Friday, January 15, 2021

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and the amount of episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous reviews, click here and if you want to see a list of my Favorite Asian OTPs and Ships, click here!


A Love So Beautiful (8/24)Cha Heon is a student at Chun Ji High School who has both good looks and brains. He appears to be a cold character, but he is actually someone with a warm heart who is awkward at expressing himself well. Shin Sol Yi is a bright and bubbly 17-year-old who has a crush on Cha Heon. She openly confesses her love to Cha Heon continuously, and she is a clumsy but lovable character. Woo Dae Sung is a talented swimmer who transfers to Chun Ji High School and falls for Shin Sol Yi. He does not express his feelings for her and quietly stays by her side.

I was really debating dropping this show this week cause just like the cdrama, I'm seriously seriously having SLS and I don't usually like to keep watching a show in which that happens cause then I feel like I'm constantly dunking on the main romance and taking the fun away from those who are enjoying themselves. I just can't help but dislike Heon for the way he does things. There was no need to shout at Sol Yi cause he was jealous of her being with Dae Sung but like okay let's say something like that can happen but it drove me crazy that he never bothered to apologize. He just fed Sol Yi the tiniest scraps of affection by telling her not to transfer schools and suddenly it's back to status quo with them. Meanwhile Dae Sung comforted her multiple times including that super cute pool scene and Sol Yi thinks nothing of it. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Dae Sung deserves Sol Yi cause he was nice to her. I'm just saying that if I were Sol Yi I would want to date the guy who treats me well! We also found out that the secret that Sol Yi got was from Dae Sung and not Heon cause Heon can't even force himself to send a nice text let alone expose the fact that he's crushing on her too but I can't tell if Sol Yi figured it out yet or if she's going to play dumb in order to stay friends with Dae Sung. As a side note I absolutely hated that Sol Yi ended up spending her birthday doing what Heon wanted than going to the concert she wanted to originally.
Awaken (14/16): About a series of mysterious incidents that are connected to an incident that took place in a village 28 years ago. Do Jung Woo is a capable and legendary team leader of a special task force at the National Police Agency. He has messy hair, a constant slouch, and sucks on a lollipop all day like a kid, but he has a mysterious secret behind his sly exterior. Gong Hye Won is a passionate police officer who does not let anything get in her way. Behind her pretty face is a hot temper that won’t cool down unless she says what she needs to say. She is one of the strongest and best fighters on her team, and can drink the others under the table, but she also has a surprisingly clumsy side. Jamie is a detective on loan from the FBI. She was adopted as a child with almost no memories of her life before, but she returns to Korea to solve the serial killer case that is related to those lost memories from 28 years ago.

We're ramping towards the finale this week with how things are falling into place slowly. Jamie as it turns out is Jung Woo's twin sister which is super irritating cause you all know I shipped them hard and nothing about the way the two interacted led me to believe they were siblings unlike Jamie's interactions with Jae Woong. I also have to say that I will never not be bitter over how this show treated Jamie. She was a pawn from start to finish never once actually making headway in the investigations on her own unless she was spoon fed the information. Even the reporter was smarter than her! I was all excited to see what would change now that she got her memories back but still nothing came of it other than her telling Hye Won that they weren't fighting for Jung Woo's affections anymore cause she's his twin. Having said all that I still think the writing for this mystery has been top notch and I'm pretty sure we were just revealed this week that the original President sort of body-hopped into the current Blue House Secretary and that he's planning on jumping into his son's body which is totally crazy cause I'm pretty sure that nothing up to this point has hinted at something like that. Is this magic serum the White Night creating less about deaging people but more about helping them jump bodies?? I also can't say that I think that Jung Woo was betrayed cause I have a feeling this whole getting captured thing is part of his big picture and it's funny cause though Jae Woong is a killer, part of me still felt horribly for him getting experimented on by White Night all over again.
Homemade Love Story (68/100)
: Three families live under one roof at a boarding house called Samgwang Villa. Sun Jeong's family lives a pure and simple life and doesn't have a lot of money. Jung Hoo's family is rich but is far from peaceful. Jung Won's family looks perfect from the outside but is actually quite rocky. Others join these families at Samgwang Villa, each with their own stories. What is the meaning of family in this day and age, with so many single-person households and people choosing not to get married? Let's meet the people who open their hearts to one another to live and love as a family in Homemade Love Story.

