Saturday, November 16, 2019

What Shows Am I Watching This Week?

Hello everyone and welcome back! Anyway, let's dive right in shall we?

Welcome To Demon School Iruma-Kun Episode 6

You can't see me right now but I'm snickering as I write this review. This episode wasn't supposed to be as funny as it was if you look at it on paper but seriously this show knows exactly how to tickle my funny bone! People are obsessed with Cautious Hero and I'm watching it too though not reviewing it but it does nothing for me tbh while this one kills me every week. I love that Iruma is now able to use magic based on the ring he got from the owl demon last week which like straight up I should totally have seen coming cause duh a ring that siphons off magic from other demons?! It makes Iruma so much more fun to watch and allows him to not only fit in but participate in class now. I was living for when he made a cherry blossom tree erupt and destroy the tower that he was in but like was any one else thinking that somehow his magic blood thing would do something? I was low key sitting here being like Iruma bleed on that plant and see what happens cause my brain didn't even think of the magic ring. The funniest part of the episode though was hands-down the stuff we got with the Student President who I expected to be this tough leader but ended up being so soft and I adore that. I straight up died when she went on and on about these sacred human texts that her family passed down through generations and then they ended up being mangas. I didn't realize that most demons thought that humans were a myth but it definitely explains why they're all so fascinated by Iruma without knowing what he is. I especially loved how the Student President thought that humans have this charming ability and that now she thinks that Iruma did it to her when it's like you sweet summer child you just have a crush!

Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit Episode 6

Okay so I'm thinking Nine's evil plan might be something similar to Father's plan in Fullmetal Alchemist in that it seems as though dragons can be summoned with magical circles. We know that Nine's ultimate goal is to bring dragons and magic back into the world and in this episode we learned that a small circle with a few deaths caused a small dragon to appear so it stands to reason that a giant circle in the city would lead to a giant dragon appearing. It's possible that the points on the circle are where Nine are doing these terror attacks so each terror attack's outcome isn't all that important cause they're still progressing towards calling on the giant dragon they want. I'm just not sure how they're planning on controlling the dragon or if their goal is just to bring it back for chaos or if dragons are intelligent enough to know who helped them and bestow gifts. I also have a feeling that Seiji's otherworldliness is related to these dragons. Maybe when the Nine summoned a dragon at that airport all those years ago, Seiji was dying and that cop who saved him somehow put the dragon's magic or essence into Seiji thus saving his life and ridding the world of the dragon that was summoned. It explains why he was able to stop the magical bombs a few weeks ago and what happened this week with being able to block a dragon's breath. He also had the same reptilian pupil as the Nine boss did which throws up red flags for me. The boss also clearly knows more than he's saying cause not only did he have all this knowledge on dragons but he also did some sort of chant that woke Seiji's powers.

Stand My Heroes: Piece Of Truth Episode 6

This was more of a chill episode which was strange cause you would think that with only 12 episodes this season that the show doesn't have time for filler episodes but at the same time I guess with all the craziness we learned last week we needed a moment to breathe. What does suck is that it seems like we're not actually done with meeting more reverse harem men but at least it's only Kujo's right hand men that are left and based on the opening song, there's four of them and while at first glance I thought one of them was the REVEL leader, they just have similar hair colors. Anyone else low key worried about Rei having to go talk to Kujo on her own? I'm really hoping that Aoyame goes with her cause even though I'm sure that Kujo's not going to like kidnap her on one visit, it'd be helpful to have him by her side to read the room cause Rei's default is to give people the benefit of the doubt like with Kujo's two right hand men that she met at the festival this week. It makes me super curious about what STAND's motives are cause they're clearly going after the same drug case that the narcotics unit is working but in a more subtle way I think. But back to what I said before about Rei meeting Miyase and Kirishima. She was super unsubtle with her questioning of Miyase and he clearly knew it though she tried to play it off by acting like an airhead but the whole thing was off based on how she started it all by giving him her name card which says she works in narcotics. Maybe she'll lean more into the airhead thing next week when she meets Kujo cause men seem to let their guard down in front of women especially when they think they're just a secretary or something.

