Ugh talk about a tease. I really thought tonight's episode would be all about Nora coming out to the family about working with Eobard like the promo hinted at but instead that didn't happen until like the very end! Instead much of the episode was focused on Grace!Cicada which makes sense cause she just appeared and is already causing chaos.
Remember when Barry was talking to Cicada about his legacy and the legacy that he would leave behind for Grace and Cicada was like who gives a shit? Well spoilers you probably should have you asshole. Literally everyone knows that coma patients have a high likelihood of hearing what's around them (that's why it's supposed to be important for family and loved ones to talk to them all the time) so why he thought that sitting around an impressionable child and discussing his murder plots would be a good idea is anyone's guess. It led to Grace thinking that Cicada had it right and when she grew up and woke up that she should follow in Cicada's footsteps. I wondered how she had gotten back in time and it ended up being a stolen piece of Flash tech rather than Eobard like I thought perhaps it would be.
I was seriously shocked when Grace!Cicada ended up murdering Cicada though a part of me thought that this Grace was just too dark to allow literally anything to stop her from getting what she wanted even the only family that was left to her. It was funny though watching Cicada try to reason with her by being like your parents died cause of an accident and it wasn't that meta's fault when literally two weeks ago that wouldn't have mattered in the slightest to him. I was wondering last week and at the top of this episode whether Cicada would be a better person now cause I had a thought that maybe it was the dark matter that was triggering his anger and darker emotions and I still wonder that cause we never did get an answer especially since Cicada is dead now. He did seem softer but that might have been because of Grace herself and not the circumstances.
Cisco and Ralph's storyline was a little strange tonight cause Ralph wanted Cisco to introduce Camilla to the group and Cisco just wanted to keep his two worlds separate. In a way it did parallel the meta we had to save this week cause it's always better to not keep secrets from loved ones and I agree with the idea that keeping loved ones ignorant will do them more harm cause then they won't know what to look out for. There are rumors going around that Carlos is leaving the show and I could see this as a way for that to happen cause it was clear that he listened to Ralph when he said that separating the normal Cisco from Vibe wouldn't work so maybe instead of doing like Ralph thought and bringing Camilla into Star Labs, Cisco might just leave permanently after taking the cure. Of course this would suck cause Cisco is one of my favorites and Vibe's powers are so different and unique than the others!
Sherloque spent the episode trying to figure out who Nora's partner was and it was fun watching him do his thing and how he got there in a logical progression. It was a little asshole-y of him to out Nora in front of everyone but I could see that talking to Nora alone might not do the trick especially after she tried to get him off her trail so many times. I think Barry's reaction to lock her up had to do with the fact that Nora wasn't the one to tell the truth than the fact that Nora's working with Eobard. I really really hope that next week we get to explore this like I thought we would this week.
Yessss it looks like next week will be Nora's backstory! Thank you! I can't wait to find out what happened though I'm curious as to why the title of the episode is Godspeed cause that's a Flash villain. Will Nora end up being the villain for next season? Plot twist anyone!
xoxo Allie
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