I can't tell you how relieved I was this week when Chae Woon found out that Jae Hee knew that Mr Lee was her father and forgave him. It was the thing I was most worried about cause up to this point Jae Hee and Chae Woon never really lied to each other and in most dramas a lie like this would lead to a breakup though I should have guessed this show wouldn't play Chae Woon and Jae Hee like that after we never got a noble idiot sacrifice from Chae Woon in which she would break up with Jae Hee cause of Seo Ah. All of the families found out about their engagement too though Jung Won and Jung Hoo didn't have the reactions we would have liked. Jung Won was thinking of Seo Ah when she told the two to have a long engagement and I'm pretty sure that Jung Hoo is thinking that Jae Hee's dad and Chae Woon's mom are dating again so the kids can't be together. The thing with this though is that like Jae Hee's dad told Seo Ah, he's realized that he loves Jung Hoo not Sun Jeong so I don't think this will be a problem for too long. In terms of story though I was so proud of Chae Woon for putting all the pieces together and realizing that her dad was by her side all along. I also loved that the aunt and Hwak Se found out about Na Ro being sketchy and they forced him to leave. The thing is that I could find it in me to forgive him like I'm sure Chae Woon and Jae Hee would but that's only if he admits his faults and apologizes! Seo Ah on the other hand is definitely gearing up to do something really horrible in order to break up Chae Woon and Jae Hee though I can't imagine that anything she does will work though maybe she's hoping that if she screws with Jae Hee then Chae Woon might leave him out of guilt?
Hush (8/16)
: “Hush” is an office drama about newspaper reporters and their everyday struggles, problems, and ethical dilemmas. Han Jun Hyeok is a veteran reporter for a newspaper. He first became a reporter to pursue justice, but he is now conflicted between idealism and pragmatism. Han Jun Hyeok must also deal with personal issues as a husband and father. Lee Ji Soo is a bold intern reporter who isn’t afraid to say what needs to be said, even during a job interview. When she meets Han Jun Hyeok as her mentor, she begins to dream of becoming a true journalist.

Despite the fact that we've reached the halfway mark in this show, every week I feel like I'm constantly five steps behind everyone else in terms of what what's going on! There are just so many bad guys and they're all connected in fun new ways that I end up mixing them up or getting confused about who's on who's side! Here's what I can gather so far. One the one side we have Chief Editor Na and on the other side we have City Desk Editor Yoon. Though CEO Park is supposed to be the mysterious power behind Daily Korea, I'm starting to see that it's actually Chief Na who's holding the reins and the reason he's fighting Editor Yoon so hard is cause they both want the ear of the CEO. We found out that Yoon was the one behind the MP Go misreport which is why Chief Na was egging Jun Hyeok and our Hush team on over finding the culprit. Yoon fixed things so that his son could get into a good school and MP Go's son and CEO Park's niece could get married. Na is pissed cause Yoon went around him and I'm thinking that he's planning on pinning the whole misreport on him rather than our crew like Yoon warned to get rid of a thorn in his side. The thing is that I have a strong feeling that either Na or Yoon will turn out to be on our side in the end but I don't know which one it'll be yet. Maybe Yoon will feel dirty for playing dirty or maybe Na is playing the long game after screwing Ji Soo's dad all those years ago. Yoon seems to care about Yang enough to warn her off the scent and Na seems to still be trying to protect Jun Hyeok so I'm left wondering if there's more to the big picture. In other news I'm finally like Ji Soo's character and she's clearly very smart at picking up clues and I'm still loving her dynamic with Kyung Woo!
FINISHED Live On (8/8): Baek Ho Rang is the most popular girl in high school. Everybody wants to be her friend, and all of the boys dream of winning her heart. Although she is famously aloof, she is also a star on social media – with the whole school seemingly following her every post. But when a mysterious individual arrives online, she is caught off-guard.This person seems to know all of Baek Ho Rang’s deepest secrets, and is seemingly armed with all sorts of information about her that she’d rather was kept a secret forever! Desperate for answers, she seeks out the help of Go Eun Taek, the meticulous, right-minded head of the school’s broadcasting club. However, in order to gain his assistance, she discovers that she will have to become a regular club member – a fact that eventually brings her together with a group of students she never thought she’d consider friends. Can she solve the mystery of the online poster? And could joining the club eventually lead to romance?

