Friday, March 22, 2019

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous lists, click here and if you want to see a list of my favorite asian OTPs and ships, click here!


Big Issue (12/32): Set within the frenzy world of the paparazzi media. Due to a photograph, Han Seok Joo loses everything, including his job as a photographer for a top newspaper and his family. Ji Soo Hyun is the notorious chief editor of a paparazzi group. She hires the man to become a paparazzi photographer.

Every week I forget what a terrible person Soo Hyun is and it's always a fun surprise when I start a new episode and remember it. This week our case has to do with a rich actor who everyone thinks has a hereditary disease that affects his body. I was a little confused about why this is news cause like so what if he is sick? It's not like that's going to affect his popularity or anything and it's not like he did it to himself as if he was a drug addict but the twist at the end of episode 10 where it was revealed that he was actually faking it so that he could get out of military service made up for it. I loved that Seok Joo was officially joining the crew this week and it's pretty weird to me that people in Sunday care about his old mistakes cause you would think that if anyone knew about sleazy photos it would be them and like we the audience know the truth but most of the world doesn't. I liked the woman he was assigned to work under and I can see a lot of fun antics going down between them and I loved how much she underestimated him especially since she couldn't get in to see the doctor but he managed to uncover everything. It's kind of hilarious cause he's leagues and leagues better than everyone else working at Sunday which is why they all hate him.
FINISHED Cinderella And Four Knights (16/16): Eun Ha Won is in the third grade of high school. She hopes to become a teacher which her late mother always wished for. Ha Won has a bright personality and a strong set of morals, but she is unhappy at home. She's unattached from her father, step-mother, and step-sister and also mistreated. Ha-Won works various part-time jobs to pay for her upcoming university tuition fees. She knows she needs to make more money to pay for the storage of her mother's ashes at the cemetery. Her mother's ashes were recently removed because of unpaid bills. Meanwhile Ji Woon, Hyun Min and Seo Woo are spoiled cousins and live together in the mansion Sky House. With their different personalities - Ji Woon is a tough guy, Hyun Min is a playboy and Seo Woo is a musician - they don't like each other at all. Additionally, Ji Woon likes Hye Ji who likes Hyun Min. One day, their grandfather orders his 3 grandsons to attend his 5th wedding ceremony. Hyun Min doesn't want to go, but he hires Ha Won for 3 hours and takes her to his grandfather's wedding ceremony. His plan is to upstage his grandfather's wedding ceremony with the surprise appearance of Ha Won. There, the grandfather witnesses Ha Won's no-nonsense attitude towards Hyun Min and decides to hire her as a live-in butler at the Sky House. He hopes she is able to change the ways of his grandsons.

I was in the mood for something super cute and fluffy that would make me smile the entire time I was watching it and this was exactly that. I loved Ha Won as a character cause though she was the pretty normal drama girl (poor and down on her luck) I loved that she never once felt bad for her and was badass enough to support herself and refused to look down on herself even once. I loved that she said everything she thought and refused to be a damsel. Her relationship with all the boys was pretty great and I liked that though each of them for interested at one point, Hyun Min was really only in love with Hye Ji and Seo Woo knew that Ha Won loved Ji Woon so he never acted on his feelings or tried to ruin her relationship with him. Ji Woon was the most precious hedgehog, all prickly on the outside but soft on the inside and I loved watching Ha Won and Ji Woon fall in love. They had so much in common from the start and I loved that though their relationship was full of misunderstandings at the start like most drama couples that Ha Won never used it to hate Ji Woon. They had such intense chemistry and I loved how natural it felt watching the two fall for each other though I was like come on kiss already (and when they finally did it was amazing!) I wasn't the biggest fan of the whole grandpa makes them breakup cause she's poor thing and I felt it was dragged a bit too long but the cute outweighed all of my complaints. On the other hand I really didn't care for Hye Ji who felt like such a fake person, the kind that pretends to be nice in front of you but hates you behind your back and it felt like she just wanted all the guys' attention on her all the time and at some point I stopped caring about watching her and Hyun Min's relationship who by the by I also blame for all this cause instead of talking to Hye Ji about how he felt like her brother's death was his fault, he decided to be an asshole. Overall I'd give this show a 9 / 10!
    He Is Psychometric (4/16): A boy who is able to read the secrets of those whose skin comes into contact with him, and a girl who does everything she can to hide her pain. In the drama, the boy and girl will meet and try to fix, heal, grow, and love from the small and big occurrences that happen in their lives.

