Friday, September 4, 2020

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and the amount of episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous reviews, click here and if you want to see a list of my Favorite Asian OTPs and Ships, click here!


Do You Like Brahms? (2/16): “Do You Like Brahms?” is a drama about students at a prestigious music school and the people in their lives. It will tell the stories of the students experiencing lessons, practicing, performing, and competitions since a very young age along with their parents and teachers who obsess over these processes. Park Joon Young, started playing piano when he was six years old. He won prominent competitions in the country before going on to win competitions across the world. Chae Song Ah, a college senior majoring in violin performance. After graduating previously as a business major, she entered the same university again to go to the music school after four attempts and is seven years older than her classmates.

This was probs one of my most anticipated dramas of this back half of the year cause not only was this cast star-studded with Kim Min Jae and Park Eun Bin but I also loved the idea for this show and how classy the posters looked. I love shows set around music and I kept feeling like the vibe for this show will be either angsty or melancholy and I was so on board! After watching the first two episodes, it's everything I would have hoped for and more! I was totally right about the angsty tone cause this show reminds me a lot of A Piece Of Your Mind in that it's showing us two people who will learn to move on from their one-sided crushes or so I hope cause I will throw hands if Joon Young and Song Ah don't fall in love since I've been shipping them from when the posters came out! I do have to admit that at first I was a little annoyed with the fact that Song Ah is a newbie and not very good at violin while Joon Young is the prodigy cause it feels like dramas always have that setup but I think that Song Ah will end up teaching Joon Young what it is to love music again cause for so long now he's been playing for results whether that's awards or applause or praise from his teachers rather than the simple love of playing so it doesn't bother me all that much in the end. I just hope that unlike Symphony's Romance that Song Ah's ambitions don't get pushed to the side in order for her to become Joon Young's personal cheerleader. I'm really interested in the two love triangles that are the setup for this show as well which is a surprise to me but I kinda like how alike yet different they are. While Dong Yoon genuinely feels like a good person who's possibly being pulled between the two women in his life (one who was his first love and one who has the same love of music as him), Jung Kyung feels more like she's playing with both in order to feel better about herself and the fact that maybe music isn't for her anymore.
Flower Of Evil (11/16): Baek Hee Sung seems the ideal husband. A hard-working craftsman, his metal-working studio has met with its fair share of success. Able to provide a good life for his wife and daughter, he’s a good example of what a husband should be. But this perfect façade hides some very dark secrets that even his wife, Cha Ji Won remains unaware of. Unfortunately, secrets have a way of coming out and as a hard-hitting homicide detective, it’s Cha Ji Won’s job to uncover as many as she can, in her never-ending quest for the truth. While investigating a particularly cruel case, she finds herself on a dark path that could crumble the very foundations of her happy life. But she is determined to bring this psychopath to justice. Delving deeper into the case, she realizes that he may have been close by all along.

I'm high key so pissed that there was only one episode that aired this week cause of the pandemic cause it's leaving me on the edge of my seat screaming for more! This week was everything I wanted from this show for weeks now. Hyun Soo and Ji Won finally talked and laid everything on the table about what they know and he told her everything about his childhood and they were just the ultimate power couple. I loved that Ji Won was like you love me whether you understand that or not and their crying sessions were everything. I can't even entirely feel scared for Hyun Soo cause I know Ji Won will not rest until she finds the real accomplice and proves that Hyun Soo was innocent of all charges. I do wonder at the sudden reveal that Hyun Soo has no memories before the age of 10 and I will actually die of laughter if after all this time that he wasn't actually Min Seok's son and if he ends up really being Hee Sung which is why Min Seok when after Hee Sung. As we learned Hee Sung is the actual accomplice which is why all the murders stopped after he fell into a coma and Hae Soo is on that trail which makes me worried for her safety a little cause she needs to help Hyun Soo not go to jail for her accidental murder. I'm hoping that with Hyun Soo arrested that the other team members can work with Hyun Soo, Hae Soo, and Moo Jin in order to catch Hee Sung but only if everyone shares like they did. I wonder if Hae Soo is going to have some sort of evidence that she killed the village elder cause I really doubt anyone will just take her word for it. 
Lonely Enough To Love (4/10): A story of young people residing at a co-living house. They do want to date, but they don't want to be serious. They prefer being free, but they also don't want to be lonely. Cha Kang Woo is a single man in his 30's and he works as a psychiatrist. He is full of curiosity about human beings. Even though he is an attractive man, he is afraid of having a romantic relationships due to trauma from his past. A woman appears in front of him and he begins to have feelings for her. Lee Na Eun is a freelancer copy editor. She is generous to good people, but she does not tolerate injustice. She hopes to become a novelist one day. Due to her situation, she has not had a boyfriend in 4 years. She begins to stay at the co-living house and develops romantic feelings.