So the finale for this show aired this week and honestly I think it was just as fun as all the other episodes. I mean yes the fact that Ho Rang's whole bullying thing coming out last week left this finale feeling kinda adrift but at the same time I actually enjoyed that we got a full episode just too see our characters happy before the show ends. Ho Rang and Eun Taek officially started dating and Ho Rang ended up deleting her social media cause she realized that up to this point she had been using her followers as a way to feel better about herself since she didn't actually have close friends in real life. Now that she saw that she had a group who would love her for her, she no longer needed the adoration of the internet. The more important thing though was her reconciliation with So Hyun and it was absolutely precious to see how the two were so nervous and awkward when they first met up but how quickly it felt comfortable again as well. I think we're also supposed to assume that So Hyun and Yoo Shin are dating or almost dating cause though the two never made it official, the fact that So Hyun deleted all the chats with all the other guys she was talking with made it feel like she chose to give Yoo Shin a shot. Even Jae Yi and Woo Jae were happy though of course right on the heels of another fight which was smoothed over pretty quickly. In the end though I still didn't connect with why Ho Rang was so against letting others know about her being bullied, the story we got was still pretty sweet. I'd give it a 7.5 / 10.
Lovestruck In The City (7/17)
: Lovestruck in the City is a realistic portrayal of young people who pursue romance and happiness while struggling to get by in a busy, competitive urban environment. Park Jae Won is an honest man, a passionate architect and a lover of city alleyways. His hobby is collecting more hobbies. A romantic at heart, he cannot forget a certain woman. This thief of his heart and his camera had disappeared like a fleeting midsummer night’s dream. Lee Eun Oh is an ordinary woman who temporarily reinvents herself as the spontaneous and free spirited Yun Seon Ah. She takes off to a remote place on an impulse and falls in love with Jae-won under this new identity.

We're a little past halfway through this drama now and I'm actually really looking forward to the second half of this show. As I guessed last week now that we've gotten the whole dating/breakup story from Eun Oh and Jae Won, we can finally move on from it and give screen time to the others. As it turns out Rin Yi, Geon, and Eun Oh have been best friends since they were children and it was absolutely adorable to see them all together and having fun. I also really adored how Gyung Joon didn't get jealous of Geon either this week when the girls were teasing him about being sexy and jumped right in and played along. Sun Young on the other hand looks like she dumped Geon because of how close he was to the girls which honestly if it's true is kinda sad and really highlights once again why Gyung Joon is boyfriend goals! After having known each other for 20 years and spending 12 years together, the Rin Yi and Gyung Joon are still so in love and he treats her so well that honestly I'm wondering why they're not married yet! We also found out that one of the many reasons why Eun Oh broke up with Jae Won was cause she knew that she couldn't keep up the lie in Seoul anymore since Jae Won is connected to Gyung Joon who's connected to Rin Yi and boom. The crazy thing is that she really should have thought ahead cause how long would she have been able to avoid Jae Won instead of just going to him and telling him the truth and seeing if he would keep it a secret if he wanted to break up.
Mr Queen/Queen Cheorin (10/20)
: A male chef has risen up the ranks to find a job cooking for the country’s top politicians in the South Korean presidential residences, the Blue House. He is something of a dreamer – but one day finds himself in the body of a young queen from Korea’s past, Kim So Yong. Kim So Yong’s husband is the reigning monarch, King Cheol Jong. However, he is only king in name – the late King Sunjo’s Queen, Sun Won, has taken advantage of Cheol Jong’s better nature, and is ruling the realm in his name. Queen Sun Won’s brother Kim Jwa Guen also has designs on power. However, Kim So Yong soon discovers that King Cheol Jong harbors secrets, and is not as gentle and meek as he seems…

