So looking back at my review of last week's episode, I realized I was a little harsh on the episode and I found I enjoyed it a lot more on the second viewing. And I really enjoyed this week's episode!!!
The more I see of Robbie, the more I love him. He's a little broody but I think it works with this new tone and this new Daisy. I wish the show would explain him more like why is he what he is but I guess we're only allowed to know what Daisy knows since she is our eyes and ears into the Ghost Rider world. I also liked how Mack immediately distrusted him because Mack has always been quick to judge. Remember when he hated all the inhumans?
Is it bad that I ship Daisy and Robbie? It's literally the first time I've shipped her with anyone on the show and idk maybe it's the chemistry but I do.
I got so excited when I realized that Daisy was about to meet up with Fitz and Mack by accident but their meeting was a bit anticlimatic. Fitz acting like a pouty baby in the corner of the jet made me laugh so hard. But what he was saying about being a team was true. When he went through brain damage, they were all there. When Simmons has PTSD from the alien planet, they were all there. But Daisy seems to revert to her season 1 distrust of everyone when she's upset which makes a lot of sense based on everything she's been through.
I also liked seeing the ghost spirit things that were floating around in the episode. I kinda like how it seems that they're actually not ghosts but something sciency-related. If they were ghosts, they shouldn't be able to touch things and influence the world. And they're so creepy! It's kinda awesome. I'm guessing that the spirit that's inhabiting Robbie is the he that they kept talking about getting revenge on. It looks like Ghost Rider will be the only one able to fight these ghost things unless maybe they respond to fire?
And poor May. I felt for her so hard in this episode. I still don't trust the director despite him being all nice in this episode. Tbh this is probably because of how our core team feels about him. We know our original members and we've been with them for so long that if they have qualms about him, so do we. Also was it just me or was this new director super condescending to Coulson throughout the episode? Like what was that garbage about him knowing all the SHIELD history. He's like a bully making fun of the smart guy in the class. And whatever he's doing to May is not going to be good. Why couldn't they sedate her rather than putting her in a strait jacket? She's sick not insane. You would think with him being an inhuman, he would have a bit more sympathy. Oh and him being an inhuman made me roll my eyes. Wow way to be an inhuman and try to oppress your own kind. I will never be okay with all this tag and watch inhumans and not let them do anything without permission thing.
Also what even is Jemma's new job? Supposedly she's a trusted advisor and a boss but it looks like she just floats around doing nothing. I need more Jemma!!
And that wraps up this week's episode of Agents of SHIELD. Unfortunately it looks like we won't be back until two weeks from now. I enjoyed this episode a lot and I'm getting used to the new darker tone. I'm hyped for the next episode! I'll see you all Sunday for my Once Upon a Time review!!
xoxo Allie
I'm a very vocal person who watches way to much tv and gets too invested in characters. If that's your thing, you've come to the right place!
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Monday, September 26, 2016
Gotham Season 3 Episode 2 Review
This week's episode wasn't as fun as last week's but it had it's moments. I've never really been a fan of Fish so the fact that this was a Fish heavy episode did not help.
Penguin was still on the hunt for Fish and I'm really enjoying this whole idea of the people of Gotham looking up to him. Since there's no Batman and the GCPD kinda suck at their job, it would only make sense that the people who look outside the law and with Penguin playing on their fears, he was able to get the job done. The only part of Fish's storyline I enjoyed was her scene with Penguin where she told him how she could never kill him because in her mind, she made Penguin and she's been their from the beginning so she feels like a proud mama. She also kidnapped Strange in the hopes that he would help her and it looked like by the end of the episode that she lost almost all of her Indian Hill villains.
I also really liked the Poison Ivy stuff and I grinned when she appeared in the mirror with her green dress and done up hair. It was like staring at a comic picture of her. It's still kind of unclear whether she can control plants or whether she just likes them cause the show left it kinda ambiguous. I hope she does have plant powers cause I'm not sure whether she would be Poison Ivy without them.
