Friday, March 29, 2019

What Dramas Am I Watching This Week?

So here's what I'm watching this week! Of course the list is split by country and episodes I've seen so far are written below! There will be spoilers from now on so if you aren't caught to the episode number on list, you might want to go watch that episode and then come back! If you're interested in previous lists, click here and if you want to see a list of my favorite asian OTPs and ships, click here!


Big Issue (16/32): Set within the frenzy world of the paparazzi media. Due to a photograph, Han Seok Joo loses everything, including his job as a photographer for a top newspaper and his family. Ji Soo Hyun is the notorious chief editor of a paparazzi group. She hires the man to become a paparazzi photographer.

I keep wondering if there's some sort of overarching Big Bad in this show cause so far we haven't exactly had cases that relate to one another but this show seems like the perfect sort to do something like that especially with how we ended this week. I did really enjoy the case this week with the new actress who was being sold as a prostitute because I felt so bad for the girl and clearly Sunday did too though it was interesting watching how much Soo Hyun cared too. I really didn't think she had a line but apparently physically assaulting a girl is it but like not drugs or rape which you would think would be worse. I really thought the case would end terribly this week because I'm kinda waiting for a really big thing to happen and I thought that if we ended up losing the actress, Soo Hyun and Seok Joo would be more ramped up in the future and also because we've been on a winning streak for a while now and I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. I also low key kind of ship Seok Joo with his Team Leader though I think the show is starting to set up a romance between Soo Hyun and Seok Joo based on how Soo Hyun seemed to care about him this week. I'm also really curious about what kind of person the CEO is cause it seemed like he was afraid of the big bad prosecutor only to turn around and release the report anyway making we wonder what his game is. 
FINISHED Descendants Of The Sun (16/16): Kang Mo Yeon is a pretty and assertive woman who works as a cardiothoracic surgeon at Haesung Hospital. She isn't afraid to admit her mistakes and believes that capability overrides whatever connections you have. However, she is soon faced with reality that she cannot advance with just capability. Her life is forever changed when she encounters Yoo Si Jin, the Captain and team leader of Alpha Team who cares more about protecting anybody who needs help as well as his country, even if it goes against the order of his superiors. This drama will tell of how they both band together in a time of war and overcome the odds against them.

I mean you know I had to watch this drama right? It's one of the most loved kdramas out there so I went in with high hopes and seriously I should stop doing that cause every time I'm told that this drama is amazing, it always falls short for me. This time around it was awkward cause I just couldn't fall in love with the main couple. I loved that Si Jin was so calm and sweet and gentle and there was no moment where he acted like an alpha male or a cold male lead and I loved how steadfast he was in his love for Mo Yeon but she left a lot to be desired. Though I enjoyed that Mo Yeon never forced decisions on Si Jin once they got together, she started out as the kind of arrogant female lead I dislike who thinks that it's her way or the highway and that she's always right no matter what. I mean I totally understand that dating a soldier is tough cause of all the secrets and him being away for so long but her problem with him was that he killed people and I was sitting here like well no shit what did you think he does? This soured me on her and the romance that no matter what cute moments happened, I was uninterested. I only ended up sticking around cause I fell in love with the second couple. I adored Myung Ju as a character (and kind of wished she was the main lead) and I loved her romance with Dae Young and how much they loved each other and how they wanted to fight for each other but couldn't. I cried my damn eyes out during the M3 episode and it was her pain after his supposed death and his return that I cried about. I also loved the side characters especially Ki Bum who was a cutie though I did think the stakes were a little low for a drama about the military cause it seemed that nothing bad ever happened which is why I was never really scared. Overall I'd give this show a 9 / 10.
Eulachacha Waikiki 2 (2/16): Lee Joon Ki is an unpopular actor who runs the Waikiki guesthouse. However, business is bad and the guesthouse is facing bankruptcy. In order to revive the guesthouse, Lee Joon Ki asks his friends Cha Woo Shik and Kook Ki Bong to invest their savings in it. Cha Woo Shik is a picky person who dreams of becoming a singer. Kook Ki Bong used to be a promising baseball player, but instead is now stuck playing in the minor leagues. After Lee Joon Ki's request, they all put their money into Waikiki Guesthouse and start living their together. 

If you remember back the first season of this drama was on my top 10 asian dramas of 2018 list (at number 5 specifically) so you know I adored the first season of this show. When I heard that there was going to be a second season with a new cast, I was both excited and kind of apprehensive. Excited cause I can't wait to see what crazy antics the show will pull off next and apprehensive cause I really loved the original cast and I worried that by having Joon Ki still in it that we'd destroy one of the best parts of season 1 and that was Joon Ki's relationship with Seo Jin. After seeing the first two episodes I'm not entirely sure how I feel yet though so far it doesn't feel like it has the same charm as the first season. The budget is clearly much higher which makes the guesthouse set fancier and the lighting much better but the humor doesn't seem to be working as well yet. We also haven't met the full cast yet and with the first season, we slowly got to know each character week by week so I don't entirely want to judge the characters now. So far I do really like Woo Shik though Ki Bong doesn't feel like my cup of tea and Soo Yeon is fun but I haven't seen enough of the other two girls to judge them which is unfortunate. I wonder if we'll be pairing up couples like before because it looks like Woo Shik and Soo Yeon are obviously going to get together. Speaking of, it does suck that Joon Ki and Seo Jin broke up but I'd like to hope that maybe by the end Seo Jin will be back with a guest appearance and they can get back together or something!
    He Is Psychometric (6/16): A boy who is able to read the secrets of those whose skin comes into contact with him, and a girl who does everything she can to hide her pain. In the drama, the boy and girl will meet and try to fix, heal, grow, and love from the small and big occurrences that happen in their lives.