I still don't know why this show is releasing one episode a week cause it's not exactly like they're longer than normal episodes and what it ends up doing is low key making me forget what happened before. I do wonder if the show is progressing the romance between Kang Woo and Na Eun a little too fast cause it feels like the two just met and Kang Woo is already ready to kiss her twice this week. Na Eun I can't entirely read yet cause though it doesn't entirely seem like she's into Kang Woo the way he is, she was flustered after their almost elevator kiss and she still looks to him first when happy things happen like signing a book contract. I am a little worried that Na Eun just signed that contract without taking it with her to read and study. It's way too early in the season for things to go perfectly so I have a feeling that the contract and the publishing company will end up being sketch so she can hit rock bottom before rising again even though most of me wishes that things would work out for her. I also have a feeling that Hoon is actually into Hyun Jin and not Na Eun like I first suspected and if that's true the poor guy is going to have his heart broken cause Hyun Jin seems straight to me. We also learned a little more about Kyung Won and my guess was right about her lying about her mom. In actuality the mom is in a psychiatric hospital cause she suffered a mental break after her husband died though Kyung Won is keeping up the pretense of being rich through renting designer bags and the such.
FINISHED Lucky Romance (16/16): Bo Nee, who wholeheartedly believes in superstitions, meets a man who believes in science and mathematics. She has to find a man born in the Year of the Tiger according to her fortuneteller, and soon after she gets entangled with a man who has never shown any interest in women or even dated one. This is a love story that follows an improbable couple that tries to reconcile their differing outlooks on life by overcoming superstitious beliefs and proving that destiny is not preordained.

I decided to check this drama out despite the fact that the female lead was played by Hwang Jung Eum cause I hate to automatically say no to a drama without checking it out since it's always possible that the acting choices an actor/actress chose in one drama won't follow them into another and really I just needed a super cute rom com after watching all the depressing shows I have been watching. The first two episodes were real rough I do have to admit but once I got past them and the show settled, I was really into what this show was selling me. A major reason for this was how adorkable Su Ho was! You know by now that kind of male lead is my bread and butter so the fact that we had the perfect child in an adult's body puppy of a male lead without him turning into a man child was everything. I mean yes he was a little autistic in terms of how he didn't understand emotions but he didn't need a woman to hold his hand through life. I loved how he was so awkward but earnest about his feelings and how despite not believing in her superstitions, he went along with them just to make her feel better. On the other side Bo Nee was a little hard to relate to cause of how earnestly she believed in everything her shaman said but because of that I totally understood why Bo Nee was so hesitant to try to date Su Ho even though she loved him for so long. If there was a true villain in this show, it was the shaman who convinced Bo Nee that she was bad luck which is why the final chunk of episodes in which Bo Nee left Su Ho "for his own good" were tough to watch. In the end though I loved that Bo Nee was able to look past her fears and decide to be happy. In other news I also really really adored the second couple and I really just want to shout out Dal Nim for being the best friend ever cause she quietly mourned the fact that Su Ho was into Bo Nee but she never once let Bo Nee know that she was anything but 100% on board with them! Even the second leads knew when to back off even though I did think Gary was a little too involved in the beginning. Overall I'd give this show a 7.5 / 10!