    Ooh super not a fan of time skips and that's what happened this week. I was just getting used to this time in high school when we jumped forward two years for no reason. Maybe it's cause we didn't start in the future and flash back so I wasn't expecting it but I guess I get it cause we can do more with An and Jae-In if they're adults instead of kids. I do love them together and I've enjoyed how much they're friends now without any annoying misunderstandings or secrets between them. Poor An must be so scared whenever someone finds out about his powers so the fact that she accepts them and even teases him is definitely why he fell for her when they were in high school and it's super cute. I don't however love the weird feeling I get around Sung Mo and I can't decide why I feel that way. He and An's relationship is super sweet and I love how much they love each other and that's pretty much the only reason I'm trying to fight the goosebumps I get around Sung Mo. Maybe it's his sketchy relationship with Jae-In that makes me feel like he's interested in her romantically but god I hope we don't go that way cause it freaks me the hell out when high schoolers are in love with older men and like dude he must have at least 4 or 5 years on her. It also sucks for poor Ji Soo who is super in love with him and he has no idea. I kind of hope that she finds someone else cause I'm still not sure how to read him yet. I assume that this new suitcase serial killer might end up being caught by An and Jae-In and I'm super down for that.
    FINISHED Please Come Back Mister (16/16): A man is worked to death, but he comes back to the living world in the attractive body of another man for a limited amount of time. Lee Hae Joon is a perfect man with good looking appearance, who works as a section chief in the women’s apparel section at a department store. But his body is actually possessed by the spirit of Kim Yeong Soo who was worked to death. Meanwhile, Hong Nan is a beautiful woman, but her spirit is possessed by a tough guy, Han Gi Tak. At the same time, Shin Da Hye is a beautiful housewife, but her husband suddenly dies. She falls into a love triangle with Lee Hae Joon and a promising store employee Jung Ji Hoon.

    So this was definitely much different than most dramas I've watched before because like I've said, I don't usually watch dramas without any romance and I knew that's what this one would be like since the main female lead was possessed by a man but I wanted to check it out anyway cause I adore Oh Yeon Seo and I had seen a clip of her beating up a man in this show. I ended up being mostly meh about this show because I really disliked Yeong Soo's character despite being in Rain's body so I basically skipped half of the show but I really loved watching Yeon Seo play her character. Yeong Soo was the worst cause he spent so much time trying to make his wife fall back in love with him even though he knew he wasn't going to be around forever and it irritated me cause he was the kind of person who picked and chose what he wanted to hear so even when Da Hye was telling him over and over what her problems were, he ignored them. He even died in the most ridiculous way ever. Gi Tak however was so much more interesting cause he loved Yi Yeon but he knew that he wouldn't be around forever so he just tried to be there for her and support her and actually had things he wanted to get done in his second chance. I loved all the gangsters that worked for Gi Tak and I loved the little family they made. There were tons of funny moments and a pretty sad ending though I loved that the real versions of Rain and Yeon Seo were fated to meet anyway and I'd like to think they'll end up together in the end. Overall I'd give this show a 8 / 10!
      FINISHED Romance Is A Bonus Book (16/16): Cha Eun Ho is a successful and handsome writer who is also the youngest chief editor at a publishing company. He has a calm demeanor and remains reasonable at work. He then becomes involved in the life of his childhood friend, Kang Dan Yi who was once a popular copywriter. She is now divorced, a single mother, unemployed and struggling in life though still attempts to find a job, but even with her once good career, she cannot. However, in a desperate attempt to find a job, she lies about her background and begins to work as a temporary worker in the same building under none other than Cha Eun Ho. As they become involved in each other’s life more than often, a love story begins to unfold.