    So maybe after this week we can put an end to the skeevy feeling I get from Sung Mo cause it looks like his big secret is that he kind of knows who set the fire and killed all those people. It's probably that guy who was watching him in the current day and stabbed An and I'm assuming he must be Sung Mo's father who was probs abusive and that's why Sung Mo and his mom ran away 13 years ago. Obviously the man was following Sung Mo around for all this time but never interacted with him and only stabbed An after An followed him rather than out of anger or some other reason. In that case maybe Sung Mo wants An to read him so that An can figure out if this guy really did do it? It doesn't exactly explain Sung Mo's weird obsession with Jae In but maybe it really is just as simple as a creepy attraction that's not meant to be creepy and I'm just skeeved out cause of the age difference. I'm hoping that now that I know the secret behind Sung Mo that I can stop feeling the creeps around him cause I adore his relationship with An. My favorite moments were when they were playing around in the parking lot and scaring that one couple which by the by even if they were gay, that was an unwarranted response from that couple! On the other hand I was curious about whether Jae In was into Sung Mo or An but it looks like after this week it might be An cause she seemed to be sad that he didn't show up at the end of her shift. Sung Mo might be more of a hero worship for her. I was also kinda surprised to find out that her dad ended up committing suicide which makes me wonder if he knows who the real killer is and if that person threatened him by using Jae In so now that she wants to look into his case, he's scared she might meet the real killer.
    FINISHED Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo (20/20): When a total eclipse of the sun takes place, a 21st century woman, Go Ha Jin, is transported back in time to the Goryeo Dynasty of Korea. She wakes up in the body of 16-year-old Hae Soo, an aristocrat living with Lady Hae, her cousin who happens to be married to one of the sons of King Taejo. She soon befriends several of the princes, who find her carefree and exuberant attitude refreshing. Although she knows she should not get involved in palace intrigues over the succession to the throne, she inadvertently becomes a pawn in the struggle, as several of the Princes fall in love with her.

    My god if there's ever been a drama that I "hate watched," it would be this one. I was already kind of hesitant going in cause I know that this was a dearly beloved drama and with my track record I was afraid that I wouldn't enjoy it. Unfortunately this turned out to be the case here but not for reasons like I was bored or I didn't ship the main couple but in fact the writing made no sense and Ha Jin/Hae Soo was the worst female lead I have had the experience of watching. She literally started the drama upset cause her best friend stole her boyfriend and then turned around and did the exact same thing to her cousin. What kind of modern woman falls in love with a married man especially one that's related to you? Halfway through the drama she seemed to lose her entire personality and ability to use her brain and was wishy-washy about her love for Wang the rest of the time. Ugh the agony. She literally never trusted poor Wang So in the entire drama despite her saying she did every once in a while and it was ridiculous how quickly her mind changed about him despite her saying that she loved him. I hate hate hate when one lead turns on the other lead cause it's like bitch if you love him, trust him! She was literally the cause of all her misfortunes cause if she hadn't lied to Wang So about Eun then Eun would be alive and Wang So would never have tried to get the throne and then she would never have lost him. The ending wasn't tragic at all for me cause I was just like can this drama be over so I don't have to see Ha Jin/Hae Soo on my screen anymore and a part of me was glad she didn't get her happy ending cause nothing she did deserved it. On the positive side, Lee Joon Ki was really really really pretty in this, I liked almost all of the princes and their antics and the chemistry between Wang So and Ha Jin/Hae Soo was great too which is why I expected more from this drama and was let down at every turn. Overall I'd give this show a 6 / 10 and that might be a little too low but god damn that's how I feel right now.
      FINISHED Touch Your Heart (16/16): Oh Yoon Seo is a popular actress. She is famous for her beautiful appearance, but her acting is bad. She gets involved in a scandal with the son from a chaebol family. Her acting career declines precipitously. Oh Yoon Seo hears that a famous screenwriter wants her to play the lead female role for a drama series. The character works as a secretary for a lawyer. To gain experience for the role, Oh Yoon Seo is required to work as a lawyer's secretary for a few months. Meanwhile, Kwon Jung Rok is an attorney for a law firm. He is arrogant and cold-hearted. One day, his boss asks Kwon Jung Rok to let actress Oh Yoon Seo work as his secretary for 6 months. He is not happy about the situation, but he has to accept.

      This drama started out being pretty fun to me but like a lot of rom coms, it tapered off cause it felt like the show didn't have enough plot to fill the episode count so after Yoon Seo's stalker was caught, the show mostly just puttered along with nothing happening and it's the struggle cause I did enjoy the couple at the start but like What's Wrong With Secretary Kim, if there's no plot, I get super bored and cute scenes start to feel super cheesy. I need my shows to be balanced with romance and plot otherwise I start zoning out and that's what happened here. I'm glad that Yoon Seo and Jung Rok were able to make it despite her always being busy at work and his insane jealously which wasn't a real problem for the couple. It was also really funny when they tried to tell the Always Firm that they were dating and everyone thought they were joking before the CEO had a breakdown alone cause boy is in love with Yoon Seo. I also really loved Lawyer Dan and Lawyer Choi getting back together and I was glad that it was Lawyer Choi who did the chasing this time. They're scenes with the Always Firm after they came out as a couple were even funnier than Yoon Seo and Jung Rok. Overall I'd give this show a 8 / 10.

      xoxo Allie

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