HOLY SHIT THIS EPISODE THOUGH. This show is always amazing and it gets you so hyped up by the end that you're left waiting and wanting more!
So let's start with what I didn't like. I still don't like Director Mace and this whole need to please the public thing. I know we need it for drama or whatever but in a superhero/spy show, no one is watching for the political aspect. We want to watch our agents do spy work and kick ass not think about how their actions may be viewed by the public or look at approval numbers. Ugh. Not only do I not like him as a character but I don't trust him either. Also apparently I missed this but his inhuman powers are super strength and durability. My eyes roll so hard whenever he's on screen so I must have missed the subtly of his power. Ugh.
On the other hand, Ghost Rider's backstory was fun. How cool was it that Johnny Blaze actually showed up and gave Robbie the spirit of Vengeance?? I know I was wondering about his backstory and which spirit was in him cause normally in the comics Eli is the spirit in Robbie but Eli was alive in the show so I'm glad the show offically explained what was going on. But seriously, how freaking cool was that scene?? I loved the scene between Robbie and Gabe and Daisy although the whole time I was like Daisy why do you keep interrupting? Like if you're going to eavesdrop on a private conversation between two brothers, play it cool and don't ask for clarification lol. It was very sad when Gabe was horrified with Robbie and the Ghost Rider cause Robbie loves Gabe and Gabe was so disappointed in him. It's not really Robbie's fault that the Ghost Rider is all about vengeance but then again, he did overreact a little when he attacked Mason (even though I was mentally cheering him on).
The twist with Eli was awesome too. It was totally unexpected at the time even though in hindsight, it made perfect sense! Eli was a crazy evil serial killer in the comics so I always kind of expected him to be bad but the show portrayed him differently and so I let my guard down a bit. It'll be fun to explore the real Eli now and I can't wait to see what happens. At least May stole the Darkhold book so Eli can't use it. I want to know what happened to poor Fitz and Coulson cause they disappeared after the wave of energy the machine let out. I wonder if they'll go all ghostly now and the team will have to find a way to reverse it. That'd be fun.
Also poor Jemma was sent on a top secret mission by the Director which no one knew about. He wouldn't even let Jemma tell anyone she was leaving so Fitz is worried out of his mind and Mason forced her to be blindfolded. It was funny watching May and Mack talk to Fitz about Jemma a little and how they knew something was wrong. May is such a mama bear. I feel like Jemma's meeting the president or something. I hope she's okay cause I really don't trust Mason and Jemma was so exasperated this episode that it was kinda funny.
Can you tell I loved this episode? Unfortunately we're not going to be back until the end of November due to the election and Thanksgiving so we'll have to hold on for a while! Tune in tomorrow for my Arrow review!
xoxo Allie
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