So the finale of Legends of Tomorrow happened and I could go on and on about how things didn't make sense but by now I've realized that the fun of Legends is not in thinking but in turning your brain off and watching it. I did like what I watched overall even though I think I liked last season's finale better. Let's jump in!
So the Legends from Doomworld jumped back to World War I to stop the Legion from getting the spear and there was a whole of bunch of funny hijinks regarding trying to keep the two sets of Legends from interacting. Of course this doesn't work out and they all end up meeting because Nate is overwhelmed by Amaya being alive. I have never liked this pairing and I still don't like it so every time Nate and Amaya take a pause to do dumb stuff together I just roll my eyes. I thought her and Mick had a better relationship but the show decided not to go there and unlike last season, we're also not sending Amaya back which I have a ton of issues with. Like way to go Amaya and be all fuck it to her future generations and refuse to return. At some point she's going to age in the Waverider and I don't see why they couldn't just go to 1942 together. I was so excited at the thought of losing both Nate and Amaya but instead we only lost Rip.
Speaking of, how weird was it that Rip left his own ship? Like he just peaced and was all I suck at being captain so I'm useless and I'm going to go. Why couldn't he stay and be a Legend?
I loved everything we got with Sara tonight cause she is my favorite character on the show so any time she gets screen time is great. I loved her moment with Laurel and I loved how she solved the problem by deactivating the Spear and bringing the Black Flash to them to take care of Reverse Flash. I am going to miss Eobard but I thought it was funny how confused the rest of the Legion was about the Legends simply dropping them off in their original timelines. Like if they killed them, so much of the future would be ruining and the world straight up might not have existed if Leonard wasn't around to destroy the Oculus.
I am a little heartbroken that even after everything Leonard isn't going to exist in current day. I was hoping that somehow the Spear or the time storm or something would save him cause I miss our Leonard so damn much and I miss him with Sara.
Also what the actual hell was with the end of the episode? Destroying time and bringing dinosaurs back is going to affect Flash and Arrow so they can't just do something like that without having consequences. If this happened on Supergirl fine but on Earth 1.... Sigh I'm sorry... I promised I would leave the negative stuff out....
Anyway I heard that next season there will be another new cast of Legends but that confuses me cause unlike at the end of season 1, we didn't lose any characters except Rip so there aren't really any spaces to fill.. If you add any more characters, the Waverider is going to be overfilled.
Well that's all for now! Don't forget to check out my Agents of SHIELD review later tonight!
xoxo Allie
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