Let's start with Alex, the poor sweetheart. After last week, she's on the path to accepting that she's gay and her first step was to tell Kara. They were so perfect this episode and I didn't realize how much I was missing the Danvers sisters together. I loved how Alex told Kara that she couldn't do this without her and Kara said that Alex wouldn't have to. It was the sweetest moment and I teared up. I also loved when Kara was asking Alex what Maggie was like and Alex was talking about how beautiful Maggie was and Kara tells that Alex is beautiful too. Alex kissing Maggie and Maggie rejecting her was so sad but I'm kind of glad that Maggie rejected her because as much as I love Maggie and Alex, I like that this story of Alex coming out is about Alex finding herself and less about a relationship. And that's exactly what Kara was trying to convince Alex of in the end, that it was okay if Maggie wasn't into Alex because it was more important for Alex to learn how to love herself all over again.
Mon El had his own story arc in this episode in that he learned that maybe he could actually be a hero and didn't have to fight/rage against what Kara wanted. I loved the scene where Kara confronted Mon about him becoming a hired muscle and he told her that despite what she thought, she really wasn't all that selfless because in some part of her heart, she was doing this for the love the people of National City felt for her. This was so true because remember how upset Kara was after the Red Kryptonite episode last season when the city hated her and Kara was so depressed and unsure if she keep fighting? Kara is a great person but Mon was partitally right. I also liked the scene where Alex yelled at him in the bar and I liked how truly upset Mon was when he saw how Kara was hurt. I love them so much. He was kinda useless in the fight against Parasite but it was a hard debut for him fighting crime cause it came in the same episode that Guardian appeared too so we as the audience already knew how badass Mon was and it was more important for Guardian to flex his muscles. I just liked that Mon stepped up. The saddest bit was the end when he thought he was being good and it turned out Cadmus was laying a trap for him!!! Mon this is why secret identities are important!!!
The Parasite was really cool looking this episode and I was impressed with the CGI despite me caring more about the other characters than Parasite this episode. It wasn't his fault, it's just I love the character driven arcs more than the fighting the big bad of the week. But the one good thing that came out of this was the badass fight between Kara and J'onn vs Parasite and then James stepping out in his Guardian costume! He was super badass too and I loved the cheeky line in the end about wearing lead to keep his secret from Kara. Firstly, that was really rude Kara. You should ask someone whether they want their identity known. Secondly, I hope this isn't what makes Kara and James a couple again a la Iris/Barry in that Kara falls for the superhero.
Also in this episode was Miss Martian who donated some of her blood to J'onn. She was so hesitant to offer her blood for him that it made me wonder if maybe giving him her blood would allow him to realize that she was a White Martian rather than Green either through a telepathy link or maybe he could tell the difference in blood. J'onn didn't seem to notice anything at the end of the episode but that may have been because he was still groggy after the attack. I hope we'll see something come out of this in the future.
Ugh can you tell I loved this episode?? I was so excited throughout all of it! I'm looking forward to next week's episode and the crossover in two weeks!!! Who's ready for 4 days of excitement!!! Tune in tomorrow for my Flash review!
xoxo Allie
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