Friday, July 5, 2019

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous lists, click here and if you want to see a list of my favorite asian OTPs and ships, click here!


Angel's Last Mission: Love (28/32): People just fall in love and devote their lives for love. Sometimes, they take the other one’s life away for their love. A cold-hearted woman meets an immature angel and they get to confront unexpected tragedy and crucial moment. Lee Yeon Seo is a cynical and arrogant ballerina. She becomes the heiress because of her parent’s sudden death. She doesn’t believe anyone since there are a lot of people around her who want her inherited money. Her distrust and arrogance make herself unable to love. She becomes the best ballerina, but she gets into an accident and has to give up her dream. Kim Dan is a mischievous angel. When he ends his duty as an angel on the earth, he gets to cause trouble and has only one last chance to overcome his critical situation to be extinct. And that last chance is to be a Cupid for Yeon Seo, but he despairs that he has to look after such an arrogant Yeon Seo.

I want to take back everything I said about God being benevolent and putting Dan and Yeon Seo in the same path as fate but part of me still believes there are too many coincidences for everything to have not been a plan. I'm so glad that Yeon Seo knows everything cause I love this them against the world thing that's happening and I love that Hoo is low key on their side even if he knows that things will not end well. I don't know how I didn't realize it before but of course Yeon Seo is on borrowed time cause she was supposed to die on that bridge before Dan saved her and a part of me wonders if we could still get a happy ending with Dan and Yeon Seo both becoming angels. Like everyone is talking about Dan becoming human but they never once wondered how a human became an angel and whether that's possible for Yeon Seo if/when she dies. For a while I did think that maybe just maybe Dan did become human because I think the main difference between how he went about it and how Kang Woo did was that Kang Woo turned away from God while Dan turns to God and I wondered with Hoo mentioning that angels become selfish when they fall in love that maybe if Dan protected someone else like that child from death then he's no longer selfish and cares about everyone not dying. I don't love the idea of Dan having to kill but I do like the idea of Yeon Seo and Dan being so in love and so alike that even when they're apart their wedding vows end the same and they would do literally anything for each other. I was so thrilled they got married but I'm still kind of wondering why God hasn't destroyed them yet cause Kang Woo was attacked the moment he put a promise ring on Seol Hee but God is just like burning Dan's shit like a baby throwing a tantrum. The finale is next week and I'm going to be so sad that this show is over cause it's 100% going to end up being my favorite drama of the year (I'm calling it already) but I can't even tell you where I think the show will end!
Arthdal Chronicles Season 2 (4/6): Eun Som was born with a fate to bring disaster to Arthdal. Due to his mother's struggles to save him, he goes through hardships and grows up. He appears again in Arthdal. Ta Gon is a war hero of Arthdal. He has paved the way for Arthdal to become a prosperous city nation and he is the most powerful person in Arthdal. He dreams of becoming the first king of Arthdal. Tan Ya was born with the same fate as Eun Som. She is the successor of the Wahan Tribe. Going through hardships, she realized her mission. She lives under the highest honor and her ambition is to become a politician

The problem I find with this show is that I tend to tune out for pretty much all of the Arthdal stuff and I know I probably shouldn't cause like at some point that might be important but I just get so bored. Tagon is continuously fighting Asa Ron and it's like the same mental gymnastics to get the people to look one way or the other. Arthdal for all that they think that they are smarter and better than anyone from Iark are just as liable to mob mentality than those they look down on. Part of me is like damn you people are smart for being able to lead the public one way or another but the rest of me is pissed that we spend so much time with all of them that Eunseom only gets five minutes an episode. Saya is also getting a shit ton of screen-time and though I was interested enough cause I wanted to know where Saya falls in this whole thing and where his loyalty lies, I was not keen on the growing relationship between Tanya and Saya cause I want her with Eunseom and I was a little worried that she might end up falling for Saya instead. I am glad at where the pieces are falling though with now Tanya having Saya's complete loyalty (and in an about-face where she used to be his servant and now he is all but hers) but also that Tanya now knows that Eunseom is alive and thank goodness for that cause now she'll think of him. Mubaek is still amazing and he's playing Tagon like a fiddle but more than that I'm glad we saw the return of two more Neanthals cause I was wondering what happened to those Asa Hon was helping raise and they'll be really helpful in the future. Also did I call it weeks ago or what when I said that the Wahan are probs the descendants of the Asa clan cause their spiritual dance was the same as the Asa clan's.
My Absolute Boyfriend (32/40): Da Da, is a woman who works as a special effects make-up artist but has a very cold-heart. She then, unexpectedly, falls in love with Yeong Goo, a humanoid robot programmed to be a perfect boyfriend. Yeong Goo begins to develop human emotions, and they end up in a love triangle with her famous actor childhood friend, Ma Wang Joon, who also falls for her.