The stuff with Bruce and the secret council was kind of boring and I still want to know why he can't just fire the whole board but the show made it sound like Bruce has a majority stock in the company so at least that question is explained. I really liked how Bruce's playboy persona is starting to be built up but I feel as though this was all part of Bruce and Alfred's plan to lull the council into a false sense of security before pouncing. I was also really glad that this Bruce doppelganger thing was exposed to the real Bruce and Alfred already because I was really hoping that it would not become a soap opera storyline of the fake Bruce pretending to be the real Bruce while the real Bruce was locked up or something.
Barbara wasn't in enough of the episode but she did appear for a few minutes and flirted with Jim. I just love how uncomfortable she makes him and she knew just by looking at Valarie that Jim would end up sleeping with her cause he really jumps from girl to girl. Like I said, Barbara just needs to appear on screen and I'm happy.
And now we're finally up to Jim and the GCPD. Jim and Valarie were working together for 5 seconds and I was kinda surprised that Jim fell for Valarie's whole let's work together thing cause I called it from when she walked into his apartment that she was going to play him. I still like it when Jim works with Penguin and the villains cause like I said before, the villains are my favorite part of this show. I was also very surprised that Jim and Valarie became a thing already and all super dramatically with Lee stepping off the train into Gotham at the same time. What do the woman see in Jim? I get Lee and Barbara but Valarie has only known him for a hot second and she's into this brooding thing?
Anyway so that wraps up this week's episode of the show and despite it not being as fun as the premiere, I still enjoyed it! I'll see you tomorrow for my Agents of SHIELD review!!!
xoxo Allie
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 1 Review
So Episode 1 of Season 6 finally aired and can you believe that we're on season 6?? I've been watching this show for six years and if that doesn't make you feel old I don't know what will! As far as premieres go, it wasn't one of the better ones but I'm still very excited for where this season goes!!
I was a little disappointed at how little Aladdin appeared but I guess since it's only been the first episode, I'll cut the show some slack. What we did get, I enjoyed. I really like this Jafar and I love how scary he seems. We didn't get much from Aladdin so I can't really judge him and the girl that was with him is apparently an Oracle. I had thought it might be the Genie at first but the Oracle is pretty cool too! I'm glad we're not done with Greek myths after last season. It seems last season just opened the door to Greek myths rather than closed it. Based on what Hyde told Emma and what the Oracle told Emma, I think that Aladdin and possibly Jasmine are probably some of the people in the Untold Stories World cause it would make sense given that Aladdin probably doesn't want to die. If this isn't the case and Aladdin is actually dead, I hope that he was the first savior ever because that would be an interesting twist and that we see a lot of him in flashbacks. Also does anyone know if there will be a Genie? It looks like there's an Iago so maybe an Abu would be fun too?? Sorry Aladdin is my favorite Disney movie and I'm just so excited that he's on the show.
I thought it was hilarious that Hyde was captured in one episode and even more funny was when Zelena made a joke about how she expected him to plot and plan and go through twists and turns. It's always funny when characters peek through the fourth wall. She met the Evil Queen who Regina thought she banished but did not and although the show is going to play with the idea that Zelena will want to be sisters with the Evil Queen, I refuse to believe that Zelena would especially after her arc last season. Also I didn't really like how Zelena tried to compare her situation with Hades as similar to the love that Regina and Robin had. I still feel like he'll be back. I'm not really sure how but if Robin was Regina's True Love, I don't see how she can be with someone else. Don't people in this world only have one True Love? It would be interesting though if the show went with the idea that people have multiple True Loves and the one that they meet first is the one they are with.
Speaking of True Love, Rumple and Belle are still on the outs. I didn't expect her to forgive him for everything but I thought during last season, they were making progress. It was kind of funny how when Morpheus told Rumple he only had one hour to wake Belle, he said he'd make her fall in love with him again. I actually snickered to myself and thought that was ambitious. When that Morpheus turned out to be their son I was surprised and I kind of really felt bad for Rumple when he talked about how his unborn son already hates him. Rumple and Belle's relationship is so strange because I want them to be together but then Rumple goes and does something stupid. I do want Belle to be happy and it's highly unlikely that Rumple will put her first so I find myself wondering if she should be with someone else but then I'm like but Beauty and the Beast!!!