It seems about right for this show to turn up the romance now that we've reached the halfway point! Seriously guys can we talk about that kiss So Yong and Cheol Jong shared this week?? It was hot as hell but I wish that the show hadn't cut back and forth between them and So Yong's father watching them cause that really is creepy. Part of my heart did break for poor Byung In but the rest of me is adoring our leads which is interesting cause before this I wasn't into their romance. I love how So Yong's feelings are overtaking Bong Hwan's and how Cheol Jong is starting to forget all the reasons that he's not supposed to like her. We also finally get the whole picture over what happened 7 years ago. Apparently Cheol Jong's mom hid him in So Yong's family's well (which is a super weird place to put him if I'm being honest cause wouldn't a commoner well or commoner home be better?) to protect him while his whole family was killed and So Yong ended up in that well too cause she had been planning on killing herself to reunite with his mom only to run into Cheol Jong there. They bonded and she promised to come back for him only she ended up telling a maid about him who tattled to her dad so he and Jwa Geun tried to kill Cheol Jong. Hwa Jin was meanwhile sneaking around watching so she ended up saving Cheol Jong by accident and basically taking credit for being the girl that sat in the well with Cheol Jong. It's all very interesting but really just highlights once again what a terrible person Hwa Jin is. It also sucks for her cause like Byung In, she's being led like a blind man to water not knowing that the water is poisoned. It's her own people who are hurting her and making it seem like it's the enemy instead.
Please Don't Date Him (9/10)
: Seo Ji-Sung is a programmer on the A.I. Development Team at Smart Home Appliances. While working on a refrigerator, she accidentally inserts a chip belonging to the National Intelligence Service. Instead of a program that will rate the freshness of vegetables, it will root out the undesirables from a dating pool, potentially saving people heartache. Ji-Sung herself wants to fall in love, but with the right man. Despair sets in when her program determines that her oh-so-perfect fiancĂ©, Jung-Han, is not her Prince Charming after all! Jung Gook-Hee is a firefighter who spends little time on social media, leaving Ji-Sung with little data to analyze. She meets firefighter Gook-Hee, who has no social media presence. This leaves Ji-Sung without a shred of data for her program to analyze. She can't help but be skeptical, not knowing a thing about Gook-Hee's past. Should Ji-Sung take a leap of faith with him, even if it could mean another heartbreak for her?

The truth has officially come out about Gook Hee's past and it was a complete mess honestly. When there was a fire in Gook Hee's apartment, Gook Hee's mom asked a firefighter to check inside for him when in actuality he was at a friend's house watching a soccer game. The firefighter went in and some paint caught on fire and exploded leading to the firefighter getting hurt. The crazy thing is that everyone blamed Gook Hee for the firefighter dying but then we learn that the firefighter didn't even die! It was just a misreport like in Pinocchio but no one cared to pay attention to the follow up when it was corrected. I did like that Gook Hee ended up telling Ji Sung about in on his own even if it ended up being a few minutes earlier than it exploded on social media but either way I'm glad that he built up the courage himself. I don't love the turn at the end where suddenly Gook Hee can't trust Ji Sung cause he's got no evidence up to this point that she's this so-called monster and besides how is what she did any different than cyberstalking someone? I also want to take a second to shout out Ye Seul and how good she is at managing Yoo Jin cause I died of laughter when he came back from ghosting early and found that Ye Seul turned his home into a share house! You go girl! We also learned that Gi Hyun's husband is actually in the NIS but I still don't know if I believe that Ms Hwang is too cause she's doing really sketchy things like running this gossip site and outing Ji Sung to Gook Hee so I could see her being a bad guy who was trying to sell something to the NIS.
Run On (10/16)
: Ki Sun Gyeom is a sports agent who was once a popular sprinter on the national team but was forced to quit due to legal issues. Oh Mi Joo writes translated subtitles for movies. She was thrilled to see her name listed among the credits when she first started. Ki Sun Gyeom had just quit sprinting when he encountered Oh Mi Joo, who felt that destiny most certainly brought them together. Seo Dan Ah is the CEO of a sports agency and rightful successor to the Seomyung Group. Despite this, she is held back from advancing in the company due to her gender. She fiercely wishes to reclaim what is rightfully hers and lives her life accordingly. Lee Young Hwa is a university art major who enjoys movies and drawing will soon enter his life. Could romance be in the cards for these two couples?

Dan Ah and Young Hwa had a huge fight this week during which Dan Ah was the worst I've seen her but it kinda makes sense cause she was in a horrible mood due to her brother before this. Having said that it was not right of her to take it out on Young Hwa when the boy hasn't been anything but sweet to her. The angst of the two of them breaking up before they were even dating was delicious to experience and I think it was needed cause Dan Ah though she's a badass does need to soften her edges and realize that the way she sees people in relation to how they can help her isn't good. As soon as she realizes this and apologizes, things will be better between the two again. I do wonder if Dan Ah's half-brother will be the thing to get Young Hwa a better look into her messed up chaebol life cause we're nearing the end of this show and yet I can't picture how their loveline will end. Will it end with them officially being together so we can skip any sort of drama over Dan Ah probs needing to marry another chaebol? In other news Mi Joo and Sun Gyeom officially started dating and he moved into Young Hwa's apartment. The more interesting story for him though had to do with how he's on his way to becoming an athletic agent but I just wish it was moving faster!
The Uncanny Counter (12/16)
: Tells the story of demon hunters called Counters who come to earth under the guise of being employees at a noodle restaurant in order to capture evil spirits that have returned to earth in pursuit of eternal life. So Mun is the youngest of the Counters. After suffering from a mysterious car accident as a child, he eventually becomes a central figure among the Counters. Do Ha Na has the ability to sense the locations of evil spirits, even those that are hundreds of kilometers away. She can also read memories of others through touch and works with So Mun to do away with evil spirits. Ga Mo Tak is a Counter with incredible strength. He’s a former police officer who lost his memory seven years ago after an accident and is unable to stand idle in the face of injustice. Ga Mo Tak is also So Mun’s mentor. Chu Mae Ok is a Counter with healing abilities. Outwardly, she’s the chef of the noodle restaurant, but among the Counters, she is the emotional pillar of the group. Choi Jang Mool is the oldest Counter. He’s in charge of all of the Counters’ expenses, and he is a living legend among the Counters in Korea.

