong and So Yong becoming a team. Up to this point, she's been completely removed from the politics but everyone keeps trying to make her a player. The more she sympathizes with Cheol Jong, the more she's going to step up like how she saved the banquet this week though I'm sad that with the plot shifting so much that we might not get a scene where Cheol Jong thanks So Yong for what she did. What's also important to note is the fact that Hwa Jin really doesn't seem to care if Cheol Jong is hurt or things get screwed as long as So Yong isn't happy.
      FINISHED Please Don't Date Him (10/10): Seo Ji-Sung is a programmer on the A.I. Development Team at Smart Home Appliances. While working on a refrigerator, she accidentally inserts a chip belonging to the National Intelligence Service. Instead of a program that will rate the freshness of vegetables, it will root out the undesirables from a dating pool, potentially saving people heartache. Ji-Sung herself wants to fall in love, but with the right man. Despair sets in when her program determines that her oh-so-perfect fiancé, Jung-Han, is not her Prince Charming after all! Jung Gook-Hee is a firefighter who spends little time on social media, leaving Ji-Sung with little data to analyze. She meets firefighter Gook-Hee, who has no social media presence. This leaves Ji-Sung without a shred of data for her program to analyze. She can't help but be skeptical, not knowing a thing about Gook-Hee's past. Should Ji-Sung take a leap of faith with him, even if it could mean another heartbreak for her?

      What a wonderfully cute ending to a cute show! I still do think that Gook Hee overreacted last week into this week about Ji Sung using social media to stalk random people but I was glad that his friend called him out and was like is this how much you care for her? After everything Ji Sung put up with in terms of his secrets, he should have known that she's a good person and trustworthy enough not to abuse her ability to hack! I was actually really shocked though that Hwang ended up not being the bad guy after all and that it was one of the other guys in the office who did it. The abrupt reveal that he was mentally unstable and thought that Ji Sung loved him was a little out of nowhere cause I feel like up to this point we hadn't seen any clues towards the fact that he was into her but I liked the way the whole thing played out with him kidnapping her and then being taken out by Hwang with a little help from Gook Hee. I also really liked the way the show ended with Ji Sung joining the NIS and having her record cleared in terms of having used the JSS chip without knowing what it was. The best thing about this week though ended up being the way Gi Hyun and her husband reconciled and it made me seriously lament the fact that we didn't see more of how adorable he was before this! In the end I did really think this show was cute for what it was though probs nothing that I would come back to over and over again. 7 / 10 from me!
      Run On (12/16)
      : Ki Sun Gyeom is a sports agent who was once a popular sprinter on the national team but was forced to quit due to legal issues. Oh Mi Joo writes translated subtitles for movies. She was thrilled to see her name listed among the credits when she first started. Ki Sun Gyeom had just quit sprinting when he encountered Oh Mi Joo, who felt that destiny most certainly brought them together. Seo Dan Ah is the CEO of a sports agency and rightful successor to the Seomyung Group. Despite this, she is held back from advancing in the company due to her gender. She fiercely wishes to reclaim what is rightfully hers and lives her life accordingly. Lee Young Hwa is a university art major who enjoys movies and drawing will soon enter his life. Could romance be in the cards for these two couples?

      This week was everything I wanted from this show and you can imagine why!! First of all I want to start by saying that though Dan Ah is definitely my favorite character in this show, Young Hwa is slowly starting to creep up past her! I absolutely adore the way he's so unafraid to be purely him from crying in front of Dan Ah cause he's confused to flirting with Sun Gyeom cause of Sun Gyeom's reactions. I do have to say though that if he acted like he does with Sun Gyeom with his other friend, it's no wonder that his friend has a crush on him! Dan Ah and Young Hwa finally kissed this week and I'm pretty they're dating too though I mean yeah I kind of wished that the kiss had been a bit more mutual rather than Young Hwa standing there shocked but she did kiss him out of nowhere so I'm not all that upset! Also important to note is that we've gotten a little more story on Dan Ah and Tae Woong and how they're both really sick apparently but it seems to be worse for Tae Woong than Dan Ah cause he kept talking about how he's going to die first. Apparently their dad brought him to Korea to replace Dan Ah cause she was ill which is probs why she hates Tae Woong so much but the more I see him, the more I wish they could fix their relationship! I do wonder if this whole thing will come around and whether Young Hwa will ever find out or if her family will since we're nearing the end of this show and I can't imagine that they would not pounce on the juicy angst that would come from a rich heiress dating a poor college student. It is possible that all that angst has been milked by Mi Joo and Sun Gyeom though cause as we saw his father is the absolute worst and has made Mi Joo feel so horrible about herself that she wants to break up with Sun Gyeom. I did love that he stood up to the dad for his sister and how horrified both he and Dan Ah were over how the dad is treating the sister like an escort. I kept awkwardly waiting for that word to be dropped but the show never did even though it was clearly low hanging fruit!
      She Would Never Know/Sunbae Don't Put That Lipstick On (2/16)
      : Yoon Song Ah works as a marketer for a cosmetic brand. She enjoys her job and does it with vigor. Her dream is to start her own cosmetic brand. Meanwhile, Chae Hyun Seung works with Yoon Song Ah as a marketer. He becomes attracted to Yoon Song Ah and tries to develop a romantic relationship with her. However, Yoon Song Ah rebuffs his advances, because she does not see younger guys as dating partners.

