So I just finished watching the season 4 premiere and I'm in a weird place with my feelings in that I don't really know how I feel about what I experienced. I am very excited that we're finally back and I'm excited to see where this season goes but I didn't come out of the episode feeling pumped like I did with Gotham. This does not mean that I hated the premiere when in fact I enjoyed a bunch of what I saw and thought overall the return of AoS was a good one. I can definitely saw I wasn't bored by it which is the best evidence of a terrible episode.
Now let's get into it shall we?
The new tone is definitely different. It is slightly darker than other seasons and I think I just need to get used to it a bit before I can make any judgments just like when season 2 started on a different tone than season 1 did. I don't want to say how I feel about it yet because I don't think I have seen enough of this season to know whether this dark tone a good or bad thing. I can tell you that I usually prefer lighter tones and when shows claim they're going to go dark, it's usually not a good thing. Fingers crossed that my gut feeling is wrong.
So this new SHIELD. Don't think I'm a fan but based on the information the episode fed us, I'm assuming that's how we're supposed to feel about it. A shady director that our main cast doesn't like? Splitting the team to prevent rebellions? Tagging the inhumans and refusing to let them interact with the SHIELD agents? Not the way to make the audience like this new SHIELD. I'm going to throw out a prediction here that by the end of the season, our original team is going to overthrow the new SHIELD. Also what is up with hiding who the director is from the audience? I still don't have a prediction as to who he is but is he going to be one of those people who never appear on screen and give orders through others? Lame.
Fitz and Simmons are still together and being adorable. Simmons is now in with the mysterious director and spends all her time doing paperwork. She didn't have too much to do this episode other than explain to May that she is only playing nice with the director to keep an eye on him so that was kind of disappointing cause she is one of my favorites. Fitz on the other hand is besties with Radcliffe which I think is hilarious cause I loved him last season. Radcliffe has built a robot which he claims is not an AI but a Life Model Decoy. AIDA is supposed to act as canon fodder but storylines with AIs and robots always kinda freak me out and I'm fairly certain that she's going to go rogue by the end of the season รก la Ultron (who btw was name dropped by Radcliffe). Also the fact that she appeared naked in the first scene does not lower the creep factor and does not detract from the idea of a sex robot.
May is leading a super badass team of badasses and tbh the scene where she rescued Coulson and Mack reminded me a lot of Allegiant and the way they fought in the movie with those mini robots. She tipped off Coulson and Mack about Daisy's location which Coulson and Mack followed up with. They are definitely not a team I would have pictured but they work. Coulson is still chasing Daisy who has become a bit of an vigilante that has a kill on sight order. What on Earth did she do to deserve that? I'm pretty sure she's not killing left and right. Anyway Coulson and Mack did not find Daisy but they followed the Watchdogs to some warehouse where they opened a crate and some ghost-like thing made them kill each other. What this ghost-like thing is I have no idea but I'm assuming it's going to be the big bad. It seems like it's inside May now but I hope this isn't going to be like HIVE Ward again. Sigh. I miss Ward already. The show doesn't feel the same without Brett Dalton.
Also Coulson now has an x ray hand and Mack has an exploding pen which is awesome.
I really like Ghost Rider so far. His skull face CGI looked terrible in the promos and pictures but I LOVED it in the episode!!! It looked really really cool and I want to see more of it. I didn't really get the vibe that he's going to be the villain of the season and if he is, he'll be kinda like the Punisher in Daredevil. Actually he reminded me a lot of the Punisher. It's probably because of the similar revenge thing. His car was cool and I liked the ending with his brother. I also liked when Daisy asked him to kill her cause she deserved it and he backed off cause earlier in the episode he talked about how everyone told him they didn't deserve to die.
Daisy is still angsty and that means a ton of black eyeshadow. Is this really all because Lincoln died because I still don't feel like their relationship was that strong. I hope this angst won't last long and I'm hoping that the Secret Warriors will really come into place now that she's not a part of SHIELD. I could totally see that especially since SHIELD is treating the inhumans so poorly. She's already part of the way there being on the run and getting intel from YoYo. I was curious about the pills she was taking at the top of the episode but we found out it was to heal bone fractures. Poor thing.
So those are my thoughts. The premiere was kinda clunky and a bit slow but I'm assuming that's just because it's a premiere episode and the show needs to lay out the groundwork for the season and it will pick up soon enough. It was a good episode and there were some fun moments throughout but overall I am a little disappointed. Hopefully next week's episode will be much better!! That's all for now.
xoxo Allie
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