FINISHED Dance Of The Phoenix (30/30): Once hailed as a genius girl, Feng Wu is discarded after falling victim to a plot against her. A modern-day girl enters the world of cultivation in the body of Feng Wu and falls in love with Jun Linyuan. Because of the machinations of her rival Zuo Qing Yu, Feng Wu loses the true blood of the phoenix. Her teacher expends all energy to save Feng Wu and falls into a state of slumber. In the 21st century, Meng Yuan is a homebody and a student of traditional Chinese medicine. She accidentally enters the world of cultivation to become Feng Wu. Meanwhile, Feng Wu has a seemingly non-existent marriage arrangement with Jun Lin Yuan. Meng Yuan living as Feng Wu uses her knowledge of Chinese medicine to protect those who are dear to her.

I'm honestly really confused about what I just watched! The finale for this show aired this week and it turned an already questionable show into a complete hot mess and I'm just sitting here like what. The whole fight of good v evil was much lamer and much more all over the place than I expected and straight up so many people died but then were perfectly fine in the last episode like what even was the point? I get that sometimes romances end tragically but not like this. I had been expecting all show to have an ending where Meng Yuan leaves Feng Wu's body and returns to the human world and that maybe she'd meet Linyuan's reincarnation or doppelgänger only for the show to be like no Feng Wu is Meng Yuan and Meng Yuan is Feng Wu and have my hopes up for a happy ending only to throw water on that in the final moments of the final episode. Talk about a godawful ending! I thought Master Mu had died alongside Zhao Ge and Yi but apparently no one dies in this show cause they can hold their soul in the ring and then be reborn? If that was the case, where's Feng Wu's real spirit? I was also overall disappointed in the romance of this show cause I defs for sure shipped Feng Wu with Mingye cause he was just such a cutie and it broke my heart when he almost died to save her. It makes me want to rewatch Love Is Better Than Immortality cause despite the hot mess it became in it's writing, I still loved that the romance was between a "good" cultivator and a "bad" one. Half of the time when I watch these types of shows I'm always like the good cultivators aren't actually much better. They're always so judgmental and obsessed with power and prestige. Overall I guess I'd give this drama a 6.5 / 10.
Go Ahead (35/40): The story revolves around three troubled youths who find solace in their common experiences to become the best family that they can be for each other. Growing up in dysfunctional households, three individuals who are unrelated by blood treat each other like family as they yearn for the love that they cannot find at home. Eldest brother Ling Xiao, second brother He Ziqiu, and youngest sister Li Jianjian grow up together, experiencing life’s joy and strife as they support each other’s chosen paths. As Ling Xiao and He Ziqiu graduate from high school, they return to their original families. Five years later, the three are reunited, but the heartaches from their complicated family past becomes a shadow that constantly lingers. Can they finally fix their personal issues to become better versions of themselves?

