Abyss (14/16): Go Se Yeon was a tough, accomplished, and an unrivaled beautiful female prosecutor who worked in the Seoul District public Office but gets into a fatal accident and dies. However, due to the mysterious magical marble—Abyss—Go Se Yeon is revived, but now in a totally different appearance. Go Se Yeon now possesses a common appearance based off of how “good” her spirit was in her previous life. Cha Min was the highly intelligent heir to Korea’s top cosmetics company but was also a smart, humble, and a kind-hearted man. Although he has both the brains and an astounding amount of wealth, he considers himself unattractive and is insecure about his looks. Like Go Se Yeon, Cha Min gets into an accident and dies. Due to the mysterious magical marble—Abyss—he comes back to life with a different appearance as an exceedingly handsome man just as bright as his spirit he had in his previous life. Go Se Yeon and Cha Min begin to work as a lawyer and an administrator at a private law firm and decide to investigate the magical incident. Romance blooms in the office as the two intertwine together to accept their same fate.
I will never not be annoyed with these moronic characters walking around on their own when they know that there's a serial killer following them though based on how dumb the cops are in this world, I guess I wouldn't feel all that safe when I'm with a cop either. The entire police department is riding on Dong Cheol's shoulders and this was never more clear than when he convinced his boss to investigate Ji Wook by showing him a scenario where the public would turn on them and I was dying. His relationship with Mi Do is super sweet too and I'm glad they're going to get married soon cause they're a couple I can get behind! I don't know what it is but I just can't get myself to care about Min and Se Yeon as a couple. It's not the actors cause I adore them both or the chemistry cause I think the actors have it in spades so maybe it's the writing? It just feels kind of silly when they take breaks to have long romantic moments while there's a whole investigation going on! Not to compare it again to another show but in He Is Psychometric, Jae In and Ahn had plenty of episodes to be cute before the search for the killer ramped up and once it did, all of their focus was on catching him and not finding time for dates. Ji Wook is now officially the main villain and so far he's killing it even if he managed to kidnap Hee Jin and Se Yeon way too easily but now that's he been brought back to life, he knows about the Abyss and it's definitely ramping up the stakes cause he was pretty much the only one not to know about it. It does suck a tiny bit cause with him being leagues smarter than everyone else it would have been nice to have the Abyss as a leg up but oh well. The finale is next week and honestly I'm glad. I'm still disappointed that this was the drama that Ahn Hyo Seop and Park Bo Young picked cause a lot of kdrama actors and actresses only do one drama a year and this was not the best choice.

Angel's Last Mission: Love (20/32): People just fall in love and devote their lives for love. Sometimes, they take the other one’s life away for their love. A cold-hearted woman meets an immature angel and they get to confront unexpected tragedy and crucial moment. Lee Yeon Seo is a cynical and arrogant ballerina. She becomes the heiress because of her parent’s sudden death. She doesn’t believe anyone since there are a lot of people around her who want her inherited money. Her distrust and arrogance make herself unable to love. She becomes the best ballerina, but she gets into an accident and has to give up her dream. Kim Dan is a mischievous angel. When he ends his duty as an angel on the earth, he gets to cause trouble and has only one last chance to overcome his critical situation to be extinct. And that last chance is to be a Cupid for Yeon Seo, but he despairs that he has to look after such an arrogant Yeon Seo.
Though the angel world is still harsher than it should be, it feels as though at least in the case of Yeon Seo and Dan that maybe just maybe God is on their side. As I said last week there are too many coincidences between the two and Dan reiterated that this week when he talked about how God was answering his prayers and questions with Dan's memories. I even bet that Seong Woo was Yeon Seo's rib way back when so Dan's mission to find Yeon Seo's rib might have been meant for him anyway. It seems as though even the angels themselves don't know what God wants cause Hoo even has no idea what's right and wrong. He's also being kinda sketch cause though he helped Dan break into Kang Woo's apartment and learn some of his secrets, he did another investigation on his own and is keeping the fact that Kang Woo is an abandoned angel a secret. By the way I still don't understand what this means. Was his punishment to be turned into a human that couldn't die and has to live without the woman he loves? Is that why Hoo was so horrified when Dan talked about how angels could turn into humans? Will Yeon Seo have to die for Dan to be human? On another note I'm glad Dan knows what's up with Kang Woo cause seriously if I have to sit through another scene where Kang Woo tries to control Yeon Seo or Dan through some imaginary higher moral ground I will lose it. Maybe it's just me and the type of person I am but I hate when a second lead knows the lead's weaknesses cause it makes the lead feel too exposed for my comfort. I also did really love all the Yeon Seo and Dan moments this week cause now that both have decided to embrace their feelings we get a lot of super cute moments where the two are just so happy to be together. Of course some annoying evil shenanigans happened as well but I'm like so uninterested in any of that though we're clearly watching a downward spiral of Ni Na and it seems as though Ru Na is the true evil in the family.