Emma and Hook are still very cute but I find it hilarious that they've toned done Emma's eye makeup as though her heavy makeup was a way to keep up her walls. It's definitely very weird because I really liked her makeup and her hair down but this is just a small nitpick. I am curious as to why the shaking and tremors only started up when the Untold Story world appeared. I wonder if it's linked to the Oracle. I don't like the idea of Emma hiding this from Hook because it seems dumb to me. I hate when tv shows use the secrets storyline because problems are always easier solved when they're not hidden and then we have to go through the arc of lovers pulling apart and being pissed when the secrets are revealed. It's a cheap cliche and doesn't make me dislike the characters but the show writers. Also first Archie appearance in a long time!!!
Well that seems to be everything! I did enjoy the episode and I'm glad that the show has decided to focus it's attention on the characters rather than the setting this year because I think it'll be a nice change of pace and may be what the show needs to refresh itself. It might be a nice callback to season 1 if there are problems of the week that tie to the main story. Normally I hate this kind of monster-of-the-week storyline but I think it might be fun this season. I hope we get more Aladdin and Jasmine and the Oracle! I'll see you tomorrow for my Gotham review!!
xoxo Allie
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 1 Review
So I just finished watching the season 4 premiere and I'm in a weird place with my feelings in that I don't really know how I feel about what I experienced. I am very excited that we're finally back and I'm excited to see where this season goes but I didn't come out of the episode feeling pumped like I did with Gotham. This does not mean that I hated the premiere when in fact I enjoyed a bunch of what I saw and thought overall the return of AoS was a good one. I can definitely saw I wasn't bored by it which is the best evidence of a terrible episode.
Now let's get into it shall we?
The new tone is definitely different. It is slightly darker than other seasons and I think I just need to get used to it a bit before I can make any judgments just like when season 2 started on a different tone than season 1 did. I don't want to say how I feel about it yet because I don't think I have seen enough of this season to know whether this dark tone a good or bad thing. I can tell you that I usually prefer lighter tones and when shows claim they're going to go dark, it's usually not a good thing. Fingers crossed that my gut feeling is wrong.
So this new SHIELD. Don't think I'm a fan but based on the information the episode fed us, I'm assuming that's how we're supposed to feel about it. A shady director that our main cast doesn't like? Splitting the team to prevent rebellions? Tagging the inhumans and refusing to let them interact with the SHIELD agents? Not the way to make the audience like this new SHIELD. I'm going to throw out a prediction here that by the end of the season, our original team is going to overthrow the new SHIELD. Also what is up with hiding who the director is from the audience? I still don't have a prediction as to who he is but is he going to be one of those people who never appear on screen and give orders through others? Lame.
Fitz and Simmons are still together and being adorable. Simmons is now in with the mysterious director and spends all her time doing paperwork. She didn't have too much to do this episode other than explain to May that she is only playing nice with the director to keep an eye on him so that was kind of disappointing cause she is one of my favorites. Fitz on the other hand is besties with Radcliffe which I think is hilarious cause I loved him last season. Radcliffe has built a robot which he claims is not an AI but a Life Model Decoy. AIDA is supposed to act as canon fodder but storylines with AIs and robots always kinda freak me out and I'm fairly certain that she's going to go rogue by the end of the season รก la Ultron (who btw was name dropped by Radcliffe). Also the fact that she appeared naked in the first scene does not lower the creep factor and does not detract from the idea of a sex robot.
May is leading a super badass team of badasses and tbh the scene where she rescued Coulson and Mack reminded me a lot of Allegiant and the way they fought in the movie with those mini robots. She tipped off Coulson and Mack about Daisy's location which Coulson and Mack followed up with. They are definitely not a team I would have pictured but they work. Coulson is still chasing Daisy who has become a bit of an vigilante that has a kill on sight order. What on Earth did she do to deserve that? I'm pretty sure she's not killing left and right. Anyway Coulson and Mack did not find Daisy but they followed the Watchdogs to some warehouse where they opened a crate and some ghost-like thing made them kill each other. What this ghost-like thing is I have no idea but I'm assuming it's going to be the big bad. It seems like it's inside May now but I hope this isn't going to be like HIVE Ward again. Sigh. I miss Ward already. The show doesn't feel the same without Brett Dalton.