Batwoman Season 1 Episode 6

It's interesting how an episode can feel so meh for so much of it only to really hit you in the feels at the end and make you question whether the episode you watched really wasn't as terrible as you thought it was. If Batwoman does one thing right, it's the family aspect of this show. Kate and Jacob and Beth are the core of this show and I'm honestly such a sucker for sad moments between family so I tend to cry anytime any of it appears on screen and this week that was the final Kate and Jacob scene. I was crying right alongside Kate and Jacob as they cried over Beth cause it was just so believable and I've said before that I wasn't sure if their relationship was the one I was expecting but I do have hope that it might get even stronger. I was sitting here hoping so hard that Kate would tell the truth about who she was to Jacob during the gas chamber scene but no dice yet. Sophie is still the worst and I hate so much that she's the first one to figure out who Kate was. I blame her for breaking Kate's heart back then and for pretending like she isn't anything now while simultaneously needing Kate to tell her everything all the time. I wish it had been Mary or Jacob instead but the ship has sailed and I gotta get on board. The Alice and Mouse stuff wasn't great either but it's interesting that Katherine's big new weapon is one that'll pierce Batman's armor cause it's so crazy that despite everything Batman has done for Gotham, they still hate him so much. Also didn't Bruce make a version of this weapon a while ago? It's interesting that despite everything Alice doesn't blame Kate for not saving her and puts all the blame on Jacob cause as we learned this week Alice wants Kate to join her and Mouse and it low key sucks that Mouse knows who Kate is now too.

Ugh of course Sophie can't just let it go and needs to blackmail Kate. And Kate girl Sophie is the worst. Move on!!

The Mandalorian Season 1 Episode 1 & 2

Instead of just getting the pilot, we got two episodes this week and I had a blast. The saying slow and steady wins the race comes to my mind as I think about how to start this review cause both episodes were definitely slow but they were so much fun to watch and I have a feeling that the slowness is only going to attach us more to the characters and the world so when shit goes down, we'll really care. First of all I want to thank everything that this is set post Return Of The Jedi cause if I had to watch ANOTHER goddamn show set between Revenge Of The Sith and A New Hope, I was going to lose it. Another thing I want to shout out is what feels like an astronomical budget for a tv show cause the visuals were so pretty! Now onto plot stuff. So if I remember correctly about Star Wars canon Mandalore was destroyed by the Empire pretty early on so it looks like the remaining few have created a base in some other planet (that doesn't have a name which tbh none of the planets we visited had them on screen) and the main character seems to be hunting bounties in order to provide for the colony. It's also really interesting that there are still Imperial members and Storm Troopers around cause duh of course they would be! The Emperor and Darth Vader were killed in ROTJ but that doesn't mean that the Empire was completely destroyed yet. But what really blew my mind was the child we met that is the same species as Yoda. It is so cute I could die. Also isn't it so weird that we never learned what kind of alien Yoda was in literally any corner of the Star Wars canon? It is force sensitive as we learned but I'm curious to know if it's just another in the species or a clone that maybe the Empire lost and want back. I do know that it can't be a reincarnation cause it was born the same year Anakin was and since Yoda didn't die until more recently, the timeline doesn't match up. I'm also curious at the fact that the Mando was confused about it's force abilities cause like you would think with Vadar and Luke running around, Jedi wouldn't be a myth anymore.

