What the actual hell even is this show? I can't even explain how much I love this show. This season has definitely been my favorite of the three cause I've finally learned to turn off my brain when watching it and expecting the dumbest things to not only happen but also work! I really enjoyed the finale and I only really had one big problem.
Let's start with the stuff in the Wild West. That was the weirdest time to pick to go to and honestly the fact that pirates, Romans and Vikings were all there was kind of a moot point. They were just bodies for the Legends and co to take down. Not that I'm complaining cause I had a blast with the whole sequence and it allowed for the return of Jax who is apparently married and has a kid and somehow lived 5 years to the Legends few months, Helen of Troy who is a badass Amazonian now and Kuasa who is now sharing the Spirit Totem with Mari and I get why that has to happen but that sucks for Mari! I still don't know why we couldn't have her pop up at all this season especially when it was so heavy on the Vixen mythos. We also got the return of Jonah Hex who had this weird flirtation thing with Zari and I was living for it.
This show kills me with it's humor and I died when the Legends were trying to combine their Totems and made some weird alien looking blob monster who Mick killed right away. His constant remarks about whether they were making a baby or not made me break a rib with how hard I was laughing. High Nate was a favorite of mine this season too so it was great to bring that back around. But let's be honest the absolute best part was when the Legends created a giant Bebo to fight Mallus and I cried when it appeared.
Sidebar Wally is still my precious little cinnamon roll and I've been loving seeing him get more airtime although somehow he's become a millennial hipster now and it's killing me every week. He's so excited to be here and I love him. It's such a contrast to pretty much everyone else on the team which is why I think he works so well and is definitely a breath of fresh air. I can't wait to see more of him next season and I can't wait until he gets one of those episodes centered around him. I do kind of hope to see him on Flash again before that season ends but I highly doubt that.
By the by Rip Hunter is officially dead and I was completely thrown cause I wasn't expecting a major death in the very beginning of the episode. It was even weirder when the tone shifted from slightly depressing to jovial in a few minutes and I think that might be my only complaint with this episode. I loved Rip and I'm not exactly thrilled that his death meant so little to our crew and honestly the whole thing felt a bit surreal cause I kept expecting a loophole with how no one cared to mention it again. I thought for a second that maybe the creature they would make out of the amulets might be Rip cause he did just die but that wasn't true either.
Honestly though this whole season was a mix up cause so many changes occurred. Stein, Rip and Darhk died. Jax and Amaya left. Wally, Zari and Constantine joined the Legends and Ava was promoted to series regular next season. I am excited for next season cause I can't wait to see what happens. I was honestly surprised that Nate didn't leave with Amaya and I'm so over Mick but he seems to be sticking around.
I will be posting a top 10 episodes of the season at some point so keep an eye out for that post in the future and don't forget to check out my Flash review tomorrow night!
xoxo Allie
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