Supergirl came back tonight and honestly though I fell in love with Supergirl season 2, season 3 was so terrible that I debated whether I even wanted to watch this new season. In the end I decided to check it out but did decide to stop reviewing this show weekly cause it seemed silly to just report on my irritation with this thing or that. So here we go with the first episode of season 4 and if you're curious click here to see my previous reviews!
Honestly this was a pretty good episode of Supergirl. It feels much tighter than it did last season but season premieres are usually pretty solid for Supergirl. It's when the season goes on that the wheels fall off. I was talking about how Flash felt like a soft reboot last week and Supergirl felt similar this week and I think I've realized what happened. I completely forgot that one of the executive producers of the Arrowverse was fired and it must be because of his removal that we're seeing so many changes and so far none of them feel wrong.
I love the idea that this season of Supergirl is about anti-alien sentiment going up. Honestly humans are the damn worst and any time there's an opportunity to separate groups into the other category, we take it so it was only a matter of time before Supergirl dove into this idea. Agents of SHIELD played with the idea of anti-Inhumans in their season 4 and anti-mutants have always been a forefront on the X-Men side especially in the Gifted so I'm curious to see how Supergirl plays in this world and how we'll resolve the problem here. Something like changing a world of minds into being more tolerant isn't an issue that can be resolved in one season. Both SHIELD and Gifted have this theme playing across their multiple seasons but the Arrowverse usually likes to limit their problems per season so I assume that the Agent of Liberty or whoever the villain is will be taken out but maybe his ideals and sentiments will be carried through?
I liked that J'onn was the one to bring up the idea to Kara at first and how she adamantly rejected it only for J'onn to remind her that she is in the minority of alien cases cause not only does she pass for human all the time but she's blonde haired blue eyed at that. I also really liked how the episode played out and how clearly we were introduced to the villain unlike in the Flash premiere where it felt like the villain of the season was an afterthought. If the whole season stays as tight as this premiere, this might be Supergirl's best season yet. I know I'm biased cause I adored season 2 cause of the building Kara and Mon El relationship but even I can tell you that there were holes in the season that we tripped over. I don't know if we ever met a villain so clearly before and I love that it's not an alien this season cause it allows for a fresh new storyline to play out.
Also sidebar but the stab of glee I got when I realized that one of the villains was named Mercy and used to be Lex's assistant was hilarious. Easter eggs! I also wonder if we'll be seeing more of the President this season cause she popped up in the premiere which was very unexpected. The President has been revealed to be an alien and that's going to lead to a whole mess of problems which I feel like could be acted out off screen but I kind of hope they don't do that cause I'm interested in this!
On the comic con panel for Supergirl this year we were told that the show will be doubling down on the reporter side of Kara and I do think that was pretty evident tonight with not only the introduction of a new character who will be working at CatCo but also a new set for CatCo which I think came around cause the old one was destroyed by the attack last season. I do hope that we get a lot more Kara at CatCo this season cause as much fun as it is seeing Kara kick butt, we need to know that she has a human life too and with Mon El gone and no romance on the horizon, a return to her working is a good thing especially since we know the only way to fight hatred is through hope.
Over on the Luthor side of things, I'm always down for more Luthor shenanigans since a Luthor is always the main villain for a Super. I still love that Lena and Supergirl are on the outs and I do hope this is the season where Lena starts going more evil cause I'm still dying for evil Lena and if the Flash can do multiple speedster villains one after another, we can do two anti-alien sentiments back to back. Lena and Lillian seemed at first to be trying to work things out but Lena was playing Lillian so she could cut a deal for James and honestly Lillian seemed pretty impressed by it and I do think that Lena will attempt to bond with her mom anyway.
Honestly James seemed like a bit of a moron this week by claiming that everything will work out and refusing to allow Lena to pull strings. It's always funny to me cause my mind always goes the Oliver Queen route and tries to think of the darker way to win (that's probs why Arrow is my favorite) but it's also funny cause that method isn't exactly the hero way as we're told by James and even Barry over on Flash. It's going to bite Lena in the butt later on this season when James realizes that Lena pulled strings after all cause that's a piece of drama that the show can't drop when it's so clearly placed in front of us.
Tonight's episode was a lot darker than normal for Supergirl so the only piece of levity was with Brainy and Alex. I still adore Brainy and he's my favorite and I was living for every time he did something and Alex got so angry with it. It was a sweet reveal at the end that Alex had been so annoyed with him cause he wasn't Winn and not only did she miss him but she had spent so much time working beside him that she wasn't used to other people. I hope we see more of Brainy and that he doesn't get relegated to the background the way Winn used to. I'm still holding off on the hope that eventually this season we'll get a flash-forward episode where we catch up with Winn and Mon El and the Legion in the future. Maybe even set after the crossover when most of the Supergirl cast is busy working elsewhere!
Next week looks pretty amazing too with the continuing dark theme. The President is still around and Kara will be working to bring hope back to the public while the villains work to take her down with Kryptonite which is fun. Honestly I don't understand how by now someone like Winn or Brainy haven't created an anti-Kryptonite suit for Kara!
I'll see you all tomorrow for my Arrow review!!!
xoxo Allie
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