FINISHED Arthdal Chronicles Season 1 (6/6): Eun Som was born with a fate to bring disaster to Arthdal. Due to his mother's struggles to save him, he goes through hardships and grows up. He appears again in Arthdal. Ta Gon is a war hero of Arthdal. He has paved the way for Arthdal to become a prosperous city nation and he is the most powerful person in Arthdal. He dreams of becoming the first king of Arthdal. Tan Ya was born with the same fate as Eun Som. She is the successor of the Wahan Tribe. Going through hardships, she realized her mission. She lives under the highest honor and her ambition is to become a politician
I'm not entirely sure why this show is broken up into multiple seasons when we could have one long season but since it's broken up like this, let's just go with it and talk about the finale for the first season which was super intense. All the pieces are finally on the board and I can't wait to see what happens next. My struggle is that I find Eunseom and Tanya the most interesting and though I love the idea of the two constantly fighting to make their way back to one another, it does suck that we can't ever see the two together. We spent soooo much time in the political struggle for leadership of Arthdal and it's like I've started to zone out the way I always do when shows go heavy into politics but let's see if I got the dynamics right anyway. Tagon is trying to take over and he's got the army and the people on his side as well as Taealha and his brother who's he's tricked into believing that Asa Ron and Mihol turned against their family who are on their own team. The people not only think that Eunseom killed his father but that Tagon is the reincarnation of Aramun. We also learned that Tagon is an Igutu and Eunseom is using that shit to his advantage like a boss and while at first I was so exasperated with the fact that Eunseom is just running into situations, he's now started to understand this world and able to play in it. Tanya managed to find Saya who as it turns out is Eunseom's twin and it's really just a good thing that Tagon has no interest in Saya or that Taealha didn't see Eunseom's face cause then they would have known that Eunseom is an Igutu as well. I think that Saya is totally been seeing Chaeeun on the DL cause Taealha mentioned that he is allowed to sneak out at night and Chaeeun has said some stuff about Eunseom looking just like him and that Igutus are pretty. I'm also hoping that Saya dreamt of Eunseom like he did cause it'll give Saya a reason to help Tanya and I hope that all three will work together to take down Arthal like the prophecy says. I do wonder what Saya thinks of his captors and whether he even knows he's being locked up but on top of that what was Tagon's plan for him cause it seems like he couldn't care less. Overall I'd give this season a 9 / 10 but it was hard to rank since it feels like we're just starting this story rather than ending it.

My Absolute Boyfriend (24/40): Da Da, is a woman who works as a special effects make-up artist but has a very cold-heart. She then, unexpectedly, falls in love with Yeong Goo, a humanoid robot programmed to be a perfect boyfriend. Yeong Goo begins to develop human emotions, and they end up in a love triangle with her famous actor childhood friend, Ma Wang Joon, who also falls for her.
Damn it all if I don't find this show the cutest thing and straight up I might be one of the only people who feels that way cause everything I've read on the internet is talking about how terrible this show is and maybe it's that I went into this fantasy/sci-fi show with all realism taken out of my expectations but dudes I'm having a blast and that's that. I loved that the whole problem of Diana was basically solved in three seconds and that literally no one thought about Da Da just buying Young Goo as a solution. It's like I said last week, with Da Da getting Young Goo the Kronos Team can do research and better future robots and Diana can just get another Ken cause it's not like she sees 09 as anything more than a toy and toys are replaceable. I loved that confrontation scene in the house with Diana cause it really showed the difference in the type of people Da Da and Diana are but it looked like Young Goo's comment about how Diana didn't deserve love really punched in her the feels and it makes me wonder if she will still be in this show going forward or if she'll be written off. It also kind of sucks that Wang Joon is starting to catch on to Young Goo cause now his constant need to control Da Da is going to be kicked up to a whole new notch of annoying but also his whole thing with the CEO is a bit ridiculous cause the CEO is pissed that Wang Joon and Da Da are dating cause Wang Joon is a commodity to him the way Young Goo was to Diana but like Da Da isn't even dating Wang Joon anymore so he's just like let me hurt Da Da just to mess with Wang Joon. I was glad that the whole peanut thing was resolved fairly quickly cause there was no need to drag it out.

