Yeah so this episode happened. We were off last week but now we're back and I'm feeling pretty meh about it.
I'm a little over this whole Nora/Iris thing so I guess I'm glad that we seem to have kinda resolved it tonight. I really don't like the idea of separating future Iris from past Iris the way literally everyone on the show is telling Nora to do cause regardless it's still Iris. I understand that it's not exactly fair to hold her to what she will do but for Nora, that's all in the past and it's really ignoring her feelings to be like you have to pretend all of that didn't happen. Parents aren't infallible beings and the idea that kids should never question them is wrong. We still don't have a clear picture of who Iris is going to be or why she became like that. We learned tonight that she also refuses to talk about herself and her reporting and that there are multiple issues that Nora can't ask about. The more we learn about stuff like this the more I want to see the future. I really want an episode that's set in the future (maybe to explain why Nora came back in the first place) so that we can get more answers.
The stuff with the meta was kinda boring though he had the most creepy powers. He mentioned that he was effected by the satellite but we didn't get to learn what tech gave him his powers unless he got them directly though in that case it would have made more sense for him to have gotten them from the particle accelerator since the satellite seems to be making more metatech than metahumans. Also Iris diving off that roof to unshackle Barry was extremely silly. Wouldn't it have made more sense for Ralph to stretch and grab him?
Caitlin, Ralph, Sherloque and Cisco went hunting for her dad and eventually found out that he not only knew about Killer Frost because he was there when she first appeared but that he's probably hiding at a black ops site that Caitlin's mom used to run. Am I missing or forgetting something but since when did Caitlin's mom work somewhere like ARGUS where she would even need black op sites? Did I forget when we learned that her mom actually owns and runs her own company? I did like the nod to Martin Stein and him being a friend of Caitlin's father though it seems a bit of a weird retcon since you would have thought that Stein would have mentioned something like that when he met Caitlin. I'm not a fan of how the episode ended though with Caitlin once again backing away from finding her father cause I thought we got past all this indecision episodes ago but we're back probably due to no other reason than the fact that this is probs all Caitlin is going to do all season so we need to drag it out. I also really hope that whenever we finally meet Caitlin's dad that we get an explanation as to what Caitlin is and how her powers work. Is it as simple as her being exposed to dark matter when she was young making her one of the first metas? I also want to know why her dad decided to hide for so many years and whether he's a villain too or not!
The final story was with Cisco and how he's losing his metapowers after Cicada stabbed him with his dagger. According to Caitlin some of that dark matter is inside his hands and they're causing him extreme discomfort when he uses his abilities. I was expecting Caitlin to tell him that she's going to try surgery to get the dark matter particles out or something cause it seems weird to permanently bench Vibe even if it led to a great moment between Cisco and Caitlin where she told him that Cisco was a great person without Vibe and that losing his powers didn't mean that Cisco was useless for Team Flash. I was getting such shippy vibes between the two and I know they're not going to go anywhere but I'm just saying, the chemistry was there!
The promo for next week looks to be all about Caitlin and her dad. It seems like maybe he does have ice powers like her afterall and maybe I wasn't all that off on him being Icicle Senior or some sort of villain especially with the title of next week's episode being Icicle!
Weekly Dramas this Friday and then Arrow again on Monday!
xoxo Allie
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