This week's SHIELD episode was fun cause not only am I loving the callbacks to previous seasons but also I'm loving where our characters are this season as well!
Let's start with my favorite part of the episode and that was the Fitz/Simmons/YoYo/Mack stuff in the Lighthouse. I loved everything about all these scenes from how YoYo apologized to Fitzsimmons for Deke being their grandson and Fitz being all thank you like it was a deep problem to Mack worrying about YoYo's prosthetic arms and being all mechanic on them to how completely insane Jemma and YoYo were with the acid test. I loved how Jemma and YoYo didn't believe Fitz's acting would be on par if they told him the plan and scared him half to death thinking Jemma was dying for real. Sidebar that hand wave thing he did to Jemma to tell her to come here was so hot and I don't even know why. Locking Mack in the cell was also hilarious and I can't wait for next week to see the Invincible Three kick ass and take names.
Sidebar, I don't understand the Invincible Three thing cause the whole point of what they're trying to do is to change the future so why would they want to stay in the loop and prove that they can't be killed? I do love that it's making this trio sort of fearless but I'm worried one of them is actually going to die to prove that the loop is broken.
Speaking of Fitzsimmons we got another funny scene with Deke and Fitz and I'm living for these. Like give me a new character learning who Deke is every episode and I'll be perfectly content tbh.
Daisy and May went to find Robin to see if she could tell them where Coulson was and it was crazy to see her call Robin her mom and the look on Robin's actual mom's face was heartbreaking. I loved the talk she had in the end with May about how she knows that she will die cause she hasn't seen herself in any of Robin's future pictures. Sidebar, am I the only one who's surprised at how everyone seems to be able to decipher what those pictures show while I'm over here like well those are a bunch of weird looking scribbles. Also I understand what the show was portraying but who actually thinks that three mountain peaks would have actually brought Daisy to Coulson? Like straight up those could have been any three mountains!
The stuff in the bunker with Coulson and Talbot and Creel was fun as well. I kind of love how much Creel loves Talbot and how immediately after he found out that Hale was keeping Talbot captive that he switched sides. Talbot is still heartbreaking and he and Fitz will have plenty to bond over! I hope since Creel was captured safely that he won't be killed immediately cause he's pretty fun and always reminds me of Kevin from Ben10. I was living for all of Talbot's jokes and I loved how he and Coulson escaped creatively using that space portal thing though maybe they really should have picked a better coordinate. You would think either Coulson or Talbot in their many years of secret agent/military service would be able to read coordinates.
The Gravitonium stuff was really interesting and I wonder if this means we're finally going to see Graviton as a villain-ish. I loved that we saw Raina pre-Terregenis and Ian Quinn again and that the Gravitonium hated Quinn enough to want to swallow him. It's interesting that the Gravitonium seems to be alive and have feelings which makes me wonder how much of it is the Gravitonium itself and how much is actually Hall and now Quinn inside the Gravitonium. I hope we explore this more cause I'm fascinated!
Sidebar who definitely thought Ruby was going to kill her mom tonight? Ruby seems 110% over what her mom wants and if Hale isn't going to give her what she wants, why keep her around especially since it seems like Von Strucker is into her!
Next week looks like Ruby and Daisy will finally meet and face off. Tbh I don't know how it's even going to be a fight cause now that Daisy's inhibitor is off, Ruby has no chance cause Daisy is so much stronger. I hope we also get to see Fitz/Simmons/YoYo fight and actually find the Destroyer of Worlds chamber cause that would go far in redeeming Fitz in the eyes of the others though I'm still surprised that Daisy is the only one who's really pissed. I also kind of hope that if this is the last season of SHIELD the way I feel like it is with how the season seems to be wrapping up loose threads that we get Robbie one last time!
xoxo Allie
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