Okay I'm like so sure now that this show is going to end with Haichao and He Mei getting married thus making Ziqiu feel more secure about his relationship with Jianjian and her dad and while at first I wasn't sure how I felt about that, after the retcon to her backstory I find myself forgiving her more and more especially now that Chen Ting is back and I can compare the two. Apparently the reason He Mei vanished all those years ago was because she went to jail after she moved to the city which I think is meant to redeem her but I still don't understand why she wouldn't tell the truth or why she ran in the first place. Like yeah Haichao wasn't rich but he was a good guy and she should have known after what happened to her that a good person is better than a rich one. It's fascinating to look at both He Mei and Chen Ting as woman and mothers cause where the one didn't actually do anything wrong other than lie to save her pride, she feels more guilt than she should while the other actually blamed her son for the death of his sister, abandoned him with purpose, and mentally abused him for years without noticing anything wrong with her actions. I swear to all that is holy if this show tries to come at me with a redemption arc for Chen Ting, I will be throwing a table! I had been waiting for Chen Ting to make a reappearance cause there was no way in hell that crazy woman would leave Ling Xiao alone so when she popped up for a surprise birthday visit, I was like I knew that she was going to move here!!! I really need someone most specifically Ling Xiao to call her out for her nonsense. How dare she and Chengzi question him for being happy without them when it's clear from the small moments we saw of them in Singapore that Ling Xiao was practically nothing more than a servant to them. I am annoyed that Chengzi is such a brat and she's around so much but I do feel pity for her in a way cause anyone who has to deal with a witch like Chen Ting deserves it and I wonder if the show might actually take a romantic route for Chengzi and Ziqiu cause it seems like Ziqiu is the only person she listens to.
Love Yourself / Love In Shanghai (24/36): A story that follows four women in their thirties during a glorious chapter in their lives. In the city of Shanghai at the age when they are most beautiful, they continuously strive for growth, independence and ultimately find friendship and love. As four friends step into their thirties, their lives which seemed to be on the right track start to go off the rails. TV producer Sun Yihe may be bold and fearless at work, but she is at a loss when it comes to love. Wang Xinyi is a fitness coach and single mom. As she hesitates before a relationship, she discovers something about herself. Dingding is an aspiring manager who wishes to help her trainees become the best boy band in China. Corporate executive Renran has always been rational and on top of things, but she craves for love and finds that the harder she holds onto it, the faster it fades.

I'm really honestly confused about where this show is planning on going cause we've only got like 12 episodes left of this show and yet we're so far from where I think the endgame couples are. Ding Ding and Si Rui are the only ones that have been moving along slowly though of course they do feel a little stop-and-go cause we see so little of them. They went from friends to Si Rui liking Ding Ding to Ding Ding being ready to date him though on a bit of a trial basis. Xinyi and Yu Tian are the most stable of the bunch but also the most boring and I wonder if part of it is cause there aren't any romantic scenes in this show. Everything is so matter-of-fact like we're supposed to believe these girls are in love but we haven't seen them kiss or touch their men in ways that is not friendly. At the very least he met her mom this week so there's that. Renran and Yi Hye had parallel stories this week where they both were heavily disappointed by their men and after debating what they should do, both took different approaches. Renran decided to break up with Lu Hao after the asshole left her AGAIN for his ex and I'm just like never date a guy that's at the beck-and-call of his ex! Meanwhile Yi Hye discovered that Sam lied to her about his business trip and he explained it as needing to help his ex and I was furious that she accepted this idiotic behavior and is still dating him. I really thought that Yi Hye was a stronger person then this but she's really lost my respect through the way she's been acting recently. It's any wonder that Chen Ran is falling for her cause I would be like you are insane girl.
Maiden Holmes (6/32): After being defeated in a war against an invading kingdom, the Prince of Qi had his military power removed. His brother, the Prince of Yun decided to make use of the chance to support the ascension of the young Emperor. Prince Qi came to a tacit agreement with the Emperor and decided to retreat from courtly affairs. Meanwhile, he embarked on a search for the truth in secret under the alias of Pei Zhao. On his journey, he meets young detective Su Ci, the young master Xie Bei Ming, and poison master Dong Ru Shuang. As the four teams up to solve a series of mysteries, they also discover each other’s and their own secrets.