Partners For Justice Season 2 (12/32): In crime and in life, all contact leaves a trace. There is no perfect crime and our hero and heroine have the ultimate cooperation. This drama continues the tale of a forensic scientist and a prosecutor who make the best of teams.
This week's episodes were a lot of fun cause of the new case we got but also irritating cause poor Ji Han was basically put up as a scapegoat. But first let's finish up the case from last week. I was shocked to find out it was the husband who killed his wife and that it had nothing to do with anyone else. I was also low key living for how Ji Han and Eun Sol are so dramatic cause they crashed a meeting, dropped the bomb and then left a mess behind like not our problem anymore. But now back to this week's case. The whole spree murder thing was sketchy from the start since it all began with Director Kang being pissed and I had a feeling that the first murder was real and the rest were being used to cover up the first. I still feel like I missed something about how Ji Han is connected to the chief prosecutor and why he targeted Ji Han but either way, in retaliation Ji Han found out that Kang's sponsor Chairman Oh who's been building a slush fund on the side is basically blackmailing the chief into doing what he wants. In order to cover this up and divert attention, Kang called up K to set up Ji Han as a terrible prosecutor and it would have worked too if it wasn't for the NFS team. I was honestly surprised though to find out that K wasn't actually murdering people but just using corpses and other stuff found around a hospital making me feel a little better cause Jang Chul is honestly so attractive that it's throwing me that he's supposed to be the villain. I'm also thrilled that despite everything, Ji Han was right on his instincts to follow the first case rather than run around like a chicken with his head cut off like Eun Sol which is apparently what the public and all the higher ups wanted him to do which was so annoying cause like wouldn't following a clue be smarter than waiting around for another murder to happen since again it wasn't like Eun Sol and the rest of the prosecutors did anything all night other than yell at the NFS and show up when a body was found.

Perfume (12/32): Seo Yi Do is a top designer. Although he appears to be the perfect man on the outside, his personality leaves something to be desired. On top of that, he has about 52 phobias and 35 allergies. Min Jae Hee is a middle-aged housewife, who has devoted her life to her family only to see it fall apart before her eyes. She discovers a miracle perfume that makes her look young again. After recovering her youth, she ends up walking the runway in one of Seo Yi Do’s fashion shows and signs with a top modeling agency to become a celebrity. Both of them get a second chance at romance in what is described as a fantasy romantic comedy.
This show is definitely going to kill me at some point cause I'm so so so feeling second lead syndrome. I complained for days about why Yi Do just doesn't work for me as a male lead but since there's nothing I can do about that, I'm just going to enjoy what I enjoy and ignore what I don't. The first two episodes that aired this week were a little rough to watch cause they focused on Yi Do and Jae Hee falling for each other so I was not on board but the second two were much more fun cause Min Suk and Jae Hee were the main focus! I was a little surprised that Jae Hee didn't tell Jin Kyung the truth about who she was but I suppose the idea that she just looks like a young version of her mother makes more sense realistically cause like that would have been my first thought rather than oh that's my mom deaged! I'm also living for the ex husband being all confused about Jae Hee cause the asshole deserves it especially after he slapped his own daughter. He's like low key stalking Jae Hee and I'm not sure what his plan is. On the other hand Min Suk and Jae Hee make such a cute couple and I really wish that they were the leads cause I just can't get behind Yi Do as a character. He's full out stalking Jae Hee now and it freaks me out cause he's starting to feel obsessive rather than in love. Everything the imaginary version of Jae Hee said about him in the gossip session is exactly how I feel. I've always thought a smidge of jealously is cute but too much and it's just possessive. I was actually surprised that Min Suk is already into Jae Hee but more than that I'm surprised Jae Hee leaned into the kiss though I wouldn't be surprised if next week we learn that was Yi Do's imagination of what was happening.