Also Coulson now has an x ray hand and Mack has an exploding pen which is awesome.
I really like Ghost Rider so far. His skull face CGI looked terrible in the promos and pictures but I LOVED it in the episode!!! It looked really really cool and I want to see more of it. I didn't really get the vibe that he's going to be the villain of the season and if he is, he'll be kinda like the Punisher in Daredevil. Actually he reminded me a lot of the Punisher. It's probably because of the similar revenge thing. His car was cool and I liked the ending with his brother. I also liked when Daisy asked him to kill her cause she deserved it and he backed off cause earlier in the episode he talked about how everyone told him they didn't deserve to die.
Daisy is still angsty and that means a ton of black eyeshadow. Is this really all because Lincoln died because I still don't feel like their relationship was that strong. I hope this angst won't last long and I'm hoping that the Secret Warriors will really come into place now that she's not a part of SHIELD. I could totally see that especially since SHIELD is treating the inhumans so poorly. She's already part of the way there being on the run and getting intel from YoYo. I was curious about the pills she was taking at the top of the episode but we found out it was to heal bone fractures. Poor thing.
So those are my thoughts. The premiere was kinda clunky and a bit slow but I'm assuming that's just because it's a premiere episode and the show needs to lay out the groundwork for the season and it will pick up soon enough. It was a good episode and there were some fun moments throughout but overall I am a little disappointed. Hopefully next week's episode will be much better!! That's all for now.
xoxo Allie
Monday, September 19, 2016
Gotham Season 3 Episode 1 Review
The month between when summer shows end and fall shows begin is always the longest and most painful so let me tell you that I am so glad that the fall tv lineup is beginning!! Episode 1 of Season 3 just aired and I'm hear to give you my thoughts on the Season 3 premiere!
Overall I enjoyed the premiere. The show has grown so much from the first season and honestly it's a ton of fun to watch if you turn off your brain. The show has realized by now that people who are tuning into the show aren't there for Jim Gordon or the procedural elements but in fact for the crazy villains and baby Bruce and this episode went full force.
So first up let's talk about my favorite part of the show. I adore Barbara Keen. Seriously. I was so utterly bored with her character during most of season 1 but as a villain she is a joy to watch. I could watch a show all about her just running errands around Gotham. The club she and Tabitha are running is great and I love their relationship with Penguin. I've always pictured Gotham's underworld as sort of cordial rather than full of rivalry especially since villains like to team up to take on the heroes (like Batman) so often. Oh and Butch pining for Tabitha made me die of laughter. Did they break up during the 6 month time jump? I couldn't stop laughing and the best part was how exasperated Penguin was with Butch's love for her and Barbara's amusement with the situation. I am still curious about Barbara and Jim not particularly in a romantic setting but based on the fact that Jim will have a daughter named Barbara in the future and it still seems weird to me that he would name his only child after someone he can't stand which means that Barbara and Jim have to reconcile at some point. Tbh anything that puts Barbara on screen makes me happy.
And speaking of villains being friends, Penguin and Riddler! The only thing I'm going to say here is how much I love this friendship. They're so different but so similar and I love Penguin coming to Riddler for advice and Riddler making him an origami Penguin. Some of my favorite scenes in season 2 were when Penguin lived with Riddler. I just want all the villains to be friends and be crazy together and make amazing plans to make the lives of the cops miserable. Can you tell yet what part of this show I enjoy?
Next up is Fish. There really wasn't much going on here that I was interested in because we kinda all guessed that Fish would take over the Indian Hill experiments. I don't know why I'm not interested in Fish but I've never found her that fun to watch and that's still true even with her powers. Her whole thing was that she was dying because of her powers and honestly yawn. Jim Gordon chasing her wasn't that great either but I am curious about Selina and why she's with Fish. Is she playing Fish or looking out for herself cause she knows that Fish is the biggest bad?
