Friday, November 2, 2018

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

Here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number I list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous lists, click here and if you want to see a list of my favorite asian OTPs and ships, click here!


FINISHED The Ghost Detective (32/32): Lee Da Il is a private investigator. Jung Yeo Wool becomes his assistant to solve a mystery related to her younger sibling’s death. They work together to solve other mysterious crimes.

I feel as though this was a bit of a letdown of an ending though a lot of great things did happen at the same time some stuff made no sense or wasn't what I wanted either. I'm glad that we finally got Sunwoo and that she realized that she was wrong not only in murdering other people but also in the way she thought about people. I also loved where our whole crew ended up and how they're now going to be running around as ghost hunters basically which is amazing and does answer my question about whether there were more ghosts in the world. I guess we're just supposed to assume that Yeo Wool just sees Da Il and that he will be the one to actually see ghosts unlike the rest of the crew. Now onto the stuff I didn't like which is pretty much Da Il's return. I suppose the reason he's back is just cause he wants to be and now he's a real ghost and not a fetch cause his body died. On the one hand that's great cause he's still around but on the other I don't like that he's not alive at the end of this cause we're led to believe that Yeo Wool and Da Il love each other romantically but I can never fully get on board with romances like this where one ages and the other doesn't cause it's just so sad! At least he can make himself visible so it's less weird when she talks to him around other people. Like maybe it's too much to want a plan for the future when both Yeo Wool and Da Il are just happy to be together again but idk this isn't even a vague ending which I could see ending happily like in A Korean Odyssey! Overall I did enjoy this show though it lost me a bit in the middle with a lot of repetitive episodes where nothing really happened. It had a solid start and a pretty good ending and I'd give it a 9.5 / 10!
The Player (10/14): A police redemption team consisting of a swindler, a fighter, an elite hacker and a talented driver is asked to take back property hidden away by criminals.

I can't even follow the overarching plot anymore tbh cause it's so convoluted and it's a bit of the struggle cause I'm not that interested in it cause it's only something Ha Ri does on the side and my favorite thing about this show is the team dynamic so the fact that the team is in the dark makes it less interesting to me. I feel like at this point in the show he might as well tell them cause they all seem to trust each other and if they're in the know, it might help him with his plan but also keep them from accidentally ruining it. It was really fun watching them work together and put on a show for the target and I loved how Ha Ri was like guys I was playing you from the start! Of course my favorite moments are the stuff with the team so the guys teasing Ah Ryung about calling them brother and them looking so shocked when she came out dressed up was everything. Since the case ended so early in the episode I was anxious that something was going to go wrong cause like why else have so much time left over and I was sort of right cause it turned out the guy that Ha Ri hates was able to track him down through who knows what. We're clearly ramping up towards the endgame of this show cause Ha Ri's name has been leaked to the bad guys but we also learned that the chief that Prosecutor Jang trusts is in the villain's pocket as well cause he leaked the info Prosecutor Jang gave him. I'm assuming that the plot that they hatched with Ha Ri's father years ago is the same one they're going to do now to get the Presidential candidate they want in office only Jang will be the target this go around.
The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (10/16): A TV series centered around the unfolding relationship between free and unpredictable yet dangerous Kim Moo Young, who is called a "monster". He is the first assistant in a Korean beer brewery who becomes a suspect when his girlfriend's suicide turns out to be murder. His life begins to change when he meets a kind, warm advertising designer named Yoo Jin Kang, who wishes to be Moo Young's safe haven. She bears as many emotional scars as him. Yoo Jin Kang also has a brother, a homicide detective named Yoo Jin Gook, with 27 years of job experience. He strives to "reveal" who Moo Young really is and attempts to keep his sister, Jin Kang, away from Moo Young, with whom she begins to know.