      Honestly I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this show going in cause while I was really excited to see Rowoon's new show after adoring him in Extraordinary You, I've kinda been soured on Won Jin Ah after Melting Me Softly. After having checked out these first two episodes, I have to say that the highlight of this show and one of the most unique things it has done is the way it sort of threw us into this world with these characters who've known each other for a while so unlike most shows where we literally see the first meeting of our main leads, this one shows us more of a snapshot of these people's lives at a random point in time. I am a little uncertain over what I feel in terms of the main romance but to my surprise it isn't Won Jin Ah's Song Ah that's bothering me but Rowoon's Hyun Seung! Like part of me is wondering if I'm just overreacting to the way Hyun Seung is cause this is a drama and not real life but the rest of me finds his weird possessiveness overbearing. Like I guess I should give props to the fact that he did plan on bowing out when he thought that Song Ah was happy but then he went about telling her about her boyfriend's cheating in the most horrible way and it was also a god awful time to tell her that he liked her! Having said all that I was glad that he took a step back to let her figure out her feelings about the whole cheating thing so I'll be curious to see if the writing fixes itself from now on. The crazy thing is that all my problems could have been fixed if the writers had made the two colleagues before this and have them fall for each other during the fake dating they did! I also have to admit that I felt really sorry for Jae Shin and how he was emotionally manipulated into marrying Hyo Joo but I'm also left curious as to what his plan would have been with how he's in love with Song Ah and dating her but supposedly marrying Hyo Joo in two months! As a sidebar I have to say that like a lot of shows I'm watching, the second couple might actually end up stealing my heart cause I found their first interaction to be way cute!  
      The Uncanny Counter (14/16)
      : Tells the story of demon hunters called Counters who come to earth under the guise of being employees at a noodle restaurant in order to capture evil spirits that have returned to earth in pursuit of eternal life. So Mun is the youngest of the Counters. After suffering from a mysterious car accident as a child, he eventually becomes a central figure among the Counters. Do Ha Na has the ability to sense the locations of evil spirits, even those that are hundreds of kilometers away. She can also read memories of others through touch and works with So Mun to do away with evil spirits. Ga Mo Tak is a Counter with incredible strength. He’s a former police officer who lost his memory seven years ago after an accident and is unable to stand idle in the face of injustice. Ga Mo Tak is also So Mun’s mentor. Chu Mae Ok is a Counter with healing abilities. Outwardly, she’s the chef of the noodle restaurant, but among the Counters, she is the emotional pillar of the group. Choi Jang Mool is the oldest Counter. He’s in charge of all of the Counters’ expenses, and he is a living legend among the Counters in Korea.

      So this week the big news behind the scenes was that the writer for this show quit and was replaced cause apparently that person didn't like the direction which this show was heading. This is interesting cause if I'm being honest it seems a little silly to quit two weeks before a finale but I have to say that part of me felt the change in writing but the rest of me wonders if I'm just being weird cause I know there was a change. My problem with this week is sort of the same problem I've always had with this show. Like I get that our Counters are pretty strong so obviously they can't fight humans but we've known that our evil spirit is stronger than our Counters from the start so the fact that the show keeps throwing more and more power to him in hopes of upping the ante is kinda ridiculous. I also don't love that in order to get to where we needed to at the end, all of our Counters had to act like idiots. It made so much more sense to take down the female evil spirit before going for the male but instead our Counters followed their emotions rather than their brains and lost one of the barrier staffs so to win we need to throw more magical power at the problem. That's the laziest type of writing guys! Mun already has the most OP power with the ability to summon Yung but now he also has psychokinesis?? Ugh seriously dudes. I guess on the plus side almost all our human bad guys have either been caught or killed so the only one left is Mayor Shin who's definitely screwed after his evil spirit is removed.
      True Beauty (12/16)
      : True Beauty is a romantic comedy about a high school girl Lim Joo Gyung, who rises to pretty girl fame after she masters the art of make-up from YouTube. She turns into a goddess because of her makeup skills, but would rather die than reveal her bare face to anyone. It tells her love story with the only boy that saw her without makeup, Lee Su Ho. Lee is an attractive and handsome boy who appears cold because of his dark past but is actually very caring. They grow when they meet each other sharing their secrets and finding love with each other, but can Su Ho make Joo Gyung find her true beauty?