I feel like all dramas want to end with some sort of tragic their love isn't the gift they thought it was but honestly it just doesn't make sense with this show cause it came out of nowhere. All of a sudden 2 weeks out from the finale Young Goo is starting to overheat from gaining human emotions and loving Da Da and it feels like a cop-out. This whole batch of episodes were annoying in terms of the supporting cast cause Wang Joon continuously attempted to manipulate Da Da and Young Goo through guilt and threatening and even nostalgia. His entire character could be summed up in that conversation with Young Goo where he mentions that Da Da might not be safe anymore after the press conference cause she's dating Young Goo instead of Wang Joon and Young Goo was like well then why would you do that if the only thing you'll gain is hurting Da Da and Wang Joon was like I don't care as long as I am able to prove that I love her. That's not love, it's manipulation and obsession you asshole. I also wasn't a fan of Young Goo being outed to the whole REAL team and Woong but even less so once Kyu Ri started to actively try to separate the two cause it's like girl it's none of your business. Despite everything, it just made Da Da and Young Goo's love stronger and it feels much more real this time even more so than after the Diana thing.
Partners For Justice Season 2 (20/32): In crime and in life, all contact leaves a trace. There is no perfect crime and our hero and heroine have the ultimate cooperation. This drama continues the tale of a forensic scientist and a prosecutor who make the best of teams.

Honestly I'm getting a little tired of the crooked prosecutors in charge cause it feels like everyone but Eun Sol and Ji Han are corrupt and because of them we keep having to see our heroes fight them to do what's right which sucks cause it's hard enough fighting against a criminal let alone those that are supposed to be on our side. It was bad enough when the chief prosecutor was sticking his nose in but with this new schizophrenic case, even deputy prosecutor Noh is all up in everyone's way. It makes no sense to try to reveal everything in the media cause like it's only going to make them look terrible in the face of the public. I have a feeling that the schizophrenic isn't the murderer after all cause it feels too easy to have found the culprit already and on top of that, I feel like it gives mental illness a terrible name when we're already having to deal with Jang Cheol and Dr K. Speaking of, I was honestly so upset when Dr Jang turned into Dr K after he found the kidnapped child cause I seriously love him as a character and despite everything I find myself actively rooting against our heroes discovering his secret. All he wanted to do was help and he accidentally found himself as a possible culprit and though it seems that some have forgiven him, people like Eun Sol and Baek Beom will definitely not forget his sketchiness. I wonder what the policy is for this type of crime cause its Dr K being the murder accomplice not Dr Jang so can they send him to jail or would he end up in a treatment center instead?
DROPPED Perfume (16/32): Seo Yi Do is a top designer. Although he appears to be the perfect man on the outside, his personality leaves something to be desired. On top of that, he has about 52 phobias and 35 allergies. Min Jae Hee is a middle-aged housewife, who has devoted her life to her family only to see it fall apart before her eyes. She discovers a miracle perfume that makes her look young again. After recovering her youth, she ends up walking the runway in one of Seo Yi Do’s fashion shows and signs with a top modeling agency to become a celebrity. Both of them get a second chance at romance in what is described as a fantasy romantic comedy.

Sorry not sorry but you probs should have seen this coming. Despite how much I love the modeling aspect of this show, I can't stand Yi Do as a character and I hate his romance with Jae Hee so I just can't get behind this show and instead of fast-forwarding or hate-watching, I'd rather devote my time to stuff I like to watch. I also feel so bad ranting about how I hate the romance when I know there are probs people who find it cute and I don't like ragging on things I don't like!
Search: WWW (10/16): Bae Ta Mi works as a director for a big web portal company. She is in her late 30's and is quite competitive. With her competitiveness, Ta Mi enjoys success. The methods she uses to win has her wondering if she is doing the right thing with her life. Has she sacrificed too much of her personal life for success? Park Mo Geon is a man in his 20's and is a gifted composer. He creates music for video games. Mo Geon meets Ta Mi at an arcade. He falls in love with her due to her competitive spirit.

