Is it funny that all I could think about tonight's episode was that I guess it's that time of year again where Oliver is tortured one-on-one? Also I'm still confused about why everyone's so scared of Diaz and last week's episode did not make him any scarier for me...
Let's start with the Black Siren and Quentin stuff. So it's finally been revealed to Quentin and Oliver (which means pretty much everyone knows now) that Laurel's been working with Diaz but it's clear after tonight that she's not on board with Diaz as much as she's scared of him. I have a few questions about this cause it didn't seem like she cared all that much when she was talking back to Diaz the entire time last week. It seems more of she cares for Quentin and she doesn't want him to be hurt which is why she's scared. It's sweet cause that's the exact reason Quentin is worried too and though I was a little disappointed that he signed the papers in the end (like that's not going to come around and bite him in the ass) I understand why he did it.
My struggle with this whole thing is that I don't feel like Diaz is that big of a threat. Honestly. Like neither Oliver or Black Siren have had an problems with murder before so why are they so scared? Oliver maybe I understand a bit more cause he's trying to be good and he is only human so he doesn't really have much of a leg up but Laurel literally is stronger than him as a meta. Why can't she Canary Cry him to death like she did to so many others. Once he's dead there will be a vacuum and Diaz's hold on the city will fall (though now that he has joined the Quadrant, it's a toss up as to whether or not they'll care enough to avenge him.) I feel like that killing Diaz may be the only way to stop him cause in cases like this where everyone is owned by Diaz, sending him to jail will do nothing.
Also sidebar when Quentin and Laurel were talking about how no one can protect her, besides me rolling my eyes about how she's actually physically stronger, I kept wondering why can't they send her back to Earth 2 aka her home. Like I get she likes being with Quentin but she could just chill there until Diaz is taken care of or Quentin could go with her like their original plan was before the recruits stopped them. Just real quick call Cisco or Barry. Even if the city is blocked from visitors, Barry speeding in and out or Cisco breeching in and out wouldn't be stopped.
Speaking of Diaz being weak, he straight up challenged Oliver to a one-on-one fight but then couldn't win without cheating. Like dude this just makes you look even weaker. I did enjoy Anatoli returning to Oliver's side (as least that's what I read from the situation in the end) but it did feel kind of abrupt to me. Like for months Oliver has been telling Anatoli that Diaz and Cayden James have no honor and that Anatoli is better than them so what changed tonight? Was it Oliver proving to Anatoli that he still wants them to be friends? Was it Oliver being beaten? Either way I'm happy with the outcome though I was terrified during the back half of the episode that since Anatoli redeemed himself that Diaz would murder him especially when that man came into Oliver's cell and told Anatoli that Diaz wanted to see him. Luckily that didn't happen and I hope he makes it out of this season alright.
Over on the recruits side, Rene got out of the hospital but seemed to be struggling with being out in the field. I was really really hoping that this meant that Rene would be done and written off the show cause he drives me crazy in a bad way but with the speech he got from his daughter at the end, I feel like he's probs gotten over his slump and will be fine next week. Also I swear to god if he doesn't stop being the most hypocritical piece of garbage, I will lose it. He kept whining and whining about how Oliver ruins lives and how he's all worried with getting hurt in the field cause he might lose his daughter and I'm sitting here like the only lives that were ruined were Oliver's when you decided to testify against him and if we're talking children, you're taking Oliver away from his son!
Anyway, I loved seeing Digg running ARGUS and him teaming up with the recruits was exactly what I thought might be a fun way to take this Diggle leaving Oliver storyline only I wanted him to work with Oliver instead. It is nice that he doesn't seem to despise Oliver like the recruits do and that he knows that he left cause of himself and not particularly Oliver. Also it was so damn easy for the recruits to forgive him. One apology and that's that? Is that what we're waiting for from Oliver at the end of the season? I still despise this cause Oliver is the main character on Arrow and I really am not a fan of this storyline going out of it's way to make Oliver the asshole and bending over backwards for side characters. I loved how badass ARGUS was tonight with taking out so many trucks of weapons and having that awesome drone. It's been a while since we saw ARGUS as more than cannon fodder.
With the trial coming up next week, I normally would have complained that I need some sort of list of charges and evidence cause to me it seemed like when Watson ran the case she had a lot of theories and hearsay and it was only Rene testifying that Oliver was the Green Arrow that made the case but now that Diaz runs the city, not so much. Like it doesn't matter what comes up, if Diaz holds the judge, they're going to rule Oliver as guilty anyway. I can't really see a way out for Oliver unless they take out Diaz before he's convicted or if they publicly film the trial so that it has to be above board. Also where the hell is Watson cause she straight showed up, stirred the pot and then peaced out. As much of a bitch as she was, she did believe in the law and she might be the only shot Oliver has of a fair-ish trial. Or and this is coming out of left field, what if Lyla claimed that Oliver was working with ARGUS? They're a legal government organization right?
I do think that Oliver being in jail would be a fun final scene at the end of the season but with the Flash playing with Barry being in jail for a couple episodes this season, I just can't see Arrow going the same way. I feel like Oliver will be "convicted" or will out himself as the Green Arrow but then also show how Diaz corrupted the whole city so that the people will believe that the Green Arrow and the other vigilantes are the only way to keep the city safe. I'd love if the season ended with Oliver outing himself tbh.
Sidebar, why don't the police/FBI/Diaz care about the recruits? Like they're vigilantes too so shouldn't they be prosecuted as well? Not to mention the fact that if they were out of the picture as well, Diaz would have an easier time.
WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE PROMO FOR NEXT WEEK???? DID MY LITTLE EYES SPOT TOMMY FREAKING MERYLN POPPING UP IN A GREEN ARROW COSTUME????? WHAT. No but seriously, do we think this is Lazarus Pit Tommy or Human Target with Tommy's face? Also how in the hell did I forget that Black Siren is thought to be Black Canary who died so of course she can testify (but again no one cares that she was a vigilante too?) I am on the edge of my freaking seat. Can it be next week already???
Agents of SHIELD tomorrow night!
xoxo Allie
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