The story for this drama sounded pretty cut and paste at first cause so many dramas recently have had the same plot with a hidden nobleman pretending to be a commoner working alongside a female detective as they sniff out an evil plot that leads back to the palace most specifically Under The Power. What's interesting about this one is that it feels more serious than a lot of those other ones. Not only is Su Ci more serious about her job but she also is extremely smart and pretty good at martial arts so she can handle her own. It's also interesting to note that we'll actually be focusing on the idea that Su Ci is a female pretending to be a male and how totally illegal that is in this time but I think it'll probs have something to do with how her whole family was murdered. I'm just over here hoping that Prince Qi will have nothing to do with it cause I don't want another dating happily then the truth comes out and there's noble sacrificing going on with how Su Ci already refuses to be with Prince Qi before she knows that he's a Prince. Speaking of, I love their chemistry already though it does feel really early in the show for the two to be in love. I guess I'm just glad that there's no love triangle here in that we haven't been introduced to a second male lead yet. Beiming actually likes Rushuang so though there is some jealously it's cause Rushuang idolizes Su Ci rather than Beiming fighting with Qi.
Qing Qing Zi Jin (10/40): During the days of the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907 CE), Chinese arts and culture are experiencing a golden age. Poetry is highly prized – and the rewards for becoming a prominent poet are great. Luo Qiu Chi is a talented young poet – a poor scholar from a troubled background who is dreaming of a life full of art and writing. He is forced to leave his family home and hide his true identity in order to pursue his poetry dreams. Fortunately, he one day meets a female scholar named Wen Ren Jun. She decides to help him as he attempts to pass the tough entrance test for the prestigious Zhu Xiu Academy. He manages to gain admission – but now the going really gets tough. He forms a bitter rivalry with the Zhu Xiu Academy’s star pupil. And then he must truly prove his mettle when he is selected to take part in a fiercely competitive poetry competition against the top scholars of a rival kingdom. Luckily, Wen Ren Jun and other newfound friends are ready to help Luo Qiu Chi duke it out against the best young poets in the land.

The funny thing about this show is that I really didn't think I would be into it based on the terrible synopsis about poetry and scholars but then I saw a different summary for this show and suddenly I was super on board. A better synopsis for this show would be that Qiuchi was a poor kid who wanted to become a scholar but was kicked out of the Academy cause he wasn't a noble so he became a bandit. Years later he meets Renjun, the daughter of a concubine, and through a series of events they fall in love and he returns to the Academy to figure out who tried to kill him all those years ago. So far I'm not sure if we're supposed to believe that Qiuchi is a noble who's family was killed by evildoing or if he's a lost prince cause I can't believe that an assassin would be after a common boy. It would also help with the whole romance of Renjun cause with her being looked down on for being a concubine's daughter, marrying up rather than down would be beneficial even though personally I would prefer him to be a commoner. This show's outline really does remind me of The Story of Ming Lan if it was much less serious which is a little sucky cause I would have liked another serious take but at the same time I adore this show just the way it is. I was so excited that we got a roguish male lead rather than the typical cut-and-paste noble cold lead so I'm all the way on board. It also helps that Renjun is silly and naive but not an air-headed like others. Her actions are cute rather than eyeroll worthy. I also love the chemistry between our leads and I'm super into the fact that they both already know they like each other so there's no love hexagons or squares. I do miss the bandit look though cause the clean-cut scholar thing is really not working for me!


Sixteen Shoukougun (2/8): The story centers on a high school girl who stronger and cooler than any guy, the prince, and her beautiful best friend, the princess.