This week was straight up amazing cause our heroes have finally started to break ground and win. The only thing that bothered me was how Mun came back to being a Counter. Like okay I get that maybe the afterlife judges were a little harsh in reprimanding the Counters for messing in human affairs when those humans are playing with evil spirits too but the thing that I didn't understand entirely was how last week Wi Gen said that Mun couldn't be a Counter cause he was too deep in his anger and hatred and need to kill. I wonder if we're supposed to believe that in this short amount of time Mun learned to let go of that hatred and realized that he wants to be a Counter to protect those he loves rather than to punish those who hurt him. He also straight up somehow summoned Wi Gen into himself against her will and opened up Yung again which I was pretty sure we were told before are really horrible things and hurts Wi Gen but now it's no big deal?? Having said that I guess if I can let that go into the realm of the writers took things too far and didn't think things through, everything else I was super about. I loved that Mo Tak got his memories back and though it was totally heartbreaking that Jung Young was killed, in the end the foursome were able to take down Shin and one of the Noh brothers so I'm not too worried about them catching the rest. I wonder if we'll officially put the human thugs to rest next week before moving on to catching the evil spirits or if it'll be the other way around. I'm still waiting on some sort of special super move that will help them against Chung Shin cause he's basically a god in terms of power now and our foursome are still so weak.
True Beauty (10/16)
: True Beauty is a romantic comedy about a high school girl Lim Joo Gyung, who rises to pretty girl fame after she masters the art of make-up from YouTube. She turns into a goddess because of her makeup skills, but would rather die than reveal her bare face to anyone. It tells her love story with the only boy that saw her without makeup, Lee Su Ho. Lee is an attractive and handsome boy who appears cold because of his dark past but is actually very caring. They grow when they meet each other sharing their secrets and finding love with each other, but can Su Ho make Joo Gyung find her true beauty?

The most disappointing thing about this week was the abrupt 180 Soo Jin did. I had a feeling she would cause I kept hearing spoilers about her character in the webtoon but I had hoped that the show would change things just like they changed Seo Jun's character. Unfortunately that's not the case and Soo Jin has become the most evil type of second female lead aka the one that pretends that she's your best friend only to do horrible things around you. I much prefer the one who's horrible to your face cause then at least you won't get backstabbed. I also have a bone to pick with Su Ho. It was really such a turn off seeing how insecure he was cause a little jealousy is cute but he was straight up telling Joo Gyung who she could see and what she could do and I was dying. I did also wish that Joo Gyung would have gathered her courage and also told him what's going on but it's not a show without lack of communication amirite? Hopefully the worst of this has come this week cause it feels like the show's about to switch gears next week and focus on Se Yeon. Joo Gyung's sister actually ended up uncovering the whole story of what happened back then. Su Ho's father was caught dating some actress so he covered for himself by releasing an article about Se Yeon being a bully. That's why when Su Ho begged his father to clear Se Yeon's name, he didn't and then Se Yeon died. The worst thing about all this is how Su Ho's father still has no guilt over what happened cause like okay yeah say that he didn't care about some random rookie but now to even try to profit off of a song the kid you practically killed without asking any sort of permission is whole new levels of horrible. 


Legend Of Fei (44/51): Several years ago, the emperor secretly ordered the hero Li Hui to form a mountain stronghold consisting of bandits in order to keep the pugilist world under control. His daughter, Li Jin Rong, leads the stronghold after Li Hui's death and gives birth to Zhou Fei after marrying scholar Zhou Yi Tang. Zhou Fei's attempts at escaping have always ended in failure, though Li Jin Rong allows her daughter to go and experience the world outside after her 16th birthday. She meets Xie Yun again after he saves her from drowning during her first escape attempt, and they embark on an adventurous journey through Wulin together.