      The finale aired this week and tbh I'm kinda just glad this drama is over. I never really connected with it or adored it like a lot of other Lee Jong Suk dramas mostly cause I just didn't feel any chemistry between our main leads. I didn't love that Dan Yi spent so much of the drama seeing Eun Ho like a brother without any tension to be found in their relationship that would make it feel like more (sorry to compare again but look at Fight My Way!) and once they did get together, they spent it acting like Dan Yi wasn't married before and had never even touched a guy. I understand being nervous but I can't stand when in dramas two adults act like high schoolers. I thought the second male lead was super creepy for some reason and I never really enjoyed him but to my surprise I found myself lowkey on the ship with Seo Joon and Hae Rin. It was a little cheesy to have everyone in the company pair off by the end but I'll let it slide cause it's a rom com and I was thrilled that the show didn't end with Mr Bong and Ms Seo back together again cause they had real problems in their relationship and a hand wave just to give us a happy ending would have been really annoying. Dan Yi ended up back at Gyeoro Publishing which is pretty much what I expected and Seo Joon found out about his father and how much Eun Ho was there for him so that he could stop thinking the worst of Eun Ho. I did love that Kang's last letter was addressed to Eun Ho cause despite Seo Joon being his biological son, Eun Ho was there for him for 10 years without any complaint. Overall I'd give this show a 7.5 / 10 cause it was okay but nothing that I adored.
      Touch Your Heart (14/16): Oh Yoon Seo is a popular actress. She is famous for her beautiful appearance, but her acting is bad. She gets involved in a scandal with the son from a chaebol family. Her acting career declines precipitously. Oh Yoon Seo hears that a famous screenwriter wants her to play the lead female role for a drama series. The character works as a secretary for a lawyer. To gain experience for the role, Oh Yoon Seo is required to work as a lawyer's secretary for a few months. Meanwhile, Kwon Jung Rok is an attorney for a law firm. He is arrogant and cold-hearted. One day, his boss asks Kwon Jung Rok to let actress Oh Yoon Seo work as his secretary for 6 months. He is not happy about the situation, but he has to accept.

      I was really bored this week cause I'm never super into the breakup episodes in dramas and they're pretty much mandatory which sucks. Yoon Seo was really sad and I felt for her cause she didn't even know why Jung Rok broke up with her at all. It was extra annoying when Se Won told her that Jung Rok was having a hard time cause he made it sound like it was Yoon Seo's problem and if I were her I would have been pissed. Like the hell are you telling me for? He's the one who broke up with me out of the blue. Lol clearly I have feelings about this. Jung Rok on the other hand threw himself into his work so that he wouldn't have to focus on being sad and it was a bit heartbreaking to find out that he was sitting on that bus bench so much so he could look at a poster of Yoon Seo. Sidebar it did make me laugh a little cause I get that it's supposed to be a sweet gesture but you know how else he could have done this? By opening up google on his laptop or phone. It was also a little weird that we went back to an old case for the law case of the week and it was especially crazy that the woman who we thought was an abuse victim was such a schemer though it did lead to a bunch of great moments where the Always Firm had each other's backs. I also really enjoyed watching Lawyer Choi and Lawyer Dan together though Dan was so so desperate when they were dating and I kind of loved that she moved on so quickly cause I want Choi to chase her for once cause like I said last week, girl deserves to have someone want her first.


      FINISHED Cruel Romance (40/40): Cruel Romance tells the story of Rong Jinxiu, a country girl who travels to Shanghai in order to discover why her entire family was killed. Along the way, she meets triad leader Zuo Zhen, and after a series of accidents and misunderstandings, the two fall in love. Also vying for Jinxiu’s attention is businessman Xiang Yingdong, a businessman and close friend of Zuo Zhen. Ever protective of his woman, however, Zuo Zhen refuses to let other men even come close to Jinxiu – which ultimately pays off when a villainous Japanese man tries to finish off Jinxiu and her remaining family members.