I'm literally shaking with excitement over this goddamn show and how much I loved loved loved the episodes we got this week. Jin Kang and Moo Young went from 0 to 100 and honestly I think that the reason I'm so wrapped up in this show is the fact that not only do our main couple have this sizzling chemistry (which hold on I will gush about later) but that it fascinates me that the male lead of a kdrama isn't cut and dry like most are. American heroes tend to be more grey than kdrama ones and it's probs cause of that I have connected to Moo Young so much. We're constantly guessing at what kind of person he is and whether he's good or bad and even what those definitions are. As I suspected, Yu Ri killed that girl and Moo Young cleaned up the crime scene but it was interesting to learn that he waited instead of rushing to help. It's a fascinating thought cause is he a monster for letting it happen like Jin Gook thought or is it understandable why he hesitated? (I'd go with the latter.) It also brings up the question as to why Jin Gook thinks he's so irredeemable but Yu Ri can have a second chance. I know what the jdrama told us but honestly I don't think it's the same here cause seriously if I knew what Jin Gook in the jdrama did I wouldn't care about hurting my sister's feelings cause it's more important to deal with the huge mega problem and threatening Moo Young isn't enough. I would scream the truth to both of them! And seriously Jin Gook, of course you're only seeing his bad sides cause that's the side Moo Young shows you! It's Jin Kang who sees his softer side and who he lets down his walls for. I originally thought the sweetest scene was when he asked her to teach him how to be good in episode 9 but then episode 10 happened and I could not stop squealing. I'm not joking when I say their chemistry is off the charts cause they can play anything: cute (like the bus scene), romantic (like the bed scene) and even healing (like when one talks about something painful and you can see so clearly how the other would do anything to take that pain away.) There's just something so magical about this couple and while the jdrama had the male lead talking about how she was the only good thing in the world for him, the kdrama actually shows us that! I don't know about you but I will be watching episode 10 over and over again to squeal!!
Terius Behind Me (24/32): Go Ae Rin is a single mother who after unexpectedly losing her husband, gets involved in a spy war. She lives in the apartment in front of Kim Bon. Kim Bon, who's code name is Terius, is a legendary black ops agent for the National Intelligence Service (NIS) who has gone into hiding after disappearing without a trace. 3 years ago in a failed secret operation, he lost the woman he loved. Since then, Kim Bon has hid away in his apartment, next to Go Ae Rin, isolated from the world around him and living in secrecy, trying to uncover the mystery behind what happened back then. When a mysterious incident arises in which Go Ae Rin's husband dies, they both team up to uncover a huge conspiracy which Go Ae Rin's husband had become involved in.Joining them is Jin Young Tae, a former con man who may hold the key to what Go Ae Rin and Kim Bon are searching for, and Yoo Ji Yeon, a fellow NIS agent who appears cold and unfeeling on the outside but harbours feelings towards Kim Bon, who she is kind towards.

After this week I'm almost entirely sure that the NIS director is the mole and not the female NIS agent we keep being hinted at it is. I'm sure we'll get a reveal in the coming weeks where she's like yo the NIS director gave me this cool jacket to interrogate you in Bon cause he spilled coffee or something on my old one thus ruining Bon's life cause he ran instead of trusting her. It also makes sense cause he was the only one who could have changed the plan just enough to kill Bon instead of letting him escape and I think it's a misdirect for us to think that the female NIS director did it especially since she met the mystery man this week with the minister of health. She didn't look thrilled at what he was saying anyway. Of course I didn't believe for a second that he was dead but I expected him to be at least a little injured and and I was surprised to see him pop up not even half an episode later cause I expected the suspense to go on longer. Anyway we also got Ae Rin and Bon's relationship growing this week with a super awkward slow motion nose kiss that would have been cuter if it wasn't in slow motion and I loved that he came to find her first before anyone else when he was ready to reveal himself. I was a little worried that before he died Bon told the NIS where his hideout was and because of that CEO Jang might die too but now I think Bon found him first and he's working with him cause I don't believe that he jumped back to the side that wants to kill him. Also sidebar but did it look like he stashed all his bags in a car trunk or do we think he moved them elsewhere and the car trunk was as far as we saw in flashbacks? And can we take a moment to talk about how unreal it was that the guy was still listening to those stickers? I mean really don't you have anything better to do?
DROPPED Where Stars Land/Fox Bride Star (14/40): Lee Soo Yeon and Han Yeo Reum are rookies who works at Incheon Airport. Soo Yeon dreamed of becoming a pilot, but vision in one of his eyes was bad enough that he had to give up on his dream, he joins the general planning department. Yeo Reum begins to work in the CS management department at the airport. She wants to be a perfectionist, but her reality is a little bit different.