      This week was leagues better than pretty much everything we got previously and I think that's cause rather than having our main couple fight each other over misunderstandings and the like, Joo Gyung and Su Ho had to face external obstacles instead. First was everything with Se Yeon and Su Ho's dad and then it was Soo Jin being a horrible person. I was honestly really proud of Su Ho's dad for stepping up and retiring after he found out how he was connected to Se Yeon's death and just how much he ruined Su Ho's life cause I didn't think he really cared for Su Ho until this week. Now I kinda want him and Su Ho to reconcile just like Su Ho and Seo Jun did this week. Seo Jun found out everything that happened back then and realized what a complete ass he was which is why it was so adorable seeing Su Ho and Seo Jun be best friends again. The second hurdle our main couple had to cross was Soo Jin who I will never not be disappointed over in how she became the villain just cause she likes Su Ho and is pissed that he's with Joo Gyung. The levels of mind games she's playing is really just applause worthy but what she doesn't know is that Su Ho knows everything about Joo Gyung so nothing she can do will break them apart. It super sucks that Joo Gyung's secret was exposed but I have a feeling that her friends will stick by her side including Soo Ah who I'm pretty sure is more upset that Joo Gyung hid this secret from her rather than the fact that Joo Gyung had this secret in the first place. I am glad though that Su Ho and Seo Jun both know what a terrible person Soo Jin is and I'm sure that Joo Gyung will find out soon enough too.


      FINISHED Legend Of Fei (51/51): Several years ago, the emperor secretly ordered the hero Li Hui to form a mountain stronghold consisting of bandits in order to keep the pugilist world under control. His daughter, Li Jin Rong, leads the stronghold after Li Hui's death and gives birth to Zhou Fei after marrying scholar Zhou Yi Tang. Zhou Fei's attempts at escaping have always ended in failure, though Li Jin Rong allows her daughter to go and experience the world outside after her 16th birthday. She meets Xie Yun again after he saves her from drowning during her first escape attempt, and they embark on an adventurous journey through Wulin together.

      So the finale for this show aired this week and all I can really say is that the writing for this show really sucked all the fun right out of the world we were given. Zanilia Zhao and Wang Yi Bo literally carried this drama on their shoulders and without them acting the hell out of the boring script they got, I never would have been able to finish it! Don't get me wrong, I've watched so many shows out there that I would consider worse but at least those shows tried something new. Legend Of Fei seemed to want to move as carefully and delicately as possible as to step on every single milestone that a martial arts cdrama should hit without caring about whether we the audience would feel anything from it. Even when our characters were life or death situations, the tone of the show never once made you feel anxious or worried cause of how nonchalant our characters were. It's like they already knew that they had plot armor so of course everything would work out duh! I do suppose one good thing this show did was make me fall in love with Wang Yi Bo cause I had actually not seen him in anything before this and now he's definitely going on my future watch when he acts list. I liked the ending we got with everyone being paired up and killing the villains and Xie Yun healed. I was glad that he never actually decided to go back to being an Emperor or a Prince or even the leader of the Anping Army. Instead he decided to stay in the Fortress with Fei forever like her parents did which was a sweet parallel. Overall I guess I'd give this show a 6.5 / 10!


      Wacko At Law (8/15)
      : Mai Daqi is a genius in the legal profession, but because of his dissatisfaction with the profitism of the law firm, he shelved his lawyer's license. It wasn't until an air crash that suddenly took the lives of his parents and his fiancee four years ago. In order to get justice for his family, Daqi regained his legal profession and overthrew American Airlines' first-class lawyers.

      At first glance it looks like we managed to wrap up the whole case with Wen Ting but in actuality I'm pretty sure there are a ton of questions left unanswered. Was the man who killed that art appraiser really a hired killer and if so, who hired him? Honestly if I had to make a guess I'd definitely say it was one of the Mo family who hired him but more specifically Wen Ting's mom. After meeting the stepson I kinda see him as more of a puppet for Mrs Mo than a player so I can't see him being involved in hiring a killer or dealing with L365 whereas we know that Mrs Mo manipulated Wen Ting into confessing to a crime to help her. This links into the more overarching story of this show with Da Qi and L365. Last week we learned that Da Qi almost died and was saved cause of that drug but now it's killing him and I'm pretty sure we learned that it's also killing Xiao Ke's sister. Cause of this, Yu Xin and Xiao Ke and Da Qi are investigating what happened back then and whether even Mo Shang De's death is linked to this miracle drug. This whole thing also led to Da Qi finally accepting his feelings for Yu Xin and to my surprise he confessed too when I thought that he would keep it a secret cause he would be worried about dying. Their first kiss wasn't anything to write home about but I'm hopeful for their second cause from what I've seen twdramas don't usually do the bug-eyed pecks that cdramas and some kdramas like to do. I also hope that Yu Xin keeps her energy and independence and quirkiness though now that the two are dating cause I really love their bickering and I would be sad if this show turned her into a lovesick puppy who's only purpose is to follow Da Qi around from now on. 

      xoxo Allie