I'm so confused with this finale! It was epic start to finish but it ended so very differently than we're used to on Arrow! I really enjoyed it and I loved that there was barely any slow moments and that the action was back to back!
So like I said I loved every fight scene tonight and how badass it was seeing our vigilantes all together again and fighting side by side with the FBI! The opening fight scene in the police station may be one of my favorites of the episode and I loved how the episode jumped right in without any hesitation or delay! The weird thing that this finale did was not wrap up the big bad storyline. Lots of other shows don't get rid of their big bad at the end of the season and instead land a blow to them before fighting them again next season but the Arrowverse has never done that before Black Lightning which leads me to wonder why the show decided to take this route. I wonder if this was because the writers saw that and decided they wanted to do something similar to Tobias Whale.
Now normally I wouldn't mind this but I didn't really love Diaz as a villain so I'm not thrilled per say that he'll be back next season. This would have been so much better if it was done with Deathstroke or Prometheus but instead we're left with more Diaz. I kept checking the time left as the episode was wrapping up wondering how he'll be stopped but instead he was left mostly fine at the end though his hooks in the city were ripped out. I do hope that Diaz will be dealt with pretty early on next season and maybe his trio of assassins will be the new Big Bads? Though we did do the League and we all know how well assassins worked,
Sidebar, it was really clever of Oliver to use Felicity's sniffer to hack his drive because I was wondering why Oliver even bothered to go hand-to-hand with him when he could have taken Diaz out from a distance. I was also a little confused about why Black Siren just blasted him off the bridge. Girl why can't you turn your Canary Cry up to 100 and blast him to pieces already??? I shouldn't be wondering why on this show which is the only one in the Arrowverse that is okay with killing!
Poor Quentin is dead like we all thought was going to happen after it was announced that Paul Blackthorne was leaving the show. I love that he went out protecting his sort of daughter and that Black Siren was kind enough in the end to call Sara who I was super excited to see. It was a little sad that she didn't appear in more than a scene or two. When I heard she was coming back for the finale I thought Oliver would have called her in to fight Diaz but on the plus side, she had a great entrance: backlit and flowing hair and everything. I also loved that she was kind to Black Siren but at the same time when it was time to look for comfort, turned to Felicity cause even if Black Siren looks like our Laurel, she's not and I wish the show would differentiate that a little more. Seeing Black Siren and Sara together though really kind of makes me wish Black Siren could move to Legends. Arrow already has Dinah and we don't really need Laurel and now that Quentin is gone, Sara is the only person left that she could have a great dynamic with.
I knew pretty early on what deal Oliver probably struck with Watson cause right around the Rene stop on the Oliver apology tour (still bitter af that the show seems to think that Oliver was the one completely in the wrong and that the recruits didn't need to apologize as well) I was like well this is sketch. I loved that Felicity picked up on it pretty quickly as well but the reveal in the hospital when Watson came to arrest Oliver was amazing. She's so annoying and someone explain to me how on Earth he's being tossed in federal prison without another trial? Also is it okay to try Oliver again for the same crime when he was already acquitted? So much confusion. The scene with Oliver and William and Felicity in the police interrogation room was so emotional and I do wish that we had one last kiss between Oliver and Felicity but I get it. I also did love that the season ended with Oliver coming out as the Green Arrow cause now once he gets out (and of course he is) we don't have to deal with this whole the Green Arrow is a criminal thing again.
What a strange new world we're in huh? I'm flabbergasted that this show actually had the balls to not only out Oliver officially as the Green Arrow but also to send him to jail and keep their Big Bad of the season alive for at least until next season. What are we thinking? How long until Diaz is dead (I'd say around midseason) and how long with Oliver stay in jail (he'll be out before the midseason.) The team hasn't been reduced in number like I thought (totally thought Rene was done) but it does explain why Roy would be coming back next season cause his name has been cleared. It looks like it'll be Diggle as the GA, Roy as Arsenal and Felicity as Overwatch but it's up in the air as to whether the recruits will rejoin or still stay as a separate team that merges with Team Arrow when they have to. Black Siren will probs not join any team but float around helping here and there.
xoxo Allie
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