Monday, May 8, 2017

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 20 Review

So as you know, I'm not a huge James fan so I was a little hesitant going into this episode cause the promos made it seem like it was Guardian-centric episode but after watching it, I found I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. Again, I'm loving these differently styled episodes of Supergirl recently cause they really are a breath of fresh air after a large amount of formulaic episodes although I feel like they should have been spattered about throughout the season. Honestly this second season of Supergirl has been much better than season 1 but so strange in that I can't really tell if there's a Big Bad of the season like there is on Flash and Arrow (not that that's a bad thing) although I guess after tonight's episode, it's Rhea and the Daxamites??

So let's start with the James stuff first. I think my biggest problems with James this season is actually Guardian cause I always seem to enjoy the James stuff when it comes on. I loved every moment we got from James tonight and all the backstory we got about his father and his childhood made my heart break and I think I understand why he wants to be Guardian more now. I still think he should have just joined the DEO cause everything he does as Guardian could be done as an agent or even a cop. I also think I miss James as a photographer or actually I wish we could see him as a photographer cause last season he was really only Kara's love interest and this season he's spent all his time behind a desk or as Guardian. His speech about why he wanted to be a photographer and then the scene where he showed Marcus how to clean and use a camera was so amazing and I think he needs to go back to his roots. I loved that he was the one to connect to Marcus and how he saved the day through a speech about hope and acceptance à la Supergirl in season 1 when she stopped Myriad with a speech about hope. I hope we get to see more of these aliens cause they were interesting!

Lena Lena Lena. Honestly girl, you're smarter than tonight's episode. I understand Lena trusting Rhea and not wanting to mistrust all aliens but she knows that she can fully trust Supergirl to keep Earth's best intentions so why not at the very least ask Supergirl to meet Rhea and see if she was who she said she was cause my first thought with an alien portal would be an invasion! I did love how the episode opened with Lena and Kara at lunch talking about NSYNC cause it really shows how great friends they are and I need more moments like this!!! Kara needs more girl friends than just Alex!

As I said before I love the familial drama between Mon El and Rhea so I was living for the moment where Mon El had a gun but couldn't shoot Rhea cause she's still his mother. Rhea is a whole other version of crazy isn't she? She lied to Mon El about killing his father but seemed so sure and somehow in the back of her mind she does believe that Mon El was happy to be heading back to Daxam a couple of episodes ago and it was only Kara that stopped him. I'm excited to see all the Daxamites arriving to Earth and my first question is how in the world did so many Daxamites escape but only a few Kryptonians? Did Daxam had better and more ships than Krypton did? Also I have a terrible feeling that this season will end with Mon El taking the throne of Daxam (possibly after his mother's death) and having to take the Daxamites back to Daxam to rule. I would love him to be King and a good King but I kind of wish he could do that in a Daxamite settlement on Earth cause I don't want to lose Mon El!

There was very little Kara in this episode which was surprising but also made sense cause it was an episode for other characters to shine.

Next week looks amazing! There's only two episodes left of the season and I can't wait! Cat is back which is awesome and Rhea is forcing Mon El to marry Lena and the Daxamites are invading!!!! Who's pumped??

Don't forget to check out my Flash and Agents of SHIELD reviews tomorrow night!

xoxo Allie

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