Search: WWW (6/16): Bae Ta Mi works as a director for a big web portal company. She is in her late 30's and is quite competitive. With her competitiveness, Ta Mi enjoys success. The methods she uses to win has her wondering if she is doing the right thing with her life. Has she sacrificed too much of her personal life for success? Park Mo Geon is a man in his 20's and is a gifted composer. He creates music for video games. Mo Geon meets Ta Mi at an arcade. He falls in love with her due to her competitive spirit.
This was an entertaining week of episodes cause I feel like we dove into all of our characters more than before. They are all much deeper than they are presented to be other than probably Ta Mi cause she's the main character while others are being revealed piece by piece. I thought I read Mo Geon pretty easily but now I'm wondering if maybe he's not the sweetheart he seems like at first glance though if this is true it'll just make him a more interesting character tbh. Part of this might be because every character I've seen him play is a bit of a bad guy underneath a good one so it might just be bias coming through but there's also something about the way we barely see him outside of pursuing Ta Mi that makes me wonder if we know him at all. The way he talked to that random guy who gave him fish seemed like he might be targeting Unicon somehow and I wonder if maybe he reached out to Ta Mi on purpose at first only to fall for her after their night of drinks. Funnily enough it might end up being as simple as his friend mentioning that he was a player and that's that. Ga Kyung's husband is fascinating as well cause he's going around sleeping with other woman but seems to give off this pining vibe and is clearly protective enough to attack Ta Mi to get the heat off of his own wife but like not in an obligatory sense. He's always so weirdly melancholic around her and I'm wondering if maybe he regrets their relationship going bad but low key I also want things to work out between them cause from what I've seen so far he doesn't seem like the worst guy to be married to! I was also hardcore living for Scarlett and I'm definitely low key in love with her after this week when she went to bat for Ta Mi multiple times despite not liking her cause she's the ride or die friend everyone needs.

The Secret Life Of My Secretary (28/32): Do Min Ik is an intelligent man and the executive of a leading telecommunications company who always relies on his secretary, the loyal Jung Gal Hee. When Jung Gal Hee gets fired from her job she winds up assuming a double life as a famous movie industry figure, Veronica Park, after Do Min Ik gets into an accident that leaves him with face blindness (prosopagnosia).
We finally got the backstory for whatever weird embezzlement was happening in this company and it's so much more lame than I thought it would be. Like on the one hand I understand where Secretary Lee was coming from because Dae Joo's mom was a bit of a moron for killing herself to save a fish and President Shim is pretty much a devil but like poor Min Ik was such a victim in this and the worst part is that the whole thing was an accident. Min Ik just happened to pick up the wrong flash drive and Secretary Lee sent Jung Soo to get it back but he somehow decided that attacking Min Ik was the right call there causing him to be really hurt. I also don't love how Secretary Lee described Min Ik's accident as his own father's fault like damn girl Min Ik is innocent of everything you're pissed about! Throwing him under the bus was an asshole move as well cause on what planet does she think that tossing her bets to President Shim is safer than Min Ik? She should have seen Shim's double cross coming a mile away and seriously putting her anger with Min Ik's father aside, telling him the truth would lead to a much more solid chance of not all being fired even though if I was a higher up, I totally would have fired everyone involved cause I'm an asshole like that. On the other hand I was glad with what the show did with Min Ik and Gal Hee cause girl deserved to be froze out after how she used Min Ik's illness against him no matter the reason behind it. I did find it hilarious that even though Min Ik is saying that he's angry and that he hates her, his face is in this adorably eternal pout and he was moping around his room sad that Gal Hee wouldn't even send him a text. I liked that he was able to forgive her by the end of this week cause Min Ik is just a puppy and he can't help but want to love and be loved. Dae Joo and Veronica were also extremely cute the way they always are and I just adore how the men in this are such cinnamon rolls while it's the women who are the badass ones.
FINISHED My Youth (24/24): Su Can Can loves learning about literary works. In her adolescence, she meets her best friends. Xu Mei Li is lively and cheerful, Lan Tian Ye is handsome and uninhibited, Lin Jia Ze is gentle and refined, Tao Ya Ting is beautiful and melancholic. In their journey, they have many little secrets and many worries. Whether in high school or in college, Su Can Can has collected many unforgettable memories. When she turned 28, she looks around and realizes that the people with her when she was 18 are still the same people around her now.
Fairly cute ending to a fairly cute show. I'm glad that we didn't have too many episodes to drag out Cancan and Tianye's breakup cause it was super obvious that both still loved each other and their breakup was for a kinda lame reason anyway. The angst was cute for a second but part of the thing I loved about Tianye's character is that even though Cancan was always more hesitant, he was never afraid to chase after what he wanted even if would have been scary or a little embarrassing and seriously it's like if you don't try, how will you succeed? I loved that Cancan ended up finding a letter he wrote to her after they broke up cause it only solidified her feelings for him and gave her the courage to try as well. I also really loved Meili and Xinyi spending these episodes learning how to live together and the challenges they faced together and I liked that it was them who got engaged first though part of their thunder was stolen by Cancan and Tianye at the end no matter how sweet their proposal was. It was sweet of the show to end at the high school so that we could go full circle and see how our characters grew in ten years. It was also kinda hilarious seeing that the show was hinting a possible Jiaze and Yating relationship in the future since it feels a bit silly to pair them up just cause they're the only two single people left. Back in high school they were close and it would have made sense then but now not so much and anyway I wouldn't want to be Jiaze's consolation prize.
Overall I'd give the show a 8 / 10.

