After episode 7 of the Flash, aka the episode before the crossover, I was not thrilled by a lot of things but any doubts that I had were cleared after tonight's episode. I actually really liked where we ended up.
So firstly I was annoyed that Julian was Alchemy because it was mega cheezy that the show hired a new actor and then he turned out to be one of the villains of the season. Despite this, I really liked what we got this week with Julian and how Alchemy was sort of possessing his body and he was a conduit for Savitar. I'm glad it turned out the way it did because otherwise everything else we heard from him in previous episodes wouldn't have made sense with him being Alchemy. I enjoyed him helping Team Flash and I could totally be down with him joining the team. He certainly makes a better team member than HR did (at least before this episode) and I'm kind of liking the vibe he and Caitlin are giving off. It was weird though cause I expected him to be nervous or at least uncomfortable around Caitlin given how she tried to kill him last time they met. It's like the show's forgotten their Killer Frost episode. Also how precious was Julian when he awkwardly showed up the West house and stuttered about not wanting to be alone. Did it cross anyone else's mind that maybe he was possessed again cause it was a weird 180 from him turning down Caitlin and then suddenly showing up. Also I love how comfortable everyone is at the West's. Like Caitlin didn't even think about whether Joe would be cool with Julian coming over when she asked him.
Speaking of Caitlin, she seems to be doing okay after the last episode. I liked that she helped Cisco get through his attraction to the Philosopher's Stone and that talk that Cisco and Caitlin had about their favorite Christmases with Dante and her father respectively. It was also really sweet that she caused it to snow outside for Cisco and for Christmas in general.
I was living for Wally and HR this episode. I will be the first to admit that I have disliked HR since he showed up and when Wally asked HR to train him during the crossover, I rolled my eyes because what could HR even do. Despite all this, I loved all their scenes and how they were bro-ing out at the beginning of the episode and how he convinced Wally to go help Barry against Savitar. I am so so so so so so glad that we seem to finally be done with everyone being against Wally helping Barry. It still makes no sense to me that Joe was more pissed at Wally for wanting to become a hero than Barry did. They are both his sons so it seems weird that Joe is more worried about Wally. Maybe it's an age thing? Even though the show repeatedly tells me that Wally is in college (?) and Barry is in his late 20s, the actors look so close in age that I forget. I loved that Wally got his costume and that everyone gave it to him.
Jay came back this episode and it was fun to see both him and Mark Hamill again. Their lines/acting were so cheezy and I want to believe this was a nod to the 90s Flash cartoon and if it was, I loved it! Also I love how Jay seems to bros with the speedforce cause he always knows so much more about it than Barry. Maybe Barry should try to talk to it.
I'm glad the reveal of who is Alchemy is finally over and that we can focus on other things. Savitar revealed that he was from the future and was pissed at future Barry for locking him up. Honestly Barry. You should stop pissing off future speedsters cause they just keep coming back to your past. Savitar also revealed that one of the team members would betray the team and one would die. The camera stopped on Wally and Iris during this and then Barry accidently went into the future (5 months to be exact) and saw Savitar kill Iris. After the crossover scene with the newspaper, the show was hinting heavily at Iris dying but I didn't believe it for a second and now that we actually saw Iris die, I believe it even less. We've seen the backlash Arrow got when they killed off Laurel and she wasn't that loved by the fans (I miss you Laurel!) so imagine what will happen when Iris, a fan favorite, gets killed off. I could believe Wally betraying the team due to some Alchemy programming or weird effect from leaving the shell early. I could also see it being Caitlin, fully turning into Killer Frost, or HR. Did anyone else catch Savitar's dig towards him being the fake Wells? Does this mean that his partner is actually the real Wells? Cause I think I guessed that a few episodes ago!!
This was a great episode and a fun midseason finale. It wrapped up a bunch of loose threads and dropped a bigger bomb on us! I can't wait until January when we return!
Oh and don't forget to tune in later tonight for my Agents of SHIELD midseason finale review!
xoxo Allie
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