Friday, December 20, 2019

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and the amount of episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous lists, click here and if you want to see a list of my favorite asian OTPs and ships, click here!


Love With Flaws (16/32):A romantic comedy about a woman who has an aversion for flower boys and a man who has an obsession with appearance as they overcome the prejudices against people with flaws. Joo Seo Yeon is a hot-blooded physical education high school teacher with a strong personality. 365 days and 24 hours, she is wearing her training uniform or jeans and sneakers. Because she suffered hardships due to her handsome older and younger brothers, she hates flower boys. Her ideal type is a “not handsome guy”. She will enter into conflicts with handsome Lee Kang Woo in everything. Lee Kang Woo is the chairman of boards of the high school. He is a man who is incredibly arrogant and is obsessed with appearance. He likes the attention of others and loves his looks. He spends 12 hours of his day to improve his looks. He has a flawless and handsome appearance. However, he has a secret that no one knows: he is suffering from past trauma. 15 years ago, he was overweight and ugly. This was when he got rejected by Seo Yeon. He had to change school after he had acute enteritis in the school bus. While meeting with a well-known psychologist, he realized that his irritable bowel syndrome disorder is connected to that girl of 15 years ago. He became the chairman of the school she is working at. She has changed so much, in the past, she hated ugly men and now hates handsome men.

We're about halfway through this drama and I'm so in love with it which makes me so happy cause I love when I fall in love with a new drama! You get it! The butterflies, the heart skipping, the utter joy in watching two beautiful people fall madly in love! I'm thrilled beyond measure that Seo Yeon and Kang Woo were able to get past all their misunderstandings. She was able to figure out that he wasn't actually lying to her about being gay and trying to date her as revenge which allowed her to sit down and listen to his side of the story 15 years ago which he was able to do so calmly cause he found that the reason that she never came to meet him was cause her parents died. It allowed her to see how sincere he was with his feelings toward her and dudes her heart wasn't the only one that fluttered every time he confessed! I mean was anyone else squealing when he asked her not to turn around so she wouldn't see his face as he lay against her back?? I loved that the whole time she was fighting her feelings so hard cause he was handsome and all but in fact she liked him just as much and I loved their kiss. Having said that I'm worried that the reason Seo Yeon's parents died was cause Seo Yeon was trying to rush to meet Kang Woo cause if I know dramas (and I've watched my fair share), Seo Yeon will try to stay away from Kang Woo as some sort of repentance which is annoying cause we haven't even seen the two happily together! It is also a little sucky that the whole family seems to know all of Seo Yeon and Kang Woo's problems (cause damn that's embarrassing) but it led to an awesome sequence in which Kang Woo scared the eldest and youngest brother while the second actually scared him. In terms of the brothers, Won Jae seems to have accidentally seduced Kang Hee just when he gave up and Seo Joon seems to be so close to falling for Joo Hee but I'm not sure if Won Suk has a romance building other than possibly with that tutor?
Psychopath Diary (10/16): Yook Dong Sik was running away from the scene of a murder and got into an accident. After waking up, he had no recollections of his memory and does not even know who he is. He only has with him a diary that recorded the process of murders and mistakes himself as a serial psychopath killer. Yook Dong Sik, a 34-year-old employee. He thinks that he is a psychopath. He is so weak and timid that he can’t refuse anything at work and people at his office are using him. He became the scapegoat at his company. All his friends, colleagues and family are turning his back on him. He decided to leave this world and even wrote a suicide note. The place he decided to commit suicide is the murder scene. He got amnesia because of an accident at the scene and got the psychopath’s dairy in his hands. When he woke up, he thinks that he is the murderer. Shim Bo Kyung, a 30-year-old, neighborhood police officer. She meets Dong Sik when he has amnesia. The more she knows about his story, the more she finds an unexpected look in him. She wants to catch the serial killer with Dong Sik as a partner of investigation. Seo In Woo, 36-year-old, the director of the company Dong Sik works in. He is a cold and meticulous psychopath who lost his diary. On the day of his 7th crime, he met Dong Sik and things went wrong. He lost his diary where all his daily life and course of crime was written.