This show is making me ship Ga Gyeong and Jin Woo so badly and I mean what else did they expect when they picked one of my favorite tropes of an arranged marriage where the couple falls in love anyway? Like yeah Jin Woo is lacking a bit of a spine in that he refuses to stand up to his mom for his wife but at the same time the two are just so protective of one another and their kinda date was just so sweet cause they were both having so much fun but trying to hide it. I was dying when Jin Woo asked her if the divorce had anything to do with him and she was just like of course not. It sucks so much cause I want Ga Gyeong to get away from her mother-in-law but I don't want her to leave Jin Woo. Ta Mi and Mo Geon are official now too and my favorite thing about them is how mature their relationship is with them falling into bed pretty quickly and both being completely honest to a fault. For a while I thought maybe Mo Geon was doing something sketch but I think at this point in time it seems like he's really just a good guy. The adopted/orphanage backstory was a little too cliche for me but at least it didn't turn out that Mo Geon and Ta Mi were childhood friends so there's that. Scarlett and Ji Hwan are still mostly cute but it's kind of funny how Scarlett who's this complete badass at work sort of melts around him and becomes a little childish but she has no idea how she feels yet while Ji Hwan is like head over heels. I loved that she called him to show Ta Mi that she had a boyfriend. I'm really upset that Brian resigned tbh and I'm really hoping that it doesn't turn into a story where Barro hires a mean new CEO or someone secretly on Unicon's side. I'm also loving the team bonding this with Alex not leaving for Unicon and seriously what did that Unicon employee think when he was like let me bash Barro right in front of you who's been working there forever?


Deep In My Heart (14/28): A story about unraveling mysteries and healing follows a man with special abilities and a woman with a dual personality. Kong Yi Fei has many identities. He is a music teacher at a liberal arts school and a criminal psychologist with a talent to see the past through the sense of touch. Han Bing is a hot-blooded female reporter whose other self is a soul that is raging wild. The two meet after being accidentally pulled into a serial murder case. Together with their detective friend Xu Gao Sheng, they work together to capture the real culprit.

I started this drama cause it sounded very similar to He Is Psychometric and since I loved that drama, I thought I might like this one too and so far I'm having a pretty fun time with it. Both the main leads are great well-rounded characters and I liked that their relationship started on pretty even terms with no hatred or enmity but most of all I love what a badass and competent team they are. You know my love for us against the world couples and I love that neither Yi Fei or Han Bing are above each other in terms of smarts and that Han Bing isn't relegated to just being Yi Fei's sounding board like the female partner in a lot of cdramas about police. She contributes just as much as Yi Fei does through her own sleuthing compared to his psychometric ability. I do find it a little strange that we're halfway through the drama and neither main lead knows the secret of the other. I am also really into this overarching murder case cause when it first started I wasn't that interested since we didn't really know why the murders where happening or what the murderer's intentions were and the show made it sound too lofty for my taste but I'm loving where it's at now. I definitely called the bullying from the moment those high school alumni women died after the rap was released and honestly I was surprised no one put it together faster. I definitely think the father of the murdered girl is alive and he's definitely doing the killing to avenge his daughter. I wonder how he'll feel to find out that Yi Fei has her heart right now (though technically it's not her heart either but a donated one) and I'm curious to know what the doctor's place in this is cause he's totally sketch and I wondered if maybe he was her boyfriend back in the day and that's his motivation for all this.
Hello Debate Opponent (18/30): Freshman Bai Yu studies Culture Industry Management at Yingli University. He mistakenly attends the new member selection meeting of the debate club and ends up joining the club together with Yi Xiao Xi and others. Final-year student Gao Ting Ting, who dreams of winning the national University Debate Championship, now puts all her hopes on the new team. But the teacher in charge wants to give their practice room away, and in order to keep the room, Ting Ting’s team has to place first in the university’s own debate contest. Will their team of rookies with clashing personalities be able to achieve it?

This show is one of those that I feel like would have been better if it was binged and even then it wouldn't end up high on my favorite dramas list. The subbing is so-so which means that by the time a new episode comes out, I've practically forgotten where we left off. We started this batch of episodes off with the debate of Literature v Law and Law won as I expected cause we were on too much of a winning streak. The big surprise came about after the debate in that Math won their debate against Law at a high percentage kicking Literature out of the Top 8 and making them unable to move forward in the competition. I have a feeling though that Math cheated somehow cause not only did they get over a 90 in points when that's only happened like once in three years but Bai Yu hinted that something was sketchy. If they did cheat then there's a possibility that they'll be kicked out of the Top 8 and Literature can take that place. Another surprise ended up being that Shen Yao was actually on the Law debate team and though we the audience knew he was a debater, Sun Qing had no idea so she became really angry that he never told her and though I completely understand her anger, it was a bit much especially when she threw water at him. Part of me is loving it though cause Shen Yao is so cute when he's groveling for her attention but I also love that Xi and Bai Yu are trying to help him cause they think it's cute that he's interested. Honestly Bai Yu should start charging for love advice cause between them and Qing Bei and Ting Ting, he's just helping everyone. Of course he seems to still be in the dark about his own feelings cause Xi is starting to realize she likes him cause she got jealous that he was hanging out with some other girl.

xoxo Allie

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