Is anyone else struggling with this week's episodes? Maybe it's a problem that this show has had across the board but the writing for this show is such a mess. Everything is meandering and strange and people do one thing one week only to change and do the opposite the next. Like what's even the point in getting annoyed or attached?? Yin Pei went through this whole thing where we felt bad for him and then he became bad only to feel bad for him again and then he died saving Fei. Like was the man supposed to be good or bad?? I also really don't understand the point of the royals in this world. Like we haven't seen the Emperor or the palace but we keep seeing random officials traveling around pretending like they know what's going on in the martial arts world. The Third Prince especially is exasperating cause he's a complete moron and it's like how many times does he have to get screwed before he realizes that he shouldn't butt into places he shouldn't be. I'm so worried for Fei's parents cause I thought they would be dead by now but they aren't so a part of me was starting to get hopeful that they'll survive only for all this to go down. Peaceful Calm apparently is the only person in the world who can create these deadly poisons and as we saw with Xie Yun, there's no way to fix yourself afterwards so she's probs the most dangerous assassin to send into the Fortress. Xie Yun and Fei were really cute though this week with their first kiss and the way he proposed to her though I'm still wondering if he'll be able to be cured by the end of this show cause Yin Pei used up all the Phoenix Pills.


FINISHED Shanai Marriage Honey (7/7): A young couple got married almost immediately after meeting each other through a dating app and did not realized that they were working for the same company. They decided to keep their marriage a secret from their company and friends. At first, both parties thought it's okay to get married without love but they gradually got attracted to each other.

It's been a thousand years since I last watched an episode of this show cause for some reason the subbers must have taken a break so when I saw that the final three episodes of the season came out all at once, I was pretty excited to dive right in. Ami and Manatsu went through a few hurdles this week though both were solved pretty easily cause this is a pretty low stakes show. I was glad that Manatsu finally agreed to tell everyone that the two got married cause still to this point I don't really know why he was hiding it. It would have made sense to tell everyone around the time that Ami said that she had a crush on him as a way to hide their closeness. I also liked that the two were able to discuss the fact that they did want to have kids someday in the future and that they finally met Manatsu's mom and Ami's mom and sister. For some reason I kept getting a weird feeling that one of the families was going to disprove of Ami and Manatsu's marriage or at least complain that they didn't get an invite to the wedding but in the end, everyone was really sweet and just happy that their children were happy. I even liked that Ami and Manatsu ended up retaking their wedding photos cause now they wanted to look at them and remember how in love they were. Overall I do think this show was super cute in a light and airy way so I'd give it a 5.5 / 10!


Wacko At Law (7/15)
: Mai Daqi is a genius in the legal profession, but because of his dissatisfaction with the profitism of the law firm, he shelved his lawyer's license. It wasn't until an air crash that suddenly took the lives of his parents and his fiancee four years ago. In order to get justice for his family, Daqi regained his legal profession and overthrew American Airlines' first-class lawyers.

This week showed us the aftermath of what happened after Wan Ting gave that weird man permission to borrow her painting and as it turns out everything is more connected than we thought. Wan Ting's mom is actually married to the man that her father supposedly killed and I'm fascinated cause I'm sure back then the motive would have been her father's jealousy over his ex-wife's new husband. The mom was also the one to teach Wan Ting how to take the blame for her dad stealing that gas cylinder and now it seems that she's trying to make amends but I have a feeling there's more to it. While Wan Ting was fighting to get her painting back, the art appraiser was murdered and the Prosecutor as per usual has tunnel vision and refuses to see anyone but Wan Ting as the killer. I wonder though if it'll end up being Mrs Mo's son who hired a thug to do it and maybe Wan Ting's mom knows and that's why she's trying to reconnect with Wan Ting to use her. The funny thing is that while all this was going on, everyone seemed to be more interested in romance! Wan Ting was still trying to suss out whether Yu Xin liked Da Qi while Jing Tao was trying to suss out whether Wan Ting likes Da Qi and Yu Xin was trying to suss out whether Jing Tao liked Wan Ting. It was honestly hilarious like you're under a murder charge and you're more worried about dating? Either way I was thrilled that Jing Tao got more screen time this week cause I high key adore him.

xoxo Allie

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