Riverdale Season 4 Episode 6

In true Riverdale fashion what started as a fairly typical grounded romp into a prestigious academy turned into crazy fanaticism and deaths all around. I mean seriously. Jughead was all excited to enter the writing competition only to find out that his grandfather was the one to write the first book of the series and when he confronted the writer who claimed to have written it, the writer went on this long tirade about how the poor don't know how to appreciate what they have and are constantly trying for him. It then devolved into Jughead's teacher killing himself and all of the students acting like cultists and truly not giving a shit and I'm sitting here like what the hell did I just experience? Is Jughead's whole story this season part of his mystery story that he's been writing or is this just Riverdale per usual? Betty on the other hand went to Chic and like I said last week it was a truly stupid idea cause of course Chic lied about everything. What was interesting though was that it seems like Charles and Chic are in love so I wonder if Charles came back just to get revenge on Riverdale and Betty specifically for Chic. Plot twist but Charles is also not who he says he is and next season we'll get a new Charles cause this show will never show us the real Cooper-Jones child. I'm still giving zero shits about Archie and his whole thing but it always amuses me when Archie and Hiram work together and it's clear that Hiram was the one to attack Dodger even though he told Archie that he's no longer in that business. Also we're like straight up pretending like Cheryl hasn't completely lost her mind right?

Next week is the Thanksgiving episode and Betty and Jughead might finally be working together again to figure out what's going on in Stonewall and I can't wait cause I love when they do their mystery dynamic duo thing. Dodger's mom is also apparently coming and she's going to be blaming Archie for what happened but like he's the one who called the ambulance so like duh woman!

Assassin's Pride Episode 6

What is up with all the anime having oddly placed filler episodes this week? I mean what even was this episode? The whole plot line was that Kufa and Rosetti found out that the girls were having a sort of after-tournament party just for the girls past curfew so they decided that it would be a good idea to scare the girls half to death in order to teach them a lesson about sneaking out. The fact that this was the plot was ridiculous cause beyond the fact that it made for a silly episode, Kufa and Rosetti really couldn't let the girls have even the slightest amount of fun after all they went through? I mean they trained so hard that they deserve to let some steam off. I knew pretty early on that it was probs the instructors playing a trick especially when Melida kept thinking that all they had to do was get up to the surface cause then Kufa would save her. Honestly if I'm being more impartial about the whole thing I have to say it wasn't a terrible episode but I think the problem is that I just expect more from this anime cause it started out so strongly and there was so much I was interested in learning more about but for the past couple of weeks we've focused so heavily on the silliness that I'm staring at the episode count and wondering when the real meat of the story will show up. I mean Melida still doesn't know that she's sharing Kufa's mana or that he's a vampire or that her father is trying to kill her. That's gotta come up sometime right?

Titans Season 2 Episode 11

If I'm being as impartial as I can be I might say that this episode wasn't half bad but if I'm letting my emotions in, I wasn't a fan of pretty much anything I watched. I just can't connect with almost any of the Titans since they broke up cause I feel like the way they acted was insane and illogical and just plain mean and idk what the show wanted us to feel but I'm so over all of them except for Dick, Gar, Kory and perhaps Connor tbh. Everyone else is all so terrible and judge-y and I'm tired of watching them constantly shit on Dick. I did think it was creative of Bruce to get some of the Titans together cause it was the first Batman thing I've seen this Bruce do though I'm not sure why he didn't call Hank or Jason. Speaking of Jason, I think this Rose/Jason thing happened way too quickly but I was proud to note that I was right in thinking that Rose was a plant in the Titans and that Jason inadvertently convinced her to stop spying which is hilarious in terms of Slade cause it's like you really lost two kids to the Titans huh. I was also right in guessing that Jericho was alive and inside Slade and Dick figured it out too this week which I'm interested to see where it goes. Other than the conclusion, I was really over Dick's whole story this week but I did think it was hilarious that Rachel and Kory showed up to rescue him and he had already escaped cause duh Dick's a badass. But on another note Rachel was getting psychic dreams of Dick's death when he was perfectly fine (though self-flagellating) but Gar who's literally being tortured and mind controlled didn't send her demon powers any red flags? It was even weirder when she heard that the tower was destroyed and blood was everywhere and she didn't worry about Gar at all. Poor Gar definitely has more feelings than her. I'm high key worried about what's going on with Gar because even if Donna and Dawn get him out, what's up with the mind control??

xoxo Allie

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