You know this is a strange episode to review cause there was only one thing happening all episode and that was Diaz taking over the prison to try to kill Oliver! Overall I did enjoy the episode so let's jump in!
Honestly I should have assumed from the promo last week that of course Diaz would buy just enough guards for him to let free long enough to cause a prison riot. I was wondering why on Earth no one called for help so I am glad that Diaz thought ahead and blocked all incoming and outgoing calls though I'm surprised he didn't bring the Longbow Hunters with him. I also wonder if he had planned to be captured last week or if he's kinda working on the fly and doing things as they come up cause it seems like he was planning on letting Oliver rot in prison while he did his thing and only when he found out that Oliver was being released did he get angry. I feel like I need a bit of a refresher for last season cause I hardcore can't remember why Diaz is so pissed at Oliver. Last season he mostly just wanted to rule Star City and Oliver stopped him but so did the rest of Team Arrow so it seems strange that he would focus his hatred on Oliver.
I did wonder if maybe letting him live last season meant that he would die early on to set up the new villain for this season but then I ended up enjoying how this season was written so far with him being the villain and the characters doing things about him without him being the thing that pops up every week to give a villain monologue. The best villains in my opinion are the ones who do things behind the scenes and only pop up once in a while to remind us of their existence. How many of us actually think Diaz is dead after tonight? Usually a stab in the torso on tv means that the character is dead but at the same time this is Diaz and I may or may not have been screaming at the tv for Oliver to slit his throat so I could see him being perfectly fine and broken out of prison at some point in the next few episodes.
Stanley is still the worst and I'm a bit annoyed that he escaped prison to be a pain in our asses in the future. Unless he's much more badass or evil than we thought he was, he has to be a one-off villain maybe for next week. Ugh I hated the sniveling little toad from episode 1 where he cried for Oliver to save him and he was still that annoying wimp who has also seemed to lose his mind in tonight's episode. I laughed out loud at how he hid in the room and sedated Oliver only to be beaten in two seconds flat.
I'm really glad that we finally got that Bronze Tiger and Oliver team up that we were all hoping for and I'm really hoping that Oliver does keep his promise and get him out. I'd love for him to join ARGUS next to Diggle. We also got the deaths of Brick and Sampson who both went out pretty terribly with Brick being stabbed in the back by Stanley and Sampson being burned to death. I'm also amused watching this a day after Supergirl cause it's like over there Kara can't handle working with someone who's even a little rough and over here Oliver is like oh cool a criminal just got burned to death, moving on.
We did get a tiny reunion between Oliver and Felicity. Like I said before, I adore how much this season of Arrow has shifted our characters so that it really does feel like Oliver and Felicity are the core of this show and everyone else is here to support them. Sidebar but I did laugh a bit at how Diggle was there when Oliver walked out but when the camera panned out, he was suddenly missing.
The promo for next week shows us Oliver unmasked in the Green Arrow costume and I'm a little confused cause is this okay now? Like for Oliver to run around as a vigilante again? I assumed we'd first have to get the anti-vigilante law to be overturned and who even is Oliver out there fighting if Diaz is in prison or dead? I do hope we get more of a reunion between Oliver and Felicity next week but I have a weird feeling that things are not going to be okay between them (with him not telling her about the deal with Watson and her going all dark hunting Diaz) especially since she's like in none of the promos for any of the Elseworlds stuff though to be fair, no one from Arrow (or technically even Supergirl) has been in them except for Diggle. I'd like to believe she's not in the promo for next week cause they're trying to save the good stuff and hopefully the same is true for the crossover cause I can't imagine one without her! I also wonder if we'll be getting William back now that Diaz is out of the picture. I loved seeing the Queen family last season.
I'll see you all tomorrow for my Flash review!
xoxo Allie
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