I've officially jumped onto the IDGAF train over this show cause everything that caught my attention in the first few episodes is gone and I debated so hard about dropping this drama over and over again. First was when I could't convince myself to star the new episode and then it was halfway through the first and then at the start of the second. It high key sucks cause I know everyone else I know loves this drama but honestly I don't think it's for me. I just don't like the idea of watching In Woo know everything about Dong Sik and manipulate him into dancing like a puppet. The humor has been toned down a lot and I'm just exhausted cause all I can think as I watch this show is when he'll be arrested as the killer. Yoon Shi Yoon's cuteness doesn't even feel like enough! I hate so much that Dong Shik was forced to kill someone this week and I'm sad as hell cause In Woo has destroyed any and all enjoyment I had watching him interact with Dong Shik. The show even finds fun in having Bo Kyung second guess who Dong Shik is over and over and it's like either pull the trigger or don't. It's interesting though that In Woo's secretary seems to know that In Woo isn't who he says he is but she's playing dumb unlike his father who seems to know exactly who In Woo is but also decides to play dumb if it doesn't affect the company. My favorite moment was still the one with Dong Shik's family cause I love seeing them be close.
Stove League (2/16): Baek Seung Soo is the newly appointed general manager of professional baseball team Dreams. The team ranks bottom of the league. Lee Se Young is the operations manager of the team and also a big fan of the baseball team. She has so much love for Dreams and she never gives up on the team. Han Jae Hee, an energetic man, who is the grandson of a furniture maker. Kim Young Chae, who is a softball player turned sports announcer. Yoo Min Ho, a pitcher, who is crazy about baseball.

This show is definitely not what I expected it to be and that's really not a bad thing cause this show is actually insanely fascinating. Rather than focusing on a sports team it feels like we're focusing more on the politics behind the scenes and I'm so relieved that the male and female lead seem to have buried the hatchet early on cause I want to see them fight together rather than against each other. Seung Soo is such a badass and oh so competent which you know I find super sexy not to mention the fact that he's played by Namgoong Min who's absolutely gorgeous to look at. Se Young is much more coolheaded than I expected her to be which is such a relief cause dramas like to go with cool and competent male and over-the-top lead by her emotions females which drive me mad but though she's passionate she can see right from wrong and can hold herself back enough to see the other side. I love the idea of Seung Soo coming in and ripping Dreams apart in order to rebuild and like it was super weird of the whole crew to be so against his changes cause you would think that since Dreams is last in the league, literally nothing could make it worse so why not try it his way? The whole draft struggle was also really interesting cause as far as I know it's pretty standard practice here in the States that in order to rebuild a shit team into a good one you usually trade your best player for a bunch of fresh up-and-comers but maybe that's not a known fact in Korea cause though that's exactly what Seung Soo's goal was with his actions, the rest of the management team seemed stunned. I'm also really curious about who the CEO is cause it sounds like his goal is to get rid of Dreams which is why he hired Seung Soo but like that was weird cause it's not Seung Soo himself destroyed his previous teams but I don't mind that possible plot point right now cause the main goal is to get Dreams to do good before we worry about them disbanding!
V.I.P. (28/32): VIP is a drama that seeks to find an answer in the secretive relationships we hold in today’s society. Jung Sun is a competent and successful career woman who works as a deputy manager at Sung Woon Department Store. Her job as a member of the VIP Management Team is to satisfy their top one percent of customers who are the special VIPs and VVIPs. Not only is she professional at work, but she has a happy household with a wonderful husband, Sung Jun. However, one day she receives an anonymous text message. It says that her romantic husband is having an affair with someone at the office. Anxious to lose everything she has, she desperately studies the office and her co-workers to find out the woman Sung Jun is seeing. In the course of events, secrets behind each of the workers at the VIP Management Team are revealed. Will Jung Sun find out the truth behind the anonymous text message?

The finale is supposed to air next week and after this week I'm wondering if maybe we're going to end up seeing Jung Sun and Sung Jun get back together again. Part of me would love that just cause of how it'd burn Yu Ri up but the rest of me hates Sung Jun so much and wants Jung Sun to be happy with someone else! It's fascinating though cause this show does feel like it's taking us on through the stages of grief with how Jung Sun started out in the denial phase before moving to depression. Right now she's in the anger phase but soon enough it'll turn into acceptance as her uncle told her that eventually the knife that's stabbing her will feel dull and that's when she'll want to divorce her husband and just move on. For all that Jung Sun claims that she's ready to fight I can't actually see her doing any real damage to Sung Jun and like part of me wants her to take the VP's wife's hand and take down Sung Jun and Yu Ri and the VP but I think there's a bigger chance that the other VP's side will post the cheating pics before Jung Sun does and like maybe that's not so bad cause the results will be what we want without Jung Sun having to take that step. I knew that she would take Ms Ha's side but I'm worried that Ms Ha might be a fair-weather friend cause it's obvious that Ms Ha isn't going to be the President permanently so at some point she'll leave Jung Sun out in the sun since she stabbed the VP in the back so often. On another note I am all for Hyun Ah and Jin Ho slowly falling in love and Mi Na's husband being husband goals though with both of them having work problems, I don't know why with Jung Sun being promoted to Director of the VIP Department Hyun Ah can't take Jung Sun's old role leaving Mi Na to take Hyun Ah's role.

xoxo Allie

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