Friday, January 24, 2020

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and the amount of episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous reviews, click here and if you want to see a list of my Favorite Asian OTPs and Ships, click here!


Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim Season 2 (6/16): “Romantic Doctor Kim” is a “real doctor” story set in a small, humble hospital called Doldam Hospital. It is a story about people who meet Kim Sa Bu (Han Suk Kyu), a genius doctor, and discover “real romance.” Kim Sa Bu once gained fame as a top surgeon at a huge hospital. One day, he left the industry, and now he is a chief surgeon at Doldam Hospital in the countryside. After he conducted a successful operation on Chairman Shin, he gets to improve the hospital under reliable support. But then Chairman Shin passes away. New people appear and his students had to leave the hospital. Furthermore, his wrist, which was injured three years ago, starts to act weird. After all, he goes to a huge hospital himself to solve the manpower shortage at Doldam Hospital, where he finds two people who resemble his former students but who seem much more lacking. Seo Woo Jin would do anything for money, and Cha Eun Jae runs out every time she goes into a surgery room. Will Kim Sa Bu be able to run Doldam Hospital with these two?

I want to start by saying that I really and truly despise Woo Jin's storyline with the loan sharks cause they're the damn worst in every iteration and I'm tired of seeing their stupid faces. I don't know why Woo Jin won't call the cops on them but I suppose he probs has tried before and it really didn't do anything. It also sucks that he clearly never got a note at the start that lists how much he owes and the interest rate cause without it there's no way to fight the loan sharks who claim that he owes them 70,000 instead of the 40,000 he should. I wonder if the other gangsters that Eun Jae saved might be able to help cause at the very least if they don't want to beat up Woo Jin's loan sharks then maybe they can say the Hospital is their territory and to stay away. I'm still curious about why Woo Jin went to them at all but I assume it has to do with med school. I was super glad when Eun Jae finally was able to step up and do surgery and I have a feeling that the pills that Kim gave her were nothing but placebos. I still adore Ah Reum and I totally ship her with Eun Tak but I never saw the first season so I don't know if what that nurse told Ah Reum was true or not about Eun Tak being into some other woman or if she was just being low key jealous/petty. I'm curious about how Park is going to change things up as the President though obviously for the worse and I don't understand why he brought his whole damn team with him when they spent all episode just skulking around and refusing to help. I really do hate all the hospital politics and I'm not lying when I say I skip all of it.
Stove League (11/16): Baek Seung Soo is the newly appointed general manager of professional baseball team Dreams. The team ranks bottom of the league. Lee Se Young is the operations manager of the team and also a big fan of the baseball team. She has so much love for Dreams and she never gives up on the team. Han Jae Hee, an energetic man, who is the grandson of a furniture maker. Kim Young Chae, who is a softball player turned sports announcer. Yoo Min Ho, a pitcher, who is crazy about baseball.

It's hilarious to me just how much I love watching this show when it's a sports drama that's not even really all that much about sports! We're 11 episodes in and we're literally just now about to experience a game. Despite it all the show never makes you feel bored or like you're not watching something with intense stakes and I'm just so fascinated with the world. This week we focused on more changes that would hopefully help our players and Jaesung cracked down even more which should have been annoying but this week I ended up watching Kwon try to be powerful and just low key laughed in his face. It's going to be such an uplifting story end when we finally get to see Dreams win when their club has been the shittiest it could be! I mean we couldn't even go abroad for spring training though I love the small ways that Seung Soo tries to provide the team with all that he can. If he can't get them to a warm place, he'll get them the best trainers and an awesome team to practice against. It's interesting cause like Jae Hee I had the thought about whether or not all these behind the scenes changes would even make a difference but what Seung Soo said was true too. Small things can lead to big changes so here's hoping that we kick ass next week in the practice but I have a feeling that we'll lose the first though whether it'll be a close one or a horrible crash-and-burn will be seen but then we'll train our asses off with these new changes and win the second practice game.
The Game: Towards Zero (4/32): It tells the story of a prophet who sees the moments right before the death of someone and a homicide detective who got dragged into a series of mysterious murders and end up digging up hidden secrets. Kim Tae Pyung, a prophet who can see death, 27 years old. He has the special ability to see the moments right before the death of someone by looking into their eyes. Instead of suffering from this mysterious ability linked to the death of people, he thinks that it is a special ability of his own. He is rich, handsome and has a sexy brain. However, he cannot see the death of Joon Young and that started to scare him. Joon Young, a homicide detective who is working with Tae Pyung to solve cases. 30 years old. She has good insight and intuition. Her father who was a police officer was her hero and her whole life, however, he passed away 20 years ago. That was a huge shock for her. She was only depending on herself and no one else. However, when Tae Pyung appeared, she started to change. She wants to heal his and her wounds. Ku Do Kyung, a forensic expert, 33 years old. Tae Pyung gave him the nickname of “4 weeks left” because he gives the result 4 weeks later. He is a smart and talented employee of the National Forensic Service. He always seems relaxed. In front of Joon Young, he acts differently. He can’t stop laughing when he is with her and lets his image of a cool and cold man away.

