Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Riverdale Season 2 Episode 1 Review

Hey guys so this is the first time you're actually going to get a Riverdale review and the reason is that I straight up fell in love with this show last year and it came out of nowhere! If you read my first thoughts on the show, you knew that I was really only a fan of Jughead's character cause of Cole Sprouse and that I wasn't a fan of the rest of the cast but honestly halfway through the season, something just clicked for me. Maybe it was because the storyline finally picked up or maybe I fell in love with Jughead and Betty's relationship! Whatever it was, it filled that fun tv show hole that I desperately wanted filled, which shows like Gossip Girl had filled before. It's just so different from all the other tv I watch and I think that's why I love it so!

Season 2 kicked off with a bang! I kept thinking that this episode would reveal who actually shot Fred because I forgot I wasn't watching an Arrowverse show and unlike them, the villain would probably not be revealed in the first episode! I was literally wavering all over the place as to why Fred would be shot. Last season my first thought was the Hiram or Hermione hired a hitman to kill Fred when he wouldn't give up his shares and I kept with that thought for most of the episode until the end because I thought it would have been the most thrilling action the show could take. Just when Veronica and Archie started dating, the Lodges tried to kill Fred, isn't that exciting? I definitely didn't think it was a Serpent but some weird version of a serial killer/vigilante didn't pop into my head either. What connects creepy Ms Grundy with Fred? And why did the guy shoot Fred in the side rather than the head if he actually wanted him dead? I wonder if this will be the season long mystery this time around!

My poor baby Jughead cannot catch a damn break! The world seems to have it out for him! Last season it was his dad going to jail and his mom refusing to care for him and then being shipped over to Southside for no reason and this season it looks like he'll be constantly hounded by the Serpents. It's so strange cause I have so much trouble seeing the Serpents as an actual threat and I don't know why cause they do deal drugs and clean up murders for people. Maybe because this is a CW show and not like Chicago PD or something? But either way last year I kind of cheered when Jughead put on the Serpent jacket and I cheered again when he got on the motorcycle and I was sitting here thinking Betty was overreacting a smidge when she worried about Jughead joining the Serpents but maybe she's not too far off based on the last scene we got from Jughead.... It looks like the Serpents have basically forced him into their gang and I have a feeling this one small favor that Jughead asked for will cause him to owe the Serpents and that he'll have to do something terrible to pay them back only to get caught or have to pay a terrible price.

Betty and Jughead seem to be in a weird place. Betty isn't okay with Jughead being a Serpent and I assume this struggle will go on all season. I just hope that before they end up breaking up (which you have to be crazy not to see coming cause hello CW drama) we get some more cute moments cause Betty and Jughead had such a solid and well adjusted relationship last season.

Speaking of couples, I'm still not sure if I'm a fan of Veronica and Archie. I don't know if it's them together that I have a problem with per say or maybe it's just that I don't love Archie as a character and I think Veronica deserves better or maybe it's that Veronica doesn't seem like the relationship type? Well either way, Veronica was kicking ass as a girlfriend tonight and I loved her refusing to leave Archie when he snapped at her. Their shower sex scene was also precious. I kind of find it hilarious how they're sleeping together already and they've only been together for like a minute and Betty and Jughead haven't and they've been together for almost a whole season.

I do think I'm going to love Veronica's storyline this season. I'm always a fan of mob-like families and the Lodges are definitely that. Hiram is so amazing already and Hermione literally changed character as soon as she heard that Hiram was coming to Riverdale. I wonder which of her personas is the act because she was a great mom for most of last season and now she's acting like Cheryl's mom? Also I would kind of love some flashbacks to the Lodges in NY before Hiram went to jail cause both Lodges keep talking about how different Veronica is now and I wonder if that means she was a doormat around them or if she played along or if she was just completely oblivious. She did mention before that she was a huge bitch in school but also a huge daddy's girl. Veronica and Jughead would make the ultimate dark couple tbh but that's why they need the Archie's and the Betty's to remind them of the light. I'm a sucker for those cliches. Sue me.

Speaking of darkness, I'm pretty sure Cheryl has lost her mind. Like she didn't seem all there at the end of last season but Holy Sociopath Batman (if you didn't read that in 60's Batman and Robin voice we can't be friends!!) But no seriously, that scene where she threatened her mom (though justified because Mrs Blossom was definitely emotionally abusing Cheryl) was terrifying and then she went and gave the "kiss of life" to Fred and I was sitting here like whelp there goes Cheryl's sanity. I cannot wait to see where this goes.

If I had any complaints with the premiere it would that the pacing felt a little weird throughout the episode and that the weird Fred dream sequences were unnecessary. Other than that, this was a great start to the season.

We got a bunch of random shots in the promo for next week but the vibe I'm getting is that the show feels darker this season if that's even possible. Ms Grundy's death seems to be discovered and FP's sentence seems to be handed down. I hope we see more Hiram cause I'm fascinated by this character! Again due to time constraints, I probably won't be doing more than just premiere and finale reviews just like with Gotham and Legends of Tomorrow!

Don't forget to check out the return of Arrow and my Arrow reviews tomorrow night!

xoxo Allie

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