Remember last week when I talked about how I don't particularly like anything about this show but I'm only watching it cause I have no other Monday/Tuesday dramas? Yeah so as it turns out I literally couldn't force myself to check this show out this week and cause of that I decided to drop this show cause once again I don't feel the need to be bored through an hour which I could use to do something else. Maybe that's harsh but especially now that my American shows are back, I'm a bit more picky about what I can/will watch and unfortunately this isn't one. Though there was nothing I hated, I didn't particularly connect to any of the characters, plot or romance and because of that I'm going to drop this show.


FINISHED Accidentally In Love (30/30): Chen Qing Qing, the daughter of a rich household, wants to avoid an arranged marriage and find true love. She flees and gets enrolled into the same college where her parents studied, to find more information related to their death. She changes her appearance to hide her true identity. Her desk-mate is famous singer Si Tu Feng. The two quarrel all the time until love blooms.

When I was looking for a fun youth drama and this one popped up on my Netflix feed, I jumped in without much context cause it sounded pretty fun to me and I ended having a really fun time. It's not something that will end up being one of my favorites of all time but there's nothing wrong with that if I enjoyed myself while watching it. I laughed so hard so often and I loved how precious the romance was between Qing Qing and Si Tu Feng was. They portrayed the cutest enemies to lovers relationship I've pretty much ever seen and you know that's high praise coming from me cause if you know anything about me, then you know how much I normally dislike that trope! I loved how Gu Nan Xi was in love with her real self while Si Tu Feng was in love with her disguise cause it not only showed that Si Tu Feng was serious about her but also how he didn't care for appearances and saw her inner beauty (even though let's be real she was pretty both ways.) It was a little weird that in the end she decided she liked her disguise better than her real appearance but I guess it's more important how she felt. I also felt like her problems with being rich were brushed off a little to easily like what about her family company that had no one to take it over since her grandpa was sick and her ex-fiancee who was pissed at her for dating Si Tu Feng? At the same time I really enjoyed that there weren't any truly evil characters (minus Xin Ya and her friend but they were either treated as nothing more than nuisances or dealt with pretty quickly) and I loved the background relationship between Fang Fang and Yi Yang. Overall I'd give this show a 7.5 / 10 and definitely recommend if you're looking for a light and fluffy rom com!
An Oriental Odyssey (12/50): In Tang Dynasty, the chivalrous eldest daughter of the Assistant Minister of Revenue, Ye Yuan An, saves Mu Le, an amnesiac young man of mysterious identity. Yuan An takes Mu Le in as a family servant, and the latter swears his loyalty to her. Along with Zhao Lan Zhi, a constable, the trio solve cases after cases together. But what is Mu Le's true identity?