      After Well Intended Love I was in the mood for another cdrama and I wanted one with a bit of a dominant male lead and I have been wanting to check this one out for a while so I finally did. It was interesting experience cause I thought Jinxiu and Zhen had chemistry for days and I loved them together but the plot of this show was all over the place and I hated a ton of things. At the start it was a little insane how much Jinxiu despised Zhen for no reason and how she took every good deed he did as a negative while she treated Yingdong's similar and less important acts as perfection but then around halfway through the drama the romance started to build for real and I fell in love with their love. I adored how Zhen would do anything and everything for Jinxiu and their kisses were everything! Unfortunately a lot about their relationship was soured for me after the horrid storyline where Jinxiu was convinced that Zhen killed her family and the girl wouldn't even ask him outright cause it would have taken two seconds for him to clear her doubt and when episodes and episodes later she finally did, that's exactly what he did and I wanted to smack the girl for believing the man who tried to kill Zhen like three episodes ago. Mingzhu was such a sad character cause I thought she was very annoying for a while but then the whole get her addicted to drugs and then constant raping happened and I was horrified. I couldn't decide why she didn't just tell either of the Xiang men what happened but I still don't blame her for what happened. Honestly I couldn't care less about the Japanese arc in this and it was strange cause it was like the show and the characters wanted to be patriots or whatever but they didn't put enough energy into it which kind of negated the whole point. Overall I'd give this show a 7 / 10 cause it was a letdown. 
      FINISHED Love Me If You Dare (24/24): Getting inside the head of a violent criminal is not easy. But Simon, Bo Jinyan, a brilliant criminal psychologist, has the ability to get into the minds of even the most mysterious and violent criminals. He was a professor at The University of Maryland and works as an analyst and advisor on the police department’s most violent or difficult cases. With the help of his young assistant, Jenny Jian Yao, Simon delves into the thoughts and intentions of the criminal mind. As the daughter of a veteran police investigator with a deep sense of justice, can Jenny help Simon open up emotionally as they work together to solve crimes?

      After watching Cruel Romance and being highly disappointed in it I decided to change up my dramas and watch something that wasn't entirely a romantic drama and that's when this show came in. Of course I don't like watching dramas without any romance but this one had more to it than just romance and that's why I picked it. Plus Sandra Ma but you know sidebar. Overall I ended up really loving this drama. It was written to be extremely clever with plot twists that actually felt real rather than just something a writer wanted to add to mix things up. I loved the different cases and how Simon and Jian Yao went about solving them and how they gave us clues piece by piece so that we could play along and learn who the criminal was. I also loved the overarching villain and how each one was connected to another from Tommy to Xie Han to Zi Qi's fiance though I do wish we had gotten more single cases and spent less time on the overarching villain cause it did get to be a little too much at some points. I also loved the plot twist where we are supposed to think that Simon has a split personality and then have it revealed to us that he just made it all up like I actually thought cause Simon was captured by Tommy to study him and it would be an excellent way to get Tommy to think he has the upper hand when it was Simon all along. The romance between Simon and Jian Yao was paced perfectly and I loved how strong it felt though sometimes I did wish that it had been more overt. Jian Yao was an amazing female lead cause not only was she very observant and smart but she was logical too and didn't fly off the handle or get really angry when in different situations that other female leads that fit the "spunky go getter" type would and she trusted the man she loved and the love they shared when push came to shove (hello Cruel Romance.) I'd definitely give this show a 10 / 10 and recommend that everyone watch it!
          FINISHED Well Intended Love (20/20): A third-rate actress with leukemia becomes entangled with CEO Ling because she needs him for treatment. In order to receive bone marrow transplant sooner and to continue her career as an actress, Xia Lin enters into a secret marriage with Ling Yi Zhou, the CEO of a company. Despite the conspiracies and misunderstandings they encounter, the two find true love.

          I adored this drama to pieces and I can't believe so many people slept on this one! While the concept of this show was pretty basic and followed a lot of other drama plots, I loved how fresh this story felt. I have a soft spot for contract marriage shows cause you know I adore when the main leads call each other husband/wife so I was pumped to check this out. There was so much to love here that I don't even know where to begin. I adored that Yizhou was sweet to Linlin from start to finish and that there was no rich people drama from his grandma and since he had no family, there was no evil in laws either. There was also no company drama except for the end which was manageable cause it didn't take up the whole drama! Yizhou and Linlin were the cutest couple and I loved watching them fall in love but even better I loved seeing them continually loved each other cause so few dramas show us a married couple after they fall in love. I cannot explain how wonderful it felt to watch a drama where the main couple actually felt like a real adult relationship where they didn't kiss like once and then refuse to touch each other again! There was tons of chemistry between our leads and I loved the way Yizhou looked at Linlin like she was the only thing in the world he wanted. I will admit the circumstances behind Yizhou tricking Linlin into marrying him was uber creepy and if it was real life I'd be like girl run as fast and far as you can but this is a drama so I let it slide. I also loved the side characters from Chu Yan who was the most precious second lead and Feifei who played an amazing best friend and who I super shipped with Wen Li from the first moment they met. I also loved that there was some drama amidst all the fluff with the whole mystery of who's out to get Yizhou. Overall I'd give this show a 8 / 10!

          xoxo Allie

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