I love love love investigation dramas so you better believe that I was jumping right up to check this drama out especially since it had a supernatural twist to it as well Ok Taec Yeon as the male lead! I mean yeah is it cliche that Tae Pyung has this special power that only can't be used on the female lead? Yes. Do I low key wish it had been more in terms of him seeing her dying and him screaming over her and that making him curious as to who she is? Absolutely. But I'm still here for this show no matter how cut-and-paste it feels so far. It is creative to have Tae Pyung have a mentor and a lawyer by his side to help him with his abilities and for him to be super rich cause he's been exploiting it but it was also super interesting of the show to have Joon Young give Tae Pyung's abilities the benefit of the doubt cause usually the lead that doesn't have the powers is more hesitant to trust the other lead. I like both the main characters already and I'll be curious to know what Tae Pyung's sad backstory is cause obviously he has to have one especially after telling her that he's tried to change his fated visions before. I hope that now that Joon Young saved his daughter's life that the reporter will join Joon Young and Tae Pyung in their investigations making it even more like While You Were Sleeping than it already is. It's interesting that we barely met the second male lead Do Kyung who I'm already fairly certain will end up being the son of the serial killer that killed Joon Young's dad cause that's just how these dramas work.
Touch (6/16): A popular make-up artist, known for his never-ending quest for perfection, Cha Jung Hyeok was at the top of his game. But destiny, it seemed, wouldn’t let him stay there for long. Now unemployed and drowning in debt, Jung Hyeok is desperate to find a way out of this most miserable of slumps; but he’s not the only one. An idol trainee for the past ten years, Han Soo Yeon is desperate to finally get her big break. Deciding it’s now or never, she agrees to participate in an idol audition program, but fails to make the cut. Booted from the program, Soo Yeon finds herself wondering if this is really the path she’s meant to take in life. Desperation and destiny come together in unexpected ways when Jung Hyeok and Soo Yeon cross paths. After finally landing a much-needed job as a make-up artist, Jung Hyeok agrees to take Soo Yeon under his wing. Noticing that his new assistant shows an incredible aptitude for the art, Jung Hyeok is happy to teach her everything he knows. As the two grow closer, they slowly learn to let go of the broken dreams of the past as they steadily walk towards a future full of bright new dreams, together.

I truly don't understand Jung Hyeok's ex who we spent so much time with this week. I totally sympathize with her and her horribly abusive husband but it doesn't make sense that she's running around trying to control Jung Hyeok's life or acting as if they're still dating! I mean seriously she keeps telling Jung Hyeok to leave Soo Yeon and telling Soo Yeon that she's not part of their relationship and I'm over here like well maybe you should divorce your husband first before acting this way. She clearly wants her cake and to eat it too cause she wants to be with Jung Hyeok but doesn't want the bad press of a divorce right before she returns to acting. Part of me feels like I should be more annoyed with her behavior but the rest of me really doesn't ship Soo Yeon with Jung Hyeok that much so I'm like that's fine Soo Yeon should be with Do Jin anyway. I just can't see Jung Hyeok as anything other than a father figure for Soo Yeon and I also need the show to stop baiting me with them cause the promo for next week showed Soo Yeon giving Do Jin the heart eyes and like I need them to not do that cause my heart stops. On the plus side it doesn't look like Kang Ho is planning on destroying Jung Hyeok through destroying his product but by launching his makeup line first which is fine cause that's just really normal business politics. I'll be more worried when he starts threatening people away from Cha Beauty or sending gangsters or something. I still think that the fact that Jung Hyeok put so much into the new launch is really going to screw him over.


Under The Power (18/55): In the final years of the reign of Jiajing Emperor during the Ming Dynasty, Lu Yi of the Jing Yi Wei is commissioned to investigate the disappearance of funds that have been set aside for river repairs in Yangzhou. He is assisted by Yuan Jin Xia of the Liushanmen. The two accidentally become involved in a conspiracy. The talented female constable Yuan Jin Xia gets into a disagreement with the hot-tempered Jin Yi Wei Lu Yi over a case that they are both involved in. Jin Xia thought that she'd never encounter Lu Yi again in this lifetime, yet fate has its way of bringing two people back together. Government funds have been stolen and Jin Xia receives orders to assist Lu Yi in his investigation. They are unable to get along at first but learn to work together through the hardships. Eventually, they develop feelings for each other to become lovers. However, things go awry when the truth about the past comes to light. Jin Xia is the orphan of the Xia Yan case from many years ago and she bears the burdens of the bloodshed that destroyed her family. 

I was high key excited for this drama cause my girl Seven Tan was the female lead and I missed her so much since she took her 2-year drama hiatus but I was worried at the same time cause I've tried and dropped so many cdramas lately since I just couldn't get past the terrible tropes. To my pleasure this drama worked perfectly for me and it's actually exactly want I wanted An Oriental Odyssey to be (until it devolved into a supernatural time travel mess) with a main couple who are going on criminal investigations while falling in love. Jinxia is adorable as the female lead and I love that though she's usually not one for bowing and scraping that she can read a room and know who would let her jokes slide and who she needs to be serious around. She's amazing at tracking but also pretty good at fighting. Luyi is so much more handsome than I expected him to be (I die for his half smiles!) but also fascinating cause though he's the usual tsundere type of cdrama male lead, pretty early on he showed his warmth and I love that he's a no nonsense type unless he's around Jinxia. I ship them so hard but based on the synopsis I worry that this ship might end tragically like so many others in cdramas. I really enjoy all the side characters as well and I low key love that though there are love triangles that there aren't any evil second leads. Truth be told I'm not all that interested in the political maneuvering which I tend to tune out but I'm super into the main couple being detectives and hunting down criminals.

xoxo Allie

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