FINISHED The Brightest Star In The Sky (44/44): As singer-songwriter C-POP star, Huang Zitao plays a role of a recalcitrant idol who debuted and become famous since he was young. He deeply likes music and keeps persistent, that is similar with Huang Zi Tao. This time Yang Zhen Zhen is a newbie manager who just starts the work. Being a newbie staff, she faces various obstacles but she never gives up her music dreams.
This show is finally reached it's end and honestly I'm just as surprised as you all that I managed to finish it cause to the very end I was let down with the writing of this show. There was so much I disliked but the worst has to be the writing of Baixu and Zhenzhen's relationship which sucked cause I thought the two actors had pretty solid chemistry but the relationship was written horribly because Zhenzhen managed to be afraid to love Baixu until like the very last episode! He's told her over and over that he loves her and he even proposed to her but she's sitting over here thinking that he's joking the whole time and tells him that he's crazy or to stop while also telling random other people that she loves him. Like girl what were you so damn afraid of? They had more kisses in the final two episodes than in the whole 42 episodes before! I'm so glad that Baixu managed to find his mother's diamond cause that was another horrible thing Zhenzhen did with no care as to how it affected Baixu. I was also disappointed with how Baixu's musical career ended cause though part of me liked the full circle feel of Zhenzhen hiring a new assistant for Baixu how she was first hired, the rest of me was annoyed that Baixu ended up going back to Star Entertainment. I was really down with the idea that he would work independently after all the terrible things he had to deal with at Star and especially with Boss Chen not regretting a single thing so it really didn't make sense why they would come back. Honestly that pretty much sums up my feelings for this show. It was a good concept that had a terrible writing team behind it and two great actors who weren't allowed to play as much as they should have. Overall I'd give this show a 6.5 / 10.

Young Blood Agency (12/30): Young Blood Agency is an investigative agency during the Republican era that is dedicated to solving mysterious cases. Their reputation has risen with every mystery they solve, but the cases are not as simple as they seem as it relates to unsettled animosity from the previous generation. The four members of the team suddenly realize that they have complicated ties to each other.
I heard that this show might be similar to Detective L and after that show ended a while ago, I was missing it a bunch this week for some reason so I was like well why not check this show out? Once again I think I may have fallen into the trap of watching a poorly subbed drama and I really should stop attempting to watch cdramas as they air unless they're on like Viki or something cause I get so tired of stop and go subbing. Long winded rant aside, I clearly adore this show or else I wouldn't mind the subbing schedule! I do think it's similar to Detective L in a way cause it's set around solving murders in the Republican era but Qiubai isn't as smart as Luo Fei was but he's got a better EQ. His romance with Qingmu is everything honestly and I love that the two have been in love for a while but both are uncertain that the other feels the same and it doesn't help that Qingmu's father is clearly against them. I also really enjoy Shuo and Miao Miao as the bickering couple that they are but I do have to admit that other than Tonny Liu who plays Qiubai, none of the actors in this show are very good. Fortunately I don't mind this cause it's not like what they're doing requires a ton of acting chops. I'm enjoying the cases so far and I think it's fun that Qingmu is the forensics expert cause I totally thought she would be nothing more than the love interest and pop in and out like Miao Miao.