The ending with Ivy was interesting though and I guess the time aging guy who grabbed Ivy for a few minutes is going to explain how Ivy grows up but Bruce and Selina don't. I assume the sewer she fell into is going to be contaminated with chemicals or something so she can get her plant powers? In the comics she always gets her powers from plant chemicals or plant toxins so I assume that's what'll happen in the show.
Let's check in with Bruce. He's apparently been in Switzerland for 6 months which made Selina pissy at him but he's back with evidence of the secret council that's running Wayne Enterprises which he takes to the Wayne Enterprises board. Question about this so called board. I know Bruce is technically CEO but does that mean he owns Wayne Enterprises or is he a shareholder in the company? Cause if it's the former, I'm not sure why he can't fire all of the board and replace them with people he trusts cause it sounds like the whole board or at least a majority of it is being run by this secret council. But either way he threatens them with exposure unless the secret council talks to him. At first I thought the council wanted to kill him which personally I thought was a terrible idea because hello I'm sure Bruce set up a contingency is the case of death in that the evidence would get released to keep them from killing him but it looked like the council just wanted to kidnap him probably to threaten him into keeping quiet.
Also I'm very curious about this twin of Bruce's. I would laugh so hard if it actually was Bruce's twin brother ร la Pretty Little Liars in that his twin was crazy so the Waynes locked him up.
Jim started this episode looking for Lee who was in the South kissing some guy and clearly moving on very quickly from Jim. I wonder if this is because Lee IRL was pregnant and wanted to take care of their baby rather than act. I'm okay with their in-show breakup because honestly Jim is the worst boyfriend. He's super controlling and kinda sexist and wants his women to sit around and act like ornaments. But speaking of love interests, it looks like he might have a new one. Valerie Vale is a new character on the show and seems like a really good reporter. According to the internet she is actually the aunt of Vicki Vale who is in the comics as a Batman reporter and love interest for Bruce Wayne in a Lois Lane kinda way.
Jim was so upset with Lee moving on that he decided not to rejoin the GCPD and became a bounty hunter instead. He caught a bunch of the Indian Hill escapees and the police tried to do some policing and Barnes yelled. Business as usual. Also the GCPD got spanked by Valerie so that was fun.
And with that I will conclude by review of this episode of Gotham. Like I said it was fun to watch overall and I'm excited to see where this season will go!! I need more of the crazies!!!
xoxo Allie
Overall I enjoyed the premiere. The show has grown so much from the first season and honestly it's a ton of fun to watch if you turn off your brain. The show has realized by now that people who are tuning into the show aren't there for Jim Gordon or the procedural elements but in fact for the crazy villains and baby Bruce and this episode went full force.
So first up let's talk about my favorite part of the show. I adore Barbara Keen. Seriously. I was so utterly bored with her character during most of season 1 but as a villain she is a joy to watch. I could watch a show all about her just running errands around Gotham. The club she and Tabitha are running is great and I love their relationship with Penguin. I've always pictured Gotham's underworld as sort of cordial rather than full of rivalry especially since villains like to team up to take on the heroes (like Batman) so often. Oh and Butch pining for Tabitha made me die of laughter. Did they break up during the 6 month time jump? I couldn't stop laughing and the best part was how exasperated Penguin was with Butch's love for her and Barbara's amusement with the situation. I am still curious about Barbara and Jim not particularly in a romantic setting but based on the fact that Jim will have a daughter named Barbara in the future and it still seems weird to me that he would name his only child after someone he can't stand which means that Barbara and Jim have to reconcile at some point. Tbh anything that puts Barbara on screen makes me happy.
And speaking of villains being friends, Penguin and Riddler! The only thing I'm going to say here is how much I love this friendship. They're so different but so similar and I love Penguin coming to Riddler for advice and Riddler making him an origami Penguin. Some of my favorite scenes in season 2 were when Penguin lived with Riddler. I just want all the villains to be friends and be crazy together and make amazing plans to make the lives of the cops miserable. Can you tell yet what part of this show I enjoy?
