Hello everyone and welcome back! Let's dive right in shall we?
I do have to say that this week's episode didn't hit me like the premiere but I can let that slide cause though Legends is usually incredible it does have it's clunkers here and there and this was probs one. Part of me wonders if it's cause the episode split up Zari and Constantine when you all know I'm a shipper of ships but because they split up we got to see more of Zari and Behrad and that was fun enough on it's own so maybe not? I do love their dynamic and I think it was perfect that they both ended up with an air totem though the more interesting part was the fact that we saw Zari 1.0 in the totem when I really thought we'd never see her again! Maybe she and Nate can go on dates in the totem. On that note I have to say that Nate kinda felt like an extra this week given that he really didn't do anything but maybe that's cause he wasn't the focus of this week cause Constantine didn't do much either but I didn't feel like he was as much of an afterthought as Nate was. We also saw Sara and Gary crash into the planet that hired Gary to kidnap Sara and I'm really really hoping that this alien isn't just another 80s sci fi movie alien and one from the DC universe instead! Like the Thanagarians are clearly too much to hope for as is anything Darkseid but maybe a minor DC alien could be the one behind it all??
Next week looks like more my speed in terms of the comedy and it's actually really funny that the show brought back Zari's ex to be the celebrity judge.
THIS EPISODE WAS EVERYTHING I'VE BEEN BEGGING THIS SHOW FOR!! I'm not even sorry about screaming this into the void but do you know how long and how many years I've shipped Tohru and Kyo for and how long I've lived off of crumbs only to have a full feast laid out in front of me this week???? Tohru finally realized that she loved Kyo loved him more than anyone else in the world and realized that the reason she fought so hard to deny her feelings was cause once she did, her mom would no longer be the one she loved the most. I loved the perfectly Tohru way she described love and how selfish it was but more than that my heart broke to hear how she changed herself as a child to become someone she thought her mom needed more than her. It makes me wonder who the real Tohru is just like Kyo did. Speaking of Kyo he was so good to Tohru all episode which is why it's awful that he had such a violent flashback to Kyoko dying and I still want to know what that's about! I know he was there when she died but I really doubt that he actually had much more to do with it than being a bystander and blaming himself for not doing something. I also doubt that Kyoko's last words to him were I won't forgive you cause she doesn't seem the type. On another note I was really interested in the Sohma family dynamic this week and how Shigure is totally right about the way they view Kyo and how little they worry about him being locked up.
I'm not entirely sure that this week actually solved anything in terms of the mystery of what Speed!Nora is or whether the other forces can be good which I think is just super sucky. Like is Speed!Nora really the same Speed Force that we've loved for 7 seasons or is she somehow Eobard or the negative speed force? Why are all the new Forces so evil when we're told that they were born from Barry and Iris's love? The whole thing makes no sense and I don't even know if the show is ever planning on explaining it or if we're just meant to go with what they're telling us like all the other sci fi mumbo jumbo it tells us to believe in. Barry tried to erase the forces from existing only he ended up changing his mind cause of what Iris and Joe said about helping rather than getting rid of and honestly I think that was the wrong choice but maybe I'm just too savage. Also important to note is that Alexa somehow came back to life and that'll be interesting to unpack but more importantly it looks like the show is officially about to write Cisco off the show. At this point it kinda feels like The Flash should just wrap it up cause when all the OG members of a show start leaving, it's a sign of the end.
The promo for next week shows us that Alexa is basically about to become a member of Team Flash though nothing about Cisco leaving and that makes me wonder if it'll be a secondary storyline in the background as Cisco struggles to find a way to tell Barry about leaving. It's also interesting that it's a part 1 of 2.
If there ever was one thing that I wish this show would do to make it better is if it would stop nerfing Shouto so much! Like part of me thinks that Shouto's arc is so different than all the other kids cause his power has always been at it's peak so whereas the other heroes have to practice and work hard to get better, Shouto's struggle is more of an internal one. When he finally accepts who he is then he'll be able to access his true powers. On paper this is a great arc but the reality is that the show doesn't spend enough time or energy on Shouto in general so we're kinda just told that a lot of his progress happens offscreen and even when the focus is on him the show seems to feel like oh we can't give him too much cause then he might outshine the real heroes of this show aka Deku and Katsuki. I mean seriously it was too much to hope that since this season was focusing on Endeavor than Shouto might get some screen time too. Even in this battle the star and focus was on Iida! I hate that every time Shouto does anything he gets screwed from every competition to the hero license exams. And now next week is Katsuki's battle which will probs go on for the next two or three weeks before we see Deku's team battle.
xoxo Allie
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