The 100 Season 6 Episode 7
This episode was super fun cause it felt like one of those milestone episodes in which we recap the previous seasons but this might have been one of the most creative ways to recap a show that I've seen so far! As I expected this was a bit of a bottle episode in which we followed Clarke in her mindspace being hunted by Josephine. It took place over one night and honestly I'm a bit curious as to how Josephine figured out that Clarke was still in her mind but that aside I loved how we revisited so many different moment and traumas that Clarke faced. One of my favorites was Finn cause man did I ship him and Clarke season 1 although I was clearly in the minority cause even back then everyone was shipping Bellamy and Clarke and yeah Finn didn't exactly handle the Raven situation that well but Finn was always one of Clarke's earliest traumas and it's always bugged me that the show never calls back to him. He was her first love and the first time she had to make a hard decision for her people and he deserves just as many callbacks as Lexa. It was nice seeing Jake as well and I kind of wish we had seen a bit more of Wells cause he was an early trauma too. I really like the idea of Josephine and Clarke sharing this mindspace cause I want Clarke to go in and study Josephine's memories too cause Josephine is over here playing with all of Clarke's traumas but gets majorly thrown when Clarke checks out one of Josephine's. As I expected she's kinda the worst cause we find out this week that she's been killing people who don't have Nightblood cause she finds them useless and isn't that just horrible. I'm thrilled that Bellamy picked up on Clarke's message right away cause even when he can't stand to look at Josephine in Clarke's body, he's still finely tuned to Clarke.
It drives me a bit mad that the promos for the 100 are always just really fast shots cause I can never tell what's happening. I assume that Josephine is going to try to EMP Clarke's mindspace but with Murphy in charge, I really hope he steps up and helps cause obviously Clarke isn't going to be killed so unless Bellamy and co sneak in and take out Murphy, it's all up to him!
Krypton Season 2 Episode 2
The promo for last week really misled me and my expectations for this episode and like not that I didn't enjoy what I watched but I just expected something different. Most of the episode was meh cause I'm most interested in Seg and Adam and cause they're so removed from everything happening on Krypton, I couldn't get myself to care about anything that was happening back there. Lyta is like losing her mind cause she keeps seeing Seg everywhere but like beyond that she like lost it on a random recruit cause he looked like Seg. Dru Zod seems to think that Lyta just needs to redirect her focus and that focus should be on poor baby Cor Vex who's been kidnapped and held hostage. It sucks cause Nyssa is trying her hardest to get him back by betraying the rebellion and little does she know that the Zods don't really have any intention of giving him up. Seg is going to be PISSED when he comes back tbh. It was also super weird that neither Val or Jax-Ur seemed to have any sympathy towards Nyssa when she showed up like oh you lost your baby well sucks. Jaina is also alive and apparently so is Dev who I completely forgot about what happened with him last season so for all I knew he had died. The most interesting part of the episode was obviously over with Adam and Seg who are still the funniest together and Lobo was fun as well but in small doses and I can't imagine if Syfy does decide to give him his own show that it would work out very well. It was interesting to see that everyone figured out that Seg was possessed by Brainiac pretty quickly cause I totally thought that was going to be a plot point later in the season after they were back on Krypton but I think I like this more cause with Brainiac trying to completely possess Seg, they have to deal with him now before we can move back to Krypton and it's civil war situation.
I suppose it's a good thing we're on Brainiac's planet cause then we can totally find a way to get Brainiac out of Seg without killing him. I assume we'll spend a lot of time in Seg's mindscape next week and hopefully we are able to get back to Krypton at the end of next week or the week after cause I low key want to know Seg's reactions to everything happening with Zod.
Agents Of SHIELD Season 6 Episode 6
Low key was anyone else crying during this episode of what feels like Fitzsimmons therapy? Cause I definitely was. I adore these two together and any time there's an episode that's focused on them it's a great one. I loved that we were able to visit old memories of Fitz and Simmons though man oh man was the young Fitz wig rough like could they not afford to put any money into a better wig? It really made me miss season 1 Fitz cause as much as I love the gruff perpetually exhausted Fitz we have now, the softer more gentler version has a special place in my heart. The whole episode was amazing and it was fun to see Framework!Fitz again but like I kind of in my heart of hearts hope that this will be the last time we have to deal with him. I was hoping that maybe since he'd pop up and that we would be spending a whole episode in a mindscape that Fitz would finally have the time and space to deal with his darker half but Framework!Fitz spent a lot of the episode with Jemma and then ended everything on a joke (which was incredibly hilarious and totally predictable mind you) so like who knows where Fitz is psychologically speaking now. I also kind of loved that Jemma had her own demon in her mind that she attempted to hide away cause like Fitz repeatedly stated, it was the most English thing she did like ever. It of course led to one of my favorite scenes of the episode where Fitz and Simmons were locked in that containment cell and they were screaming at each other in the most married couple way ever only to end the whole thing by screaming about how much they loved and would die for each other. Also I wanted to give a shoutout to the return of Mack and Fitz's friendship cause I feel like it's been put on the back burner for a while in order to amp up the romances but that never made any sense to me cause like Jemma and Daisy get tons of time together to be friends but all of Fitz's time and Mack's time have to go to Jemma and Yoyo respectively?
Next week looks like we'll be back on Earth and I feel like Fitzsimmons probs won't show up until like maybe the final scene as a button. It'll be time for Daisy to have to deal with Sarge now and I'm curious to see what happens. As I predicted last week, it was in fact Sarge and co who destroyed the Chronicom world and because of that maybe we can get the Chronicoms to be on our side cause common enemy and all that and I doubt that Enoch killed the last few of his kind this week.
Fruits Basket (2019) Season 1 Episode 12
This episode was such a strange mix of tones and emotions cause it started out so funny only to turn into something so heartbreaking. As I thought it was the episode where Momiji and Hatsuharu joined the school and there were a lot of fun moments such as Momiji wanting to wear the female uniform instead of the men's and Hatsuharu proving his hair color was real to the class president which by the way I totally didn't get when I was younger and now I was dying for real. We also got the kabuton moment with Kyo and Tohru though it was interesting that in this version Kyo was less interested in looking like a boyfriend than the 2001 version cause his attention was entirely on the boys rather than Tohru. It's also interesting looking at how different Tohru is treated by Yuki and Kyo. While she's kind to Kyo, it seems like he always feels like more of the adult in their relationship cause he's usually the one to give her advice while Yuki feels like the younger one in their relationship cause Tohru's always trying to protect him. Honestly this is a huge reason why I'm a Team Kyo person cause I always feel like it's sweeter when the man is the one who's protective although Kyo's cuteness helps too. The best scene of the episode though definitely has to go to Akito and Yuki cause like I said a while ago, Yuki skipping the New Years celebration definitely had consequences. I want to shout out the incredible animation here cause you could see just how terrified Yuki was after Akito's touched him and later when Kyo was glaring at Akito with the scariest death glare I've ever seen him do. I know Yuki was sick as a child but it seems like Akito somehow emotionally abused him during this time too. Like I said before is it because they shared a sickly demeanor when they were young? It doesn't explain Yuki's fear though and why no one cared to step in.
Ahh next week might be the Ayame episode!
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