Next up is Fish. There really wasn't much going on here that I was interested in because we kinda all guessed that Fish would take over the Indian Hill experiments. I don't know why I'm not interested in Fish but I've never found her that fun to watch and that's still true even with her powers. Her whole thing was that she was dying because of her powers and honestly yawn. Jim Gordon chasing her wasn't that great either but I am curious about Selina and why she's with Fish. Is she playing Fish or looking out for herself cause she knows that Fish is the biggest bad?
The ending with Ivy was interesting though and I guess the time aging guy who grabbed Ivy for a few minutes is going to explain how Ivy grows up but Bruce and Selina don't. I assume the sewer she fell into is going to be contaminated with chemicals or something so she can get her plant powers? In the comics she always gets her powers from plant chemicals or plant toxins so I assume that's what'll happen in the show.
Let's check in with Bruce. He's apparently been in Switzerland for 6 months which made Selina pissy at him but he's back with evidence of the secret council that's running Wayne Enterprises which he takes to the Wayne Enterprises board. Question about this so called board. I know Bruce is technically CEO but does that mean he owns Wayne Enterprises or is he a shareholder in the company? Cause if it's the former, I'm not sure why he can't fire all of the board and replace them with people he trusts cause it sounds like the whole board or at least a majority of it is being run by this secret council. But either way he threatens them with exposure unless the secret council talks to him. At first I thought the council wanted to kill him which personally I thought was a terrible idea because hello I'm sure Bruce set up a contingency is the case of death in that the evidence would get released to keep them from killing him but it looked like the council just wanted to kidnap him probably to threaten him into keeping quiet.
Also I'm very curious about this twin of Bruce's. I would laugh so hard if it actually was Bruce's twin brother ร la Pretty Little Liars in that his twin was crazy so the Waynes locked him up.
Jim started this episode looking for Lee who was in the South kissing some guy and clearly moving on very quickly from Jim. I wonder if this is because Lee IRL was pregnant and wanted to take care of their baby rather than act. I'm okay with their in-show breakup because honestly Jim is the worst boyfriend. He's super controlling and kinda sexist and wants his women to sit around and act like ornaments. But speaking of love interests, it looks like he might have a new one. Valerie Vale is a new character on the show and seems like a really good reporter. According to the internet she is actually the aunt of Vicki Vale who is in the comics as a Batman reporter and love interest for Bruce Wayne in a Lois Lane kinda way.
Jim was so upset with Lee moving on that he decided not to rejoin the GCPD and became a bounty hunter instead. He caught a bunch of the Indian Hill escapees and the police tried to do some policing and Barnes yelled. Business as usual. Also the GCPD got spanked by Valerie so that was fun.
And with that I will conclude by review of this episode of Gotham. Like I said it was fun to watch overall and I'm excited to see where this season will go!! I need more of the crazies!!!
xoxo Allie
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Once Upon a Time Aladdin Castings
Hey everyone! So I'm doing this quick post because Once Upon a Time is coming back on air at the end of September and I thought it was time for me to gush about how excited I am that they're FINALLY bringing Aladdin and Jasmine onto OUAT!!! Now if you know anything about me, you know that Aladdin is my favorite Disney movie and I have been waiting for 5 seasons for them to appear! I was worried Adam and Eddy would claim that Jafar being on Once Upon a Time in Wonderland was good enough but thankfully they're going to appear!
So first I'll talk about the main three casting.

Aladdin will be played by Deniz Akdeniz. He is a relatively unknown actor but has played guest roles in shows such as Graceland and the Disney show Jessie.
Jasmine will be played by Karen David who you might know from Galavant.

Jafar will be played by Oded Fehr who you might recognize from the Mummy movies or Covert Affairs. Unfortunately Naveen Andrews was too busy with Sense8 to reprise his role....
From what I gathered during Comic Con, Aladdin will be the savior before Emma and he'll show how terrible a savior's life will be. Because of this I really hope that these characters will go more the way of Elsa and Mulan in that they'll be recurring characters all season or at least half a season instead of like Cinderella or Hercules in that they will only appear for an episode or so.