I casually had to google who the male lead of this show was cause I thought it was Mu Le but Yuan An seems to be more into Lan Zhi but I think that it's just one of those cases where the main lead has a crush at first and then falls in love with our main guy in the end. At least I hope so cause Mu Le is such a cutie and I'll die if she doesn't pick him! I was kind of hoping that the new naive princess who seemed to have fallen for Mu Le would cause some jealously to sprout up cause I'm already living for how protective Yuan An is of Mu Le and vice-versa but while we did get something, it was more sadness than jealously on Yuan An's part for letting Mu Le go when she thought he was engaged to the Princess. Mu Le was definitely jealous on the other hand when he realized that Yuan An liked Lan Zhi. The twist with the face swapping was interesting but it's a little annoying that she was friends with Mu Le cause he might help her instead of Yuan An though I'm sure now that she's wrapped up in the face stealing case, he'll switch sides. I also kind of want the actual princess to target Yuan An cause all the angst! Sidebar, it was hilarious when she got kicked out of her house based on her evil stepmother making things up (sidebar what a loser the brother is who couldn't even stand up to his mom when his sister literally saved his life) and then ended up helping the Empress who promoted her father and scolded him for letting her go. It was amazing and felt so good. Like I said last week, I'm loving that our royals are good people! Even when the Empress is angry she's not murdering people left and right and firing them without due cause. It was also super cute when she hinted to Yuan An that Lan Zhi would make a great husband causing her all sorts of stress about being girlier.
FINISHED Fights Break Sphere (45/45): Xiao Yan is a genius child who suddenly loses all his powers.In a world governed by strength and power, Xiao Yan’s lack of talent is an embarrassment to his family. At the age of 15, Xiao Yan accidentally summons Yao Chen from his mother’s ring. With the elder’s help, Xiao Yan’s skills improve by leaps and bounds. After his entire family is assassinated, Xiao Yan embarks on a journey to find his family’s killer and return peace to the Jianghu (martial world.)

I cannot tell you how amazing it was to see Xiao Yan (with a little help from Xun'er and the Snake Tribe) lay waste to the Cloud Mist Tribe and Fu Lao cause they've been such a pain in our collective asses! There was a bunch I liked about the end of this season and some stuff I wasn't a fan of. Let's start with the fun stuff. I loved that the Cloud Mist tribe has been defeated cause now there's one less Blood Sect controlled family out there and it was so satisfying cause they've been running around feeling all high and mighty so sucks to be them especially when Fu Lao appeared and they all started begging for help and he was like nah bitches I'm taking my power back. I was also thrilled that he was able to defeat Nalan in the three year pact fight and that he was able to get revenge for the murder of the Xiao family though we're still missing his cousins and who knows what happened to them. I do hope that Nalan joins our side now cause she's kind of an asshole but she's not evil so the more the merrier. It was also super weird for Medicine Fairy to just pop up in the end but I suppose the show wanted us to say an actual goodbye to her character this season. Over on the bad side, I'm a little sad that when he was dying that he didn't tell Xun'er he loved her and I'm hoping that next season he forgives Xun'er for taking his jade cause technically she waited until he was dead before stealing it so in a way it could be seen as her trying to keep it from getting into the wrong hands and she did say she would get revenge for him. Shows like this don't even have their heroes hate actual traitors (I'm looking at you Lin Dong and Lang Tian) so I doubt that he'll hold a grudge against the woman he may love plus I'm sure she'll give it back to him as soon as she sees him again. I'm also not thrilled that the Star Crash guy stole the ring but at least Xiao Yan knows where it is and how to get it back. I totally forgot that Xiao Yan basically had two lives but I never really doubted that he would die cause duh he's the main character. Overall I did enjoy this drama and I'm looking forward to season 2! I'd give it a 8.5 / 10!
Martial Universe Season 2 (15/20): The story takes place after Lin Dong and Zhou Tong have joined hands to defeat the enemy. Evil lingers as Yi Mo Huang survives and the search for the two remaining talismans continue. After witnessing Ying Huan Huan sacrifice her love for him in order to assume her position as the Ice Master, Lin Dong realizes that he must take up his duty as the successor of the Zu talisman. He helps his younger sister Qing Tan become the Master of Darkness and heads to the Demon Realm to obtain the Life and Death Talisman. A final battle awaits Lin Dong and his former friend Lin Lang Tian who has been overcome by his greed for power.