There's really no reason I decided to check this drama out other than the fact that it appeared on my watchlist. I adore jdramas that are set in high school cause they just seem to be less over-the-top than most adult jdramas so even though the synopsis really didn't explain the plot of this show, I dove in blind. So far guys I'm super into this. It's got this strange dark melancholy tone and I love the way it wove in little interviews showing us the thought process of our leads as they lived their lives. It's especially interesting that of our main trio that it was Asada that we know the best so far. He is a playboy that jumps from girl to girl cause his mom left him and his dad for another guy and like it should bother me that he's such a cliche but I'm a sucker for these types of healing stories especially since Ibuki herself isn't the typical ray of sunshine character. I have a feeling she has more demons in her closet than we know. It's interesting cause she's our lead but we know the least about her. I'm fairly certain she's pansexual because she made it pretty clear that gender doesn't factor into whether she loves someone but at the same time it doesn't feel like she loves Mei the way Mei loves her. Honestly though I'm not entirely sure given this is a jdrama that Mei would even be in love with Ibuki. Maybe it's just a case of codependency? Either way I do get the vibe that the show seems to be setting up the main romance to be taking place between Ibuki and Asada with Mei being the manipulative character in the tags who will try to keep them apart. The more important in my thoughts is what happened in Ibuki's past that makes her so set on protecting Mei her whole life or at least until Mei doesn't need her anymore. We saw that Mei is scared of men in general cause of what happened to her but we didn't see how Ibuki factors in other than knowing that her mom died.
Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru (3/8): Hanaoka Nao’s mother Yuriko is a single parent and a live-in confectioner at Kogetsuan, a traditional Japanese confectionery shop of long standing. That is how Nao meets Takatsuki Tsubaki, the 6-year-old son of the owner of Kogetsuan, and they become each other’s first loves. However, Tsubaki’s father is stabbed to death by someone. Nao’s mother is arrested as the suspect based on Tsubaki’s statement. Nao is kicked out while her mother passes away while under interrogation. Now daughter of a murder suspect and son of the victim, Nao and Tsubaki separate with ill feelings for each other. More than 15 years later, Nao and Tsubaki are reunited at a competition on Japanese confectionery. Tsubaki takes an interest in Nao’s creations and asks her to marry him at their first meeting without realising that she is his childhood friend. Nao hides her true identity and decides to get into Kogetsuan through her marriage to Tsubaki in order to prove her mother’s innocence. Little does she know that all sorts of adverse circumstances lie in wait. Despite being made sport of by cruel fate, Nao and Tsubaki are drawn to each other. What is the truth of the case 15 years ago?

This jdrama is so very clearly based on a manga and if I didn't know that going in, I definitely would have figured it out after watching this show for a few minutes. The over-the-top angst is so delicious and I'm waaaay on board. I really like the concept for this show cause not only do I love shows about cooking and baking but I also think it's fascinating to have our main leads be star-crossed like this. I mean it's pretty clear that the killer was definitely Tsubaki's mom with all her evil looks and secret plotting but the idea is still that Tsubaki is the reason for Nao losing her mom. What's interesting though is the fact that Tsubaki actually thought that Yuriko did it because I totally thought the whole concept was that Tsubaki lied about it and that he's a bit of a sociopath but that doesn't seem to be the way the show is going. It's totally cliche that the main romance of this show is between a rich guy who's not felt love for years and a poor girl who's kind and compassionate but I'm totally all for it cause I'm a bit of a sucker for those types of romances as long as it's not meant to be all wah wah look at my man pain fix it for me cause you're a girl. On a different note I wonder if Tsubaki already knows that Nao is the Sakura from his past cause he keeps oddly asking Nao about it cause imagine if this were actually some random girl. She'd be like why do you keep talking about this Sakura person?? I also really like the way this show talks about sweets and it high key makes me want to eat all of it even though I've tried Japanese sweets before and I'm not the biggest fan!


Lost Romance (13/20): Zheng Xiao En works as an editor of romance novels at a publishing company, and secretly dreams about falling in love with a CEO. When she isn’t working, she spends her days daydreaming about He Tian Xing, the handsome chief executive of the company that occupies the building opposite her company’s offices. One day, Zheng Xiao En magically finds herself transported into the pages of a romance novel – and comes face-to-face with her crush He Tian Xing. However, she soon discovers that in this fictional universe, his name is Si Tu Ao Ran – and his personality is very different. She hopes to use all the tips and tricks she has learned from the romance novels she has edited to help snare his heart. But she soon discovers that in this fictional world, she isn’t the heroic female lead – and instead is an evil side character! Can she flip the story on its head – and end up with the man of her dreams?