I'm so very excited to see this new season. All the actors cast seem great and I've seen two of the three act before and I've enjoyed them so I have high hopes!
xoxo Allie
So first I'll talk about the main three casting.

Aladdin will be played by Deniz Akdeniz. He is a relatively unknown actor but has played guest roles in shows such as Graceland and the Disney show Jessie.
Jasmine will be played by Karen David who you might know from Galavant.

Jafar will be played by Oded Fehr who you might recognize from the Mummy movies or Covert Affairs. Unfortunately Naveen Andrews was too busy with Sense8 to reprise his role....
From what I gathered during Comic Con, Aladdin will be the savior before Emma and he'll show how terrible a savior's life will be. Because of this I really hope that these characters will go more the way of Elsa and Mulan in that they'll be recurring characters all season or at least half a season instead of like Cinderella or Hercules in that they will only appear for an episode or so.
I'm so very excited to see this new season. All the actors cast seem great and I've seen two of the three act before and I've enjoyed them so I have high hopes!
xoxo Allie
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Fall 2016 TV Schedule
Hey everyone!! It's finally September which means that the fall 2016 tv schedule is about to start!! As per usual I'm going to be posting what shows I will be watching!! These shows air from September to the end of November.
8 PM - Once Upon a Time (ABC) (September 25th)
10 PM - Quantico (ABC) (September 25th)
8 PM - Dancing with the Stars (ABC) (September 12th)
8 PM - Gotham (Fox) (September 19th)
8 PM - Supergirl (CW) (October 10th)
9 PM - Jane the Virgin (CW) (October 17th)
10 PM - Conviction (ABC) (October 3rd)
10 PM - Timeless (NBC) (October 3rd)
8 PM - The Flash (CW) (October 4th)
8:30 PM - New Girl (Fox) (September 20th)
9 PM - Teen Wolf (MTV) (November 15th)
10 PM - Agents of SHIELD (ABC) (September 20th)
8 PM - Arrow (CW) (October 5th)
9 PM - Vikings (History) (November 30th)
10 PM - Chicago PD (NBC) (September 21st)
8 PM - Legends of Tomorrow (CW) (October 13th)
10 PM - How to Get Away With Murder (ABC) (September 22nd)
Luke Cage (September 30th)
xoxo Allie
8 PM - Once Upon a Time (ABC) (September 25th)
10 PM - Quantico (ABC) (September 25th)
8 PM - Dancing with the Stars (ABC) (September 12th)
8 PM - Gotham (Fox) (September 19th)
8 PM - Supergirl (CW) (October 10th)
9 PM - Jane the Virgin (CW) (October 17th)
10 PM - Conviction (ABC) (October 3rd)
10 PM - Timeless (NBC) (October 3rd)
8 PM - The Flash (CW) (October 4th)
8:30 PM - New Girl (Fox) (September 20th)
9 PM - Teen Wolf (MTV) (November 15th)
10 PM - Agents of SHIELD (ABC) (September 20th)
8 PM - Arrow (CW) (October 5th)
9 PM - Vikings (History) (November 30th)
10 PM - Chicago PD (NBC) (September 21st)
8 PM - Legends of Tomorrow (CW) (October 13th)
10 PM - How to Get Away With Murder (ABC) (September 22nd)
Luke Cage (September 30th)
xoxo Allie
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Top 10 Episodes of Reign Season 3
And last but not least!! Top 10 episodes of Reign Season 3!
1. In A Clearing
2. The Price
3. Spiders in a Jar
4. Intruders
5. Extreme Measures
6. The Hound and the Hare
7. Our Undoing
8. Betrothed
9. Strange Bedfellows
10. Clans
xoxo Allie
1. In A Clearing
2. The Price
3. Spiders in a Jar
4. Intruders
5. Extreme Measures
6. The Hound and the Hare
7. Our Undoing
8. Betrothed
9. Strange Bedfellows
10. Clans
xoxo Allie
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