This was not an episode of Arrow I was looking forward to because from previews it looked like it was going to be set in the future and I've been pretty vocal about how I've hated the flash forwards all season. The part of me that hates the idea that this is what the world becomes after Oliver and Team Arrow spent so many years of their lives protecting it still hated everything here but the rest of me thought that we got a pretty solid episode of television.
I do honestly think this episode was needed in terms of storytelling cause we've spent 15 episodes barely learning ANYTHING about what happened in the future and though some parts are still vague, the rest was colored in. I still don't know what caused Star City to hate vigilantes with every piece of themselves but apparently whatever it was led to Oliver and Felicity leaving and secretly having Mia. At the very least he was around for Mia's birth but I think Oliver must have died soon after. I was living when I realized that Nyssa was around to train Mia her whole life cause sister wives to the rescue amirite? While this was happening, Felicity kept working secretly to protect Star City.
I was so curious about why Mia seemed to despise Felicity so much and why she was so angry and I spent most of the episode irritated as hell with her despite thinking she was a badass and loving how competent she was at fighting. She had this massive chip on her shoulder and that led her to constantly be an asshole to everyone around her and it wasn't until the final talk with Felicity that I actually started to like her despite my need to want to like her cause she's Oliver and Felicity's kid! I think part of it is that we know that Mia's wrong in thinking that heroes and vigilantes are criminals but from her POV, it made sense cause of all the propaganda the Glades were spewing and it made sense that she hated Felicity so much because she thought Felicity had been lying to her for her whole life when actually Felicity told the truth and it was other stuff that led her the wrong way.
It does make me feel a little better about this future cause Mia clearly loves Felicity and they had a good relationship growing up and the only lies Felicity told were about how she wasn't a vigilante anymore. I really really really hope that angry Mia will be done with moving forward. I want to see her and Felicity and William bonding and more of her relationship with Connor please! I love the idea of Diggle's kid and Oliver and Felicity's kid being together.
I also loved the reunion between William and Felicity short as it was cause we've had more time to watch them together so their reunion was more meaningful. I loved that William was so happy to see her and that unlike Mia he had no real anger towards her now that he knows some of the truth and I hope at some point Felicity will explain how they never really abandoned him and that only once Oliver died that she thought she was protecting him by not reaching out. It was sweet though that his company only took off because Felicity secretly invested in it cause it was her own way of looking out for him.
I still want to know where Diggle and Lyla and JJ and Laurel are in this world cause we haven't seen head or tail of them and after we learned that Connor was adopted last week I thought maybe that would be because Connor took up the Green Arrow mantle while maybe JJ took over ARGUS but it seems that Connor took over ARGUS instead which makes me want to know why the show is ignoring JJ? Clearly Diggle is still alive but it's still weird that he would never have gone to visit Felicity and Mia especially if Oliver died and the same goes for Laurel who's friends with Felicity though I could see her dying before the current timeline.
The villain of these flash forwards is still kinda hard to understand but it seems like he stole Felicity's ARCHER program (which is anyone surprised at this reveal cause duh) and wants to use it to take over the world apparently but first needs to prove himself by killing everyone in Star City? I also don't entirely understand why Rene thought this was a good idea evacuating people or not. It's such a Malcolm Merlyn and the Undertaking move that I kept waiting for someone to call it out (especially from Roy) but no one did. I did love the whole scene at the party from when they infiltrated it to when Mia took down a crew of henchmen to when they destroyed the bomb trigger.
Thankfully we're going back to present day next week and back to what's interesting. Next week is focused on Emiko and what kind of person she is. I was a bit surprised cause I thought we might drag this secret on for longer but I think that we're coming to the end of the season and it's probably better not to drag it out. I hope we get her backstory next week and Oliver learns about her working with Dante!
I'll see you all tomorrow for my Flash review!
xoxo Allie
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