Can we start with how Huan Huan's cultivation is taking the absolute longest time? It's starting to feel a little too plot driven for how the Ice Master is the only one who has to suffer like this while the others get fun powers. I am so thankful for the end of the 15th episode cause the 14th and most of the 15th really made my heart heart cause it was a firm no to what's happening between Lin Dong and Qing Zhu. I know they're not sleeping together in the physical sense but everyone made it seem like they would through mystical means and I was not okay with it anyway cause I adored Lin Dong and Huan Huan and I was going to be pissed if the show decided that Lin Dong and Qing Zhu would marry cause of this. That's why I was relieved when Lin Dong went to Huan Huan in the end and told her that if he survives everything he wants to marry her again. I believe that even if she loses her memories, they can just make new ones cause I refuse to acknowledge that any version of Huan Huan and Lin Dong won't be in love! It's kind of funny though cause clearly the universe wanted the Flame Talisman and Devour Talisman to be together cause it seems like every generation of Purity Palace and Talisman Guild fall in love and if the only way to awaken Fu Yao is through cultivation (aka mystical sex), the universe is really playing matchmaker. My favorite moments this week were still the Lin Dong and Huan Huan moments from when Lin Dong asked Qing Zhu's father to reforge that fate mirror cause that's a physical representation of his love for Huan Huan to Lin Dong confirming it to Qing Tan that he only loves Huan Huan to their beautiful hug/reunion in Purity Palace to when he told Huan Huan that he all he wants is to marry her again. There's five episodes left and I assume that one or two will be his Fu Yao trial and then the rest will be killing the Yimo.
FINISHED Mr Swimmer (46/46): Bai Yong Ze is a genius swimmer with a humble beginning, while Song Cha Cha is a rich miss whose family takes a tumble. Her boyfriend, for an unknown reason, breaks up with her, and he’s Yong Ze's best friend, Lan Tian. The boys then begin to compete in every aspect of life, from love to career. They train strictly for their upcoming national swimming competition, and before the battle begins, Lan Tian's father threatens Yong Zhe into losing the competition. To uphold justice and maintain honor and sportsmanship, Lan Tian defends Yong Zhe and restores his reputation. Through many twists and turns, the three youths build a a sense of responsibility and perseverance, releasing an inner shine of outstanding youths.

I started this show hoping for something like My Mr Mermaid (which to this day is still my favorite cdrama) and while there were similar themes throughout, overall this turned out to be much more of a terrible soap opera than the cute fun romantic show that My Mr Mermaid was. The swimming felt like more of an afterthought than a major plot in this show which was crazy. The friendships felt so shallow and I didn't feel any connection to any of the swimmers on the team and honestly no matter how much the show told us, Lan Tian and Yong Zhe were not best friends, they were frenenemies at best based on how terribly Lan Tian treated Yong Zhe. Not only were there also so many evil characters doing the most stupid things, I could not even with the love square!! Lan Tian was this possessive, controlling, jealous, angry monster who felt like he should be able to control everyone around him from his best friend to the girl he loved. He was constantly trying to tell Cha Cha what to do and who to see and following her around like a stalker while simultaneously demanding that Yong Zhe give her back. Meanwhile that actress who Yong Zhe dated for five seconds tried to buy him and then tried to guilt him into staying with her through suicide and then a fake pregnancy. Seriously I cannot tell you the amount of times I tried to drop this show cause I couldn't stand the nonsense! The one and only reason I made it through was the main couple who I fell in love with! I adored their relationship from start to finish (even if I could have done without the 100 breakups) and how they made each other better people. They had incredible chemistry and my heart was constantly fluttering every time Yong Zhe looked at her like she was all he ever wanted. The music that played whenever they were together was perfection and I couldn't stop grinning every time they were on screen together and pretty much from halfway through the show I pretty much fast forwarded through everything but the main couple. Because of this, I cannot give this show a high rating no matter how much I loved Cha Cha and Yong Zhe together. I'd give this show a 5.5 / 10 and honestly I'd say skip this show unless you really like love squares and soap opera evil characters.

xoxo Allie

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