This week's episode was full of cuteness between Xiao'en and Aoran but it really feels like the calm before the storm because we're coming towards the end of this show and so it's like at some point the two need to wake up from this dream world and join the real world again! I'd like to imagine that since Aoran is ready to propose and that's where the story ends that in two weeks we'll be back and then Tianxing will be ready to fight and then we can get some angsty episodes in which he doesn't remember Xiao'en only to suddenly have a flash of everything that happened and reunite our couple. I was a little surprised about how despite having such a steamy sex scene last week that we dialed everything way down this week cause as cute as all the time they spent together was, the pecks really weren't doing it for me. I also think it's hilarious how quickly Aoran moved to getting married but I guess it makes sense if he's following the book plot only with Xiao'en in the place of Chuchu. I do feel really bad for Qingfeng cause for a while there I did totally ship him with Xiao'en but I'm hoping that he won't actually take a villain turn and stick to being a good guy. It was sweet when he said he backed off cause Xiao'en liked Aoran cause that showed how mature he was. In terms of the real world, I actually haven't really been commenting on them in these reviews cause honestly they bore me but it really feels like a stupid idea for Tianjian to have convinced Mingli that she's crazy when she's the one who could actually run the company other than Tianxing.
FINISHED Someday Or One Day (13/13): The year is 2019. The 27 year-old Huang Yu Xuan terribly misses her boyfriend Wang Quan Sheng, who has been missing for two years and is presumed dead. Her birthday wish for this year is to "see him." The year is 1998. The 17 year-old Chen Yun Ru is in love with a boy who doesn't feel the same way for her. Her birthday wish for this year is to "become the girl Li Zi Wei likes." One day, Huang Yu Xuan receives a walkman and a music cassette from an unknown person. She falls asleep listening to its songs and wakes up to see Wang Quang Sheng sitting by her side. She believes she has finally been reunited with her boyfriend, but there's a very big twist. She learns that she is no longer a 27-year-old woman but a high schooler named Chen Yun Ru, who is in the hospital recuperating from a head injury. And the man by her bedside is not her boyfriend after all, but a schoolmate named Li Zi Wei. Trapped in what appears to be the past, living another person's life, Chen Yun Ru's death in 1999 will be her death if she doesn't figure out how the girl landed in the hospital. All the while, Li Zi Wei finds himself strangely drawn to the girl who used to be Chen Yun Ru, despite the fact that he knows his closest friend Mo Jun Jie has had a crush on her... Can true love find a way to bridge a seemingly insurmountable time gap?

After having watched Lost Romance, it made me really want to check out another twdrama cause I almost forgot how much I liked them and I had heard this one had high ratings and a similar premise in how one person jumps into the body of another so I decided to check it out. It honestly reminded me a lot of Nine: Nine Times Time Travel with how it started out as a simple story of time travel and romance before it turned into a thriller where the leads were against the clock trying to stop a murder. The plot twist at the end was seriously everything though and I thought this drama did a hell of a job looking at dark topics like depression and suicide. I didn't entirely mind the ending either cause it wasn't exactly a happy ending but it wasn't entirely a tragic one either. I'd like to imagine that the way they ended it with an open ending meant that though Zi Wei and Yu Xuan forgot each other that eventually they would meet again years later when they were both adults. Zi Wei is technically 10 years older than Yu Xuan but that's not the worst age difference I've seen so I think they could be happy. In that same vein Yun Ru and Jun Jie probably also ended up together though it'll be hilariously awkward in the future when Yun Ru and Yu Xuan meet and realize they look alike. I also really want to shout out the incredible way this show played with time travel. I had been bitching that Crossfire didn't utilize their time travel concept correctly but this show definitely did. I loved the way it kept you guessing about who was who and in which timeline and I loved the way it used time travel to show us how much Zi Wei and Yu Xuan loved each other body mind and soul even if in the end the time travel was erased. I really would give this show a 9.5 / 10 cause if you're in the mood for a tragic romance, this is the show for you.

xoxo Allie

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